HC Deb 13 July 1842 vol 65 c86
Mr. Homes

hoped that the question he was about to put to the right hon. Baronet would not be considered an improper one. It related to a notice given by the hon. Baronet, the Member for Oxford, relative to Church Extension. As the Session was drawing to a close, and Members were preparing to leave town, it was very desirable to know whether the Government intended to accede to the motion or not, and, therefore, he trusted that the right hon. Baronet would now state what course he intended to pursue.

Sir R. Peel

said, that there was such a mass of public business to be, disposed of, that he had not yet had time to turn his attention to the intended motion of the hon. Member for Oxford. He would tomorrow state what course the Government would take respecting it. Certainly he had no intention of supporting any grant of the public money.