HC Deb 31 March 1806 vol 6 c598
Sir John Newport

took the oaths and his seat for the city of Waterford.—Mr. Matthews presented a petition from the debtors confined in the county gaol of Waterford praying for relief.—The 20 million loan bill was read a first time. —Mr. Hawthorne brought up the report of the British fishery continuation bill, which was agreed to. —Mr. Hawthorne brought up also the report of the Irish Treasury Bills bill, which was agreed to. —Mr. Brooke, after stating the object of a motion of which he had given notice, for the protection of our colonial produce, by increasing the consumption of Rums, instead of foreign brandies, in the royal navy, and having stated that the consumption of foreign brandy in the navy last year was 625,000 gallons, whereas that of rum was only 220,000, and that this difference was owing, in a great measure, to the manner the duties are now levied; said, that he had so much confidence in the present administration, and in the assurance he had received that the suggestion he had made would be attended to, that he thought it unnecessary to press the motion of which he had given notice, —The motion was consequently withdrawn.