HC Deb 09 April 1812 vol 22 cc251-2
Mr. Peter Moore

presented three several Petitions in favour of a Bill before the House, for the erection of Sea Water Baths in the vicinity of the metropolis. The first Petition was from the members of the royal college of physicians, setting forth the great utility of these Baths, as necessary to the comfort and convenience of the inhabitants of the metropolis, as being highly beneficial to the health of the inhabitants in the cure of cutaneous and eruptive disorders.—The next Petition was from the inhabitants of the city and liberties of Westminster, to the same effect, and the third Petition was from the inhabitants of the city of London, staling similar benefits as likely to arise, if the House would permit the Bill to pass into a law.—The Petitions were laid on the table.

Mr. P. Moore

then moved the second reading of the above Bill.

Admiral Harvey

opposed it, principally on the ground that some of the landed properties in Essex, either were against it, or at least remained neuter. He therefore moved, that instead of" Now," the Bill be read the second time this day six months.

Lord Henniker

supported the motion.

Mr. Moore

observed, that as the two hon. members had objected to the progress of the Bill in perfect good humour, and not having stated one real solid objection to the Bill passing into a law, and after the royal college of physicians and the cities of London and Westminster had come forward in favour of it, he thought the House would allow it to go into a committee. With respect to the Bill itself, of 209 persons slated to be interested in opposing its progress, 104 had given their assent, 86 were neuter, because as their names were not in the papers, they were not consulted, and only 19 dissented. So that, in a line of 40 miles, which the works necessary for completing the undertaking would occupy, there were 7–8ths of the parties interested in favour of it.

Mr. Hume

supported the Bill, as tending to the comfort of the metropolis, and stated, that in the committee, the prepared would be prepared to prove that 7–8ths of the county of Essex had given their consent.

Mr. Curwen

conceived, that as the pub- lic would derive great benefit from the erection of sea water baths, at least he hoped the House would allow it to go to a Committee.

The House divided on the second reading now—Ayes 17; Noes 29. Majority against it 12.