HC Deb 15 April 1806 vol 6 c751

General Tarleton presented a Petition from certain Inhabitants of Liverpool trading to Africa, against the bill brought in for prohibiting the Importation of Negroes, in British ships, into the Colonies of Foreign States not at war with this country; and also into such islands as have been captured by this country during the war.—Mr. Jervis brought in a bill for rendering more speedy the trial of persons accused of offences committed in distant parts, on the high seas; which was read a first time.—Mr. Perceval brought in a bill for making more effectual provision for the maintenance of Stipendiary Curates, and for their Residence on their Cures; which was read a first time.—Mr. Huddlestone rose to acquaint the house, that he thought the production of certain India papers, for which he had in- tended to move, no longer necessary, as they were merely extracts from what had been already communicated in another place. He therefore relinquished his intention of moving for those papers. Lord A. Hamilton immediately gave notice, that on Monday next he would move for the production of those India papers which the hon. gent. had, to his surprise, declined moving for —On the motion of Sir J. Newport, the order of the day for the 2d reading of the Dublin Paving bill was read; and after Some conversation, in which lord De Blaquiere, Mr. Alexander, and Dr. Duigenan, took a part, the bill was ordered to be read a 2d time on the 1st of May.