HC Deb 25 February 1812 vol 21 c962

The report of this Bill was brought up. On the motion for recommitting it,

Mr. J. Smith

took the opportunity of correcting a statement that had gone abroad respecting the mode of payment to the Nottingham manufacturers by their employers. It had been stated that he had said one of the causes of the disturbances arose from the masters paying their men not in money, but in goods. That practice was adopted not by the great body of the masters, but by the lower classes. In the statement going forth as it had done, unexplained, reflections were thrown upon the opulent part of the manufacturers, which he never intended.

The House then went into the Committee.

Mr. Secretary Ryder

said, that since the Bill had been last before the House he had received several communications, which had made it advisable to extend the provisions of the Bill to the whole kingdom. The Bill had been, in consequence, new modelled in many parts, and in that state was submitted for discussion to the committee.

The several clauses went through the committee, and the House resumed.