HC Deb 05 March 1832 vol 10 c1115
Earl Grosvenor,

in moving the Order of the Day for the appointment of the Committee on the Silk Trade, said, he was desirous of correcting some erroneous impressions which had originated in his speech on the subject of the Silk-trade on a former evening. The first of these was in reference to an hon. Member (Mr. Morrison), whom he (Lord Grosvenor) had stated was an interested person in the decision of the Committee on the Silk-trade. When he used the term "interested," he only alluded to the interest likely to be excited by an interesting question, and, in no degree had he intended to refer to pecuniary considerations. The second had reference to his observations respecting the establishment of Messrs. Aimes and Atkinson at Battersea. He had stated, that, in consequence of the distress existing in the Silk-trade, those Gentlemen had been obliged to sell some valuable machinery, which had originally cost above 19,000l., for a sum of 5,000l. The machinery had unquestionably cost about 18,000l., but the extent of the loss on its sale had been, by no means, as great as he had stated it. As Messrs. Aimes and Atkinson were engaged in another business, he feared his misstatement of the fact might be injurious to them, and he, therefore, troubled the House with its correction. The noble Lord then moved, that certain names (which he read from a list) should constitute a Committee for an inquiry into the distress existing in the silk manufacture of the country. Agreed to.