HC Deb 05 August 1836 vol 35 c926

Bills. Read a third time—Assessed Taxes;—Church Temporalities (Ireland).—Read a second time: —Exchequer Offices (Ireland). Justices of Peace Courts (Scotland)—Read a first time:—Slaveowners' Compensation; Slave Treaties. Petition presented—By several Honourable MEMBERS, from various places, for Abolition of Church Rates—By MAJOR BEAUCLERK, from St. Helen's, Isle of Wight, against Poor Law Amendment Bill, and for the Amendment of the said Bill.—By Mr. R. WALLACE, from Ayr, Newton and Wallacetown, for Law Reform (Scotland).—By Mr. SCARLETT, from Norfolk, against Copyholds, &c—Bills—By Mr. HAMILTON, Dublin, against present System of Education (Ireland).—By Mr. HINDLEY, from various places, for reducing the Hours of Labour in Factories.—By Mr. MORGAN JOHN O'CONNELL, from Landrello, Lord's Day Observance Bill.—By Mr. JAMES OSWALD, from Glasgow, for Total Repeal of Newspapers Stamp Duty, and from Burntisland, for Protection in any Treaties with Foreign Powers.—By Mr. MORRISON, from the Retailers of Beer, Hastings, to be placed on the same footing as Licensed Victuallers.—By Mr. BANNERMAN, from Prestwick and Monckton, for Amendment of Law concerning Heritable Property, (Scotland).