HC Deb 12 May 1806 vol 7 cc101-3

Mr. Henry Martin took the oaths and his seat for Kinsale.—On the motion of sir Charles Price, it was ordered, 1. That there be laid before this house, an account of the number and tonnage of all ships and vessels built in Great Britain, in the several years from 1790 to 1804; distinguishing each year, and the ports or places where they were respectively built.—2. That there be laid before this house, an account of the number and tonnage of British-built ships in the year 1792; distinguishing the ports to which they belonged.—3. That there be laid before this house, an account of the number and tonnage of prize ships which had been made free and registered from the 5th of January, 1790, to the 5th of January, 1793, inclusive.—4. That there be laid before this house, and account of the number and tonnage of British-built ships in the year 1805; distinguishing the ports to which they belonged.—5. That there be laid before this house, an account of the number and tonnage of prize ships which had been made free and registered from the 5th of January, 1806, inclusive.—Mr. Matthews, in pursuance of a notice he had given for an amendment in the general Turnpike act, stated, that in consequence of that part of the law which imposed a penalty of 5l. on all persons driving waggons on turnpike roads, with wheels of less than six inches thickness, and with less than four horses, there were numerous complaints made of the decisions of magistrates. What he had to propose was, to give the parties an appeal from the decision of the magistrates to the court of quarter sessions, and to allow half of the penalty to be paid to the informer. He then moved for leave to bring in a bill to that effect, which was agreed to.—Mr. Meheux, from the office of the Commissioners for the Affairs of India, presented at the bar of the house, "Extracts of Letters, &c. received from the presidency of Bombay, relative to the sum of Bombay Rupees 31,25,944 inserted in the account of their Disbursements, for the year ending the 30th of April, 1803, and said to be money lent to the Gulcowar." Ordered to lie upon the table and to be printed.—Mr. Secretary at War, presented to the house (according to order) a bill for continuing an act, made in this session of parliament, intituled, "An act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion, and for the better payment of the army and their quarters, within the United Kingdom, and the islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, and Man;" and the same was received, and read the first time, and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow.—Mr. Parnell presented to the house (according to order) a bill to provide for the payment at the Bank of Ireland, of the interest on certain debentures now payable at the Exchequer of Ireland, and also for altering the days of payment of the interest or dividends on certain annuities in Ireland; and the same was received and read the first time, and ordered to be read a second time to-morrow.—The Marquis of Douglas moved, 1. That there be laid before this house, "an Account of all balances of public money in the hands of the receiver general of the land tax, &c. in Scotland, on the 5th day of April and 5th day of October, 1798, and on every 5th day of April and 5th day of October of every subsequent year, with a state of the manner in which these balances were employed by the receiver general, and a state of the remittances and payments made to account, or in full of these balances.—2. That there be laid before this house, an account of all balances of public money in the hands of the receiver general of the customs in Scotland on the 5th day of April and 5th day of October, 1798, and on every 5th day of April and 5th day of October of every subsequent year, with a state of the manner in which these balances were employed by the receiver general, and a state of the remittances and payments made to account, or in full of these balances.—3. That there he laid before this house, an account of all balances of public money in the hands of the cashier of excise in Scotland on the 5th day of April and 5th day of October, 1798, and on every 5th day of April and 5th day of October of every subsequent year; with a state of the manner in which these balances were employed by the cashier of excise, and a state of the remittances and payments made to account, or in full of these balances.—4. That there be laid before this house an account of all sums recovered in Scotland, either in the court of exchequer, or in the courts of justices of the peace, from any person or persons convicted in any of the said courts of offences against the acts of parliament, or any of them relative to the customs, excise, or stamp duties; as also of the amount of all sums received by com- pounding with persons charged with such offences; together with the names and additions of the persons from whom such sums have been recovered, with the date of recovering the same; and also; an account shewing what part of these sums so recovered have been accounted for in the exchequer, as his majesty's share of fines, forfeitures, and penalties, with the dates at which they were so accounted for; also shewing what part of the sums so recovered have been accounted for to the informer in whose name the said prosecutions proceeded, and what part of the said sums was applied in defraying the charges or expenses of such prosecutions, from the year ending 5th July, 1782, to the present time." Ordered.—Mr. Vansittart presented to the house, a paper, intituled, "Return to three orders of the house respectively, dated 11th March, 1806; for an account of all offices granted in reversion in England, wheresoever holden; specifying the nature of the office, the date of the grant, and the period for which the office has been. granted; a like account of all Offices granted in reversion in Scotland; and a like account of all offices granted in reversion in Ireland;" Ordered, That the Said return do lie upon the table; and be printed for the members of the house.—Ordered, That the order of the day, for the second reading, of the bill for the better regulation of the office of receiver general of the stamp duties in Great Britain, be now read: And the same being read; the said bill was read a second time, and Committed to a committee of the whole house, for to-morrow sevennight, the 20th day of this instant May. Ordered, that the said bill be printed.—The order of the day being read, for taking into further consideration the report from the committee of the whole house, to whom the bill to explain and render more effectual an act, passed in the 7th year of King William the Third for preventing charge and expense in elections of members to serve in parliament, was re-committed; Ordered, That the said report be taken into further consideration Upon Monday next.—The ingrossed bill for increasing the salaries of the Judge of the Court of Admiralty in Scotland, and of the Judges of the Commissary Court in Edinburgh, was (according to order) read the third time. Resolved, That the bill do pass. Ordered, That Mr. Alexander do carry the bill to the lords, and desire their concurrence.