HC Deb 23 May 1806 vol 7 c349

The Speaker informed the house, that the royal assent was given by commission to the Irish Loan bill, the Irish Treasury Bills bill, the Scotch Judges' Salary Augmentation bill, lord St. Vincent's Annuity bill, and several private bills.— Sir J. Newport brought in a bill, which was read a first time, for allowing persons to volunteer from the militia of Ireland into the regular regiments.—Lord Howick brought up a petition from the royal college of surgeons, praying for parliamentary assistance to enable them to procure a place for the better arranging and preserving the Collection of the late John Hunter, esq.; which was referred to a select committee.—Mr. H. Addington gave notice, that he should, immediately after the holidays, bring forward a motion respecting the returns which had been made by the inspecting field officers, of the progress of the Volunteers in their discipline, and their fitness to serve with the troops of the line. The object of his motion would be to do away, as far as was in his power, the dissa[...]isfaction of some volunteer officers at the reports which were made of the discipline of their corps from a single inspection. He was not yet resolved, whether his motion should be for an address to his majesty for a copy of the circular letter of general Brownrigg, or whether it should be for a general return of the corps, as they were reported; but the object of his motion should be merely to remove the uneasy sensation which he knew had been felt by many officers of the highest respectability. —Mr. Francis, as he understood that the 3d reading of the Property Duty bill was fixed for Wednesday next, gave notice that on that day he would move for the omission of the provision which went to exempt foreign property in the funds from the payment of the duty. He hoped that ministers would again consider the subject, and by remedying this defect, render his motion unnecessary.—A new writ was ordered to be issued for the election of a member for the borough of Carlow, in the room of Charles Montague Ormsby, esq., who has accepted the office of Recorder of Prince of Wales island.—Mr. Rose moved, that there be laid before the house, a copy of a letter from the Secretary at War to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, respecting the supply of military stores by Mr. Trotter. After a short conversation across the table, the paper was ordered.—The house having resolved itself into a committee of supply, lord Henry Petty moved, that the sum of 300,000l. be granted to his majesty for the use of the officers and seamen who had been engaged in the late glorious battle off Trafalgar, which was ordered.