HC Deb 30 May 1806 vol 7 c414

The Temple Bar and Snowhill Lottery bill, on the motion of alderman Combe, was passed, and ordered to the lords.—An account was presented, on the motion of sir J. Newport, of the additional duties on taxes, stamps; and wares and merchandise in Ireland, from the year 1801 down to the present year.—Mr. Vansittart moved, for an account of exchequer bill issued for the year 1805, outstanding; which was presented accordingly.—Sir J. Newport said, he should, on Wednesday, submit, a preposition to the house, to establish a free and unrestrained intercourse of all sorts of grain between Great Britain and Ireland.—Alderman Combe obtained leave to bring in a bill to repeal the Additional Force bill, as far as related to the city of London.—The house having resolved itself into a committee of ways and means for Ireland; sir J. Newport moved, that there be a duty of 1s. a barrel laid on all malt in Ireland, to commence from the 2d of June next; and also a duty of 4s. on every barrel of malt converted into spirits in Ireland; which motion was agreed to.—Mr. Alexander brought up the report of the committee for granting salaries to the West-India commissioners, and other commissioners, auditors, clerks, &c.; which was agreed to, and provision was ordered to be made accordingly in the auditors' bill.—Mr. Bankes brought up the report of the committee appointed to examine the buildings erected at the British Museum; which stated, that the buildings would be finished in the course of three or four months; and that the estimate voted amounted to 2240l; and that an extra sum was necessary to finish the buildings, amounting to 6OOl. Ordered to be laid on the table.—Mr. Rose presented a petition from several West-India merchants, against the American Intercourse bill.—Sir C. Price presented a similar petition from the owners of several British ships. Both petitions were ordered to be laid on the table.