HC Deb 06 April 1837 vol 37 c809

Mr. Warburton moved for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the laws relating to the sale of beer. The provisions were similar to those which were contained in a Bill brought in by his hon. Friend, the Member for Lambeth, last Session. One clause proposed to fix the hours for opening and shutting beer-shops in towns containing a population of 5,000 inhabitants and upwards. Another clause proposed to enable the executors of a deceased beer-shop keeper to act under his licence. It was also proposed to enable beer-shop keepers to call in the assistance of the police to clear their houses when necessary.

Mr. Wilks

was exceedingly sorry that his hon. Friend should attempt any legislation on this subject, especially after what had occurred on the preceding evening. He repeated what he then said, that those proceedings were inconvenient to the magistracy, to the public, and to those who had embarked capital in beer-shops. In fact, they could be productive of no good to any one.

Leave given.

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