HC Deb 31 May 1836 vol 33 c1207
Lord John Russell

I wish to take this opportunity of calling the attention of the House to a matter connect ed with the progress of business. A debate is to take place to-morrow on the Irish Church Bill, which I understand, according to the general impression of the House, will last beyond one night. In that event, I shall not propose the consideration of the Municipal Corporation Act Amendment Bill on Thursday. I shall not be able to do so either on Friday or Monday next, and shall therefore beg to postpone it for a week. On Friday my right hon. Friend, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, will, in pursuance of his notice, propose the question of the stamp-duties; and on Monday I mean to bring forward the question of the registration of marriages.

Mr. O'Brien

begged to put it to the noble Lord, whether it was consistent with a proper respect for the feelings of the people of Ireland, that so important a question as that to which he alluded should be postponed.

Mr. Hume

If there be any one question which deeply affects the British public, it is what shall be the fate of the measure for reforming the Irish corporations. I therefore conjure the noble Lord, so far from postponing it, to postpone, in preference, even the Stamp-duties Bill—any measure is inferior in importance to one which affects the whole of the Irish people. The question is really this, whether the House having to decide on a point of just ice to Ireland, shall postpone the consideration of such a subject for a week.

Subject dropped,