HC Deb 11 March 1831 vol 3 c345

New Writs. For Now Romney, in the room of the Hon. ARTHUR TREVOR, accepted the Chiltern Hundreds.

Bills. The Corporation Funds, read a second time. To prohibit the Growth of Tobacco in Ireland, for ascertaining the Boundaries of the Forest of Deane, for making a New Street from Waterloo-bridge, to Repeal the Excise Duties on Tallow Candles, read a first time.

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. SPRING RICE, the value of the Imports into, and Exports from, the Fort and Harbour of Belfast, during each of the fifteen years ending 5th January, 1851; also, an account of the number of Vessels, with the amount of their tonnage, and the number of men and boys employed in navigating the same, that entered inwards, and cleared outwards, at the Port of Belfast, from and to all parts of the world during the same time; also, the amount furnished by the Chairman of the Carrickfergus Forgery Committee, for the expenses of Witnesses:—On the Motion of Lord Viscount ACHESON, the Duties collected on flint, plate, and crown Glass, in England, Scotland, and Ireland, distinguishing the amount paid in each County, for the years ending 5th January, 1829, 1830, and 1851; also, the Drawbacks paid on flint, plate, and crown Glass exported from each country for said years.

Petitions presented. In favour of Reform, by Mr. KENNEDY, from Campbell Town and Kilmarnock:—By Mr. NEELD, from Chippenham:—By Mr. R. TREVOR, from Carmarthen:—By Mr. J. JOHNSTONE, from the Hammermen of Edinburgh, and from the Guild of Stirling:—By Mr. S. RICE, from St. Mary's, Lambeth. For the Repeal of the Assessed Taxes, by Lord MORPETH, from Gisborough, and other places in Yorkshire. For the Abolition of Slavery, by Mr. KENNEDY, from various places in Scotland. By Mr. SHAW, from the Dublin Society for Suppressing Duelling, for measures to prevent that practice. Against any alteration in the Timber Duties, by Mr. KENNEDY, from the Shipowners of Ayr and Irving. By the same hon. Member, from the same place, against the proposed Tax on Steam-Boats; from the Procurators of Irving, against the Stamp Duty on Procurators' Certificates; from Mr. Murray M'Cullock, for an alteration in the Law of Entail; from the Post Masters of Banfshire, for the Reduction of Duties on Post Horses; from the Justices of Peace of the County of Aberdeen, against the Tailzies (Scotland) Bill. Far a General Fast, by Mr. R. HOWARD, from the Inhabitants of Powerscourt. For extending the Galway Franchise, by Lord DUNCANNON, ftom the Protestants of Nun's Island:—By Mr. SPRING RICE, from the Protestants of Rahoon. From the Quakers of Limerick, for the Abolition of the Punishment of Death; and from certain Inhabitants of Limerick and Ennis, for the substitution of Solemn Affirmations in the place of Oaths.