HC Deb 05 April 1837 vol 37 c771
Mr. Aglionby

, in moving the second reading of the Recovery of Tenements Bill, said, that for the sake of tenants themselves it was absolutely necessary there should be a summary mode of recovering possession of tenements. He regretted the Attorney General had not thought proper to take upon himself the management of a Bill of this nature, because he was convinced the law as it now stood required some alteration. The present Bill did not alter the law of landlord and tenant, because it only applied to cases where a system of swindling had been carried on by persons who obtained possession of tenements under a false character. The principle of his Bill was that which had been recommended by the Commissioners, who had investigated narrowly the common law which made the distinction; and he would not occupy the House longer than in stating, that he did not believe that by this Bill the situation of the tenants would be rendered worse than at present, but rather better by its provisions, as it would enable their landlords to afford them more indulgence, as they would not run the same risk of being defrauded by violence or bad faith. There would be quite a sufficient time given before they went into Committee to offer any suggestions for the improvement of its provisions, and he would be glad to adopt any which he considered would be beneficial.

Bill read a second time.

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