HC Deb 22 June 1840 vol 54 c1382
Mr. Shaw

asked the House for a moment's indulgence in a matter personal to himself, but connected with his public duty. It had been stated in the Morning Chronicle newspaper, and repeated and commented upon in some other of the public journals, that he (Mr. Shaw) had left the business of his court unfinished at Dublin on the previous Saturday evening, in order to attend the division in that House on the Irish Registration Bill. What then he wished to be allowed to say was, that that statement was entirely without foundation, that it had not the shadow of truth. He had never on any occasion left his business unfinished, or adjourned his court for the purpose of attending in that House; on other occasions, however, he had left Ireland immediately after his business had been finished, but he had not even done that on the present occasion. So far from having adjourned his court and left his business unfinished on the Saturday evening in question, he had adjourned his court at an early hour in the forenoon of that day, in consequence of all his business being finished, there not being a single case undisposed of; he had then remained in Dublin for the rest of that day; he had spent the next day in the immediate neighbourhood of Dublin, and had not embarked for England until the following evening.

Subject at an end.

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