HC Deb 12 December 1831 vol 9 c155
Mr. Hume

begged to put a question to the noble Lord the Chancellor of the Exchequer, respecting the Deccan Prize Money. Six months ago, the noble Lord had said, that he hoped in a few weeks to be able to communicate the measures which were in progress for the ultimate settlement of that affair. Since then, he and other hon. Members had asked for information on the subject, but had been unable to obtain it. He wished that the Government would now give some answer that might be satisfactory to the numerous applicants.

Lord Althorp

said, that he should be prepared to give an answer on a future day, and in the mean time he would take care to have the documents consulted.

Mr. Hume

would repeat his question on the next Supply day, and then ask whether the delay had arisen from any defalcation of money in the hands of individuals? He thought it just to all parties, to give them an opportunity of clearing themselves.