HC Deb 05 March 1806 vol 6 c350
Mr. Hutchinson

presented a petition from the city of Cork, praying for leave to bring in a bill to enable the inhabitants to erect a new gaol in Cork. Leave granted.—Mr. Fordyce presented tile third report from the surveyor-general of the land revenues, which, on the motion, of Mr. Vansittart, was ordered to be printed.—Mr. Allnutt, from the commissioners of the Thames navigation, presented, an Abstract of an Account of all money received and disbursed by the commissioners appointed for improving and completing the navigation of the rivers Thames and Isis in the year 1805.—The Marine Mutiny bill was reported, and ordered to be read a third time to-morrow.—Lord Temple brought in the bill for allowing the exportation of corn and other articles for the use of his majesty's foreign garrisons; which was read a first time.—On the motion of the secretary at war, the Foreign Soldiers' bill went through a committee. The report was ordered to be received tomorrow.