HC Deb 13 June 1836 vol 34 c490

The House, on the Motion of Lord John Russell, resolved itself into a Committee on the Registration of Births Bill.

Clause 42nd was put and agreed to.

Dr. Bowring

then proposed the Clause of which he had given notice, for the purpose of allowing the registers of the Dissenters, which were at present kept at considerable expense, to be received by the Registrar- General.

The Attorney-General

objected to the Clause, on the ground, that the registers of the Dissenters might be in many respects, inaccurate and calculated to mislead.

Lord John Russell

said, that he had no objection to appointing a Commission to inquire into the validity and nature of the various registers kept by the Dissenters.

Dr. Bowring

observed that, with the understanding that a Commission should be appointed to inquire into the subject, he would withdraw the clause.

The Schedules were agreed to, the Bill to be reported, and the House resumed.

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