HC Deb 12 March 1841 vol 57 c147
Colonel Dawson Damer

begged to be informed, what had been the result of the inquiries of the noble Secretary for Ireland respecting the building of a workhouse in a Poor-law Union in Queen's County? He observed in the newspapers a letter from Mr. M'Donald to Dr. Jacob, chief medical attendant of the County Hospital and Lunatic Asylum, who for his activity and intelligence had been chosen one of the Poor-law guardians at Maryborough. That letter threatened, that if Dr. Jacob continued to act as Poor-law guardian, the Lord-lieutenant would deem it proper to appoint another gentleman to the situation of medical attendant at the Lunatic Asylum. This seemed a very arbitrary measure, and he (Colonel Dawson Damer) wished to be informed if the letter were authentic?

Viscount Morpeth

had received a statement from the Poor-law commissioners, explanatory of their conduct on the question of the site of the workhouse referred to by the hon. and gallant Member, which he should be happy either to show to the hon. and gallant Member, or to lay upon the Table of the House. As to the question whether the letter addressed to Dr. Jacob by Mr. M'Donald, and published in the newspapers, were or were not a correct copy, he could only say that he believed that it was a correct copy.

Colonel Dawson Damer

expressed a wish, that the explanation of the commissioners should be laid upon the Table.

Lord Morpeth

intimated that he would present it.

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