HC Deb 02 August 1836 vol 35 c758

Bills. Read a third time:—Stannaries Courts Common-Fields Inclosure; Medical Witnesses.—Read a second time:—Greek Loan.—Read a first time:—Ecclesiastical Courts, (Ireland); Militia Ballots Suspension.

Petitions presented. By several HON. MEMBERS, from various places, for Abolition of Church Rates.—By Sir JOHN YARDE BULLER, and Sir ROBERT INGLIS, from Exeter, against Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues Bill.— By Lord FRANCIS EGERTON, and Sir GEORGE STRICKLAND, from Aberdeen and Caithness, against any change in the Regulations of the Universities, (Scotland).—By Mr. O'CONNELL, from Tuam, for Church of Ireland Bill, and from Augnnamullen, against the Lords' Amendments, and from CARNERA, for abolition of Tithes, and against the Lords' Amendments to the Irish Municipal Corporation Bill.—By Mr. BUCKINGHAM, from the City of London, for the Repeal of the Window Duty, and for the Substitution of a very heavy Duty on Spirits.—By Sir GEORGE SINCLAIR, from Caithness and Sunderland, against any Grant to Maynooth College, and for the Discontinuance of the present National System of Education (Ireland).—By Mr. GEORGE PHILLIPS, from the Retailers of Beer, Kidderminster, for placing them on the same footing as Licensed Victuallers.—By Mr. GEORGE YOUNG, from Miramichi and Richiburto, against any alteration of Timber Duties.