HC Deb 02 March 1832 vol 10 c1063
Mr. Slaney

expressed a wish to be informed by the hon. member for Boston, whether it was his intention to bring in a Bill for extending the time within which it was necessary for Benefit Societies to enrol themselves.

Mr. Wilks

said, that he had not lost sight of the subject. On the 13th of March, he would move for leave to bring in a Bill, the object of which would be, to extend the period within which Benefit Societies might enrol themselves. In addition to this, he thought it would be advisable to appoint a Committee to inquire generally into the state of the law as regarded these Societies.

Mr. Portman

hoped that no step would be taken which was calculated to alarm these useful Societies, as it might prevent persons from entering them.

Mr. Lamb

expressed his pleasure at hearing that the hon. member for Boston intended to introduce the Bill of which he had given notice, and he hoped that it would pass without opposition.