HC Deb 20 July 1842 vol 65 c354

On the Order of the Day for going into committee on the Buildings Regulation Bill (No. 2,)

Sir J. Graham

rose for the purpose of requesting the hon. Gentleman opposite to postpone it for the present Session. The report from the Poor-law commissioners on the sanatory regulations of the principal towns in Great Britain would be in the hands of Members before the close of the Session, and the information therein contained would be in circulation through the country during the Session. The subject of drainage, and that which was contemplated by the present bill, would, in his opinion, be more advantageously taken into consideration at the same time. The Government hoped next Session to bring forward a bill embracing the whole subject, and he trusted, therefore, that the hon. Members would consent to the postponement of the measure.

Mr. Tufnell

said, that after what had been stated by the right hon. Baronet, he had no other course to pursue but to postpone the committee on the bill, but still he thought it was a little hard on the parties interested, as this bill was brought in with the object of legislating for the poor in large towns. If the right hon. Baronet would take it up, he would be most happy to leave the bill in his hands, as it would then have a better chance of success. He should, therefore move, that the bill be committed that day three months.

Bill put off for three months.