HC Deb 15 August 1831 vol 6 c7
Mr. Hume

presented a Petition from the Tile-makers of London, praying for the Repeal of the Duties on Tiles, in consequence of their conviction that the reduction of duty on Slates, contemplated by the Bill now in progress through the House, would very materially injure their trade.

Mr. Briscoe

said, the prayer of the petition deserved the serious consideration of the noble Lord, the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The repealing the duty on slates, and continuing the duty on tiles, would have the effect of completely excluding the latter from the market; thus the revenue would receive no advantage from the measure, but a number of persons would be thrown out of employment, who must be supported by their respective parishes.

Mr. Cresset Pelham

said, the pressure of the tax was severely felt in the county which he had the honour to represent.

Mr. Courtenay

begged to inquire, whether the subject was under the consideration of the noble Lord, the Chancellor of the Exchequer?

Mr. Spring Rice

said, that Government had, with a view to ascertain the effect of the pending Bill on the petitioners, ordered returns to be made of the amount of duties chargeable on slates and tiles.

Mr. Briscoe

assured the right hon. Secretary, he would find on inquiry, that the charge for slating was, in general, less than that for tiling: he had himself seen bills for the two species of work.

Mr. Hume

was obliged to the hon. member for Surrey for his support; he was convinced the tax on tiles would, if continued, be ruinous to many individuals, without producing any benefit to the revenue.

Petition to lie on the Table.

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