HC Deb 26 September 1831 vol 7 c645

On the question, that the House go into a Committee on this Bill,

Lord Althorp

stated, that it was intended that the number of Members for Scotland should be fifty; that Peebles and Selkirk should each return a Member; that Dumbarton and Bute should each return a Member; that the eastern district of Fifeshire boroughs should return a Member, with the addition of Cupar and St. Andrew's; that Perth should return a Member, and that Peterstown should be added to the Aberdeen boroughs. He hoped that would give satisfaction to the Scotch Members.

Mr. Kennedy

wished, as a member for Scotland, to say, that he approved of the noble Lord's amendments.

Mr. Cumming Bruce

expressed his satisfaction at this arrangement.

House went into a Committee, blanks were filled up, and the Chairman reported progress.