HC Deb 15 February 1841 vol 56 c626
Lord J. Russell

begged, for a moment, to claim the attention of the right hon. and learned Gentleman (Sir E. Sugden) opposite with reference to the Administration of Justice (No. 2) Bill. When that bill was introduced, he bad informed the right hon. and learned Gentleman that it was the intention of the Government to oppose it, but that he could not then state in what stage of the measure that opposition would be offered. He was unable, at that moment, to state all the reasons and grounds which he wished to have an opportunity of stating, for not acceding to the bill, in consequence of the indisposition of the Lord Chancellor. The objections that he entertained would, perhaps, be more properly stated upon the motion for the second reading, which stood for that evening; but as he was prevented by the circumstance to which he had alluded from entering into the subject at that moment, he should not propose to resist the second reading, provided it were distinctly understood that he should have an opportunity afforded to him of stating his objections fully on the motion for going into committee.

Sir Edward Sugden

was very much obliged to the noble Lord for explaining the course he proposed to pursue. He thought that the bill which he had had the honour to introduce ought to be read a second time that evening, in order that it might go on pari passu with that of the Attorney-general. But he had not the slightest objection, under the circumstances that had been referred to, to allow the discussion to stand over till the period that the noble Lord had intimated.