HC Deb 01 April 1835 vol 27 c540

His Majesty's Answer to the Address of the House of Commons of the 26th of March, on the subject of granting a charter to the London University, was brought down to the House. It was to the following effect:—

"His Majesty acquaints his faithful Commons, that having been desirous of giving to this important subject the fullest and most mature consideration, his Majesty referred it, in the course of last year, for examination by the Privy Council, who entered upon an inquiry, the final result of which has not yet been communicated to his Majesty.

"His Majesty assures his faithful Commons, that he will call upon the Privy Council, without delay, for a Report of the proceedings adopted in this matter, in order that his Majesty may he enahled to judge what may be the best mode of carrying into effect the wishes of his faithful Commons in respect of a grant of a Charter to the University of London, and what may be the conditions with which such a grant ought to he accompanied."

The answer was read, and ordered to he inserted in the journals.

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