HC Deb 18 May 1830 vol 24 c858
Mr. Brougham

asked, if it was the intention of the Attorney General to give the House an opportunity of discussing the subject relating to the Court of Chancery? For one year it had been put oft" in hopes of the Lord Chancellor's bill. This bill came down and was then withdrawn. He made this inquiry because, if there was not some reasonable prospect of this measure reaching the House, it would be necessary for some hon. Member at his side of the House to bring forward a motion, with a view to discuss the question.

Mr. M. A. Taylor

stated, that he had not brought forward his motion, in the hope that the measure would be brought forward by the Attorney General. He concurred in the expectation of his hon. and learned friend, that this great and important question would be brought under the consideration of the House.

Sir Robert Peel

said, he expected the bill would come down to-morrow or Thursday. He had been in the country for some days and was not precisely aware of what progress had been made in preparing the Bill. He believed, however, that it would be brought down on Thursday, and if it were not, any hon. Member might originate a motion upon the subject.