HC Deb 16 August 1832 vol 14 c1416

New Member sworn:—Mr. OTWAY CAVE, for the County of Tipperary.

Petitions presented. By Mr. WILKS, from Baptists of London and Westminster, for the Abolition of Slavery from Boston, for the Repeal of the Taxes on Knowledge.—By Mr. HUME, from Rate-payers of Birmingham, for the Abolition of Church Rates; from Magistrates, Bankers, and Merchants of Dublin, in favour of the Bill for the Abolition of Death for Forgery; from Walsall, Complaining of the Magistrates, and praying Redress; from the Political Union, Bethnal Green, against using the Name of the King of England and Hanover, to Crush the Liberties of Germany.