HC Deb 10 March 1812 vol 21 c1240
Mr. Bankes

rose to move for leave to bring in a Bill to prevent the granting of Offices in Reversion, for a time to be limited. After what had passed in the House on this subject, during the present session, the question could not fail to be in the mind of every member. He should not detain them, therefore, with recapitulating the reasons which induced him to make the, present motion. The Bill which he intended to bring in, should be have liberty to do so, would be exactly the same with the Bill introduced into the House of Lords during the last year, and which had passed that House.—He accordingly moved for leave to bring in a Bill to prevent, for a time to be limited, the grant of Offices in Reversion.—Leave being given, he immediately brought in the Bill, which was read a first time.