HC Deb 02 August 1842 vol 65 c977
Sir R. Peel

said, he believed it would be more regular if his motion, "That an ad dress be presented to the Queen to erect monuments to Lord Exmouth, Lord Dc Saumarez, and Sir Sydney Smith," were made in a committee of the whole House. He should, therefore, now move that the House do resolve itself into a committee on Friday next, for the purpose of considering this address.

Mr. H. B. Curteis

said, that as ho could not be in the House on Friday, he should take that opportunity of expressing his opinion that, at a time when it was necessary to burden the country with a new load of taxation, they ought not to think of creating new expenditure by voting money for the erection of monuments. He hoped, when the motion was brought forward, some hon. Member would move, as an amendment, that no such monuments should be erected until the prevailing distress was alleviated.

Sir C. Napier

was much surprised at the speech of the hon. Gentleman, and did not think he should be doing his duty if he did not express his cordial support of the proposed address. No men of the age better deserved monuments to their illustrious memories than the gallant officers to whom it was proposed to erect these trophies. He only hoped that their monuments would be worthy of their fame, and, if he might be allowed to make a suggestion, it would be, that one great monument should be raised in honour of all, instead of making a division of the public money, and erecting small tablets to each.

Motion agreed to.

House adjourned at a quarter to one o'clock.