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UK Parliament
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Concept scheme
Legislation name
Abandoned Inland Waterways (Protection) Bill 2005-06
Abandonment of Animals Act 1960
Aberdeen Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1987
Aberdeen Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1992
Aberdeen Harbour Order Confirmation Bill 1987/88
Aberdeen Harbour Order Confirmation Bill 1991/92
Abolition of Deer Hunting Bill 1989/90
Abolition of Deer Hunting Bill 1990/91
Abolition of Domestic Rates etc (Scotland) Act (Amendment) Bill 1988/89
Abolition of Domestic Rates etc (Scotland) Act 1987
Abolition of Domestic Rates etc (Scotland) Bill 1986/87
Abolition of Feudal Tenure etc (Scotland) Bill (SP)
Abolition of Feudal Tenure etc (Scotland) Bill (SP) (Draft)
Abolition of Fox-hunting Bill 1989/90
Abolition of Pharmaceutical Monopolies in Rural Areas Bill 1996/97
Abolition of Poindings and Warrant Sales Act 2000 (SP)
Abolition of Political Honours Bill 1990/91
Abolition of Service Charges in Restaurants Bill 1993/94
Abolition of the Slave Trade Act 1807
Abolition of Warrant Sales (Scotland) Bill 1989/90
Abolition of Warrant Sales (Scotland) Bill 1990/91
Abortion (Amendment of Grounds) Bill 1988/89
Abortion (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill (HL) 1987/88
Abortion (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Abortion (Amendment) Bill 1974/75
Abortion (Amendment) Bill 1976/77
Abortion (Amendment) Bill 1987/88
Abortion (Amendment) Bill 1988/89
Abortion (Amendment) Bill 1996/97
Abortion (Disability Equality) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Abortion (Disability Equality) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Abortion (Financial Benefit) Bill 1987/88
Abortion (Financial Benefits) Bill 1988/89
Abortion (Foetus Protection) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Abortion (Right of Conscience) (Amendment) Bill 1988/89
Abortion (Rights of Ancillary Workers) Bill 1988/89
Abortion (Sex-selection) Bill 2014-15
Abortion (Treatment of Non-resident Women) Bill 1987/88
Abortion (Treatment of Non-resident Women) Bill 1988/89
Abortion Act 1967
Abortion Act 1967 (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2014-15
Abortion Bill 2017-19
Abortion Clinics (Access) Bill 1992/93
Abortion Statistics Bill 2012-13
Academic and Academic-related Staff Pay and Conditions Bill (HL) 1998/99
Academies Act 2010
Academies Act 2012
Academies Bill (HL) 2010-12
Access to Banking Services Bill 2017-19
Access to Contraceptive Services Bill 2006-07
Access to Environmental Information Bill 1998/99
Access to Fertility Services Bill 2017-19
Access to Health Records Act 1990
Access to Health Records Bill 1989/90
Access to Inland Waterways Bill 2006-07
Access to Justice Act 1999
Access to Justice Bill (HL) 1998/99
Access to Literature (Visually-impaired Children) Bill 2003/04
Access to Medical Reports Act 1988
Access to Medical Reports Bill 1987/88
Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Act 2016
Access to Medical Treatments (Innovation) Bill 2015-16
Access to Mental Health Services Bill 2013-14
Access to Neighbouring Land Act 1992
Access to Neighbouring Land Bill (HL) 1991/92
Access to Palliative Care Bill (HL) 2015-16
Access to Palliative Care Bill (HL) 2016-17
Access to Palliative Care Bill (HL) 2017-19
Access to Pension Protection Fund Benefits Bill 2006-07
Access to Personal Files Act 1987
Access to Radiotherapy Bill 2016-17
Access to Radiotherapy Bill 2017-19
Access to Schools (Disabled Persons) Bill 1995/96
Access to the Countryside Bill 1995/96
Access to the Countryside Bill 1996/97
Access to the Countryside Bill 1997/98
Access to Welfare (Terminal Illness Definition) Bill 2017-19
Accessible Sports Grounds Bill (HL) 2015-16
Accidents Involving Animals (Strict Liability) Bill 2005-06
Accommodation Agencies Act 1953
Accommodation Level Crossings Act 1995
Accommodation Level Crossings Bill (HL) 1994/95
Acquisition and Possession of Air Weapons (Restriction) Bill 1997/98
Acquisition of Land Act 1981
Act of Adjournal (Criminal Procedure Rules Amendment No. 3) 1999
Act of Adjournal (Devolution Issues Rules) (Amendment) 1998
Act of Adjournal (Devolution Issues Rules) 1999
Act of Sederunt (Commissary Court Books) 1992
Act of Sederunt (Consumer Credit Act 1974) 1985 (Amendment) 1995
Act of Sederunt (Devolution Issues Rules) (Amendment) 1998 (Draft)
Act of Sederunt (Devolution Issues Rules) 1999
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Messengers-at-arms) 1993
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Sheriff Officers) (No. 2) 1994
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Sheriff Officers) 1993
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Sheriff Officers) 1994
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Sheriff Officers) 1995
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Sheriff Officers) 1996
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Sheriff Officers) 1997
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Sheriff Officers) 1998
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Sheriff Officers) 1999
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment No. 2) 1997
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 1995
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 1996
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 1997
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 1998
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 1999
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 2000
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Court) 1993
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Court) 1994
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in Speculative Actions) 1992
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment and Further Provisions) 1993
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 1993
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 1994
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 1995
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 1996
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 1998
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Solicitors in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 1999
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Witnesses and Shorthand Writers in the Sheriff Court) 1992
Act of Sederunt (Fees of Witnesses in the Sheriff Court) (Amendment) 1999
Act of Sederunt (Interest in Sheriff Court Decrees and Extracts) 1993
Act of Sederunt (Judicial Factors Rules) 1992
Act of Sederunt (Proceedings for Determination of Devolution Issues Rules) 1999
Act of Sederunt (Proceedings for Determination of Devolution Issues) Rules 1998 (Draft)
Act of Sederunt (Rules of Court Amendment) (Group Proceedings) 1996
Act of Sederunt (Rules of Court Consolidation and Amendment 1965)
Act of Sederunt (Rules of the Court of Session Amendment No. 5) (Miscellaneous) 1999
Act of Sederunt (Rules of the Court of Session Amendment No. 7) (Witnesses Fees) 1992
Act of Sederunt (Rules of the Court of Session Amendment) (Interest in Decrees and Extracts) 1993
Act of Sederunt (Rules of the Court of Session Amendment) (Miscellaneous) 1998
Act of Sederunt (Sheriff Court Ordinary Cause Rules) 1993
Act of Sederunt (Solicitor and Client Accounts in the Sheriff Court) 1992
Act of Settlement 1700
Act of Settlement 1701
Act of Supremacy 1534
Act of Supremacy 1558
Act of Union 1707
Act of Union 1800
Act of Union Bill (HL) 2017-19
Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013
Activity Centres (Young Persons' Safety) (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Activity Centres (Young Persons' Safety) Act 1995
Activity Centres (Young Persons' Safety) Bill 1994/95
Additional Charges for Utility Bills Not Paid by Direct Debit (Limits) Bill 2013-14
Adelphi Estate Act 1991
Adelphi Estate Bill 1989/90
Administration Act 2014
Administration Bill 2013-14
Administration of Estates Act 1925
Administration of Justice Act 1920
Administration of Justice Act 1960
Administration of Justice Act 1968
Administration of Justice Act 1970
Administration of Justice Act 1982
Administration of Justice Act 1985
Adoption (Amendment) Bill 1989/90
Adoption (Intercountry Aspects) Act 1999
Adoption (Intercountry Aspects) Bill 1998/99
Adoption (League Tables) Bill 1997/98
Adoption (Leave, Pay and Allowance Arrangements) Bill 2010-12
Adoption (Scotland) Act 1978
Adoption Act 1976
Adoption and Children Act 2002
Adoption and Children Bill 2000/01
Adoption and Children Bill 2001/02
Adoption and Fostering Bill 1997/98
Adoption Bill (Draft)
Adoption Bill 2000/01
Adoption Leave Arrangements Bill 1992/93
Adoption Leave Arrangements Bill 1995/96
Adoption of Roads (Compulsory Procedures) Bill 1991/92
Adoption of Roads (Compulsory Procedures) Bill 1992/93
Adoption of Sewers Bill 2000/01
Adoptive Mothers (Maternity Leave) Bill 1996/97
Adoptive Mothers (Maternity Rights) Bill 1994/95
Adults with Autism Bill 2007-08
Adventure and Gap Year Activity Companies (Accreditation and Inspection) Bill 2013-14
Advertising of Prostitution (Prohibition) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Affordable Home Ownership Bill 2017-19
Affordable Homes Bill 2014-15
Affordable Housing Contributions (Ten Unit Threshold) Bill 2014-15
Age (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 1998/99
Age Discrimination (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Age Discrimination Bill 1996/97
Age Discrimination Bill 2000/01
Age Discrimination Bill 2001/02
Age Equality Commission Bill 1999/2000
Age Equality Commission Bill 2000/01
Age Equality Commission Bill 2001/02
Age Limits on Health Care Bill 1998/99
Age of Criminal Responsibility Bill (HL) 2012-13
Age of Criminal Responsibility Bill (HL) 2013-14
Age of Criminal Responsibility Bill (HL) 2015-16
Age of Criminal Responsibility Bill (HL) 2016-17
Age of Criminal Responsibility Bill (HL) 2017-19
Age of Legal Capacity (Scotland) Bill 1988/89
Age of Legal Capacity (Scotland) Bill 1990/91
Age of Legal Capacity Act 1991
Age of Legal Capacity Bill 1990/91
Age of Sale of Tobacco Bill 2005-06
Age-related Macular Degeneration Bill 2006-07
Age-related Payments Act 2004
Age-related Payments Bill 2003/04
Aggravated Vehicle Taking Act 1992
Aggravated Vehicle Taking Bill 1991/92
Agricultural Accidents (Records) Bill 2013-14
Agricultural Act 1967
Agricultural Act 1970
Agricultural Holdings (Amendment) Act 1990
Agricultural Holdings (Amendment) Bill 1989/90
Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 1949
Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 1991
Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Agricultural Holdings Act 1948
Agricultural Holdings Act 1984
Agricultural Holdings Act 1986
Agricultural Holdings Bill (HL) 1985/86
Agricultural Marketing Act 1958
Agricultural Statistics Act 1979
Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995
Agricultural Tenancies Bill (HL) 1994/95
Agricultural Training Board Act 1982
Agricultural Wages (Scotland) Act 1949
Agricultural Wages Act 1948
Agriculture (Control of Nitrates) Bill 1988/89
Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1954
Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1968
Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1972
Agriculture Act 1947
Agriculture Act 1957
Agriculture Act 1967
Agriculture Act 1970
Agriculture Act 1973
Agriculture Act 1986
Agriculture Act 1993
Agriculture and Forestry (Financial Provisions) Act 1991
Agriculture and Forestry (Financial Provisions) Bill 1990/91
Agriculture and Horticulture Act 1964
Agriculture Bill (HL) 1992/93
Agriculture Bill 1985/86
Agriculture Bill 2017-19
Aid Effectiveness (Independent Evaluation) Bill 2005-06
AIDS (Control) Act 1987
Air Force (Constitution) Act 1917
Air Force Act 1955
Air Quality (Diesel Emissions in Urban Centres) Bill 2015-16
Air Quality (Diesel Emissions in Urban Centres) Bill 2016-17
Air Traffic Emissions Reduction Bill (HL) 2003/04
Air Traffic Emissions Reduction Bill 2004/05
Air Travel Organisers' Licensing Act 2017
Air Travel Organisers' Licensing Bill 2017-19
Air Travellers (Provision of Health Information) Bill 2000/01
Air Weapons Bill 2001/02
Aircraft (Freedom from Smoking) Bill 1988/89
Aircraft (Noise Restriction) Bill 1990/91
Aircraft Noise (Control) Bill 1992/93
Aire and Calder Navigation Act 1992
Aire and Calder Navigation Bill 1990/91 to 1991/92
Airport Expansion (Parliamentary Approval) Bill 2008-09
Airport Security (People with Disabilities) Bill 2010-12
Airport Security Act 1982
Airports (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Airports (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Airports (Town and Country Planning) Bill 1992/93
Airports Act 1986
Airports Act 1986 (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Airports and Aerodromes (Noise) Bill 1996/97
Airports Authority Act 1965
Airports Bill 1985/86
Alan Turing (Statutory Pardon) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Alan Turing (Statutory Pardon) Bill (HL) 2013-14
Alcohol (Harm Reduction) Bill 2006-07
Alcohol (Health Warning) Bill 1987/88
Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) (England) Bill 2017-19
Alcohol Abuse (Scotland) Bill 1988/89
Alcohol Labelling (Pregnancy) Bill 2014-15
Alcohol Labelling Bill (HL) 2006-07
Alcohol Labelling Bill (HL) 2007-08
Alcohol Marketing Bill 2010-12
Alcohol Related Anti-social Behaviour and Domestic Violence Bill 2003/04
Alcohol Sales (Regulation of Prices and Promotion) Bill 2007-08
Alcohol Services Bill 2001/02
Alcoholic Liquor Duties Act 1979
Aliens Employment Act 1955
Aliens Restriction (Amendment) Act 1919
Alkali etc Works Regulations Act 1906
Allhallows Staining Church Act 2010
Allhallows Staining Church Bill (HL) 2009-10
Alliance and Leicester (Girobank) Act 1993
Alliance and Leicester (Girobank) Bill 1991/92 to 1992/93
Alliance and Leicester Group Treasury plc (Transfer) Act 2001
Alliance and Leicester Group Treasury plc (Transfer) Bill (HL) 1999/2000 to 2000/01
Alliance and Leicester plc (Group Reorganisation) Act 2000
Alliance and Leicester plc (Group Reorganisation) Bill (HL) 1996/97 to 1999/2000
Allied Irish Banks Act 1993
Allied Irish Banks Act 1996
Allied Irish Banks Bill 1992/93
Allied Irish Banks Bill 1995/96
Allotments (Planning) Bill 2007-08
Allotments Act 1922
Allotments Act 1925
Allotments Act 1950
Ambulance Response Times (Local Reporting) Bill 2009-10
Amenity Land (Adoption by Local Authorities) Bill 2014-15
Amusement Machines (Protection of Children) Bill 1988/89
Amusement Machines (Protection of Children) Bill 1989/90
Amusement Machines (Protection of Children) Bill 1991/92
Analysis of Costs and Benefits (European Union Membership) Bill 1999/2000
Analysis of Costs and Benefits (European Union) Bill 2000/01
Analysis of Costs and Benefits (NAFTA Membership) Bill 1999/2000
Analysis of Costs and Benefits (NAFTA Membership) Bill 2000/01
Anatomy Act 1984
Anatomy Bill 1983/84
Anchors and Chain Cables Act 1967
Ancient Forests Bill 1990/91
Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979
Ancient Woodland Inventory (England) Bill 2017-19
Anguilla Act 1980
Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963
Animal Cruelty (Sentencing) Bill 2016-17
Animal Experimentation (Cosmetics) Bill 1991/92
Animal Experimentation (Cosmetics) Bill 1992/93
Animal Fighting (Sentencing) Bill 2016-17
Animal Health (Amendment) Act 1998
Animal Health (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Animal Health (European Law) Bill 1994/95
Animal Health Act 1981
Animal Health Act 2002
Animal Health and Welfare Act 1984
Animal Health Bill (Draft)
Animal Health Bill 1997/98
Animal Health Bill 2001/02
Animal Protection Bill 1988/89
Animal Sanctuaries (Licensing) (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Animal Sanctuaries (Licensing) Bill 2001/02
Animal Welfare (Electronic Collars) Bill 2013-14
Animal Welfare (Journey to Slaughter) Bill 2001/02
Animal Welfare (Prohibition of Imports) Bill 1998/99
Animal Welfare (Sentencing and Recognition of Sentience) Bill (Draft)
Animal Welfare (Service Animals) Act 2019
Animal Welfare (Service Animals) Bill 2017-19
Animal Welfare Act 2006
Animal Welfare Bill (Draft)
Animal Welfare Bill 2005-06
Animals (Electric Shock Collars) Bill 2002/03
Animals (Recognition of Sentience) Bill 2017-19
Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986
Animals (Scientific Procedures) Bill (HL) 1985/86
Animals (Scotland) Act 1987
Animals (Welfare in Transit) Bill 1989/90
Animals Act (Amendment) Bill 2006-07
Animals Act 1911
Animals Act 1932
Animals Act 1971
Animals Act 1971 (Amendment) Bill 2007-08
Annual Leave Entitlement (Enforcement) Bill 2004/05
Annual Statements of Healthcare Costs Bill 2010-12 (Proposed)
Annuities (Competition) Bill 2001/02
Anonymity (Arrested Persons) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Anonymity (Arrested Persons) Bill 2010-12
Antarctic Act 1994
Antarctic Act 2013
Antarctic Bill (Draft)
Antarctic Bill 1993/94
Antarctic Bill 2012-13
Antarctic Minerals Act 1989
Antarctic Minerals Bill (HL) 1988/89
Antarctic Treaty Act 1967
Anti-hacking Bill 1988/89
Anti-litter (Ring-pull Cans) Bill 1988/89
Anti-loitering Devices (Regulation) Bill 2017-19
Anti-slavery Day Act 2010
Anti-slavery Day Bill 2009-10
Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003
Anti-social Behaviour Bill (Draft)
Anti-social Behaviour Bill 2002/03
Anti-social Behaviour Bill 2003/04
Anti-social Behaviour Bill 2004/05
Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014
Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill 2013-14
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill 2001/02
Appointed Bodies (Financial Penalties) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Apprehension of Burglars Bill 2010-12
Apprenticeships (Child Benefit and Tax Credit Entitlement) (Research) Bill 2014-15
Apprenticeships and Skills (Public Procurement Contracts) Bill 2010-12
Apprenticeships and Skills (Public Procurement Contracts) Bill 2013-14
Apprenticeships Bill (Draft)
Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009
Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill 2008-09
Appropriation (No. 2) Act 1987
Appropriation (No. 2) Act 1992
Appropriation (No. 2) Act 1997
Appropriation (No. 2) Act 2001
Appropriation (No. 2) Act 2002
Appropriation (No. 2) Act 2005
Appropriation (No. 2) Act 2006
Appropriation (No. 2) Act 2007
Appropriation (No. 2) Act 2008
Appropriation (No. 2) Act 2009
Appropriation (No. 2) Act 2010
Appropriation (No. 3) Act 2005
Appropriation (No. 3) Act 2008
Appropriation (No. 3) Act 2010
Appropriation Act 1988
Appropriation Act 1989
Appropriation Act 1990
Appropriation Act 1991
Appropriation Act 1992
Appropriation Act 1993
Appropriation Act 1994
Appropriation Act 1995
Appropriation Act 1996
Appropriation Act 1997
Appropriation Act 1998
Appropriation Act 1999
Appropriation Act 2000
Appropriation Act 2001
Appropriation Act 2002
Appropriation Act 2003
Appropriation Act 2004
Appropriation Act 2005
Appropriation Act 2006
Appropriation Act 2007
Appropriation Act 2008
Appropriation Act 2009
Appropriation Act 2010
Appropriation Act 2011
Appropriation Bill 1997/98
Appropriation Bill 2004/05
Appropriation Bill 2009-10
Arbitration (Scotland) Act 2010
Arbitration Act 1996
Arbitration and Mediation (Equality) Services Bill (HL) 2013-14
Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill (HL) 2014-15
Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Arbitration Bill (Draft)
Arbitration Bill (HL) 1995/96
Architects (Registration) Act 1931
Architects (Registration) Act 1938
Architects (Registration) Act 1969
Architects Act 1997
Architects Bill (HL) 1996/97
Architects Registration (Amendment) Act 1969
Area Child Protection Committees Bill 2001/02
Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Bill (HL) 1998/99
Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Armed Forces (Derogation from European Convention on Human Rights) Bill 2017-19
Armed Forces (Federation) Bill 2006-07
Armed Forces (Federation) Bill 2007-08
Armed Forces (Flexible Working) Act 2018
Armed Forces (Flexible Working) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Armed Forces (Germany) Bill 2010-12
Armed Forces (Housing) Bill 1987/88
Armed Forces (Leave) Bill 2010-12
Armed Forces (Liability for Injury) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Armed Forces (Liability for Injury) Bill 1991/92
Armed Forces (Minimum Age of Recruitment) Bill 1999/2000
Armed Forces (Parliamentary Approval for Participation in Armed Conflict) Bill 2004/05
Armed Forces (Parliamentary Approval for Participation in Armed Conflict) Bill 2005-06
Armed Forces (Peacekeeping Provisions) Bill (HL) 2000/01
Armed Forces (Pensions and Compensation) Act 2004
Armed Forces (Pensions and Compensation) Bill 2003/04
Armed Forces (Prevention of Discrimination) (No. 2) Bill 2014-15
Armed Forces (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2012-13
Armed Forces (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2013-14
Armed Forces (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2014-15
Armed Forces (Service Complaints and Financial Assistance) Act 2015
Armed Forces (Service Complaints and Financial Assistance) Bill (HL) 2014-15
Armed Forces (Statute of Limitations) Bill 2017-19
Armed Forces (Volunteer Reserve) Bill 2017-19
Armed Forces Act 1966
Armed Forces Act 1976
Armed Forces Act 1991
Armed Forces Act 1996
Armed Forces Act 2001
Armed Forces Act 2006
Armed Forces Act 2011
Armed Forces Act 2016
Armed Forces Bill 1990/91
Armed Forces Bill 1995/96
Armed Forces Bill 2000/01
Armed Forces Bill 2005-06
Armed Forces Bill 2010-12
Armed Forces Bill 2015-16
Armed Forces Charter Bill 2010-12
Armed Forces Covenant (Duty of Public Authorities) Bill 2017-19
Armed Forces Covenant (Implementation) (United Kingdom) Bill 2015-16
Armed Forces Deployment (Royal Prerogative) Bill (HL) 2014-15
Armed Forces Deployment (Royal Prerogative) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Armed Forces Deployment (Royal Prerogative) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Armed Forces Discipline Act 2000
Armed Forces Discipline Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Armed Forces Housing and Tax Bill 1988/89
Armed Forces Representative Body Bill 2017-19
Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day Bill 2008-09
Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day Bill 2009-10
Arms Control and Disarmament (Inspections) Act 1991
Arms Control and Disarmament (Inspections) Act 2003
Arms Control and Disarmament (Inspections) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Arms Control and Disarmament (Inspections) Bill (HL) 2002/03
Arms Control and Disarmament (Privileges and Immunities) Act 1988
Arms Control and Disarmament (Privileges and Immunities) Bill 1987/88
Arms Export Controls (Countries of Concern) Bill 2016-17
Arms Trade Bill 2003/04
Army Act 1955
Army Act 1992
Army Bill 1991/92
Ashdown Forest Act 1974
Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Act 2018
Assaults on Emergency Workers (Offences) Bill 2017-19
Assaults on Retail Workers (Offences) Bill 2017-19
Assessment of Government Policies (Impact on Families) Bill 2015-16
Asset Freezing (Compensation) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Asset Freezing (Compensation) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Assets of Community Value Bill 2016-17
Assistance for Local Authority Leaseholders Bill 1993/94
Assisted Dying (No. 2) Bill 2015-16
Assisted Dying Bill (HL) 2013-14
Assisted Dying Bill (HL) 2014-15
Assisted Dying Bill (HL) 2015-16
Assisted Dying Bill (HL) 2016-17
Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill (HL) 2003/04
Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill (HL) 2004/05
Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill (HL) 2005-06
Associated British Ports (Barrow) Act 1988
Associated British Ports (Barrow) Bill (HL) 1987/88
Associated British Ports (Hull) Act 1989
Associated British Ports (Hull) Bill 1988/89
Associated British Ports (No. 2) Bill 1987/88 to 1989/90
Associated British Ports Act 1987
Associated British Ports Act 1990
Associated British Ports Bill 1986/87
Association (United Kingdom United States and Former Dominions) Bill 1995/96
Asylum (Time Limit) Bill 2013-14
Asylum (Time Limit) Bill 2014-15
Asylum (Unaccompanied Children Displaced by Conflict) Bill 2015-16
Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants etc) Act 2004
Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants etc) Bill 2003/04
Asylum and Immigration Act 1996
Asylum and Immigration Appeals Act 1993
Asylum and Immigration Appeals Bill 1992/93
Asylum and Immigration Bill 1995/96
Asylum Bill 1991/92
Asylum Seekers (Permission to Work) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Asylum Seekers (Permission to Work) Bill 2017-19
Asylum Seekers (Return to Nearest Safe Country) Bill 2013-14
Asylum Seekers and Refugees Bill 1990/91
Atomic Energy Act 1946
Atomic Energy Act 1989
Atomic Energy Authority Act 1954
Atomic Energy Authority Act 1971
Atomic Energy Authority Act 1986
Atomic Energy Authority Act 1995
Atomic Energy Authority Bill 1994/95
Atomic Energy Bill (HL) 1988/89
Atomic Weapons Establishment Act 1991
Atomic Weapons Establishment Bill 1990/91
Attachment of Earnings Act 1971
Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance (Information) Bill 2005-06
Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance Bill 2005-06
Auctions Bill 2001/02
Audible Motor Vehicle Alarms Bill 2004/05
Audit (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1996
Audit (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1995/96
Audit Commission Act 1998
Audit Commission Bill (HL) 1997/98
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Act 1996
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Bill (HL) 1995/96
Australia Constitution Act 1900
Australian Constitution (Public Record Copy) Act 1990
Australian Constitution (Public Record Copy) Bill 1989/90
Autism (Quality Standards) Bill 2010-12
Autism Act 2009
Autism Bill 2008-09
Automated and Electric Vehicles Act 2018
Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill 2017-19
Automatic Electoral Registration (No. 2) Bill 2015-16
Automatic Electoral Registration (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Automatic Electoral Registration (School Students) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Automatic Electoral Registration Bill (HL) 2015-16
Automatic Electoral Registration Bill (HL) 2017-19
Automatic Travel Compensation Bill 2017-19
Autumn Bank Holiday Bill 2007-08
Aviation (Offences) Act 2003
Aviation (Offences) Bill 2002/03
Aviation and Maritime Security Act 1990
Aviation and Maritime Security Bill 1989/90
Aviation Health Bill 2002/03
Aviation Security Act 1982
Avon Light Rail Transit (Bristol City Centre) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Avon Light Rail Transit Act 1989
Avon Light Rail Transit Bill (HL) 1987/88 to 1988/89
Avon Weir Act 1992
Avon Weir Bill (HL) 1990/91 to 1991/92
Awards for Valour (Protection) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Awards for Valour (Protection) Bill 2016-17
Backing of Warrants (Republic of Ireland) Act 1965
Badgers (Further Protection) Act 1991
Badgers (Further Protection) Bill 1990/91
Badgers Act 1973
Badgers Act 1991
Badgers Bill 1990/91
Bail (Amendment) Act 1993
Bail (Amendment) Bill 1988/89
Bail (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Bail (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Bail Act 1976
Bail etc (Scotland) Act 1980
Bailiffs (Licensing) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Bailiffs (Repeals and Amendment) Bill 2008-09
Balance Charitable Foundation for Unclaimed Assets (Allocation) Bill 2003/04
Ban of Imports (Child Labour) Bill 1989/90
Ban of Imports (Child Labour) Bill 1990/91
Ban of Imports (Child Labour) Bill 1992/93
Ban on Imports (Child Labour) Bill 1988/89
Bank Holiday (Contribution of Polish Citizens) Bill 2007-08
Bank of England (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2007-08
Bank of England (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2008-09
Bank of England (Amendment) Bill 1993/94
Bank of England (Appointment of Governor) Bill 2012-13
Bank of England Act 1946
Bank of England Act 1998
Bank of England and Financial Services Act 2016
Bank of England and Financial Services Bill (HL) 2015-16
Bank of England Bill 1997/98
Bank of Ireland (UK) plc Act 2012
Bank of Ireland (UK) plc Bill 2010-12
Bankers' Pensions (Limits) Bill 2008-09
Banking (Cash Machine Charges and Financial Inclusion) Bill 2017-19
Banking (Consumer and Small Business Protection) Bill 2017-19
Banking (Disclosure, Responsibility and Education) Bill 2010-12
Banking (Inquiry) Bill 2000/01
Banking (No. 2) Bill (HL) 2008-09
Banking (Special Provisions) Act 2008
Banking (Special Provisions) Bill 2007-08
Banking Act 1967
Banking Act 1979
Banking Act 1987
Banking Act 2009
Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971
Banking and Financial Services (Community Investment) Bill 2010-12
Banking and Post Office Services (Rural Areas and Small Communities) Bill 2017-19
Banking Bill 2007-08 to 2008-09
Banking Practices (Protection of the Elderly) Bill 2004/05
Banknote Diversity Bill 2017-19
Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 1985
Bankruptcy (Scotland) Act 1993
Bankruptcy (Scotland) Bill 1984/85
Bankruptcy (Scotland) Bill 1992/93
Bankruptcy Act 1914
Banning of Useless Animal Experiments Bill 1988/89
Barclays Group Reorganisation Act 2002
Barclays Group Reorganisation Bill (HL) 2000/01 to 2001/02
Basement Excavation (Restriction of Permitted Development) Bill 2015-16
Bat Habitats Regulation (No. 2) Bill 2015-16
Bat Habitats Regulation (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Bat Habitats Regulation Bill (HL) 2015-16
Bat Habitats Regulation Bill (HL) 2016-17
Bat Habitats Regulation Bill (HL) 2017-19
Bat Habitats Regulation Bill 2014-15
Bathing Waters Bill 2017-19
Baxi Partnership Limited Trusts Act 2000
Baxi Partnership Limited Trusts Bill (HL) 1998/99 to 1999/2000
BBC (Audit Arrangements and Publication of Invoices) Bill 2012-13
BBC (Independence) Bill (HL) 2017-19
BBC (Trustee Election and Licence Fee) Bill (HL) 2013-14
BBC (Trustee Election and Licence Fee) Bill (HL) 2014-15
BBC Licence Fee (Civil Debt) Bill 2013-14
BBC Licence Fee (Civil Penalty) Bill 2017-19
BBC Licence Fee Bill (HL) 2017-19
BBC Licence Fee Payers (Voting Rights) Bill 2010-12
BBC Privatisation Bill 2013-14
BBC Privatisation Bill 2014-15
BBC Privatisation Bill 2015-16
BBC Royal Charter Bill (HL) 2016-17
BBC Trust Chairman (Election) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Beaches and Coastline (Regulation) Bill 1989/90
Bees Act 1980
Belfast Charitable Society Act 1996
Belfast Charitable Society Bill (HL) 1995/96
Belfast Corporation Act 1932
Bells Bridge Order Confirmation Act 1995
Bells Bridge Order Confirmation Bill 1994/95
Bells on Pedal Cycles Bill 1998/99
Benefit Claimants (Automatic Transfer to Alternative Benefits) Bill 2013-14
Benefit Claimants Sanctions (Required Assessment) Bill 2016-17
Benefit Entitlement (Restriction) Bill 2013-14
Benefit Entitlement (Restriction) Bill 2014-15
Benefit Entitlement (Restriction) Bill 2015-16
Benefit Sanctions Regime (Entitlement to Automatic Hardship Payments) Bill 2015-16
Benefits and Public Services (Restriction) Bill 2017-19
Bereavement Payments (Entitlement Conditions) (Amendment) Bill 2000/01
Bermuda Constitution Act 1967
Betting and Gaming Duties Act 1981
Betting Licences (Category B2 Gaming Machines) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Betting Licenses (Category B2 Gaming Machines) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Betting Shops Bill 2010-12
Betting, Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) Act 1984
Betting, Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1987/88
Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Act 1963
Beverley Freemen Act 2010
Beverley Freemen Bill (HL) 2008-09 to 2009-10
Bexley London Borough Council Act 1987
Bexley London Borough Council Bill 1985/86 to 1987/88
Bicycles (Children's Safety Helmets) Bill 2006-07
Bilingual Juries (Wales) Bill 2006-07
Bilingual Juries (Wales) Bill 2009-10
Bill of Rights 1689
Bills of Exchange Act 1882
Bills of Sale Act (1878) Amendment Act 1882
Bills of Sale Act 1878
Bingo Act 1992
Bingo Bill (HL) 1991/92
Birds (Registration Charges) Act 1997
Birds (Registration Charges) Bill 1996/97
Birmingham Assay Office Act 1995
Birmingham Assay Office Bill 1994/95
Birmingham City Council (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Birmingham City Council (No. 2) Bill 1988/89
Birmingham City Council Act 1988
Birmingham City Council Act 1990
Birmingham City Council Act 1991
Birmingham City Council Bill (HL) 1988/89 to 1989/90
Birmingham City Council Bill 1987/88
Birmingham City Council Bill 1990/91
Births and Deaths Registration (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1998/99
Births and Deaths Registration (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Births and Deaths Registration (Amendment) Bill 1994/95
Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953
Bishops (Consecration of Women) Bill 2005-06
Bishops (Consecration of Women) Bill 2012-13
Blacklists (Access to Information) Bill 1987/88
Blasphemy (Abolition) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Blasphemy (Abolition) Bill 1994/95
Blasphemy (No. 2) Bill 1989/90
Blasphemy Bill 1988/89
Blasphemy Bill 1989/90
Blasphemy Bill 1991/92
Blood Donation (Equality) Bill 2014-15
Blood Donor (Equality) Bill 2015-16
Blood, Organ and Bone Marrow Donation (Education) Bill 2012-13
Boarded Animal Establishment Act 1963
Bodmin Moor Commons Bill (HL) 1993/94
Bodmin Moor Commons Bill (HL) 1994/95
Border Control Bill 2017-19
Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009
Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Bill (HL) 2008-09
Borough Freedom (Family Succession) Bill (HL) 2000/01
Borough Freedom (Family Succession) Bill (HL) 2001/02
Borough Freedom (Family Succession) Bill (HL) 2004/05
Borough Freedom (Family Succession) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Borough Freedom (No. 2) Bill (HL) 2007-08
Borough Freedom Bill 2007-08
Boundary Commissions Act 1992
Boundary Commissions Bill 1992/93
Bournemouth Borough Council Act 2010
Bournemouth Borough Council Bill (HL) 2006-07 to 2009-10
Bournemouth-Swanage Motor Road and Ferry Bill 1993/94
Boxing Bill (HL) 1991/92
Boxing Bill (HL) 1994/95
Boxing Bill (HL) 1995/96
Boxing Bill 1994/95 (Proposed)
Braille Identity Cards Bill 2003/04
Bread and Flour Regulations (Folic Acid) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Bread and Flour Regulations (Folic Acid) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Breast Cancer (National Plan) Bill 1994/95
Breast Cancer Bill 2005-06
Breastfeeding etc Bill 2005-06
Breath Tests on Licensed Premises Bill 1989/90
Bredero (Bon Accord Centre Aberdeen) Order Confirmation Act 1988
Bredero (Bon Accord Centre Aberdeen) Order Confirmation Bill 1987/88
Breeding and Sale of Dogs (Welfare) Act 1999
Breeding and Sale of Dogs (Welfare) Bill 1998/99
Breeding and Sale of Dogs Bill 1996/97
Breeding and Sale of Dogs Bill 1997/98
Breeding of Dogs Act 1973
Breeding of Dogs Act 1991
Breeding of Dogs Bill 1990/91
Bribery Act 2010
Bribery Bill (Draft)
Bribery Bill (HL) 2009-10
Bribery of Foreign Public Officials Bill 2000/01
Brighton and Preston Cemetery Act 1988
Brighton and Preston Cemetery Bill 1987/88
Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Act 1991
Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Bill (HL) 1990/91
Bristol Cemetery Act 1837
Bristol Cemetery Act 1926
British Bill of Rights and Withdrawal from the European Convention on Human Rights Bill 2014-15
British Board of Film Classification (Accountability to Parliament and Appeals) Bill 2007-08
British Broadcasting Corporation (Oversight) Bill 2017-19
British Coal and British Rail (Transfer Proposals) Act 1993
British Coal and British Rail (Transfer Proposals) Bill 1992/93
British Film Institute Southbank Act 1990
British Film Institute Southbank Bill 1988/89
British Film Institute Southbank Bill 1989/90
British Indian Ocean Territory (Citizenship) Bill 2017-19
British Library Act 1972
British Museum (Lindisfarne Gospels) Bill 1997/98
British Museum Act 1932
British Museum Act 1963
British Museum Act 1963 (Amendment) Bill 2008-09
British Museum Act 1963 (Amendment) Bill 2009-10
British Nationality (Amendment) Bill 1990/91
British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1990
British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1997
British Nationality (Hong Kong) Bill (HL) 1993/94
British Nationality (Hong Kong) Bill (HL) 1996/97
British Nationality (Hong Kong) Bill 1989/90
British Nationality (Hong Kong) Bill 1993/94
British Nationality (Honorary Citizenship) Bill 1988/89
British Nationality (St Helena) Bill (HL) 1997/98
British Nationality Act 1948
British Nationality Act 1981
British Overseas Territories Act 2002
British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies Bill 2007-08
British Overseas Territories Bill (HL) 2001/02
British Overseas Territories Bill 2005-06
British Racing Commission Bill 1988/89
British Racing Commission Bill 1989/90
British Racing Commission Bill 1990/91
British Railways (London) Act 1988
British Railways (London) Bill (HL) 1986/87 to 1987/88
British Railways (No. 2) Act 1992
British Railways (No. 2) Bill 1987/88 to 1988/89
British Railways (No. 2) Bill 1989/90 to 1992/93
British Railways (No. 2) Order Confirmation Act 1994
British Railways (No. 2) Order Confirmation Bill 1993/94
British Railways (No. 3) Bill (HL) 1989/90 to 1991/92
British Railways (No. 3) Order Confirmation Act 1994
British Railways (No. 3) Order Confirmation Bill 1993/94
British Railways (No. 4) Bill 1991/92 to 1993/94
British Railways (Penalty Fares) Act 1989
British Railways (Penalty Fares) Bill (HL) 1987/88 to 1988/89
British Railways Act 1987
British Railways Act 1989
British Railways Act 1990
British Railways Act 1992
British Railways Act 1993
British Railways Act 1994
British Railways Bill 1986/87 to 1987/88
British Railways Bill 1988/89 to 1989/90
British Railways Bill 1990/91 to 1992/93
British Railways Board (Finance) Act 1991
British Railways Board (Finance) Bill 1990/91
British Railways Order Confirmation Act 1988
British Railways Order Confirmation Act 1990
British Railways Order Confirmation Act 1994
British Railways Order Confirmation Bill 1987/88
British Railways Order Confirmation Bill 1989/90
British Railways Order Confirmation Bill 1993/94
British Settlements Act 1887
British Settlements Act 1945
British Shipbuilders (Borrowing Powers) Act 1987
British Shipbuilders (Borrowing Powers) Bill 1987/88
British Sign Language (Scotland) Act 2015
British Steel Act 1988
British Steel Bill 1987/88
British Subjects (Registration) Bill 2005-06
British Technology Group Act 1991
British Technology Group Bill 1990/91
British Telecommunications Act 1981
British Time (Extra Daylight) Bill 1995/96
British Transport Commission Act 1949
British Victims of Terrorism (Asset-freezing and Compensation) Bill 2016-17
British Waterways (No. 2) Bill (HL) 1987/88
British Waterways Act 1987
British Waterways Act 1988
British Waterways Act 1995
British Waterways Bill (HL) 1990/91 to 1994/95
British Waterways Bill 1986/87
Broadcasting (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Broadcasting (Public Service Content) Bill 2008-09
Broadcasting (Public Service Content) Bill 2010-12
Broadcasting (Radio Multiplex Services) Act 2017
Broadcasting (Radio Multiplex Services) Bill 2016-17
Broadcasting (Religious Programming) Bill 1998/99
Broadcasting (Television Licence Fee Abolition) Bill 2007-08
Broadcasting (Television Licence Fee Abolition) Bill 2008-09
Broadcasting (Television Licence Fee Abolition) Bill 2010-12
Broadcasting Act 1981
Broadcasting Act 1987
Broadcasting Act 1990
Broadcasting Act 1990 (Amendment) Bill 2001/02
Broadcasting Act 1996
Broadcasting Bill (HL) 1995/96
Broadcasting Bill 1989/90
Broadcasting of Recorded Music in Public Places Bill 1999/2000
Broads Authority Act 2009
Broads Authority Bill 2006-07 to 2008-09
Bromley London Borough Council (Crystal Palace) Act 1990
Bromley London Borough Council (Crystal Palace) Bill 1988/89 to 1989/90
Brown Hare (Protection) Bill 2013-14
Brunei (Appeals) Act 1989
Brunei (Appeals) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Buckinghamshire County Council (Filming on Highways) Act 2014
Buckinghamshire County Council (Filming on Highways) Bill (HL) 2013-14
Buckinghamshire County Council Act 1990
Buckinghamshire County Council Bill (HL) 1988/89 to 1989/90
Budget (Scotland) Act 2000 (SP)
Budget Responsibility and National Audit (Fiscal Mandate) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Budget Responsibility and National Audit Act 2011
Budget Responsibility and National Audit Bill (HL) 2010-12
Building (Scotland) Act 1959
Building Act 1984
Building Bill (HL) 1983/84
Building Conversion and Energy Conservation Bill 1990/91
Building Conversion and Energy Conservation Bill 1993/94
Building Regulation Bill 1998/99
Building Regulations (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2009-10
Building Regulations (Energy Rating Information) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Building Regulations (External Retaining and Load-bearing Walls) Bill 2012-13
Building Regulations (Review) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Building Societies (Distributions) Act 1997
Building Societies (Distributions) Bill 1996/97
Building Societies (Funding) and Mutual Societies (Transfers) Act 2007
Building Societies (Funding) and Mutual Societies (Transfers) Bill 2006-07
Building Societies (Joint Account Holders) Act 1995
Building Societies (Joint Account Holders) Bill 1994/95
Building Societies (Joint Account Holders) Bill 1997/98
Building Societies (Joint Accounts) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Building Societies (Switched Accounts) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Building Societies (Transfer Resolutions) Bill 1999/2000
Building Societies Act 1962
Building Societies Act 1986
Building Societies Act 1997
Building Societies Bill 1985/86
Building Societies Bill 1996/97
Bull Bars (Prohibition) Bill 1995/96
Bull Bars (Prohibition) Bill 1996/97
Burglar Alarms (Control) Bill 1988/89
Burial Act 1853
Burial Act 1857
Burial and Cremation (Scotland) Act 2016
Burial Rights Reform Bill 2016-17
Bus Drivers (Working Hours on Local Routes) Bill 2017-19
Bus Fuel Duty (Exemptions) Bill 1998/99
Bus Services (Provision of Information) Bill 2000/01
Bus Services (Quality Contracts Schemes) Bill 2004/05
Bus Services Act 2017
Bus Services Bill (HL) 2016-17
Bus Services Bill 2005-06
Buses (Audio Announcements) Bill 2014-15
Buses (Concessionary Fares) Bill 2003/04
Buses (Concessionary Fares) Bill 2004/05
Buses Bill (Draft)
Business Improvement Districts Bill (HL) 1997/98
Business Names Act 1985
Business Names Bill (HL) 1984/85
Business of the House Commission Bill 2014-15
Business of the House Commission Bill 2017-19
Business Rate Supplements Act 2009
Business Rate Supplements Bill 2008-09
Cable and Broadcasting Act 1984
Caldey Island Act 1990
Caldey Island Bill 1989/90
Caledonian Canal Act 1803
Caledonian Canal Act 1804
Cancer Act 1939
Cancer Care Bill 1998/99
Cannabis (Legalisation and Regulation) Bill 2015-16
Cannabis Seeds (Prohibition) Bill 2007-08
Canterbury City Council Act 2013
Canterbury City Council Bill 2007-08 to 2012-13
Capital Allowances Act 1990
Capital Allowances Act 2001
Capital Allowances Bill (HL) 1989/90
Capital Allowances Bill 2000/01
Capital Gains Tax Act 1979
Capital Punishment Bill 2013-14
Capital Transfer Tax Bill (HL) 1983/84
Car Tax (Abolition) Act 1992
Car Tax (Abolition) Bill 1992/93
Car Telephones (Safety) Bill 1988/89
Car Telephones (Safety) Bill 1989/90
Caravan Sites (Amendment) Bill 1991/92
Caravan Sites (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Caravan Sites (Security of Tenure) Bill 2005-06
Caravan Sites Act 1968
Caravan Sites Act 1968 (Amendment) Bill 1987/88
Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960
Caravan Sites Bill (HL) 2010-12
Caravan Sites Bill (HL) 2012-13
Caravans (Standard Community Charge and Rating) Act 1991
Caravans (Standard Community Charge and Rating) Bill 1990/91
Carbon Emission Reductions Bill (HL) 2016-17
Carbon Emission Reductions Bill (HL) 2017-19
Carbon Monoxide (Detection and Safety) Bill 2017-19
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning (Safety Abroad) Bill 2016-17
Cardiac Risk in the Young (Screening) Bill 2003/04
Cardiff Bay Barrage (No. 2) Bill 1990/91
Cardiff Bay Barrage Act 1993
Cardiff Bay Barrage Bill (HL) 1988/89
Cardiff Bay Barrage Bill 1987/88
Cardiff Bay Barrage Bill 1991/92
Cardiff Bay Barrage Bill 1992/93
Care Act 2014
Care and Support Bill (Draft)
Care Bill (HL) 2013-14
Care Homes (Domestic Pets) Bill 2008-09
Care Homes (Tenancy) Bill 2002/03
Care Homes and Sheltered Accommodation (Domestic Pets) Bill 2009-10
Care of Older and Incapacitated People (Human Rights) Bill 2005-06
Care Standards Act 2000
Care Standards Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Careers Advice in Schools for 12-16 Year Olds Bill 2012-13
Careers Guidance (Access to Schools) Bill 2016-17
Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004
Carers (Equal Opportunities) Bill 2003/04
Carers (Identification and Support) Bill 2006-07
Carers (Identification and Support) Bill 2010-12
Carers (Leave Entitlement) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Carers (Leave Entitlement) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1995
Carers (Recognition and Services) Bill 1994/95
Carers and Direct Payments Act (Northern Ireland) 2002
Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000
Carers and Disabled Children Bill 1999/2000
Carers and Employment Bill 2010-12
Carers Bedroom Entitlement (Social Housing Sector) Bill 2014-15
Carriage by Air (Supplementary Provisions) Act 1962
Carriage by Air Act 1961
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1992
Carriage of Goods by Sea Bill (HL) 1991/92
Carriage of Goods by Sea Bill (HL) 1992/93
Carrying of Knives etc (Scotland) Act 1993
Carrying of Knives etc (Scotland) Bill 1992/93
Catholics (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2006-07
Cats Bill 2017-19
Cattewater Reclamation Act 1992
Cattewater Reclamation Bill 1989/90
Cattewater Reclamation Bill 1990/91 to 1992/93
Causing Death by Driving Whilst Disqualified Bill 2013-14
Cemeteries (Control of Sale etc) Bill 1987/88
Census (Amendment) Act 2000
Census (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Census (Confidentiality) Act 1991
Census (Confidentiality) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Census (Return Particulars and Removal of Penalties) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Census Act 1920
Central European Time Bill (HL) 1994/95
Ceramics (Country of Origin Marking) Bill 2017-19
Cereals Marketing Act 1965
Certificate of Loss Bill (HL) 2017-19
Cervical Cancer (Minimum Age for Screening) Bill 2008-09
Cervical Cancer (Testing and Treatment) Bill 1987/88
Cervical Cancer (Testing and Treatment) Bill 1988/89
Chamber of Commerce (Protection of Title) Bill 1997/98
Chancel Repairs Bill (HL) 2014-15
Chancel Repairs Bill (HL) 2015-16
Channel 4 (Relocation) Bill 2017-19
Channel Tunnel Act 1987
Channel Tunnel Act 1987 (Amendment) Bill 1988/89
Channel Tunnel Act 1987 (Amendment) Bill 1989/90
Channel Tunnel Bill 1985/86
Channel Tunnel Bill 1986/87
Channel Tunnel Bill 1987/88
Channel Tunnel Rail Link (Supplementary Provisions) Act 2008
Channel Tunnel Rail Link (Supplementary Provisions) Bill 2007-08
Channel Tunnel Rail Link Act 1996
Channel Tunnel Rail Link Bill 1994/95
Channel Tunnel Rail Link Bill 1995/96
Channel Tunnel Rail Link Bill 1996/97
Charitable Healthcare Providers (Value Added Tax Relief) Bill 2010-12
Charitable Status for Religious Institutions Bill 2013-14
Charities (Amendment) Act 1995
Charities (Amendment) Bill 1994/95
Charities (Northern Ireland) Act 1964
Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act 2016
Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008
Charities Act 1960
Charities Act 1992
Charities Act 1993
Charities Act 2006
Charities Act 2011
Charities Act 2011 (Amendment) Bill 2012-13
Charities Bill (Draft)
Charities Bill (HL) 1991/92
Charities Bill (HL) 1992/93
Charities Bill (HL) 2004/05
Charities Bill (HL) 2005-06
Charities Bill (HL) 2010-12
Charity Trustees (Time Off for Duties) Bill 2017-19
Charter Trustees Bill (HL) 1996/97
Charter Trustees Bill 1995/96
Cheapest Energy Tariff (Information) Bill 2008-09
Chemical Weapons Act 1996
Chemical Weapons Bill 1995/96
Cheques (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Cheques (Scotland) Bill 1998/99
Cheques Act 1957
Cheques Act 1992
Cheques Bill 1991/92
Cheques Bill 2010-12
Child Abduction Act 1984
Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985
Child Abuse Deaths Bill 2001/02
Child Benefit (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Child Benefit (Uprating) Bill 1987/88
Child Benefit Act 2005
Child Benefit Bill 2004/05
Child Benefit Entitlement (Disqualification of Non-UK EU Nationals) Bill 2014-15
Child Care Act 1980
Child Contact Centres (Accreditation) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Child Cruelty (Sentences) Bill 2017-19
Child Curfew (Specified Age) Bill 1999/2000
Child Labour Bill 1994/95
Child Maintenance (Assessment of Parents' Income) Bill 2016-17
Child Maintenance (Assessment of Parents' Income) Bill 2017-19
Child Maintenance and Other Payments Act 2008
Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill 2006-07 to 2007-08
Child Maintenance Bill 2017-19
Child Maltreatment Bill 2013-14
Child Poverty Act 2010
Child Poverty Bill (Draft)
Child Poverty Bill 2008-09 to 2009-10
Child Poverty in the UK (Target for Reduction) Bill 2016-17
Child Safety (Cycle Helmets) Bill 2017-19
Child Support (Appeal) Bill 1995/96
Child Support Act 1991
Child Support Act 1995
Child Support Bill (HL) 1990/91
Child Support Bill 1994/95
Child Support, Pensions and Social Security (Northern Ireland) Act 2000
Child Support, Pensions and Social Security Act 2000
Child Support, Pensions and Social Security Bill 1999/2000
Child Trust Funds Act 2004
Child Trust Funds Bill 2003/04
Child Victims of Human Trafficking (Central Government Responsibility) Bill 2015-16
Childcare (Local Provision) Bill 1995/96
Childcare Act 2006
Childcare Act 2016
Childcare Bill (HL) 2015-16
Childcare Bill 2005-06
Childcare Payments Act 2014
Childcare Payments Bill 2014-15
Childcare Provision (Wales) Bill 2006-07
Childminders Bill 1995/96
Children (Access to Parents) Bill 2010-12
Children (Access to Parents) Bill 2012-13
Children (Contact) and Adoption Bill (Draft)
Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000
Children (Leaving Care) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Children (Performances) Regulations 1968 (Amendment) Bill 2012-13
Children (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Bill 1992/93 (Proposed)
Children (Protection of Privacy) Bill 2007-08
Children (Safeguards for Unaccompanied Travel) Bill 2001/02
Children (Scotland) Act 1995
Children (Scotland) Bill 1994/95
Children Act 1975
Children Act 1989
Children Act 1989 (Amendment) (Female Genital Mutilation) Act 2019
Children Act 1989 (Amendment) (Female Genital Mutilation) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Children Act 1989 (Prohibition of Corporal Punishment) Amendment Bill 1993/94
Children Act 2004
Children and Adoption Act 2006
Children and Adoption Bill (HL) 2005-06
Children and Families Act 2014
Children and Families Bill (Draft)
Children and Families Bill 2012-13 to 2013-14
Children and Social Work Act 2017
Children and Social Work Bill (HL) 2016-17
Children and Young Persons (Amendment) Act 1986
Children and Young Persons (Harmful Publications) Act 1955
Children and Young Persons (Protection from Tobacco) Act 1991
Children and Young Persons (Protection from Tobacco) Bill 1989/90
Children and Young Persons (Protection from Tobacco) Bill 1990/91
Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1932
Children and Young Persons Act 1933
Children and Young Persons Act 1963
Children and Young Persons Act 1969
Children and Young Persons Act 2008
Children and Young Persons Bill (HL) 2007-08
Children Bill (HL) 1988/89
Children Bill (HL) 2003/04
Children in Care (Custody) Bill 2008-09
Children of Armed Services Personnel (Schools Admission) Bill 2016-17
Children with Disabilities (Play Areas) Bill 2001/02
Children, Schools and Families Act 2010
Children, Schools and Families Bill 2009-10
Children's Commissioner for England Bill 2002/03
Children's Commissioner for Wales Act 2001
Children's Commissioner for Wales Bill 2000/01
Children's Food Bill 2003/04
Children's Food Bill 2004/05
Children's Food Bill 2005-06
Children's Nurseries (Safety) Bill 1997/98
Children's Playing Space Bill 1992/93
Children's Rights Bill (HL) 2009-10
Children's Rights Commissioner Bill 1998/99
Children's Rights Commissioner Bill 1999/2000
Children's Rights Commissioner Bill 2000/01
Children's Television (Advertising) (No. 2) Bill 2002/03
Children's Television (Advertising) Bill 2002/03
Chiropractors Act 1994
Chiropractors Bill 1993/94
Chlorofluorocarbons (Control) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Chlorofluorocarbons (Control) Bill 1988/89
Choice of Schools Bill 1995/96 (Proposed)
Christmas Day (Trading) Act 2004
Christmas Day (Trading) Bill (HL) 2001/02
Christmas Day (Trading) Bill 2000/01
Christmas Day (Trading) Bill 2003/04
Christmas Savings Schemes (Regulation) Bill 2007-08
Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons (Northern Ireland) Act 1978
Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970
Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1986
Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 2018
Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919
Church of England Bill 1992/93
Church of England Pensions Measure 2018
Church of Scotland (Properties and Investments) Order Confirmation Act 1994
Church of Scotland (Properties and Investments) Order Confirmation Bill 1993/94
Church of Scotland (Property and Endowments) Amendment Order Confirmation Act 1995
Church of Scotland (Property and Endowments) Amendment Order Confirmation Bill 1995/96
Church Property Measure 2018
Cinema Act 1910
Cinemas (Rural Areas) Bill 2003/04
Cinemas Act 1985
Cinemas Bill (HL) 1984/85
Cinematograph Films (Animals) Act 1937
Citibank Europe Bill (HL) 1992/93
Citibank International Act 1993
Citibank International Bill (HL) 1992/93
Cities (Process and Criteria for Designation) Bill 1997/98
Cities and Local Government Devolution Act 2016
Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill (HL) 2015-16
Citizens' Compensation Bill 1988/89
Citizens' Compensation Rights Bill 1987/88
Citizens' Convention (Accountability and Ethics) Bill 2008-09
Citizens' Convention Bill 2006-07
Citizens' Convention Bill 2007-08
Citizens' Initiative (Legislation) Bill 2007-08
Citizenship (Armed Forces) Act 2014
Citizenship (Armed Forces) Bill 2013-14
City of Bristol (Portishead Docks) Act 1992
City of Bristol (Portishead Docks) Bill (HL) 1990/91 to 1992/93
City of Dundee District Council Order Confirmation Act 1990
City of Dundee District Council Order Confirmation Bill 1989/90
City of Edinburgh (Guided Busways) Bill 1997/98
City of Edinburgh (Guided Busways) Order Confirmation Act 1998
City of Edinburgh (Guided Busways) Order Confirmation Bill 1997/98
City of Edinburgh Council Order Confirmation Act 1996
City of Edinburgh Council Order Confirmation Bill 1996/97
City of Edinburgh District Council Order Confirmation Act 1991
City of Edinburgh District Council Order Confirmation Bill 1991/92
City of Glasgow District Council Order Confirmation Act 1988
City of Glasgow District Council Order Confirmation Bill 1988/89
City of London (Approved Premises for Marriage) Act 1996
City of London (Approved Premises for Marriage) Bill (HL) 1995/96
City of London (Spitalfields Market) Act 1990
City of London (Spitalfields Market) Bill 1987/88 to 1989/90
City of London (Various Powers) Act 1990
City of London (Various Powers) Act 2013
City of London (Various Powers) Bill (HL) 2010-12 to 2013-14
City of London (Various Powers) Bill 1988/89 to 1989/90
City of London (Ward Elections) Act 2002
City of London (Ward Elections) Bill 1998/99 to 2001/02
City of London Corporation (Open Spaces) Act 2018
City of London Corporation (Open Spaces) Bill 2015-16 to 2017-19
City of Newcastle upon Tyne Act 2000
City of Newcastle upon Tyne Bill (HL) 1998/99 to 2000/01
City of Westminster Act 1988
City of Westminster Act 1996
City of Westminster Act 1999
City of Westminster Bill (HL) 1993/94 to 1995/96
City of Westminster Bill (HL) 1996/97 to 1998/99
City of Westminster Bill (HL) 2008-09
City of Westminster Bill 1986/87 to 1988/89
City of Westminster Bill 1990/91
Civic Amenities Act 1967
Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982
Civil Actions (Limit on Proceedings) Bill 1996/97
Civil Aviation (Accessibility) Bill 2017-19
Civil Aviation (Air Navigation Charges) Act 1989
Civil Aviation (Air Navigation Charges) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Civil Aviation (Air Transport Licences) Amendment Bill 1994/95
Civil Aviation (Amendment) Act 1996
Civil Aviation (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Civil Aviation (Amendment) Bill 1995/96
Civil Aviation Act 1949
Civil Aviation Act 1971
Civil Aviation Act 1982
Civil Aviation Act 2006
Civil Aviation Act 2012
Civil Aviation Authority (Borrowing Powers) Act 1990
Civil Aviation Authority (Borrowing Powers) Bill 1989/90
Civil Aviation Bill (Draft)
Civil Aviation Bill 2005-06
Civil Aviation Bill 2010-12 to 2012-13
Civil Contingencies Act 2004
Civil Contingencies Bill (Draft)
Civil Contingencies Bill 2003/04
Civil Defence (Grant) Act 2002
Civil Defence (Grant) Bill 2001/02
Civil Defence Act 1948
Civil Enforcement Officers and Traffic Wardens (Integration of Duties and Powers) (England) Bill 2015-16
Civil Evidence (Family Mediation) (Scotland) Act 1995
Civil Evidence (Family Mediation) (Scotland) Bill (Draft)
Civil Evidence (Family Mediation) (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Civil Evidence (Family Mediation) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Civil Evidence (Scotland) Act 1988
Civil Evidence (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1987/88
Civil Evidence Act 1995
Civil Evidence Bill (HL) 1994/95
Civil Evidence Bill 1994/95
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1991
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Bill (HL) 1990/91
Civil Law Reform Bill (Draft)
Civil Liability Act 2018
Civil Liability Bill (HL) 2017-19
Civil List Act 1952
Civil List Act 1972
Civil Partnership Act 2004
Civil Partnership Act 2004 (Amendment) (Mixed Sex Couples) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Civil Partnership Act 2004 (Amendment) (Sibling Couples) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Civil Partnership Act 2004 (Amendment) Bill 2014-15
Civil Partnership Act 2004 (Amendment) Bill 2015-16
Civil Partnership Act 2004 (Amendment) Bill 2016-17
Civil Partnership Bill (HL) 2003/04
Civil Partnerships Bill (HL) 2001/02
Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration etc) Act 2019
Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration etc) Bill 2017-19
Civil Procedure Act 1997
Civil Procedure Bill (HL) 1996/97
Civil Protection in Peacetime Act 1986
Civil Registration (Access to Records) Bill 1998/99
Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) (No. 2) Bill (HL) 1991/92
Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) (No. 2) Bill 1993/94
Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) (Northern Ireland) Bill 1992/93
Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) (Northern Ireland) Bill 1993/94
Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) (Northern Ireland) Bill 1994/95
Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) (Scotland) Bill 1992/93
Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) (Scotland) Bill 1993/94
Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) (Scotland) Bill 1994/95
Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) (Wales) Bill 1992/93
Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) (Wales) Bill 1993/94
Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) (Wales) Bill 1994/95
Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) Bill 1991/92
Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) Bill 1993/94
Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) Bill 1994/95
Civil Rights Bill (HL) 1992/93
Civil Service (Management Functions) Act 1992
Civil Service (Management Functions) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Civil Service (No. 2) Bill (HL) 2003/04
Civil Service Bill 2003/04
Class Size (Reduction) Bill 1995/96
Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Clean Air Act 1956
Clean Air Act 1993
Clean Air Bill (HL) 1992/93
Clean Air Bill 2016-17
Clean Air Bill 2017-19
Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2013-14
Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005
Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Bill 2004/05
Climate Change (Commercial and Public Services Sectors) Bill 2005-06
Climate Change (Contraction and Convergence) Bill 2005-06
Climate Change (Effects) Bill 2006-07
Climate Change (Sectoral Targets) Bill 2007-08
Climate Change (Sectoral Targets) Bill 2008-09
Climate Change (Sectoral Targets) Bill 2009-10
Climate Change Act 2008
Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Act 2006
Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Bill 2005-06
Climate Change Bill (Draft)
Climate Change Bill (HL) 2007-08
Climate Change Bill 2000/01
Climate Change Bill 2004/05
Climate Change Bill 2005-06
Closed Churchyards (Wales) Bill 1992/93
Closed Circuit Television (Monitoring and Promotion) Bill 2007-08
Closed Circuit Television (Monitoring and Promotion) Bill 2008-09
Closure of Footpaths Bill 1992/93 (Proposed)
Cluster Munitions (Prohibition of Development and Acquisition) Bill 2006-07
Cluster Munitions (Prohibition) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) Act 2010
Cluster Munitions (Prohibitions) Bill (HL) 2009-10
Clyde Port Authority Bill 1989/90
Coal Imports Bill 1990/91
Coal Industry (Abolition of Statutory Manpower Limits) Bill 1992/93 (Proposed)
Coal Industry Act 1944
Coal Industry Act 1977
Coal Industry Act 1987
Coal Industry Act 1990
Coal Industry Act 1992
Coal Industry Act 1994
Coal Industry Bill 1989/90
Coal Industry Bill 1991/92
Coal Industry Bill 1993/94
Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946
Coal Mines (Closure Review) Bill 1992/93
Coal Mines Regulation Act 1908
Coal Mining Subsidence (Damage and Arbitration) Bill 1987/88
Coal Mining Subsidence (Damage Arbitration Prevention and Public Awareness) Bill 1990/91
Coal Mining Subsidence (Prevention and Public Awareness) Bill 1987/88
Coal Mining Subsidence Act 1991
Coal Mining Subsidence Bill 1990/91
Coalmining Subsidence (Damage Arbitration Prevention and Public Awareness) Bill 1988/89
Coalmining Subsidence (Damage Arbitration Prevention and Public Awareness) Bill 1989/90
Coast Protection Act 1949
Coastal Path (Definition) Bill 2017-19
Coastal Waters (Quality Standards) Bill 1992/93
Coastal Waters (Water Quality Standards) (Costs) Bill 1992/93 (Proposed)
Cockfighting Act 1952
Coercion in Family Planning (Prohibition) Bill 1994/95
Cohabitation (Contract Enforcement) Bill 1990/91
Cohabitation (No. 2) Bill 2008-09
Cohabitation Bill (HL) 2008-09
Cohabitation Rights Bill (HL) 2013-14
Cohabitation Rights Bill (HL) 2014-15
Cohabitation Rights Bill (HL) 2015-16
Cohabitation Rights Bill (HL) 2016-17
Cohabitation Rights Bill (HL) 2017-19
Coinage (Measurement) Act 2011
Coinage (Measurement) Bill 2010-12
Colchester Borough Council Act 2001
Colchester Borough Council Bill (HL) 1999/2000 to 2000/01
Cold Climate Allowance Bill 1987/88
Cold Climate Allowance Bill 1990/91
Cold Climate Allowance Bill 1995/96
Cold Weather Credits Bill 1991/92
Cold Weather Payments (Wind Chill Factor) Bill 1996/97
Cold Weather Payments (Wind Chill Factor) Bill 1997/98
Cold Weather Payments Bill 2017-19
Collection of Nationality Data Bill 2013-14
Collective Defined Contribution Pension Schemes Bill 2017-19
Colonial Probates Act 1892
Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar (Eriskay Causeway) Order Confirmation Act 2000
Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar (Eriskay Causeway) Order Confirmation Bill 1999/2000
Commercial and Private Bank Act 1991
Commercial and Private Bank Bill (HL) 1990/91
Commercial Debt Settlement Bill 1992/93
Commercial Lobbyists (Registration and Code of Conduct) Bill 2012-13
Commission for the Compact Bill 2008-09
Commissioner for Older People (Wales) Act 2006
Commissioner for Older People (Wales) Bill (Draft)
Commissioner for Older People (Wales) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Act 2005
Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Bill 2004/05
Committal to Prison in Default of Fines, Local Taxes etc (Abolition) Bill 2001/02
Committee on the Grant of Honours, Decorations and Medals Bill 2007-08
Common Fisheries Policy (Withdrawal) Bill 2010-12
Common Land (Rectification of Registers) Act 1989
Common Land (Rectification of Registers) Bill 1988/89
Common Land and Repeal of Inclosure Acts Bill 2008-09
Common Registration (East Sussex) Bill (HL) 1993/94
Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002
Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Bill (Draft)
Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Bill (HL) 2000/01
Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Bill (HL) 2001/02
Commonhold Bill 1994/95
Commons Act 1876
Commons Act 2006
Commons Bill (HL) 2005-06
Commons Registration (East Sussex) Act 1994
Commons Registration (East Sussex) Bill (HL) 1993/94
Commons Registration Act 1965
Commonwealth Act 2002
Commonwealth Bill 2001/02
Commonwealth Development Corporation (No. 2) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Commonwealth Development Corporation Act 1978
Commonwealth Development Corporation Act 1995
Commonwealth Development Corporation Act 1996
Commonwealth Development Corporation Act 1999
Commonwealth Development Corporation Act 2017
Commonwealth Development Corporation Bill (HL) 1998/99
Commonwealth Development Corporation Bill 1994/95
Commonwealth Development Corporation Bill 1995/96
Commonwealth Development Corporation Bill 2016-17
Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962
Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1968
Commonwealth Immigrants Bill 1967/68
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900
Commonwealth of Britain Bill 1990/91
Commonwealth of Britain Bill 1992/93
Commonwealth of Britain Bill 1995/96
Commonwealth of Europe Bill 1991/92
Commonwealth of Europe Bill 1992/93
Commonwealth of Europe Bill 1995/96
Communication Support (Deafness) Bill 2013-14
Communications (Unsolicited Telephone Calls and Texts) Bill 2013-14
Communications Act 2003
Communications Bill (Draft)
Communications Bill 2002/03
Communications Data Bill (Draft)
Community Amateur Sports Clubs (Support) Bill (HL) 2008-09
Community and Amateur Sports Clubs (National Standards) Bill 1999/2000
Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc) Act 2003
Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc) Bill 2002/03
Community Care (Direct Payments) Act 1996
Community Care (Direct Payments) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Community Care (Direct Payments) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Community Care (Residential Accommodation) Act 1992
Community Care (Residential Accommodation) Act 1998
Community Care (Residential Accommodation) Bill (HL) 1991/92
Community Care (Residential Accommodation) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Community Care (Residential Accommodation) Bill 1997/98
Community Care (Residential Charges) Bill 1996/97
Community Care (Rights to Mental Health Services) Bill 1994/95
Community Charge (Disqualification for Non-Payment) Bill 1990/91
Community Charge (Landlord and Tenant) Bill 1989/90
Community Charges (General Reduction) Act 1991
Community Charges (General Reduction) Bill 1990/91
Community Charges (Substitute Setting) Act 1991
Community Charges (Substitute Setting) Bill 1990/91
Community Finance Tax Credit Bill 1999/2000
Community Health Councils (Access to Information) Act 1988
Community Health Councils (Access to Information) Bill 1987/88
Community Hospitals Bill 2013-14
Community Prosecution Lawyers Bill 2002/03
Community Protection (Airport Noise and Pollution) Bill 1999/2000
Community Protection (Landfill) Bill 1998/99
Community Reinvestment Bill 1999/2000
Community Reinvestment Disclosure Bill 1997/98
Community Representation Bill (HL) 1995/96
Community Service by Offenders (Scotland) Act 1978
Companies (Audit Committees) Bill 1987/88
Companies (Audit Committees) Bill 1988/89
Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004
Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Bill (HL) 2003/04
Companies (Members Proceedings) Bill (Draft)
Companies (Millennium Computer Compliance) Bill 1996/97
Companies (Millennium Computer Compliance) Bill 1997/98
Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1990/91
Companies (Political Donations) Bill 1987/88
Companies (Political Funds) Bill 1997/98
Companies (Subsidiaries in Liquidation) Bill 1990/91
Companies Act (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
Companies Act 1948
Companies Act 1967
Companies Act 1975
Companies Act 1976
Companies Act 1981
Companies Act 1985
Companies Act 1989
Companies Act 1989 (Amendment) Bill 2001/02
Companies Act 2006
Companies Bill (Draft)
Companies Bill (HL) 1979/80
Companies Bill (HL) 1988/89
Companies Bill (HL) 2005-06
Companies Bill 1987/88
Companies Consolidation (Consequential Provisions) Bill (HL) 1984/85
Companies Documentation (Transgender Persons) Bill 2016-17
Companies' Remuneration Reports Bill (HL) 2008-09
Companies’ Remuneration Reports Bill (HL) 2008-09
Company Accounts (Payments to Creditors) Bill 1993/94
Company and Business Names (Chamber of Commerce etc) Act 1999
Company and Business Names (Chamber of Commerce etc) Bill 1997/98
Company and Business Names (Chamber of Commerce etc) Bill 1998/99
Company Directors (Health and Safety) Bill 2002/03
Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986
Company Directors Disqualification Bill (HL) 1985/86
Company Directors Performance and Compensation Bill 2002/03
Company Donations to Political Parties Bill 1988/89
Company Law Reform Bill (HL) 2005-06
Company Remuneration Bill (HL) 2010-12
Company Remuneration Bill (HL) 2012-13
Company Securities (Insider Dealing) Act 1985
Company Securities (Insider Dealing) Bill (HL) 1984/85
Compensation (Limitation) Bill 2010-12
Compensation Act 2006
Compensation Act 2006 (Amendment) Bill 2009-10
Compensation Advisory Board Bill 1987/88
Compensation Bill (HL) 2005-06
Compensation for Medical Injury Bill 1989/90
Compensation Orders (Child Sexual Abuse) Bill 2017-19
Competition Act 1980
Competition Act 1998
Competition and Service (Utilities) Act 1992
Competition and Service (Utilities) Bill 1991/92
Competition Bill (HL) 1997/98
Compulsory Emergency First Aid Education (State-funded Secondary Schools) Bill 2015-16
Compulsory Voting Bill 2001/02
Computer Millennium Non-Compliance (Contingency Plans) Bill 1998/99
Computer Misuse (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2001/02
Computer Misuse Act 1990
Computer Misuse Act 1990 (Amendment) Bill 2004/05
Computer Misuse Bill 1989/90
Computer Misuse Bill 2005-06
Computers (Compensation for Damage) Bill 1989/90
Concessionary Bus Travel (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Concessionary Bus Travel Act 2007
Concessionary Bus Travel Bill (HL) 2006-07
Concessionary Parking Scheme (Extension) Bill 1999/2000
Concessionary Television Licence (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Concessionary Television Licences for Pensioners Bill 1998/99
Concessionary Television Licences for State Retirement Pensioners Bill 1987/88
Concessionary Travel Schemes (Scotland) Bill 1997/98
Conduct of Referendums Bill 1997/98
Confirmation to Small Estates (Scotland) Act 1979
Confiscation of Alcohol (Young Persons) Act 1997
Confiscation of Alcohol (Young Persons) Bill 1996/97
Confiscation of Alcohol (Young Persons) Bill 2002/03
Confiscation Orders (Sentencing and Offence) Bill 2014-15
Congenital Disabilities (Civil Liability) Act 1976
Congenital Heart Disease (Exemption from Prescription Charges) Bill 2003/04
Conscientious Objection (Medical Activities) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Conscientious Objection (Medical Activities) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Conscientious Objection (Public Expenditure) Bill 1993/94
Conservation Covenants Bill (Draft)
Conservation of Seals Act 1970
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill 1987/88
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill 1992/93
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill 1997/98
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill 2002/03
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill 2005-06
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill 2006-07
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill 2007-08
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill 2008-09
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill 2010-12
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 3) Bill 2005-06
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 3) Bill 2007-08
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 1987/88
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 1988/89
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 1989/90
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 1990/91
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 1991/92
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 1992/93
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 1993/94
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 1994/95
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 1995/96
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 1996/97
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 1997/98
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 1998/99
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 1999/2000
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 2000/01
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 2001/02
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 2002/03
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 2003/04
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 2004/05
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 2005-06
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 2006-07
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 2007-08
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 2008-09
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 2009-10
Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill 2010-12
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1987
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1989
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1990
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1991
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1992
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1993
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1994
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1995
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1996
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1997
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1998
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1999
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 2000
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 2001
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 2002
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 2003
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 2004
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 1987/88
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 1988/89
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 1989/90
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 1990/91
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 1991/92
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 1992/93
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 1993/94
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 1994/95
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 1995/96
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 1996/97
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 1997/98
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 1998/99
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 1999/2000
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 2000/01
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 2002/03
Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Bill 2003/04
Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1987
Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1991
Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1992
Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1993
Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Bill 1987/88
Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Bill 1990/91
Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Bill 1991/92
Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Bill 1992/93
Consolidated Fund Act 1988
Consolidated Fund Act 1989
Consolidated Fund Act 1990
Consolidated Fund Act 1991
Consolidated Fund Act 1992
Consolidated Fund Act 1993
Consolidated Fund Act 1994
Consolidated Fund Act 1995
Consolidated Fund Act 1996
Consolidated Fund Act 1997
Consolidated Fund Act 1998
Consolidated Fund Act 1999
Consolidated Fund Act 2000
Consolidated Fund Act 2001
Consolidated Fund Act 2002
Consolidated Fund Act 2003
Consolidated Fund Act 2004
Consolidated Fund Act 2005
Consolidated Fund Act 2006
Consolidated Fund Act 2007
Consolidated Fund Act 2008
Consolidated Fund Act 2009
Consolidated Fund Act 2010
Consolidated Fund Bill 1987/88
Consolidated Fund Bill 1988/89
Consolidated Fund Bill 1989/90
Consolidated Fund Bill 1990/91
Consolidated Fund Bill 1991/92
Consolidated Fund Bill 1992/93
Consolidated Fund Bill 1993/94
Consolidated Fund Bill 1994/95
Consolidated Fund Bill 1995/96
Consolidated Fund Bill 1996/97
Consolidated Fund Bill 1997/98
Consolidated Fund Bill 1998/99
Consolidated Fund Bill 1999/2000
Consolidated Fund Bill 2000/01
Consolidated Fund Bill 2001/02
Consolidated Fund Bill 2002/03
Consolidated Fund Bill 2003/04
Consolidated Fund Bill 2004/05
Consolidated Fund Bill 2005-06
Consolidated Fund Bill 2006-07
Consolidated Fund Bill 2007-08
Consolidated Fund Bill 2008-09
Consolidated Fund Bill 2009-10
Consolidated Fund Bill 2010-12
Consolidation of Housing Regulations Bill 2012-13
Constitution for Europe (Referendum) Bill (HL) 2003/04
Constitution for Europe (Referendum) Bill 2002/03 (Proposed)
Constitution for the European Union (Referendum) Bill 2003/04
Constitutional Change (Referendums) Bill 1995/96 (Proposed)
Constitutional Change Bill 1995/96
Constitutional Change Bill 1996/97
Constitutional Convention (No. 2) Bill 2015-16
Constitutional Convention Bill (HL) 2015-16
Constitutional Reform (Prerogative Powers and Civil Service etc) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Constitutional Reform Act 2005
Constitutional Reform and Governance Act 2010
Constitutional Reform and Governance Bill 2008-09 to 2009-10
Constitutional Reform Bill (HL) 2003/04 to 2004/05
Constitutional Reform Bill (HL) 2008-09
Constitutional Reform Bill (HL) 2009-10
Constitutional Reform Bill 1990/91
Constitutional Reform Bill 2006-07
Constitutional Renewal Bill (Draft)
Constitutional Renewal Bill (HL) 2008-09
Constitutional Separation Bill 1992/93 (Proposed)
Construction (Retention Deposit Schemes) Bill 2017-19
Construction Industry (Payment of Cash Retentions) Bill 2016-17
Construction Industry (Protection of Cash Retentions) Bill 2016-17
Consular Fees Act 1980
Consular Relations Act 1968
Consumer Accountability and New Mutuals Bill 2000/01
Consumer Arbitration Agreements Act 1988
Consumer Arbitration Agreements Bill 1987/88
Consumer Credit (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Consumer Credit (Regulation and Advice) Bill 2010-12
Consumer Credit Act 1974
Consumer Credit Act 2006
Consumer Credit Bill 2004/05
Consumer Credit Bill 2005-06
Consumer Emissions (Climate Change) Bill (HL) 2009-10
Consumer Guarantees Bill 1989/90
Consumer Guarantees Bill 1992/93
Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Act 2012
Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Bill 2010-12
Consumer Protection (Distance Selling Delivery Charges) Bill 2015-16
Consumer Protection (Postal Marketing) Bill 2010-12
Consumer Protection (Private Car Parks) Bill 2010-12
Consumer Protection (Registration of Professional Chemists) Bill 1987/88
Consumer Protection (Standards of Fire Resistance of Children's Fancy Dress and Play Costumes etc) Bill 2015-16
Consumer Protection (Unsolicited E-mails) Bill 2002/03
Consumer Protection Act 1972
Consumer Protection Act 1987
Consumer Protection Bill (HL) 1986/87
Consumer Rights Act 2015
Consumer Rights Bill (Draft)
Consumer Rights Bill 2013-14 to 2014-15
Consumers Guarantee Bill 1989/90
Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Act 2007
Consumers, Estate Agents and Redress Bill (HL) 2006-07
Contaminated Blood (Support for Infected and Bereaved Persons) Bill (HL) 2009-10
Contaminated Blood (Support for Infected and Bereaved Persons) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Contaminated Blood (Support for Infected and Bereaved Persons) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Contaminated Blood (Support for Infected and Bereaved Persons) Bill 2013-14
Contaminated Land (Remediation) Bill 1993/94
Contaminated Land Bill 1993/94
Contempt of Court Act 1981
Continental Shelf Act 1964
Continental Shelf Act 1989
Continental Shelf Bill (HL) 1988/89
Contract (Scotland) Act 1997
Contract (Scotland) Bill (Draft)
Contract (Scotland) Bill 1996/97
Contract Terms Act 1977
Contracts (Applicable Law) Act 1990
Contracts (Applicable Law) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Bill (HL) 1998/99
Contributory Negligence Bill (Draft)
Control of Amusement Arcades Bill 1989/90
Control of Car Boot Sales Bill 1993/94
Control of Detergent Pollution Bill 1989/90
Control of Diseases Act 1984
Control of Dogs Bill 2009-10
Control of Electronic Surveillance Devices Bill 1988/89
Control of Fireworks (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Control of Fireworks Bill 1998/99
Control of Fireworks Bill 2001/02
Control of Hedgerows in Residential Areas Bill 1998/99
Control of Hedgerows in Residential Areas Bill 1999/2000
Control of Horses Act 2015
Control of Horses Bill 2014-15
Control of Identification Documents (Offences) Bill 2004/05
Control of Interception Bill 1987/88
Control of Internet Access (Child Pornography) Bill 2005-06
Control of Litter (Fines) Bill 1988/89
Control of Offshore Wind Turbines Bill 2013-14
Control of Offshore Wind Turbines Bill 2014-15
Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989
Control of Pollution (Amendment) Bill 1988/89
Control of Pollution Act 1974
Control of Pollution Act 1976
Control of Residential Hedgerows Bill 1998/99
Control of Smoke Pollution Act 1989
Control of Smoke Pollution Bill 1988/89
Control of Toxic Waste Residues Bill 1988/89
Control of Toxic Waste Residues Bill 1989/90
Controlled Drugs (Penalties) Bill 1985
Conveyancing (Scotland) Act 1874
Conveyancing Services Bill 1986/7
Conveyancing Services Bill 1986/87
Convicted Prisoners Voting Bill 2014-15
Convicted Prisoners Voting Bill 2015-16
Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014
Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and Credit Unions Act 2010
Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and Credit Unions Bill (HL) 2009-10
Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and Credit Unions Bill 2008-09
Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Bill (HL) 2013-14
Co-operative and Social Enterprise (Development) Bill 2013-14
Co-operative Housing Tenure Bill 2010-12
Co-operative Schools Bill 2012-13
Co-operatives and Community Benefit Societies Act 2003
Co-operatives and Community Benefit Societies Bill 2002/03
Coordinated Universal Time Bill (HL) 1997/98
Copyright (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2006-07
Copyright (Visually Impaired Persons) Act 2002
Copyright (Visually Impaired Persons) Bill 2001/02
Copyright Act 1911
Copyright Act 1956
Copyright and Trade Marks Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Copyright etc and Trade Marks (Offences and Enforcement) Act 2002
Copyright etc and Trade Marks (Offences and Enforcement) Bill 2000/01
Copyright etc and Trade Marks (Offences and Enforcement) Bill 2001/02
Copyright in Sound Recordings and Performers' Rights (Term Extension) Bill 2007-08
Copyright Term for Performers and Producers Bill 2006-07
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
Copyright, Designs and Patents Bill (HL) 1987/88
Corn Exchange Act 1988
Corn Exchange Bill (HL) 1986/87 to 1987/88
Corn Returns Act 1882
Coronation Oath Act 1688
Coroners Act 1988
Coroners and Justice (Amendment) Bill 2012-13
Coroners and Justice (Amendment) Bill 2013-14
Coroners and Justice Act 2009
Coroners and Justice Act 2009 (Duty to Investigate) (Amendment) Bill 2015-16
Coroners and Justice Bill 2008-09
Coroners Bill (Draft)
Coroners Bill (HL) 1987/88
Corporal Punishment (Reintroduction) Bill 1994/95 (Proposed)
Corporal Punishment of Children (Abolition) Bill 2002/03
Corporate Accountability and Safeguarding of Adults from Abuse and Neglect Bill 2012-13
Corporate Homicide Bill 1999/2000
Corporate Killing Bill 2003/04
Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Bill 2005-06 to 2006-07
Corporate Manslaughter Bill (Draft)
Corporate Nuisance Telephone Calls Bill 2003/04
Corporate Responsibility (Environmental Social and Financial Reporting) Bill 2001/02
Corporate Responsibility Bill 2001/02
Corporate Responsibility Bill 2002/03
Corporate Safety and Environmental Information Bill 1991/92
Corporate Tax Reductions Bill 2010-12
Corporation Tax (Northern Ireland) Act 2015
Corporation Tax (Northern Ireland) Bill 2014-15
Corporation Tax Act 2009
Corporation Tax Act 2010
Corporation Tax Bill 2008-09
Corporation Tax Bill 2009-10
Corruption Bill (Draft)
Corruption Bill (HL) 2006-07
Corruption Bill 2005-06
Cosmetic Surgery (Minimum Standards) Bill 2012-13
Cosmetic Surgery (Standards of Practice) Bill 2016-17
Cosmetic Surgery (Standards) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Council Housing (Direct Investment) Bill 2006-07
Council Housing (Local Financing Pathfinders) Bill 2010-12
Council Tax (New Valuation Lists for England) Act 2006
Council Tax (New Valuation Lists for England) Bill 2005-06
Council Tax Benefit (Change of Name) Bill 2009-10
Council Tax Benefit (Entitlement Information) Bill 2004/05
Council Tax Benefit (Pensions Entitlement) Bill 2005-06
Council Tax Rebate Bill 2008-09
Council Tax Valuation Bands Bill (HL) 2014-15
Council Tax Valuation Bands Bill (HL) 2015-16
Counsellors and Psychotherapists (Regulation) and Conversion Therapy Bill 2017-19
Counsellors and Psychotherapists (Regulation) Bill 2013-14
Counsellors and Psychotherapists (Regulation) Bill 2014-15
Counter-terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Bill (Draft)
Counter-terrorism Act 2008
Counter-terrorism and Border Security Act 2019
Counter-terrorism and Border Security Bill 2017-19
Counter-terrorism and Security Act 2015
Counter-terrorism and Security Act 2015 (Amendment) Bill 2016-17
Counter-terrorism and Security Bill 2014-15
Counter-terrorism Bill 2007-08
Counting Women's Unremunerated Work Bill 1987/88
Counting Women's Unremunerated Work Bill 1988/89
Country Lanes and Villages Bill 1998/99
Countryside Act 1968
Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000
Countryside and Rights of Way Bill 1999/2000
Countryside Protection (Landfill and Opencast Mining) Bill 1997/98
County Councils (Abolition) Bill 1989/90
County Courts Act 1984
County Courts Bill (HL) 1983/84
County of Lancashire Act 1984
County of South Glamorgan (Taff Crossing) Act 1988
County of South Glamorgan (Taff Crossing) Bill 1985/86 to 1987/88
Court Martial and Service Civilian Court (Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999) Rules 2009
Court of Law Fees (Scotland) Act 1895
Court of Session Act 1988
Court of Session Bill (HL) 1987/88
Courts (Abuse of Process) Bill 2017-19
Courts (Research) Bill 1990/91
Courts Act 1971
Courts Act 2003
Courts and Legal Services Act 1990
Courts and Legal Services Bill (HL) 1989/90
Courts and Tribunals (Judiciary and Functions of Staff) Act 2018
Courts and Tribunals (Judiciary and Functions of Staff) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Courts and Tribunals (Online Procedure) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Courts Bill (HL) 2002/03
Courts of Law Fees (Scotland) Act 1875
Courts of Law Fees (Scotland) Act 1895
Courts-martial (Appeals) Act 1968
Covent Garden Market Act 1961
Creation of Unified Local Authorities Bill 1988/89
Credit (Control) Bill 1987/88
Credit Card Debt Limit Bill 2012-13
Credit Regulation (Child Pornography) Bill 2010-12
Credit Union (Armed Forces) Bill 2013-14
Credit Unions Act 1979
Creditworthiness Assessment Bill (HL) 2017-19
Cremation Act 1902
Crime (Aggravated Murder of and Violence against Women) Bill 2016-17
Crime (Assaults on Emergency Services Staff) Bill 2016-17
Crime (Impact Statements) Bill 2017-19
Crime (International Co-operation) Act 2003
Crime (International Co-operation) Bill (HL) 2002/03
Crime (Overseas Production Orders) Act 2019
Crime (Overseas Production Orders) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Crime (Sentences) Act 1997
Crime (Sentences) Bill 1996/97
Crime and Courts Act 2013
Crime and Courts Bill (HL) 2012-13
Crime and Disorder Act 1998
Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (Dismissal of Charges Sent) Rules 1998
Crime and Disorder Bill (HL) 1997/98
Crime and Punishment (Scotland) Act 1997
Crime and Punishment (Scotland) Bill 1996/97
Crime and Security Act 2010
Crime and Security Bill 2009-10
Crime of Vagrancy (Abolition) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Crime Prevention and the Built Environment Bill 2005-06
Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes Bill 1999/2000
Criminal Appeal (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Criminal Appeal Act 1968
Criminal Appeal Act 1995
Criminal Appeal Bill 1994/95
Criminal Cases Review (Insanity) Act 1999
Criminal Cases Review (Insanity) Bill (HL) 1998/99
Criminal Cases Review Commission (Information) Act 2016
Criminal Cases Review Commission (Information) Bill 2015-16
Criminal Cases Review Commission (Supplementary Powers) Bill 2015-16
Criminal Damage (Graffiti) Bill 2006-07
Criminal Damage Act 1971
Criminal Defence Service (Advice and Assistance) Act 2001
Criminal Defence Service (Advice and Assistance) Bill (HL) 2000/01
Criminal Defence Service Act 2006
Criminal Defence Service Bill (Draft)
Criminal Defence Service Bill (HL) 2005-06
Criminal Defence Service Bill 2004/05
Criminal Driving (Justice for Victims) Bill 2015-16
Criminal Evidence (Amendment) Act 1997
Criminal Evidence (Amendment) Bill 1996/97
Criminal Evidence (Prohibition of Sale) (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Criminal Evidence (Prohibition of Sale) Bill 2001/02
Criminal Evidence (Scotland) Bill (Draft)
Criminal Evidence (Witness Anonymity) Act 2008
Criminal Evidence (Witness Anonymity) Bill 2007-08
Criminal Evidence Act 1984
Criminal Evidence Bill (Draft)
Criminal Finances Act 2017
Criminal Finances Bill 2016-17
Criminal Fraud (Private Prosecutions) Bill 2017-19
Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 1995
Criminal Injuries Compensation Bill 1994/95
Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme (Review) Bill 2008-09
Criminal Instruction Bill 1991/92
Criminal Jurisdiction Act 1975
Criminal Justice (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1992/93
Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill 1991/92
Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill 1994/95
Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Criminal Justice (International Cooperation) (Amendment) Act 1998
Criminal Justice (International Cooperation) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Criminal Justice (International Cooperation) Act 1990
Criminal Justice (International Cooperation) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Criminal Justice (Justifiable Conduct) Bill 2003/04
Criminal Justice (Mode of Trial) (No. 2) Bill 1999/2000
Criminal Justice (Mode of Trial) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Criminal Justice (Raves) Bill 2007-08
Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1980
Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1987
Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1995
Criminal Justice (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Act 1998
Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill (Draft)
Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill 1997/98
Criminal Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 1945
Criminal Justice Act 1925
Criminal Justice Act 1948
Criminal Justice Act 1961
Criminal Justice Act 1967
Criminal Justice Act 1972
Criminal Justice Act 1981
Criminal Justice Act 1982
Criminal Justice Act 1987
Criminal Justice Act 1988
Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Amendment) Bill 2004/05
Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Amendment) Bill 2005-06
Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Reviews of Sentencing) Order (Northern Ireland) 1996
Criminal Justice Act 1991
Criminal Justice Act 1991 (Dismissal of Transferred Charges) Rules 1992
Criminal Justice Act 1993
Criminal Justice Act 2003
Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000
Criminal Justice and Court Services Bill 1999/2000
Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015
Criminal Justice and Courts Bill 2013-14 to 2014-15
Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008
Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill 2006-07 to 2007-08
Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010
Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001
Criminal Justice and Police Bill 2000/01
Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill 1993/94
Criminal Justice and Sentencing Bill 2001/02
Criminal Justice Bill (HL) 1987/88
Criminal Justice Bill (HL) 1992/93
Criminal Justice Bill 1987/88
Criminal Justice Bill 1990/91
Criminal Justice Bill 1992/93
Criminal Justice Bill 2002/03
Criminal Justice International Cooperation Bill (HL) 1989/90
Criminal Law (Amendment) (Householder Protection) Bill 2004/05
Criminal Law (Amendment) (Protection of Property) Bill 2005-06
Criminal Law (Amendment) (Protection of Property) Bill 2006-07
Criminal Law (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act 1995
Criminal Law (Consolidation) (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Criminal Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1967
Criminal Law Act 1967
Criminal Law Act 1977
Criminal Law Bill (Draft)
Criminal Offences (Misuse of Digital Technologies and Services) (Consolidation) Bill 2015-16
Criminal Procedure (Abolition of Not Proven Verdict) (Scotland) Bill 1992/93
Criminal Procedure (Attendance of Witnesses) Act 1965
Criminal Procedure (Consequential Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1995
Criminal Procedure (Consequential Provisions) (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Criminal Procedure (Insanity and Unfitness to Plead) Act 1991
Criminal Procedure (Insanity and Unfitness to Plead) Bill 1990/91
Criminal Procedure (Insanity) Act 1964
Criminal Procedure (Intermediate Diets) (Scotland) Act 1998
Criminal Procedure (Intermediate Diets) (Scotland) Bill 1997/98
Criminal Procedure (Scotland) (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1975
Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995
Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Bill 1992/93
Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Bill 1994/95
Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996
Criminal Procedure and Investigations Bill (HL) 1995/96
Criminal Records (Childhood Offences) Bill 2017-19
Criminal Records (Public Access) Bill 2010-12
Criminal Records Bill (HL) 2017-19
Crofter Forestry (Scotland) Act 1991
Crofter Forestry (Scotland) Bill 1989/90
Crofter Forestry (Scotland) Bill 1990/91
Crofters (Scotland) Act 1955
Crofters (Scotland) Act 1961
Crofters (Scotland) Act 1993
Crofters (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Crofting Reform (Scotland) Act 1976
Crossbows Act 1987
Crossrail Act 2008
Crossrail Bill 1991/92
Crossrail Bill 2004/05 to 2005-06 to 2006-07 to 2007-08
Crown Act 1975
Crown Agents Act 1979
Crown Agents Act 1995
Crown Agents Bill (HL) 1994/95
Crown Court (Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996) (Confidentiality) Rules (Northern Ireland) 1997
Crown Court (Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996) (Confidentiality) Rules 1997
Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill 2000/01
Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill 2002/03
Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill 2003/04
Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill 2004/05
Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill 2005-06
Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill 2006-07
Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill 2007-08
Crown Employment (Nationality) Bill 2008-09
Crown Estate (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Crown Estate Act 1961
Crown Office Act 1877
Crown Prerogatives (House of Commons Control) Bill 1987/88
Crown Prerogatives (Parliamentary Control) Bill 1998/99
Crown Proceedings (Armed Forces) Act 1987
Crown Proceedings (Armed Forces) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Crown Proceedings Act 1947
Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate Act 2000
Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Crown Tenancies Bill 2015-16
Crown Tenancies Bill 2016-17
Croydon Tramlink Act 1994
Croydon Tramlink Bill (HL) 1991/92 to 1993/94
Cruelty to Animals Act 1835
Cruelty to Animals Act 1876
Crystal Palace Bill 2000/01
Cultural and Community Distribution Deregulation Bill (HL) 2013-14
Cultural Property (Armed Conflicts) Act 2017
Cultural Property (Armed Conflicts) Bill (Draft)
Cultural Property (Armed Conflicts) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Culture and Recreation Bill (HL) 2000/01
Currency Act 1983
Currency and Banknotes (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Customs and Excise Act 1952
Customs and Excise Duties (General Reliefs) Act 1979
Customs and Excise Management Act 1979
Customs Consolidation Act 1876
Cycles (Protective Headgear for Children) Bill 2010-12
Cycling Safety Bill 1992/93
Cyclists' Helmets Bill 1998/99
Cyprus (Commission of Enquiry into Missing Persons) Bill 1995/96
Cyprus Act 1960
Cystic Fibrosis (Exemption from Prescription Charges) Bill 2004/05
Cystic Fibrosis (Exemption from Prescription Charges) Bill 2006-07
Dairy Farming Bill 2010-12
Damages (Asbestos-related Conditions) (No. 2) Bill 2009-10
Damages (Asbestos-related Conditions) Bill (HL) 2009-10
Damages (Asbestos-related Conditions) Bill 2008-09
Damages (Role of Jury) Bill (Draft)
Damages (Scotland) Act 1976
Damages (Scotland) Act 1993
Damages (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Damages (Scotland) Bill 1992/93
Damages Act 1996
Damages Bill (Draft)
Damages Bill (HL) 1995/96
Damages for Personal Injury (Gratuitous Services) Bill (Draft)
Dance Teachers (Qualifications and Regulation) Bill 2006-07
Dangerous and Reckless Cycling (Offences) Bill 2010-12
Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Act 1997
Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Bill (Draft)
Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1993/94
Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Dangerous Dogs (Amendment) Bill 2008-09
Dangerous Dogs Act 1989
Dangerous Dogs Act 1991
Dangerous Dogs Bill 1988/89
Dangerous Dogs Bill 1990/91
Dangerous Driving (Maximum Sentence) Bill 2010-12
Dangerous People with Severe Personality Disorder Bill 1999/2000
Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976
Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 (Amendment) Bill 1990/91
Darlington Borough Council Bill (HL) 1990/91
Dartford-Thurrock Crossing (Amendment) Bill 1996/97
Dartford-Thurrock Crossing Act 1988
Dartford-Thurrock Crossing Bill 1986/87
Dartford-Thurrock Crossing Bill 1987/88
Dartmouth Kingswear Floating Bridge Act 1988
Dartmouth Kingswear Floating Bridge Bill 1987/88
Data Protection (Amendment) Bill 1988/89
Data Protection (Amendment) Bill 2001/02
Data Protection Act 1984
Data Protection Act 1984 (Amendment) Bill 1987/88
Data Protection Act 1998
Data Protection Act 2018
Data Protection and Privacy Bill 1995/96
Data Protection Bill (HL) 1983/84
Data Protection Bill (HL) 1997/98
Data Protection Bill (HL) 2017-19
Data Protection Bill 1993/94
Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act 2014
Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Bill 2014-15
Dawat-e-Hadiyah Act 1993
Dawat-e-Hadiyah Bill 1992/93
Daylight Saving Bill 2010-12
Deaf Persons (Access to Further and Higher Education and Training) Bill 1990/91
Deafblind Persons Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Dealing in Cultural Objects (Offences) Act 2003
Dealing in Cultural Objects (Offences) Bill 2002/03
Debt Relief (Developing Countries) Act 2010
Debt Relief (Developing Countries) Bill 2009-10
Debtors (Scotland) Act 1986
Debtors (Scotland) Act 1987
Decarbonisation and Economic Strategy Bill 2017-19
Decarbonisation Bill 2013-14
Declaration of Abdication Act 1936
Declaration of War (Requirement for Parliamentary Approval) Bill 1990/91
Declaration of War (Requirement for Parliamentary Approval) Bill 1992/93
Declaration of War and Commitment of Troops Abroad (Constitutional Arrangements) Bill 1989/90
Decorations for Gallantry (Display) Bill 1993/94
Deep Sea Mining (Temporary Provisions) Act 1981
Deep Sea Mining Act 2014
Deep Sea Mining Bill 2013-14
Deer (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 1982
Deer (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 1996
Deer (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Deer (Scotland) Act 1959
Deer (Scotland) Act 1996
Deer (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Deer (Scotland) Consolidation Bill 1995/96
Deer Act 1991
Deer Bill (HL) 1990/91
Defamation (Parliamentary Proceedings) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2013-14
Defamation Act 1996
Defamation Act 2013
Defamation Bill (Draft)
Defamation Bill (HL) 1995/96
Defamation Bill (HL) 2010-12
Defamation Bill 1988/89
Defamation Bill 1995/96
Defamation Bill 2012-13
Defective Premises Act 1972
Defence Act 1842
Defence Act 1854
Defence Expenditure (NATO Target) Bill 2014-15
Defence Expenditure (NATO Target) Bill 2015-16
Defence of the Realm Act (Acquisition of Land) Act 1916
Defence Reform Act 2014
Defence Reform Bill 2013-14
Defibrillators (Availability) Bill 2016-17
Defibrillators (Availability) Bill 2017-19
Definitive Map Modification Bill 1988/89
Delivery Surcharges (Transparency for Consumers) Bill 2013-14
Dementia Strategy Bill 2009-10
Democratic Oaths Bill 1987/88
Democratic Political Activity (Funding and Expenditure) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Demonstrations in the Vicinity of Parliament (Removal of Authorisation Requirements) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Dentists Act 1984
Dentists Bill (HL) 1983/84
Department for Business Innovation and Skills (Relocation to Sheffield) Bill 2010-12
Department for Communities and Local Government (Relocation to Liverpool) Bill 2010-12
Department for Culture, Media and Sport (Relocation to Manchester) Bill 2010-12
Department for Education (Relocation to Nottingham) Bill 2010-12
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Relocation to Bristol) Bill 2010-12
Department for International Development (Relocation to Newcastle) Bill 2010-12
Department for International Trade (Abolition) Bill 2017-19
Department for Transport (Relocation to Birmingham) Bill 2010-12
Department for Work and Pensions (Electronic File Retention) Bill 2009-10
Department for Work and Pensions (Relocation to Leeds) Bill 2010-12
Department of Energy and Climate Change (Abolition) Bill 2013-14
Department of Energy and Climate Change (Abolition) Bill 2014-15
Department of Energy and Climate Change (Abolition) Bill 2015-16
Deregulation (No. 2) Bill 1992/93
Deregulation (Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Deregulation Act 2015
Deregulation and Contracting Out Act 1994
Deregulation and Contracting Out Bill 1993/94
Deregulation Bill (Draft)
Deregulation Bill 1992/93
Deregulation Bill 1992/93 (Proposed)
Deregulation Bill 2013-14 to 2014-15
Deregulation Bill 2017-19
Deregulation of Racecourses Bill 1997/98
Deregulation of Trade Unions Bill 1993/94
Derelict Land Act 1982
Descendants of Deceased Adopted People (Access to Information) Bill 2013-14
Desecration of National Flags Bill 2003/04
Desecration of War Memorials Bill 2009-10
Destitution Domestic Violence Concession (Eligibility) Bill 2017-19
Destructive Imported Animals Act 1932
Detention of Terrorist Suspects (Temporary Extension) Bills (Draft)
Determinate Sentences for Murder Bill 1994/95
Developing Country Debt (Restriction of Recovery) Bill 2008-09
Development Board for Rural Wales Act 1991
Development Board for Rural Wales Bill 1990/91
Development Control (Protection of Greenfield Sites) Bill 1989/90
Development of Rural Wales Act 1976
Development of Tourism Act 1969
Development of Tourism for the Disabled Bill 1992/93
Development on Flood Plains (Environment Agency Powers) Bill 2009-10
Development Orders (Microgeneration) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Devolution (Bank Holidays) (Wales) Bill 2015-16
Devolution (London) Bill 2015-16
Devolution (Time) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Devolved Administrations (Armed Forces Covenant Reports) Bill 2010-12
Diabetes Inpatient Care Bill 2016-17
Diabetes Prevention (Soft Drinks) Bill 2010-12
DiGeorge Syndrome (Review and National Health Service Duty) Bill 2017-19
Digital Economy Act 2010
Digital Economy Act 2017
Digital Economy Act 2017 (Amendment) (Definition of Extreme Pornography) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Digital Economy Bill (HL) 2009-10
Digital Economy Bill 2016-17
Digital Heritage Bill 2009-10
Digital Switchover (Disclosure of Information) Act 2007
Digital Switchover (Disclosure of Information) Bill 2006-07
Digital Television Broadcasting Bill 1998/99
Dignity at Work Bill (HL) 1996/97
Dignity at Work Bill (HL) 2001/02
Diligence (Scotland) Bill (Draft)
Diplomatic and Consular Premises Act 1987
Diplomatic Privileges Act 1964
Diplomatic Service (United Kingdom Wines and Sparkling Wines) Bill 2016-17
Direct Planning (Pilot) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Directors and Employees Pensions (Provision of Information) Bill 2003/04
Directors Disqualification Act 1986
Disability (Grants) Act 1993
Disability (Grants) Bill 1992/93
Disability Benefits (Single Assessment) Bill 2006-07
Disability Bill (Draft)
Disability Discrimination (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2001/02
Disability Discrimination (Provision of Voting Facilities) Bill 1997/98
Disability Discrimination Act 1975
Disability Discrimination Act 1995
Disability Discrimination Act 2005
Disability Discrimination Bill (Draft)
Disability Discrimination Bill (HL) 2004/05
Disability Discrimination Bill 1990/91
Disability Discrimination Bill 1994/95
Disability Employment (Gap) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Disability Equality Training (Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Drivers) Bill 2016-17
Disability Living Allowance and Disability Working Allowance Act 1991
Disability Living Allowance and Disability Working Allowance Bill 1990/91
Disability Rights Commission Act 1999
Disability Rights Commission Bill (HL) 1998/99
Disability Rights Commission Bill 1997/98
Disabled Children (Family Support) Bill 2006-07
Disabled Children's Assessment and Services Bill 2005-06
Disabled People (Duties of Public Authorities) Bill 2002/03
Disabled Persons (Consultation) Bill 1993/94
Disabled Persons (Employment) Act 1944
Disabled Persons (Independent Living) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Disabled Persons (Independent Living) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Disabled Persons (Independent Living) Bill (HL) 2007-08
Disabled Persons (Independent Living) Bill (HL) 2008-09
Disabled Persons (Northern Ireland) Act 1989
Disabled Persons (Northern Ireland) Bill 1988/89
Disabled Persons (Services) (No. 2) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Disabled Persons (Services) Bill 1992/93
Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986
Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Bill 1985/86
Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Implementation Bill 1995/96
Disabled Persons Act 1981
Disabled Persons Act 1986
Disabled Persons and Carers (Short-term Breaks) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Disabled Persons and Carers (Short-term Breaks) Bill 1996/97
Disabled Persons and Carers (Short-term Breaks) Bill 1997/98
Disabled Persons' Civil Rights Commission Bill 1994/95
Disabled Persons' Parking Badges Act 2013
Disabled Persons' Parking Badges Bill 2012-13
Discarded Needles (Offences) Bill 2017-19
Discipline of Hospital Medical Practitioners Bill 1999/2000
Disclosure and Use of Personal Health Information Bill (HL) 1995/96
Discrimination (Genetic Information) Bill 1994/95
Discrimination against Older People Bill 2000/01
Diseases of Animals Act 1894
Diseases of Fish Act 1937
Diseases of Fish Act 1983
Disposal and Re-use of White Goods Bill 1997/98
Disposals of Public Land and Property (Design Competitions) Bill 2003/04
Disqualification from Ownership of Animals Bill 1987/88
Disqualification from Parliament (Taxation Status) Bill 2007-08
Disqualifications Act 2000
Disqualifications Bill 1999/2000
District Courts (Scotland) Act 1975
Disused Burial Grounds (Amendment) Act 1981
Divorce (etc) Law Review Bill (HL) 2017-19
Divorce (Financial Provision) Bill (HL) 2013-14
Divorce (Financial Provision) Bill (HL) 2014-15
Divorce (Financial Provision) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Divorce (Financial Provision) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Divorce (Financial Provision) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Divorce (Religious Marriages) Act 2002
Divorce (Religious Marriages) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Divorce (Religious Marriages) Bill 2000/01
Divorce (Religious Marriages) Bill 2001/02
DNA Database (Removal of Samples) Bill 2007-08
Dock Work Act 1989
Dock Work Bill 1988/89
Dock Work Regulation Act 1976
Docks and Harbours Act 1966
Dockyard Ports Regulation Act 1865
Dockyard Services Act 1986
Dockyards Services Bill 1985/86
Doctor Assisted Dying Bill 1997/98 (Proposed)
Dog Control and Welfare Bill (HL) 1991/92
Dog Control and Welfare Bill (HL) 1992/93
Dog Control and Welfare Bill (HL) 1993/94
Dog Control and Welfare Bill 2010-12
Dog Control Bill (HL) 2008-09
Dog Control Bill (HL) 2010-12
Dog Meat (Consumption) (Offences) Bill 2017-19
Dogs (Electric Shock Collars) Bill 1996/97
Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996
Dogs (Fouling of Land) Bill 1994/95
Dogs (Fouling of Land) Bill 1995/96
Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953
Dogs (Registration) Bill 2014-15
Dogs Act 1871
Dogs Bill 1989/90
Dolphins and Other Cetaceans Protection Bill 2003/04
Domestic Abuse Bill (Draft)
Domestic Combined Heat and Power (Reduction in VAT) Bill 2001/02
Domestic Energy (Value Added Tax) Bill 2017-19
Domestic Energy Efficiency Bill 2003/04
Domestic Gas and Electricity (Tariff Cap) Act 2018
Domestic Gas and Electricity (Tariff Cap) Bill (Draft)
Domestic Gas and Electricity (Tariff Cap) Bill 2017-19
Domestic Lettings Bill 1990/91
Domestic Proceedings and Magistrates' Courts Act 1978
Domestic Properties (Minimum Energy Performance) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Domestic Properties (Minimum Energy Performance) Bill 2017-19
Domestic Smoke Alarms Bill 1990/91
Domestic Tradable Quotas (Carbon Emissions) Bill 2003/04
Domestic Violence (Law Reform) Bill 2002/03
Domestic Violence (Legal Framework) Bill 2013-14
Domestic Violence Bill 1994/95
Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims (Amendment) Act 2012
Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004
Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Bill (HL) 2003/04
Doncaster Area Drainage Act 1929
Door Supervisors (Registration) Bill 1997/98
Doorstep Selling (Property Repairs) Bill 2003/04
Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts Act 2008
Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts Bill (HL) 2007-08
Double Taxation Treaties (Developing Countries) Bill 2016-17
Draft Constitutional Treaty on the Future of Europe (Referendum) Bill 2002/03
Drink Driving (Repeat Offenders) Bill 2013-14
Drinking Vessels (Toughened Plastic) Bill 2005-06
Drinks Containers (Redemption) Bill 1997/98
Driving Instruction (Suspension and Exemption Powers) Act 2009
Driving Instruction (Suspension and Exemption Powers) Bill 2008-09
Driving Instructors (Registration) Act 2016
Driving Instructors (Registration) Bill 2015-16
Driving Instructors Convicted of Sexual Offences (Suspension) Bill 2007-08
Driving Licence (Mandatory First Aid Training) Bill 2015-16
Driving Offences (Review of Sentencing Guidelines) Bill 2013-14
Driving Whilst Disqualified (Repeat Offenders) Bill 2013-14
Drone (Regulation) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Drone (Regulation) Bill 2017-19
Drug Driving (Assessment of Drug Misuse) Bill 2013-14
Drug Education Bill 1993/94
Drug Testing (Schools) Bill 1989/90
Drug Trafficking Act 1994
Drug Trafficking Bill (HL) 1993/94
Drug Trafficking Bill 1993/94
Drug Trafficking Offences Act 1986
Drug Trafficking Offences Bill 1985/86
Drugs (Reclassification and Roadside Testing) Bill 2006-07
Drugs (Reclassification) Bill 2007-08
Drugs (Roadside Testing) Bill 2007-08
Drugs (Roadside Testing) Bill 2008-09
Drugs (Roadside Testing) Bill 2010-12
Drugs (Sentencing and Commission of Inquiry) Bill 2004/05
Drugs Act 2005
Drugs Bill 2004/05
Drugs Enforcement Bill 1992/93
Duchy of Cornwall Bill (HL) 2014-15
Duchy of Cornwall Bill (HL) 2015-16
Duchy of Cornwall Bill (HL) 2017-19
Duchy of Lancaster Act 1988
Duchy of Lancaster Bill 1987/88
Dunham Bridge (Amendment) Act 1994
Dunham Bridge (Amendment) Bill 1992/93 to 1993/94
Durham Markets Company Act 1992
Durham Markets Company Bill (HL) 1991/92
Duty Free Imports (Personal Use) Bill 2001/02
Dyfed Act 1987
Dyfed Bill (HL) 1985/86 to 1987/88
Dynamic Demand Appliances Bill (HL) 2005-06
East Coast Main Line (Safety) Bill 1990/91
East Coast Main Line (Safety) Bill 1991/92
East Ham Corporation Act 1957
Eastbourne Harbour Act 1988
Eastbourne Harbour Bill (HL) 1987/88
Easter Act 1928
Easter Act 1928 (Commencement) Bill (HL) 1998/99
Easter Trading Bill (HL) 2015-16
Ecclesiastical Courts Jurisdiction Act 1860
Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and Care of Churches Measure 2018
Economic Strategy Bill (HL) 2016-17
Ecumenical Marriage Bill (HL) 2017-19
Ecumenical Relations Measure 2018
Edinburgh Assay Office Order Confirmation Act 1996
Edinburgh Assay Office Order Confirmation Bill 1995/96
Edinburgh Merchant Company Order Confirmation Act 1996
Edinburgh Merchant Company Order Confirmation Bill 1996/97
Education (Admission to Higher Education) Bill 1993/94
Education (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Education (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Education (Amendment) Bill 1985/86
Education (Children with Autism) Bill 2007-08
Education (City Technology Colleges Appeals Procedure) Bill 1992/93
Education (Corporal Punishment) Bill 1984/85
Education (Fees and Awards) Act 1983
Education (Funding) Bill 2000/01
Education (Grants and Awards) Act 1984
Education (Grants and Awards) Bill 1983/84
Education (Information Sharing) Bill 2013-14
Education (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1948
Education (No. 2) Act 1986
Education (No. 2) Bill 1985/86
Education (Publication of Examination Results) Bill 1990/91
Education (Right to Nursery Places) Bill 1987/88
Education (School Governing Bodies) Bill 1989/90
Education (School Premises) Bill 1991/92
Education (Schools Parenting Role) Bill 1997/98
Education (Schools) Act 1992
Education (Schools) Act 1997
Education (Schools) Bill 1991/92
Education (Schools) Bill 1997/98
Education (Scotland) Act 1980
Education (Scotland) Act 1996
Education (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Education (Scotland) Bill 1995/96
Education (Special Educational Needs) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Education (Special Educational Needs) Bill 2010-12
Education (Student Loans) (Amendment) Bill 2000/01
Education (Student Loans) Act 1990
Education (Student Loans) Act 1996
Education (Student Loans) Act 1998
Education (Student Loans) Bill 1989/90
Education (Student Loans) Bill 1995/96
Education (Student Loans) Bill 1997/98
Education (Swimming and Water Safety) (No. 2) Bill 1990/91
Education (Swimming and Water Safety) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Education Act 1918
Education Act 1944
Education Act 1962
Education Act 1964
Education Act 1966
Education Act 1967
Education Act 1973
Education Act 1980
Education Act 1981
Education Act 1986
Education Act 1993
Education Act 1994
Education Act 1996
Education Act 1997
Education Act 2002
Education Act 2005
Education Act 2011
Education and Adoption Act 2016
Education and Adoption Bill 2015-16
Education and Adoption Bill 2016
Education and Inspections Act 2006
Education and Inspections Bill 2005-06
Education and Skills Act 2008
Education and Skills Bill 2007-08
Education and Training (Young People with Autism) Bill 2010-12
Education Bill (HL) 1985/86
Education Bill (HL) 1993/94
Education Bill (HL) 1995/96
Education Bill (HL) 2004/05
Education Bill 1992/93
Education Bill 1993/94
Education Bill 1996/97
Education Bill 2001/02
Education Bill 2004/05
Education Bill 2010-12
Education Provision Bill 1990/91
Education Reform Act 1980
Education Reform Act 1984
Education Reform Act 1988
Education Reform Bill 1987/88
EEA Nationals (Indefinite Leave to Remain) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Eggs from Foetuses (Prohibition of Use) Bill 1993/94
Elderly Persons (Right to Buy) Amendment Bill 1988/89
Elected Authorities (Northern Ireland) Act 1989
Elected Authorities (Northern Ireland) Bill 1988/89
Elected Head of State (Referendums) Bill 1995/96
Elected Representatives (Prohibition of Deception) Bill 2006-07
Election Expenses (Authorisation of Free or Discounted Support) Bill 2017-19
Election Publications Act 2001
Election Publications Bill (HL) 2000/01
Elections (Entitlement to Vote at Age 16) Bill 2001/02
Elections (Visually Impaired Voters) Bill 1997/98
Elections Act 2001
Elections and Referendums (Advertising) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Elections Bill 2000/01
Elector Registration Bill 2010-12
Electoral Administration Act 2006
Electoral Administration Bill 2005-06
Electoral Candidate (Age) Bill 2017-19
Electoral Commission (Duties) Bill 2017-19
Electoral Fraud (Northern Ireland) Act 2002
Electoral Fraud (Northern Ireland) Bill 2001/02
Electoral Law (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Electoral Reform (Local Elections and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2016-17
Electoral Reform (Proportional Representation and Reduction of Voting Age) Bill (Proposed)
Electoral Reform Bill 1994/95
Electoral Register (Access to Public Services) Bill 2010-12
Electoral Register (Access to Public Services) Bill 2013-14
Electoral Registration (Northern Ireland) Act 2005
Electoral Registration (Northern Ireland) Bill (HL) 2004/05
Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013
Electoral Registration and Administration Bill 2012-13
Electoral Registration Bill 2005-06
Electoral Registration, Identification and Eligibility for Voting Bill (Proposed)
Electoral Representation Bill 2005-06
Electoral Systems Bill 2005-06
Electric Personal Vehicles (Use on Highways) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Electric Personal Vehicles (Use on Highways) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Electric Shock Training Devices Bill 2006-07
Electric Vehicles (Standardised Recharging) Bill 2017-19
Electricity (Financial Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1988
Electricity (Financial Provisions) (Scotland) Bill 1987/88
Electricity (Maintenance of Supplies) Bill 1997/98
Electricity (Microgeneration) Bill 2004/05
Electricity (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2003
Electricity (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2002/03
Electricity (Trading and Transmission) Bill (Draft)
Electricity Act 1947
Electricity Act 1957
Electricity Act 1989
Electricity Act 1989 (Amendment) Bill 2000/01
Electricity Bill 1988/89
Electricity Generation (Wales) Bill (Proposed)
Electricity Generation (Wales) Bill 2010-12
Electricity Generation Bill (HL) 1997/98
Electricity Transmission (Protection of Landscape) Bill 2010-12
Electroconvulsive Therapy (Restrictions on Use) Bill 1997/98
Electronic Cigarettes (Advertising and Legal Age of Purchase) Bill 2014-15
Electronic Cigarettes (Regulation) Bill 2017-19
Electronic Communications Act 2000
Electronic Communications Bill (Draft)
Electronic Communications Bill 1999/2000
Electronic Patient Records (Continuity of Care) Bill 2013-14
Elimination of Poverty Bill 1994/95
Elimination of Poverty in Old Age Bill 1988/89
Elimination of Poverty in Old Age etc Bill 1987/88
Elimination of Poverty in Retirement Bill 1989/90
Elimination of Poverty in Retirement Bill 1990/91
Elimination of Poverty in Retirement Bill 1991/92
Elimination of Poverty in Retirement Bill 1992/93
Elimination of Poverty in Retirement Bill 1993/94
Emergency Broadcasting System Bill 2002/03
Emergency Laws (Re-enactments and Repeals) Act 1964
Emergency Laws (Repeal) Act 1959
Emergency Powers (Defence) Act 1939
Emergency Powers Act 1920
Emergency Powers Act 1964
Emergency Response Drivers (Protections) Bill 2017-19
Emergency Services Personnel (Protection) Bill 2001/02
Emergency Workers (Obstruction) Act 2006
Emergency Workers (Obstruction) Bill 2005-06
Emergency Workers (Protection) Bill 2005-06
Emergency Workers (Scotland) Act 2005
Emissions Trading Bill 1999/2000
Emphysema Compensation Bill 1988/89
Employee Consultation Rights Bill 2000/01
Employee Share Schemes Act 2002
Employee Share Schemes Bill 2001/02
Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969
Employers' Liability Bill 1988/89
Employers' Liability Insurance Bureau Bill 2008-09
Employers' Liability Insurance Bureau Bill 2009-10
Employers' Organisations Bill 1994/95
Employment (Advertisement of Pay and Pension Rights) Bill 2005-06
Employment (Age Discrimination in Advertisements) Bill 1997/98
Employment (Age Discrimination) Bill 1988/89
Employment (Age Discrimination) Bill 1992/93
Employment (Age Limits) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Employment (Age Limits) Bill 1992/93
Employment (Homeworkers) Bill 1995/96
Employment (Religious Beliefs) Bill 1999/2000
Employment (Upper Age Limits in Advertisements) Bill 1990/91
Employment (Upper Age Limits in Advertisements) Bill 1995/96
Employment Act 1980
Employment Act 1982
Employment Act 1988
Employment Act 1989
Employment Act 1990
Employment Act 2002
Employment Act 2008
Employment Age Discrimination Bill 1988/89
Employment Agencies Act 1973
Employment and Training Act 1973
Employment and Workers' Rights Bill 2017-19
Employment Assistance (Wales) Bill 2006-07
Employment Bill (HL) 2007-08
Employment Bill 1987/88
Employment Bill 1988/89
Employment Bill 1989/90
Employment Bill 2001/02
Employment Bill 2007-08
Employment Guarantee Bill 2017-19
Employment of Children Act 1973
Employment of Children Act 1973 (Amendment) Bill 1990/91
Employment of Children Bill 1997/98
Employment of Illegal Immigrants Bill 1994/95
Employment of People with Disabilities (Reporting) Bill 2014-15
Employment of Women, Young Persons and Children Act 1920
Employment Opportunities Bill 2008-09
Employment Opportunities Bill 2010-12
Employment Opportunities Bill 2013-14
Employment Opportunities Bill 2017-19
Employment Practices Bill (HL) 2014-15
Employment Protection (Amendment) Bill 1993/94
Employment Protection (Consolidation) Act 1978
Employment Protection (Government Communications Headquarters) Bill 1990/91
Employment Protection (Government Communications Headquarters) Bill 1993/94
Employment Protection (Parental Leave) Bill 1992/93
Employment Protection Act 1975
Employment Protection Act 1978
Employment Relations Act 1999
Employment Relations Act 2004
Employment Relations Bill 1998/99
Employment Relations Bill 2003/04
Employment Retention Bill 2006-07
Employment Retention Bill 2007-08
Employment Retention Bill 2008-09
Employment Retention Bill 2010-12
Employment Rights (Dispute Resolution) Act 1998
Employment Rights (Dispute Resolution) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Employment Rights (International Obligations) Bill 1998/99
Employment Rights (Shared Parental Leave and Flexible Working) Bill 2017-19
Employment Rights Act 1996
Employment Rights Bill (HL) 1994/95
Employment Rights Bill (HL) 1995/96
Employment Rights Bill 2008-09
Employment Rights Bill 2014-15
Employment Status (Review) Bill 2015-16
Employment Tribunals (Representation and Assistance in Discrimination Proceedings) Bill 2004/05
Employment Tribunals (Representation and Assistance in Discrimination Proceedings) Bill 2005-06
Employment Tribunals Act 1996
Empty Homes (Value Added Tax) Bill 1997/98
Empty Homes Bill 1990/91
Empty Homes Bill 1998/99
Empty Property and Community Aid Bill 1987/88
Empty Property and Community Aid Bill 1988/89
Endangered Species (Illegal Trade) Bill 2001/02
Endangered Species (Illegal Trade) Bill 2002/03
Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act 1976
Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulations) 1996
Endangered Species (Offences) Bill 2001/02
Endowed Schools Act 1869
Enduring Powers of Attorney Act 1985
Energy (Buildings and Reduction of Fuel Use) Bill 2014-15
Energy (Fair Competition) Bill 1992/93
Energy Act 1976
Energy Act 1983
Energy Act 2004
Energy Act 2008
Energy Act 2010
Energy Act 2011
Energy Act 2013
Energy Act 2016
Energy Bill (Draft)
Energy Bill (HL) 2003/04
Energy Bill (HL) 2010-12
Energy Bill (HL) 2015-16
Energy Bill 2005-06
Energy Bill 2007-08
Energy Bill 2009-10
Energy Bill 2012-13 to 2013-14
Energy Companies (Minimum Tariffs) Bill 2012-13
Energy Conservation (Fifteen-Year Programme) Bill 1995/96
Energy Conservation (Housing) Bill 1997/98
Energy Conservation (Housing) Bill 1998/99
Energy Conservation (Housing) Bill 1999/2000
Energy Conservation (Lighting) Bill 1993/94
Energy Conservation (Provision of Information) Bill 1995/96
Energy Conservation Act 1996
Energy Conservation Bill 1992/93
Energy Conservation Bill 1993/94
Energy Conservation Bill 1995/96
Energy Consumption (Innovative Technologies) Bill 2017-19
Energy Demand Reduction Bill 2013-14
Energy Efficiency (Houses in Multiple Occupation) Bill 2012-13
Energy Efficiency (Information) Bill 1997/98
Energy Efficiency (Labelling) Bill 1988/89
Energy Efficiency (No 2) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Energy Efficiency (No 2) Bill 1997/98
Energy Efficiency and Microgeneration Bill (HL) 2006-07
Energy Efficiency and Reduction in Energy Costs Bill 2012-13
Energy Efficiency Bill 1997/98
Energy Efficiency Bill 1998/99
Energy Efficiency Bill 1999/2000
Energy Efficiency Bill 2002/03
Energy Generation (Planning and Right to Invest) Bill 2010-12
Energy in Buildings Bill 2013-14
Energy Markets (Carbon Reduction and Warm Homes) Bill 2006-07
Energy Markets Bill 2004/05
Energy Measures (Cost Effectiveness and Efficiency) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Energy Saving (Daylight) Bill 2006-07
Energy Saving (Daylight) Bill 2007-08
Energy-saving Materials (Rate of Value Added Tax) Bill 1994/95
Energy-saving Materials (Reduced Rate of VAT) Bill 2001/02
Energy-saving Materials (VAT Relief) Bill 1998/99
Enforcement Bill 2001/02
English Church Bill 1987/88
English National Anthem Bill 2015-16
English Police Forces Bill 2010-12
Enhanced Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill (Draft)
Enhanced Terrorism Prevention and Investigations Measures Bill (Draft)
Enterprise Act 2002
Enterprise Act 2016
Enterprise and New Towns (Scotland) Act 1990
Enterprise and New Towns (Scotland) Bill 1989/90
Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013
Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill 2012-13
Enterprise Bill (HL) 2015-16
Enterprise Bill 2001/02
Entertainments (Increased Penalties) Act 1990
Entertainments (Increased Penalties) Bill 1989/90
Entitlement to Employment and Training Bill 1989/90
Environment (Principles and Governance) Bill (Draft)
Environment Act 1995
Environment and Safety Information Act 1988
Environment and Safety Information Bill 1987/88
Environment Bill (HL) 1994/95
Environment Protection Act 1985
Environment Protection Bill (HL) 1989/90
Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Bill 2004
Environmental Audit (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Environmental Audit Bill 2001/02
Environmental Charter Bill 1988/89
Environmental Claims Bill 1993/94
Environmental Claims Bill 1994/95
Environmental Investment (Accelerated Depreciation) Bill 1994/95
Environmental Protection (Airports) Bill 2007-08
Environmental Protection (Fly-tipping Reporting) Bill 2009-10
Environmental Protection (Transfers at Sea) Bill 2007-08
Environmental Protection Act 1990
Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Amendment) Bill 2007-08
Environmental Protection Bill 1989/90
Epilepsy and Related Conditions (Education and Health Services) Bill 2010-12
Epping Forest Act 1878
Equal Access (Public and Private Buildings) Bill 1998/99
Equal Enforcement of the Law Bill 2004/05
Equal Franchise Act 1928
Equal Pay (Audit) Bill 2000/01
Equal Pay (Transparency) Bill 2014-15
Equal Pay Act 1970
Equal Pay and Flexible Working Bill (HL) 2008-09
Equalisation of Tariffs for Gas and Electricity Bill 2008-09
Equality (Marriage) (Amendment) Bill 2012-13
Equality (Titles) Bill (HL) 2013-14
Equality Act 2006
Equality Act 2010
Equality Act 2010 (Amendment) (Disabled Access) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Equality Act 2010 (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2013-14
Equality Act 2010 (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2014-15
Equality Act 2010 (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Equality Act 2010 (Amendment) Bill 2012-13
Equality and Diversity (Reform) Bill 2008-09
Equality and Diversity (Reform) Bill 2010-12
Equality and Diversity (Reform) Bill 2013-14
Equality Bill (Draft)
Equality Bill (HL) 2002/03
Equality Bill (HL) 2005-06
Equality Bill 2004/05
Equality Bill 2005-06
Equality Bill 2008-09 to 2009-10
Equine Welfare (Ragwort Control) Bill 2002/03
Equitable Life (Payments) Act 2010
Equitable Life (Payments) Bill 2010-12
Eradication of Mink Bill 1994/95
Eradication of Slavery (UK Company Supply Chains) Bill 2010-12
Erskine Bridge Tolls Act 1968
Essex Act 1987
Essex Bill (HL) 1984/85 to 1987/88
Established Church Bill 1989/90
Established Church Bill 1990/91
Established Church Bill 1991/92
Estate Agents (Independent Redress Scheme) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Estate Agents (Independent Redress Scheme) Bill 2004/05
Estate Agents (Property Misdescriptions) Bill 1990/91
Estate Agents (Redress Schemes) Bill 2005-06
Estate Agents Act 1979
Estates of Deceased Persons (Forfeiture Rule and Law of Succession) Act 2011
Estates of Deceased Persons (Forfeiture Rule and Law of Succession) Bill 2010-12
Ethical Trading Bill 1999/2000
Ethnicity Pay Gap Bill (HL) 2016-17
EU Citizens Resident in the United Kingdom (Right To Stay) Bill 2016-17
EU Membership (Audit of Costs and Benefits) Bill 2013-14
EU Membership (Audit of Costs and Benefits) Bill 2014-15
EU Membership (Audit of Costs and Benefits) Bill 2015-16
EU Membership Bill (HL) 2017-19
Euro and Sterling Choice Bill 2001/02
European Common Fisheries Policy (Referendum) Bill 1998/99
European Communities (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1996/97
European Communities (Amendment) Act 1986
European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993
European Communities (Amendment) Act 1998
European Communities (Amendment) Act 2002
European Communities (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1996/97
European Communities (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
European Communities (Amendment) Bill 1987/88
European Communities (Amendment) Bill 1991/92
European Communities (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
European Communities (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
European Communities (Amendment) Bill 2000/01
European Communities (Amendment) Bill 2001/02
European Communities (Community Law) Bill 1993/94
European Communities (Deregulation) Bill 2003/04
European Communities (Deregulation) Bill 2005-06
European Communities (European Court) Bill 1995/96 (Proposed)
European Communities (Finance) Act 1988
European Communities (Finance) Act 1995
European Communities (Finance) Act 2001
European Communities (Finance) Act 2008
European Communities (Finance) Bill 1984/85
European Communities (Finance) Bill 1987/88
European Communities (Finance) Bill 1994/95
European Communities (Finance) Bill 2001/02
European Communities (Finance) Bill 2007-08
European Communities (Reaffirmation of Sovereignty of United Kingdom Parliament) Bill 1994/95
European Communities (Regulations) Bill 2002/03
European Communities Act 1972
European Communities Act 1972 (Disapplication) Bill 2005-06
European Communities Act 1972 (Repeal) Bill 2010-12
European Communities Act 1972 (Repeal) Bill 2012-13
European Communities Act 1972 (Repeal) Bill 2013-14
European Communities Act 2011
European Communities Finance Bill 1987/88
European Community (Democratic Control) Bill 1993/94
European Community (Reaffirmation and Limits of Competence) Bill 1988/89
European Community Legislation (Impact) Bill (HL) 1998/99
European Convention on Human Rights (Temporary Withdrawal) Bill 2010-12
European Convention on Human Rights (Withdrawal) Bill 2010-12
European Economic Area Act 1993
European Economic Area Bill (HL) 1992/93
European Parliament (Pay and Pensions) Act 1979
European Parliament (Representation) Act 2003
European Parliament (Representation) Bill 2002/03
European Parliament Elections Bill 2014-15
European Parliament Elections Bill 2015-16
European Parliament Electoral Reform Bill (HL) 1989/90
European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) Act 2004
European Parliamentary and Local Elections (Pilots) Bill 2002/03 to 2003/04
European Parliamentary Elections (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1998/99
European Parliamentary Elections (Gibraltar) Bill (HL) 1998/99
European Parliamentary Elections (Gibraltar) Bill 1993/94
European Parliamentary Elections Act 1978
European Parliamentary Elections Act 1993
European Parliamentary Elections Act 1999
European Parliamentary Elections Act 2002
European Parliamentary Elections Bill (HL) 1999/2000
European Parliamentary Elections Bill (HL) 2001/02
European Parliamentary Elections Bill (HL) 2012-13
European Parliamentary Elections Bill 1992/93
European Parliamentary Elections Bill 1997/98
European Parliamentary Elections Bill 1998/99
European Single Currency (Referendum) Bill 1999/2000
European Tax Harmonisation (Veto) Bill (HL) 1998/99
European Union (Accessions) Act 1994
European Union (Accessions) Act 2003
European Union (Accessions) Act 2006
European Union (Accessions) Bill 1993/94
European Union (Accessions) Bill 2002/03
European Union (Accessions) Bill 2005-06
European Union (Amendment) Act 2008
European Union (Amendment) Bill 2007-08
European Union (Approval of Treaty Amendment Decision) Act 2012
European Union (Approval of Treaty Amendment Decision) Bill (HL) 2012-13
European Union (Approval of Treaty Amendment Decision) Bill 2012-13
European Union (Approvals) Act 2013
European Union (Approvals) Act 2014
European Union (Approvals) Act 2015
European Union (Approvals) Act 2016
European Union (Approvals) Act 2017
European Union (Approvals) Bill (Draft)
European Union (Approvals) Bill (HL) 2012-13
European Union (Approvals) Bill (HL) 2013-14
European Union (Approvals) Bill (HL) 2015-16
European Union (Approvals) Bill 2017-19
European Union (Audit of Benefits and Costs of UK Membership) Bill 2007-08
European Union (Audit of Benefits and Costs of UK Membership) Bill 2008-09
European Union (Audit of Benefits and Costs of UK Membership) Bill 2010-12
European Union (Citizens' Rights) Bill 2017-19
European Union (Croatian Accession and Irish Protocol) Act 2013
European Union (Croatian Accession and Irish Protocol) Bill 2012-13
European Union (Exemption from Value Added Tax Regulation) Bill 2010-12
European Union (Finance) Act 2015
European Union (Finance) Bill 2015-16
European Union (Freedom of Movement) (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
European Union (Implications of Withdrawal) (No. 2) Bill 2000/01
European Union (Implications of Withdrawal) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
European Union (Implications of Withdrawal) Bill (HL) 2000/01
European Union (Implications of Withdrawal) Bill (HL) 2001/02
European Union (Implications of Withdrawal) Bill (HL) 2002/03
European Union (Implications of Withdrawal) Bill (HL) 2005-06
European Union (Implications of Withdrawal) Bill (HL) 2006-07
European Union (Information etc) Bill (HL) 2006-07
European Union (Information etc) Bill (HL) 2015-16
European Union (Information etc) Bill (HL) 2016-17
European Union (Information etc) Bill (HL) 2017-19
European Union (Information, etc) Bill (HL) 2014-15
European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Act 2017
European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Bill 2016-17
European Union (Public Information) Bill 1991/92
European Union (Public Information) Bill 1992/93
European Union (Referendum on the Withdrawal Agreement) Bill (HL) 2017-19
European Union (Referendum on Withdrawal Agreement) Bill 2017-19
European Union (Referendum) Bill 2013-14
European Union (Referendum) Bill 2014-15
European Union (Requirements relating to Withdrawal) Bill 2017-19
European Union (Return of Contributions) Bill 2017-19
European Union (Revocation of Notification of Withdrawal) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
European Union (Revocation of Notification of Withdrawal) Bill 2017-19
European Union (Transparency) Bill 2007-08 (Proposed)
European Union (UK Withdrawal from Membership) Bill (Proposed)
European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 3) Bill 2017-19
European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 4) Bill 2017-19
European Union (Withdrawal) (No. 5) Bill 2017-19
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2019
European Union (Withdrawal) Bill (HL) 2013-14
European Union (Withdrawal) Bill (HL) 2014-15
European Union (Withdrawal) Bill 2017-19
European Union Act 2011
European Union Act 2011 (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2010-12
European Union Act 2011 (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
European Union Act 2011 (Amendment) Bill 2012-13
European Union Bill 2004/05
European Union Bill 2005-06
European Union Bill 2010-12
European Union Citizens (Electoral Rights) Bill (HL) 2015-16
European Union Free Movement Directive 2004 (Disapplication) Bill 2012-13
European Union Membership (Economic Implications) Bill (HL) 2010-12
European Union Membership (Referendum) Bill 2009-10
European Union Membership (Referendum) Bill 2010-12
European Union Referendum (Preparation) Bill 2017-19
European Union Referendum Act 2015
European Union Referendum Bill 2015-16
European Union Referendum Bill 2017-19
European Union Withdrawal (Evaluation of Effects on Health and Social Care Sectors) Bill 2017-19
European Union Withdrawal (Evaluation on Health and Social Care Sectors) Bill 2017-19
European Union Withdrawal Agreement (Public Vote) Bill 2017-19
Events and Festivals (Control of Flares, Fireworks and Smoke Bombs etc) Bill 2015-16
Exchange Equalisation Account Act 1979
Excise Duties (Surcharges or Rebates) Act 1979
Execution of Diligence (Scotland) Act 1926
Executive Pay and Remuneration Bill 2012-13
Executive Pay and Remuneration Bill 2013-14
Executive Powers and Civil Service Bill (HL) 2003/04
Exercise of Reasonable Discretion Bill 2008-09
Exmouth Docks Bill 1989/90
Exorcism of Children (Prohibition) Bill 2000/01
Expenses in Arrestment (Scotland) Bill (Draft)
Expenses of Public Servants (Publication) Bill 2007-08
Explosive Substances Act 1883
Explosives (Age of Purchase) Act 1976
Explosives Act 1875
Export and Investment Guarantees Act 1991
Export and Investment Guarantees Bill 1990/91
Export Control Act 2002
Export Control and Non-proliferation Bill (Draft)
Export Control and Non-proliferation Bill 2000/01
Export Control Bill 2001/02
Export Credits Guarantee Department (Regulation and Reporting) Bill 2010-12
Export of Farm Animals Bill 1999/2000
Extension of Civil Justice Bill 1987/88
Extension of Franchise (House of Lords) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Extension of Franchise (House of Lords) Bill (HL) 2013-14
Extension of Franchise (House of Lords) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Extension of Franchise (House of Lords) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Extension of Summer Time Bill 2000/01
Extradition (Amendment) Bill 2001/02
Extradition (United States) Bill 2005-06
Extradition Act 1870
Extradition Act 1989
Extradition Act 2003
Extradition Bill (Draft)
Extradition Bill (HL) 1988/89
Extradition Bill 2002/03
Face Coverings (Prohibition) Bill 2013-14
Face Coverings (Regulation) Bill 2010-12
Factories Act 1961
Fair Employment (Duty on Northern Ireland Departments) Bill 1994/95
Fair Employment (Duty on Northern Ireland Industrial Development Board) Bill 1994/95
Fair Employment (Northern Ireland) Act 1976
Fair Employment (Northern Ireland) Act 1989
Fair Employment (Northern Ireland) Bill 1988/89
Fair Employment Bill 1988/89
Fair Trading Act 1973
Fair Trading Bill 1992/93
Fair Treatment for Widowers Bill 1993/94
Fairs Act 1871
Fairs Act 1873
Falmouth Container Terminal (Revival of Powers) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Falmouth Container Terminal Bill 1987/88
Families with Children and Young People in Debt (Respite) Bill 2016-17
Family Homes and Domestic Violence (No. 2) Bill 1994/95
Family Homes and Domestic Violence Bill (Draft)
Family Homes and Domestic Violence Bill (HL) 1994/95
Family Justice (Transparency, Accountability and Cost of Living) Bill 2012-13
Family Justice Bill 2016-17
Family Law (Property and Maintenance) Bill 2005-06
Family Law (Scotland) Act 1985
Family Law (Scotland) Bill (Draft)
Family Law Act 1986
Family Law Act 1996
Family Law Bill (HL) 1995/96
Family Law Reform Act 1969
Family Law Reform Act 1987
Family Perinatal Support and Adoption Bill 2012-13
Family Proceedings Act 1984
Family Provision Act 1966
Family Relationships (Impact Assessment and Targets) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Farm Land and Rural Development Act 1988
Farm Land and Rural Development Bill (HL) 1987/88
Farm Produce (Labelling Requirements) Bill 2015-16
Farming of Animals for Fur (Prohibition) Bill 1997/98
Farriers (Registration) (Amendment) Act 1977
Farriers (Registration) Act 2017
Farriers (Registration) Bill 2016-17
Farriers Registration Act 1975
Fatal Accidents Act 1974
Fatal Accidents Act 1976
Fatal Accidents and Sudden Deaths Inquiry (Scotland) Act 1976
Fatal Accidents Bill (Draft)
Faversham Oyster Fishery Company Act 2017
Faversham Oyster Fishery Company Bill (HL) 2015-16 to 2016-17
Federation of Street Traders Union (London Local Authorities Act 1990) (Amendment) Bill 1993/94
Fee Charging Debt Management Companies (Promotion of Free Debt Management Advice) Bill 2010-12
Feeding Products for Babies and Children (Advertising and Promotion) Bill 2016-17
Fees and Awards Act 1983
Felixstowe Dock and Railway Act 1988
Felixstowe Dock and Railway Bill 1984/85 to 1987/88
Female Circumcision Act 1985
Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003
Female Genital Mutilation Bill 2002/03
Fetal Dopplers (Regulation) Bill 2017-19
Film Classification Accountability and Openness Bill 1997/98
Films Act 1985
Films Bill 1984/85
Finance (No. 2) Act 1987
Finance (No. 2) Act 1992
Finance (No. 2) Act 1997
Finance (No. 2) Act 2005
Finance (No. 2) Act 2010
Finance (No. 2) Act 2015
Finance (No. 2) Act 2017
Finance (No. 2) Bill 1983/84
Finance (No. 2) Bill 1987/88
Finance (No. 2) Bill 1992/93
Finance (No. 2) Bill 1997/98
Finance (No. 2) Bill 1998/99
Finance (No. 2) Bill 2004/05
Finance (No. 2) Bill 2005-06
Finance (No. 2) Bill 2010-12
Finance (No. 2) Bill 2014-15
Finance (No. 2) Bill 2016-17
Finance (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Finance (No. 3) Act 2010
Finance (No. 3) Bill 2010-12
Finance (No. 3) Bill 2017-19
Finance Act 1942
Finance Act 1946
Finance Act 1965
Finance Act 1966
Finance Act 1972
Finance Act 1973
Finance Act 1977
Finance Act 1982
Finance Act 1984
Finance Act 1985
Finance Act 1986
Finance Act 1987
Finance Act 1988
Finance Act 1989
Finance Act 1990
Finance Act 1991
Finance Act 1992
Finance Act 1993
Finance Act 1994
Finance Act 1995
Finance Act 1996
Finance Act 1997
Finance Act 1998
Finance Act 1999
Finance Act 2000
Finance Act 2001
Finance Act 2002
Finance Act 2003
Finance Act 2004
Finance Act 2005
Finance Act 2006
Finance Act 2007
Finance Act 2008
Finance Act 2009
Finance Act 2010
Finance Act 2011
Finance Act 2012
Finance Act 2013
Finance Act 2014
Finance Act 2015
Finance Act 2016
Finance Act 2017
Finance Act 2018
Finance Act 2019
Finance Bill 1983/84
Finance Bill 1984/85
Finance Bill 1985/86
Finance Bill 1986/87
Finance Bill 1987/88
Finance Bill 1988/89
Finance Bill 1989/90
Finance Bill 1990/91
Finance Bill 1991/92
Finance Bill 1992/92
Finance Bill 1992/93
Finance Bill 1993/94
Finance Bill 1994/95
Finance Bill 1995/96
Finance Bill 1996/97
Finance Bill 1997/98
Finance Bill 1998/99
Finance Bill 1999/2000
Finance Bill 2000/01
Finance Bill 2001/02
Finance Bill 2002/03
Finance Bill 2003/04
Finance Bill 2004/05
Finance Bill 2005-06
Finance Bill 2006-07
Finance Bill 2007-08
Finance Bill 2008-09
Finance Bill 2009-10
Finance Bill 2010-12 to 2012-13
Finance Bill 2012-13 to 2013-14
Finance Bill 2013-14 to 2014-15
Finance Bill 2015-16
Finance Bill 2015-16 to 2016-17
Finance Bill 2016-17
Finance Bill 2017-19
Financial Guidance and Claims Act 2018
Financial Guidance and Claims Bill (HL) 2017-19
Financial Institutions (Reform) Bill 2010-12
Financial Literacy (Curriculum) Bill 2012-13
Financial Mutuals Arrangements Bill 2006-07
Financial Regulation of Funeral Services Bill 2016-17
Financial Services (Amendment) Bill (Draft)
Financial Services (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Financial Services (Banking Reform) Act 2013
Financial Services (Banking Reform) Bill (Draft)
Financial Services (Banking Reform) Bill 2012-13 to 2013-14
Financial Services (Ethical etc Considerations) Bill 1997/98
Financial Services (Implementation of Legislation) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Financial Services (Regulation of Deposits and Lending) Bill 2010-12
Financial Services (Regulation of Derivatives) Bill 2010-12
Financial Services (Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts) Bill 2010-12
Financial Services Act 1984
Financial Services Act 1986
Financial Services Act 2010
Financial Services Act 2012
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
Financial Services and Markets Bill (Draft)
Financial Services and Markets Bill 1998/99 to 1999/2000
Financial Services Bill (Draft)
Financial Services Bill 1985/86
Financial Services Bill 2009-10
Financial Services Bill 2010-12 to 2012-13
Financing of Political Parties Bill 1994/95
Fine Defaulters (Restriction of Power to Imprison) Bill 1993/94
Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004
Fire and Rescue Services Bill 2003/04
Fire Precautions Act 1971
Fire Prevention Bill 1999/2000
Fire Safety (Houses in Multiple Occupation) Bill 1999/2000
Fire Safety (Leasehold Properties) Bill 2017-19
Fire Safety (Protection of Tenants) Bill 2010-12
Fire Safety (Reduced Ignition Propensity in Cigarettes) Bill 2005-06
Fire Safety (Schools) Bill 2009-10
Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987
Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Bill (HL) 1986/87
Fire Safety Bill 1996/97
Fire Safety Information Bill 1988/89
Fire Safety Information Bill 2017-19
Fire Services Act 1947
Fire Services Act 1959
Fire Services Act 1974
Fire Services Act 2003
Fire Services Bill 2002/03
Firearm and Shotgun Licensing (Domestic Violence) Bill 2014-15
Firearms (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 1997
Firearms (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1991/92
Firearms (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988
Firearms (Amendment) Act 1992
Firearms (Amendment) Act 1994
Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997
Firearms (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2013-14
Firearms (Amendment) Bill 1987/88
Firearms (Amendment) Bill 1991/92
Firearms (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Firearms (Amendment) Bill 1993/94
Firearms (Amendment) Bill 1996/97
Firearms (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Firearms (Amendment) Bill 2001/02
Firearms (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Firearms (Replica Weapons) Bill 2001/02
Firearms Act 1968
Firearms Act 1982
Firework Safety Bill 1993/94
Fireworks (Amendment) Bill 2003/04
Fireworks (Amendment) Bill 2005-06
Fireworks Act 2003
Fireworks Act 2003 (Amendment) Bill 2007-08
Fireworks Bill 1997/98
Fireworks Bill 2001/02
Fireworks Bill 2002/03
First Aid Training in Schools Bill 2002/03
Fiscal Responsibility Act 2010
Fiscal Responsibility Bill 2009-10
Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1966
Fisheries Act 1981
Fisheries Bill 2017-19
Fisheries Jurisdiction Bill 2002/03
Fisheries Jurisdiction Bill 2003/04
Fisheries Jurisdiction Bill 2004/05
Fishery Limits (Amendment) Bill 1995/96
Fishery Limits (United Kingdom) (No. 2) Bill 2003/04
Fishery Limits (United Kingdom) Amendment Bill 2002/03
Fishery Limits (United Kingdom) Bill (HL) 2003/04
Fishery Limits (United Kingdom) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Fishery Limits Act 1976
Fishing (Access to Territorial Waters) Bill 2017-19
Fishing Grounds and Territorial Waters (Repatriation) Bill 2013-14
Fishing Vessels (Safety Provisions) Act 1970
Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (Betting Shops) Bill 2014-15
Fixed-term Parliaments (Repeal) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Fixed-term Parliaments (Repeal) Bill 2014-15
Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011
Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 (Repeal) Bill (HL) 2014-15
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill 2000/01
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill 2001/02
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill 2006-07
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill 2007-08
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill 2010-12
Flexible Working Bill 2006-07
Flood and Water Management Act 2010
Flood and Water Management Bill (Draft)
Flood and Water Management Bill 2009-10
Flood Prevention (Scotland) Bill 1994/95
Flood Prevention and Land Drainage (Scotland) Act 1997
Flood Prevention and Land Drainage (Scotland) Bill 1996/97
Flood Warnings (Vulnerable Properties) Bill 1997/98
Flooding Prevention for New Developments Bill 2013-14
Floods and Water Bill (Draft)
Folkestone Harbour Act 1992
Folkestone Harbour Bill (HL) 1990/91 to 1991/92
Food Act 1984
Food Advertising (Protection of Children from Targeting) Bill 2017-19
Food and Environment Protection Act (Amendment) Bill 1987/88
Food and Environment Protection Act 1985
Food and Environment Protection Bill (HL) 1984/85
Food Bill (HL) 1983/84
Food Colourings and Additives Bill 2002/03
Food in Schools Bill 2003/04
Food Insecurity Bill 2017-19
Food Justice Strategies Bill 2002/03
Food Justice Strategies Bill 2003/04
Food Labelling (Halal and Kosher Meat) Bill (Proposed)
Food Labelling (Nutrition and Health) Bill 2007-08
Food Labelling (Nutrition and Health) Bill 2008-09
Food Labelling (Sugar Content) Bill 2013-14
Food Labelling Bill 1999/2000
Food Labelling Bill 2001/02
Food Labelling Bill 2002/03
Food Labelling Bill 2003/04
Food Labelling Bill 2005-06
Food Labelling Bill 2007-08
Food Labelling Regulations (Amendment) Bill 2008-09
Food Labelling Regulations (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Food Poverty (Eradication) Bill 2000/01
Food Poverty (Eradication) Bill 2001/02
Food Products (Marketing to Children) Bill 2007-08
Food Safety (Amendment) Bill 2001/02
Food Safety Act 1990
Food Safety Bill (HL) 1989/90
Food Standards Act 1999
Food Standards Bill (Draft)
Food Standards Bill 1998/99
Food Supplements (European Communities Act 1972 Disapplication) Bill 2005-06
Food Waste (Reduction) Bill 2015-16
Food Waste Bill 2010-12
Football (Disorder) (Amendment) Act 2002
Football (Disorder) (Amendment) Bill 2001/02
Football (Disorder) Act 2000
Football (Disorder) Bill (Draft)
Football (Disorder) Bill 1999/2000
Football (Financial Transparency) Bill 2010-12
Football (Financial Transparency) Bill 2012-13
Football (Offences and Disorder) Act 1999
Football (Offences and Disorder) Bill 1998/99
Football (Offences) Act 1991
Football (Offences) Bill 1990/91
Football Governance (No. 2) Bill 2013-14
Football Governance (Supporters' Participation) Bill 2015-16
Football Governance Bill 2013-14
Football Governance Bill 2014-15
Football Matches (Violent and Disorderly Conduct) Bill 1992/93
Football Offences (Amendment) Bill 2017-19
Football Offences Act 1991
Football Regulator Bill 1998/99
Football Spectators (No. 2) Bill 1988/89
Football Spectators Act 1989
Football Spectators and Sports Grounds Bill 2007-08
Football Spectators Bill (HL) 1988/89
Football Spectators Bill 1989/90
Football Spectators Bill 1990/91
Football Spectators Bill 2001/02
Football Sponsorship Levy Bill 1997/98
Football Supporters (Access) Bill 2016-17
Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007
Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Forces Widows' Pensions (Equality of Treatment) Bill 2007-08
Forces Widows' Pensions (Equality of Treatment) Bill 2008-09
Foreign Aid Ring-fencing (Abolition) Bill 2013-14
Foreign Compensation (Amendment) Act 1993
Foreign Compensation (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Foreign Compensation Act 1950
Foreign Corporations Act 1991
Foreign Corporations Bill (HL) 1990/91
Foreign Enlistment Act 1870
Foreign Exchange Transactions Tax Commission Bill 2001/02
Foreign Jurisdiction Act 1890
Foreign Marriage (Amendment) Act 1988
Foreign Marriage (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1987/88
Foreign National Offenders (Exclusion from the UK) Bill 2015-16
Foreign National Offenders (Exclusion from the United Kingdom) Bill 2013-14
Foreign National Offenders (Exclusion from the United Kingdom) Bill 2014-15
Foreign Nationals (Access to Public Services) Bill 2013-14
Foreign Nationals (Criminal Offender and Prisoner Removal) Bill 2017-19
Foreign Nationals (Statistics) Bill 2007-08
Foreign Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Bases (Prohibition) Bill 1987/88
Foreign Prisoners (Repatriation) Bill 2010-12
Foreign Prison-made Goods (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Foreign Prison-made Goods Act 1897
Forensic Linguistics (Standards) Bill 2015-16
Forensic Science Regulator Bill 2017-19
Forensic Testing (Road Deaths) Bill 1994/95
Forestry Act 1967
Forestry Act 1981
Forestry Act 1991
Forestry Bill 1990/91
Forestry Commission Advisory Committees (Public Access to Information) Bill 1987/88
Forestry Commission Bill 1990/91
Forfeiture Act 1982
Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981
Formation of Contracts (Scotland) Bill (Draft)
Former Cabinet Ministers (Interests) Bill 1989/90
Former Cabinet Ministers (Interests) Bill 1992/93
Former Cabinet Ministers and Public Officials (Interests) Bill 1993/94
Former Metal Mines Bill 2010-12
Former Ministers (Interests) Bill 1989/90
Fossil Fuel Levy Act 1998
Fossil Fuel Levy Bill (HL) 1997/98
Foster Children (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1983/84
Foundation for Unclaimed Assets Bill 2003/04
Fox Hunting (Abolition) Bill 1992/93
Fracking (Measurement and Regulation of Impacts) (Air, Water and Greenhouse Gas Emissions) Bill 2014-15
Fracking (Measurement and Regulation of Impacts) (Air, Water and Greenhouse Gas Emissions) Bill 2015-16
Fracking (Measurement and Regulation of Impacts) (Air, Water and Greenhouse Gas Emissions) Bill 2017-19
Fracking (Seismic Activity) Bill 2017-19
Fraserburgh Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1990
Fraserburgh Harbour Order Confirmation Bill 1990/91
Fraud (Trials without a Jury) Bill 2006-07
Fraud Act 2006
Fraud Bill (HL) 2005-06
Fraudulent Mediums Act 1951
Free Movement of Persons into the United Kingdom (Derogation) Bill 2014-15
Free School Meals (Automatic Registration of Eligible Children) Bill 2015-16
Free School Meals (Children over the Age of 16) Bill 2012-13
Free Trade (Education and Reporting) Bill 2017-19
Freedom (Great Repeal) Bill (Draft)
Freedom and Responsibility of the Press Bill 1992/93
Freedom of Information (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2006-07
Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill 2006-07
Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill 2014-15
Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill 2017-19
Freedom of Information (Extension) Bill 2017-19
Freedom of Information (Identity of Applicants) Bill 2013-14
Freedom of Information (Private Healthcare Companies) Bill 2013-14
Freedom of Information (Public Interest and Transparency) Bill 2015-16
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (Commencement) Bill 2002/03
Freedom of Information Bill (Draft)
Freedom of Information Bill (HL) 1998/99
Freedom of Information Bill 1991/92
Freedom of Information Bill 1997/98
Freedom of Information Bill 1999/2000
Freedom of Religious Worship (Armed Forces) Bill 1999/2000
Freedom of Tax Information Bill 1998/99
Freedom to Roam (Access to the Countryside) Bill 1993/94
Freehold Properties (Management Charges and Shared Facilities) Bill 2017-19
Freezing of Human Embryos Bill 1995/96
French Words (Prohibition) Bill 1993/94 (Proposed)
Freshwater and Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act 1976
Freshwater Fisheries (Scotland) Act 1902
Friendly and Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1968
Friendly Societies Act 1974
Friendly Societies Act 1992
Friendly Societies Bill 1991/92
Fruit and Vegetables (Classification) Bill 2017-19
Fuel and Energy Provision (No. 2) Bill 1988/89
Fuel and Energy Provision Bill 1987/88
Fuel and Energy Provision Bill 1988/89
Fuel and Energy Provision Bill 1989/90
Fuel Cost Credits Bill 1992/93
Fuel Poverty (No. 2) Bill 2008-09
Fuel Poverty and Energy Conservation Bill 1998/99
Fuel Poverty Bill 2008-09
Fuel Safety Bill 1998/99
Fugitive Offenders Act 1967
Full Employment (Commission) Bill 1992/93
Funding for Local Authorities Bill 2013-14
Funding of Political Parties Bill 1992/93
Funeral Industry (Code of Practice) Bill 1988/89
Funeral Parlours (Planning) (Amendment) Bill 1998/99
Funeral Services Bill 2014-15
Fur Farming (Prohibition) Act 2000
Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill 1998/99
Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill 1999/2000
Fur Trade Act 1973
Further and Higher Education (Access) Bill 2010-12
Further and Higher Education (Scotland) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1998/99
Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 1992
Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Bill 1991/92
Further and Higher Education Act 1992
Further and Higher Education Bill (HL) 1991/92
Further Education and Training Act 2007
Further Education and Training Bill (HL) 2006-07
Further Education and Training Bill 2006-07
Further Education Bill (HL) 1984/85
Gambling (Categorisation and Use of B2 Gaming Machines) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Gambling (Industry Levy Review and Protections for Vulnerable People) Bill 2017-19
Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Act 2014
Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Bill (Draft)
Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Bill 2013-14
Gambling Act 1968
Gambling Act 2005
Gambling Act 2005 (Amendment) Bill 2005-06 (Proposed)
Gambling Bill (Draft)
Gambling Bill 2003/04 to 2004/05
Game Act 1831
Game Licences Act 1860
Gaming (Amendment) Act 1990
Gaming (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Gaming (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Gaming (Bingo) Act 1985
Gaming (Bingo) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Gaming Act 1968
Gaming Machines (Prohibition on Use by Persons under Eighteen) Bill 1988/89
Gaming Machines (Prohibition on Use by Persons under Eighteen) Bill 1989/90
Gaming Machines (Prohibition on Use by Persons under Eighteen) Bill 1990/91
Gaming Machines (Prohibition on Use by Persons under Eighteen) Bill 1992/93
Gaming Machines (Prohibition on Use by Persons under Sixteen) Bill 1987/88
Gamma-butyrolactone (Prohibition) Bill 2007-08
Gangmaster Bill 1992/93
Gangmasters (Licensing) Act 2004
Gangmasters (Licensing) Act 2004 (Amendment) Bill 2006-07
Gangmasters (Licensing) and Labour Abuse Authority Bill 2016-17
Gangmasters (Licensing) Bill 2003/04
Gangmasters Bill 1992/93
Gangmasters Licensing (Extension to Construction Industry) Bill 2010-12
Gangmasters Licensing Act 2004 (Amendment) Bill 2008-09
Gangmasters Licensing Authority (Extension of Powers) Bill 2013-14
Garden Supplies (Sunday Trading) Bill 1990/91
Gas (Exempt Supplies) Act 1993
Gas (Exempt Supplies) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Gas Act 1986
Gas Act 1995
Gas Bill 1985/86
Gas Bill 1994/95
Gas Levy Act 1981
Gazumping (Abolition) Bill 1987/88
Gender Identity (Protected Characteristic) Bill 2016-17
Gender Identity (Registration and Civil Status) Bill 1995/96
Gender Recognition Act 2004
Gender Recognition Bill (Draft)
Gender Recognition Bill (HL) 2003/04
Gender-based Pricing (Prohibition) Bill 2017-19
General Anti Tax-avoidance Principle Bill 2012-13
General Election (Leaders' Debate) Bill 2017-19
General Election Expenses Reform Bill 1992/93
General Elections Bill 1991/92
General Practitioner Surgeries (Rural Areas) Bill 2014-15
General Rate Act 1967
General Teaching Council (England and Wales) Bill 1996/97
Genetic Testing (Consent and Confidentiality) Bill 1999/2000
Genetically Modified Crops Bill (HL) 1998/99
Genetically Modified Food and Producer Liability (No. 2) Bill 1999/2000
Genetically Modified Food and Producer Liability Bill 1998/99
Genetically Modified Food and Producer Liability Bill 1999/2000
Genetically Modified Organisms Bill 2003/04
Geneva Conventions (Amendment) Act 1995
Geneva Conventions (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Geneva Conventions (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Geneva Conventions (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Geneva Conventions Act 1957
Geneva Conventions and United Nations Personnel (Protocols) Act 2009
Geneva Conventions and United Nations Personnel (Protocols) Bill (HL) 2008-09
Genocide Act 1969
Genocide Determination (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Genocide Determination Bill (HL) 2016-17
Genocide Determination Bill (HL) 2017-19
Gibraltar (Maritime Protection) Bill 2013-14
Gift Vouchers and Insolvency Bill 2012-13
Girobank plc (Transfer) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Glasgow Boundaries Act 1912
Goalpost Safety Bill 2008-09
Goods Mortgages Bill (Draft)
Goods Mortgages Bill (HL) 2017-19
Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Act 1995
Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Governance of Sport Bill (HL) 2014-15
Government Act 1972
Government Annuities Act 1929
Government Communications Headquarters (Restoration of Trade Union Rights) Bill 1996/97
Government Departments (Abolition) Bill 2017-19
Government Departments (Amalgamation of Scotland Office, Wales Office and Northern Ireland Office) Bill 2013-14
Government Departments (Decentralisation Target) Bill 2015-16
Government of Cornwall Bill 2008-09
Government of Ireland Act 1920
Government of Ireland Bill 1912-13
Government of Wales Act 1998
Government of Wales Act 2006
Government of Wales Bill 1995/96 (Proposed)
Government of Wales Bill 1996/97
Government of Wales Bill 1997/98
Government of Wales Bill 2005-06
Government Paperwork Reduction and Electronic Information Bill 1994/95
Government Powers (Limitations) Bill 1999/2000
Government Powers (Limitations) Bill 2002/03
Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000
Government Resources and Accounts Bill 1999/2000
Government Services (Telecommunication Charges) Bill 2016-17
Government Spending (Website) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Government Trading Act 1990
Government Trading Bill 1989/90
Government Trading Funds Act 1973
Graduated Driving Licence Scheme Bill 2013-14
Graffiti (Control) Bill 2000/01
Grammar Schools (Ballots and Consultation) Bill 2002/03
Grandparents (Access Rights) Bill 2010-12
Grandparents (Adoption of Children) Bill 1987/88
Grandparents (Rights of Access) Bill 2006-07
Great Apes (Prohibition of Experiments) Bill 1996/97
Great Yarmouth Port and Haven Bill (HL) 1988/89
Great Yarmouth Port Authority Act 1990
Great Yarmouth Port Authority Bill (HL) 1988/89 to 1989/90
Greater London Authority (Referendum) Act 1998
Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill 1997/98
Greater London Authority Act 1999
Greater London Authority Act 1999 (Repeal) Bill (HL) 2002/03
Greater London Authority Act 2007
Greater London Authority Act 2007 (Commencement No 3) Order
Greater London Authority Bill 1998/99
Greater London Authority Bill 2006-07
Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1973
Greater London Council (Greater Powers) Act 1973
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (No. 2) Act 1988
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (No. 2) Act 1990
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (No. 2) Bill (HL) 1985/86 to 1987/88
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (No. 3) Bill (HL) 1987/88 to 1989/90
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (No. 4) Bill (HL) 1989/90 to 1992/93
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (No. 5) Bill (HL) 1989/90 to 1990/91
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) Act 1988
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) Act 1990
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) Act 1991
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) Act 1992
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) Act 1994
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) Bill (HL) 1984/85 to 1987/88
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) Bill (HL) 1988/89 to 1989/90
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) Bill (HL) 1991/92
Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) Bill 1993/94
Greater Nottingham Light Rapid Transit Act 1994
Greater Nottingham Light Rapid Transit Bill 1991/92 to 1993/94
Green Belt (London and Home Counties) Act 1938
Green Belt (Protection) Bill 2017-19
Green Belt Reform Bill 2005-06
Green Deal (Conduct of Home Energy and Lifestyle Management Ltd) Bill 2017-19
Green Energy (Definition and Promotion) Act 2009
Green Energy (Definition and Promotion) Bill 2008-09
Greenbelt Protection Bill 2002/03
Greenham and Crookham Commons Act 2002
Greenham and Crookham Commons Bill 1999/2000 to 2001/02
Greenwich Hospital Act 1869
Greenwich Hospital Act 1990
Greenwich Hospital Bill (HL) 1989/90
Greyhound Betting Levy Bill 1988/89
Greyhound Betting Levy Bill 1989/90
Greyhound Betting Levy Bill 1990/91
Groceries Code Adjudicator Act 2013
Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill (Draft)
Groceries Code Adjudicator Bill (HL) 2012-13
Grocery Market Ombudsman Bill 2009-10
Ground Game Act 1880
Group Personal Accident Insurance (Regulation) Bill 2002/03
Growth and Infrastructure Act 2013
Growth and Infrastructure Bill 2012-13
Guard Dogs Act 1975
Guardianship (Missing Persons) Act 2017
Guardianship (Missing Persons) Bill 2016-17
Gypsy and Traveller Communities (Housing, Planning and Education) Bill 2017-19
Habeas Corpus Act 1679
Haberdashers' Aske's Charity Act 2016
Haberdashers' Aske's Charity Bill (HL) 2015-16 to 2016-17
Haemoglobin Disorders (Screening and Counselling) Bill 1987/88
Hailsham Cattle Market Bill (HL) 1996/97
Hairdressers (Registration) Act 1964
Hairdressers Registration (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Hairdressers Registration (Amendment) Bill 2010-12 (Proposed)
Hallmarking Act 1973
Halogen Lamp Regulation (Motor Vehicles) Bill 1999/2000
Hampstead Radio Station Bill (HL) 1987/88
Happisburgh Lighthouse Act 1990
Happisburgh Lighthouse Bill (HL) 1988/89 to 1989/90
Harbours (Loans) Act 1972
Harbours Act 1964
Harbours Bill (HL) 2002/03
Harbours Bill (HL) 2003/04
Harbours Bill (HL) 2005-06
Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847
Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847 (Amendment) Bill 1989/90
Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847 (Amendment) Bill 2015-16
Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847 (Amendment) Bill 2016-17
Hare Coursing (Abolition) Bill 1989/90
Hare Coursing (No. 2) Bill 1992/93
Hare Coursing Bill 1988/89
Hare Coursing Bill 1990/91
Hare Coursing Bill 1991/92
Hare Coursing Bill 1992/93
Hare Coursing Bill 1993/94
Hare Coursing Bill 1997/98
Hare Coursing Bill 1998/99
Hare Coursing Bill 1999/2000
Hares Preservation Act 1892
Hares Preservation Bill 2017-19
Harris Tweed Act 1993
Harris Tweed Bill (HL) 1990/91 to 1992/93
Harrogate Stray Act 1985
Harwich Harbour Act 1988
Harwich Harbour Bill (HL) 1987/88
Harwich Parkeston Quay Act 1988
Harwich Parkeston Quay Bill 1985/86 to 1987/88
Hasmonean High School Act 1990
Hasmonean High School Bill (HL) 1989/90
Hastings Borough Council Act 1988
Hastings Borough Council Bill 1986/87 to 1987/88
Hate Crime (People with Learning Difficulties and Learning Disabilities) Bill 2013-14
Haulage Permits and Trailer Registration Act 2018
Haulage Permits and Trailer Registration Bill (HL) 2017-19
Hayle Harbour Act 1989
Hayle Harbour Bill (HL) 1988/89
HBOS Group Reorganisation Act 2006
HBOS Group Reorganisation Bill 2004/05 to 2005-06
Health (Air Travellers) (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Health (Air Travellers) Bill 2001/02
Health (Patients' Rights) Bill 2001/02
Health (Wales) Act 2003
Health (Wales) Bill 2002/03
Health Act 1999
Health Act 2006
Health Act 2009
Health and Medicines Act 1988
Health and Medicines Bill 1987/88
Health and Safety (Company Director Liability) Bill 2009-10
Health and Safety (Directors Duties) Bill 2004/05
Health and Safety (Education and Training) Bill 2007-08
Health and Safety (Offences) Act 2008
Health and Safety (Offences) Bill 2006-07
Health and Safety (Offences) Bill 2007-08
Health and Safety at Work (Amendment) Bill 2002/03
Health and Safety at Work (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Act 1978
Health and Safety at Work (Offences) Bill 1999/2000
Health and Safety at Work (Offences) Bill 2002/03
Health and Safety at Work (Offences) Bill 2003/04
Health and Safety at Work (Tobacco Smoking) Bill 1987/88
Health and Safety at Work (Tobacco Smoking) Bill 1990/91
Health and Safety at Work (Tobacco Smoking) Bill 1992/93
Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
Health and Safety Bill 2010-12
Health and Safety Consultants (Qualifications) Bill 2010-12
Health and Safety Executive (Powers) Bill 2015-16
Health and Social Care (Amendment) (Food Standards) Bill (HL) 2013-14
Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003
Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill 2002/03
Health and Social Care (Independent Living) Bill (HL) 2009-10
Health and Social Care (National Data Guardian) Act 2018
Health and Social Care (National Data Guardian) Bill 2016-17
Health and Social Care (National Data Guardian) Bill 2017-19
Health and Social Care (Safety and Quality) Act 2015
Health and Social Care (Safety and Quality) Bill 2014-15
Health and Social Care Act 2001
Health and Social Care Act 2008
Health and Social Care Act 2012
Health and Social Care Bill 2000/01
Health and Social Care Bill 2007-08
Health and Social Care Bill 2010-12
Health and Social Security Act 1984
Health and Social Security Bill 1983/84
Health and Social Services and Social Security Adjudications Act 1983
Health Authorities (Direct Elections) Bill 1987/88
Health Authorities Act 1995
Health Authorities Bill 1994/95
Health Benefits Bill 1991/92
Health Bill (HL) 1997/98
Health Bill (HL) 1998/99
Health Bill (HL) 2008-09
Health Bill 2005-06
Health Bill 2008-09
Health Care and Energy Efficiency Bill 1998/99
Health Care of Prisoners Bill 1990/91
Health Care Standards for Elderly Persons Bill 1999/2000
Health Impacts (Public Sector Duty) Bill 2017-19
Health Protection Agency Act 2004
Health Protection Agency Bill (HL) 2003/04
Health Reform (Education and Public Involvement) Bill 2001/02
Health Service Act 1977
Health Service Commissioner for England (Complaint Handling) Act 2015
Health Service Commissioner for England (Complaint Handling) Bill 2014-15
Health Service Commissioners (Amendment) Act 1996
Health Service Commissioners (Amendment) Act 2000
Health Service Commissioners (Amendment) Bill 1995/96
Health Service Commissioners (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
Health Service Commissioners Act 1993
Health Service Commissioners Bill (HL) 1992/93
Health Service Medical Supplies (Costs) Act 2017
Health Service Medical Supplies (Costs) Bill 2016-17
Health Service Safety Investigations Bill (Draft)
Health Services Act 1980
Health Services and Public Health Act 1968
Health Services Commissioning (Equality and Accountability) (No. 2) Bill 2015-16
Health Services Commissioning (Equality and Accountability) Bill 2015-16
Health Services Commissioning (Equality and Accountability) Bill 2016-17
Healthcare (European Economic Area and Switzerland Arrangements) Act 2019
Healthcare (European Economic Area and Switzerland Arrangements) Bill 2017-19
Healthcare (Local Accountability) Bill 2017-19
Healthcare Services Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Hearing Aid Council (Amendment) Act 1989
Hearing Aid Council (Amendment) Bill 1988/89
Hearing Aid Council 1968 (Amendment) Bill 1987/88
Hearing Aid Council Act 1968
Heathrow Express Railway (No. 2) Act 1991
Heathrow Express Railway (No. 2) Bill 1990/91
Heathrow Express Railway Act 1991
Heathrow Express Railway Bill (HL) 1988/89 to 1990/91
Heavy Goods Vehicles (Safety) Bill 1994/95
Hedgerows Bill 1988/89
Hedgerows Bill 1992/93
Hedgerows Bill 1993/94
Hedges (Control) Bill 1998/99
Helicopters and Heliports Bill 1990/91
Henry Johnson Sons and Co Limited Act 1996
Henry Johnson Sons and Co Limited Bill 1995/96
Hereditary Peerage (Election) Bill (HL) (Draft)
Hereditary Peerage (Election) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Hereditary Peerages (Succession) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Hereditary Peerages Bill (HL) 1992/93
Hereditary Peerages Bill (HL) 1993/94
Hereditary Peers (Democratic Rights) Bill 1993/94
Hereditary Titles (Female Succession) Bill 2017-19
Hereford Markets Act 2003
Hereford Markets Bill (HL) 2002/03
Heritage Protection Bill (Draft)
Heritage Railways and Tramways (Voluntary Work) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Hertfordshire County Council (Filming on Highways) Act 2014
Hertfordshire County Council (Filming on Highways) Bill (HL) 2012-13 to 2013-14
HFC Bank Act 1999
HFC Bank Bill 1998/99
HGV Road User Levy Act 2013
HGV Road User Levy Bill 2012-13
High Cost Credit Bill 2013-14
High Cost Credit Services (Retail Premises) Bill 2014-15
High Hedges (No. 2) Bill 2002/03
High Hedges Bill (HL) 2002/03
High Hedges Bill 2000/01
High Pay Commission Bill 2010-12
High Speed 2 Phase 1 (Reviews of Public Expenditure) Bill 2017-19
High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Act 2017
High Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Bill 2013-14 to 2016-17
High Speed Rail (Preparation) Act 2013
High Speed Rail (Preparation) Bill 2013-14
High Speed Rail (West Midlands-Crewe) Bill 2017-19
High-cost Credit Agreements (Advertising Restrictions) Bill (HL) 2014-15
Higher Education (Fees) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Higher Education (Information) Bill 2015-16
Higher Education Act 2004
Higher Education and Research Act 2017
Higher Education and Research Bill 2016-17
Higher Education Bill 2003/04
Highland Region (Lochinver Harbour) Order Confirmation Act 1988
Highland Region (Lochinver Harbour) Order Confirmation Bill 1987/88
Highland Region Harbours (Miscellaneous Powers) Order Confirmation Act 1987
Highland Region Harbours (Miscellaneous Powers) Order Confirmation Bill 1987/88
Highland Regional Council (Harbours) Order Confirmation Act 1991
Highland Regional Council (Harbours) Order Confirmation Bill 1990/91
Highland Regional Council (Wester Bridge) Order Confirmation Act 1993
Highland Regional Council (Wester Bridge) Order Confirmation Bill 1992/93
Highlands and Islands Act 1960
Highlands and Islands Shipping Services Act 1960
Highway Act 1835
Highway Works (Weekend Working and Traffic Management Measures) Bill 2016-17
Highways (Improvement, Traffic Regulation and Traffic Management) Bill 2015-16
Highways (Obstruction by Body Corporate) Act 2004
Highways (Obstruction by Body Corporate) Bill 2003/04
Highways Act 1980
Hill Farming Act 1946
Hill Samuel Bank and United Dominions Trust Act 1994
Hill Samuel Bank and United Dominions Trust Bill (HL) 1993/94
Hire Purchase and Conditional Sale (Prevention of Fraud) Bill 1992/93
Historic Counties (Traffic Signs and Mapping) Bill 2002/03
Historic Counties (Traffic Signs and Mapping) Bill 2003/04
Historic Counties Towns and Villages (Traffic Signs and Mapping) Bill 2006-07
Holiday Pay Bill 2017-19
Holocaust (Return of Cultural Objects) (Amendment) Bill 2017-19
Holocaust (Return of Cultural Objects) (formerly known as Holocaust (Stolen Art) Restitution) Act 2009
Holocaust (Return of Cultural Objects) (formerly known as Holocaust (Stolen Art) Restitution) Bill 2008-09
Holocaust (Return of Cultural Objects) Act 2009
Holocaust Denial Bill 1996/97
Holocaust Remembrance Day Bill 1998/99
Home Education (Duty of Local Authorities) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Home Energy Conservation (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Home Energy Conservation Act 1995
Home Energy Conservation Bill 1994/95
Home Energy Conservation Bill 2001/02
Home Energy Rating Surveys Bill (HL) 1996/97
Home Repossession (Protection) Bill 2008-09
Home Rule (Scotland) Bill 1991/92
Home Rule (Scotland) Bill 1994/95
Home Safety Act 1961
Home Safety Bill 2001/02
Home Zones Bill 1997/98
Homeless People (Current Accounts) Bill 2017-19
Homeless Persons (Scotland) Act 1987
Homelessness (End of Life Care) Bill 2017-19
Homelessness Act 2002
Homelessness Bill 2001/02
Homelessness Reduction Act 2017
Homelessness Reduction Bill 2016-17
Homeowners' Mortgage Interest Rates Bill 2012-13
Homes (Fitness For Human Habitation) Act 2018
Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Bill 2015-16
Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Bill 2017-19
Homes Bill 2000/01
Homes for the Elderly Bill 1988/89
Homes Insulation Act 1978
Homeworkers Bill 1990/91
Homeworkers Rights Bill 1989/90
Homicide (Amendment) Bill 1991/92
Homicide (Defence of Provocation) Bill 1992/93
Homicide (Defence of Provocation) Bill 1993/94
Homicide Act 1957
Hong Kong (Overseas Public Servants) Act 1996
Hong Kong (Overseas Public Servants) Bill 1995/96
Hong Kong (War Wives and Widows) (No. 2) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Hong Kong (War Wives and Widows) Act 1996
Hong Kong (War Wives and Widows) Bill 1995/96
Hong Kong Act 1985
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office Act 1996
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office Bill 1996/97
Honours (Equality of Titles for Partners) Bill 2012-13
Honours (Prevention of Abuses) Act 1925
Honours (Prevention of Corruption) Bill 2005-06
Honours and Decorations Bill 1999/2000
Hook Island (Poole Bay) Bill 1990/91
Horserace Betting and Olympic Lottery Act 2004
Horserace Betting and Olympic Lottery Bill 2003/04
Horserace Totalisator and Betting Levy Boards Act 1972
Horserace Totalisator Board Act 1997
Horserace Totalisator Board Bill (HL) 1996/97
Horserace Totalisator Board Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Horses (Protective Headgear for Young Riders) (Amendment) Bill 1993/94
Horses (Protective Headgear for Young Riders) Act 1990
Horses (Protective Headgear for Young Riders) Bill 1989/90
Horses and Ponies (Live Export) Bill 2014-15
Horses, Ponies and Donkeys (No. 2) Bill 1987/88
Horses, Ponies and Donkeys Bill 1987/88
Horticultural Produce Act 1986
Hospital (Parking Charges and Business Rates) Bill 2017-19
Hospital Car Parking Charges (Abolition) Bill 2014-15
Hospital Car Parking Charges (Abolition) Bill 2017-19
Hospital Complaints Procedure Act 1985
Hospital Consultants (Transfer and Revision of Contracts) Bill 1987/88
Hospital Inspectorate Bill 2001/02
Hospital Parking Charges (Exemption for Carers) Bill 2015-16
Hospital Patients (Transport) Bill 2017-19
Hospital Schools in London Bill 1990/91
Hospital Security Bill 1992/93
Hostage Recovery Bill 1995/96
Hotel Proprietors Act 1956
House Building (Targets) Bill 2003/04
House Numbering and Home Delivery Bill 1996/97
House of Commons (Abolition) Bill 1994/95
House of Commons (Administration) Act 1978
House of Commons (Clergy Disqualification) Act 1801
House of Commons (Distribution of Seats) Bill 1994/95 (Proposed)
House of Commons (Participation) Bill 2006-07
House of Commons (Precedence of Government Business) (European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018) Bill 2017-19
House of Commons (Reform) Bill 1995/96
House of Commons (Removal of Clergy Disqualification) Act 2001
House of Commons (Removal of Clergy Disqualification) Bill 2000/01
House of Commons (Reserved Matters) Bill 1999/2000 (Proposed)
House of Commons Commission Act 2015
House of Commons Commission Bill 2014-15
House of Commons Costs Taxation Act 1847
House of Commons Costs Taxation Act 1879
House of Commons Disqualification (Amendment) Bill 1998/99
House of Commons Disqualification (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975
House of Commons Members' Fund (No. 2) Bill 2015-16
House of Commons Members' Fund Act 1948
House of Commons Members' Fund Act 2016
House of Commons Members' Fund and Parliamentary Pensions Act 1981
House of Commons Members' Fund Bill 2013-14
House of Commons Members' Fund Bill 2014-15
House of Commons Members' Fund Bill 2015-16
House of Commons Whips (Transparency) Bill 2017-19
House of Lords (Abolition and Replacement) Bill 2017-19
House of Lords (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2002/03
House of Lords (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2006-07
House of Lords (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2007-08
House of Lords (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2010-12
House of Lords (Cessation of Membership) Bill (HL) 2012-13
House of Lords (Elections and Reform) Bill (HL) 2017-19
House of Lords (Exclusion of Hereditary Peers) Bill 2002/03
House of Lords (Exclusion of Hereditary Peers) Bill 2016-17
House of Lords (Exclusion of Hereditary Peers) Bill 2017-19
House of Lords (Expulsion and Suspension) Act 2015
House of Lords (Expulsion and Suspension) Bill (HL) 2014-15
House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) (Abolition of By-elections) Bill (HL) 2017-19
House of Lords (Maximum Membership) Bill 2013-14
House of Lords (Maximum Membership) Bill 2014-15
House of Lords (Maximum Membership) Bill 2015-16
House of Lords (Members' Taxation Status) Bill (HL) 2007-08
House of Lords (Members' Taxation Status) Bill (HL) 2008-09
House of Lords (Parliamentary Standards etc) Bill 2015-16
House of Lords (Reform) Bill 2003/04 (Proposed)
House of Lords Act 1999
House of Lords Act 1999 (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2016-17
House of Lords Bill (HL) 2006-07
House of Lords Bill (HL) 2007-08
House of Lords Bill (HL) 2008-09
House of Lords Bill (HL) 2016-17
House of Lords Bill (HL) 2017-19
House of Lords Bill 1998/99
House of Lords Costs Taxation Act 1849
House of Lords Financial Powers Bill (HL) 2000/01
House of Lords Reform (Exclusion of Hereditary Peers) Bill 2015-16
House of Lords Reform (No. 2) Bill 2013-14
House of Lords Reform Act 2014
House of Lords Reform Bill (Draft)
House of Lords Reform Bill (HL) 2010-12
House of Lords Reform Bill (HL) 2013-14
House of Lords Reform Bill (HL) 2016-17
House of Lords Reform Bill 2012-13
House of Peers Bill 2017-19
House Purchase (Simplification) Bill 1992/93
House to House Collections Act 1939
Household Safety (Carbon Monoxide Detectors) Bill 2010-12
Household Safety (Carbon Monoxide Detectors) Bill 2014-15
Household Waste Recycling Act 2003
Household Waste Recycling Bill 2002/03
Houses in Multiple Occupation (Energy Performance Certificates and Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards) Bill 2014-15
Houses in Multiple Occupation (Registration Scheme) Bill 2000/01
Houses in Multiple Occupation Bill 2006-07
Housing (Affordability, Supply and Tenant Protection) Bill 2014-15
Housing (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Housing (Consequential Provisions) Bill 1984/85
Housing (Council Tenants and Leaseholders) Bill 2005-06
Housing (Fitness Standard) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Housing (Fitness Standard) (Amendment) Bill 1991/92
Housing (Home Repossessions) Bill 1997/98
Housing (Homeless Persons) Act 1977
Housing (Homeless Persons) Bill 1990/91
Housing (Houses in Multiple Occupation) Bill 1987/88
Housing (Overcrowding) Bill 2002/03
Housing (Scotland) Act 1981
Housing (Scotland) Act 1987
Housing (Scotland) Act 1988
Housing (Scotland) Act 2010
Housing (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1986/87
Housing (Scotland) Bill 1987/88
Housing (Scotland) Bill 2005-06
Housing (Selective Licensing of Private Landlords in Exempted Areas) Bill 2010-12
Housing (Tenants' Rights) Bill 2016-17
Housing (Waiting List Restrictions) Bill 1987/88
Housing (Wales) Bill 2001/02
Housing Act 1974
Housing Act 1980
Housing Act 1985
Housing Act 1985 (Amendment) Bill 1988/89
Housing Act 1988
Housing Act 1996
Housing Act 2004
Housing Act 2004 (Amendment) Bill 2005-06
Housing and Building Control Act 1984
Housing and Building Control Bill 1983/84
Housing and Commercial Development (Water Supply Assessment) Bill 2005-06
Housing and Local Government Bill 1988/89
Housing and Planning (Local Decision-making) Bill 2017-19
Housing and Planning Act 1986
Housing and Planning Act 2016
Housing and Planning Bill 2015-16
Housing and Regeneration Act 2008
Housing and Regeneration Bill 2007-08
Housing and Urban Development Bill 1992/93
Housing Association (Rights and Representation of Residents) Bill 2006-07
Housing Associations (Access to Information) Bill 1988/89
Housing Associations Act 1975
Housing Associations Act 1985
Housing Associations Bill (HL) 1984/85
Housing Benefit (Withholding of Payment) Bill 2001/02
Housing Benefit and Universal Credit in the Social Housing Sector (Regular Payments) Bill 2013-14
Housing Bill (Draft)
Housing Bill (HL) 1984/85
Housing Bill 1987/88
Housing Bill 1995/96
Housing Bill 2003/04
Housing Corporation (Delegation) etc Act 2006
Housing Corporation (Delegation) etc Bill 2005-06
Housing Defects Act 1984
Housing Defects Act 1985
Housing Development (Infrastructure Requirements) Bill 2005-06
Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Act 1996
Housing Grants Construction and Regeneration Bill (HL) 1995/96
Housing Market Reform Bill 2012-13
Housing Ombudsman (Power to Settle Disputes between Neighbours and Tenants) Bill 2014-15
Housing Reform Bill 2017-19
Housing Service Charges (Amendment) (No 2) Bill 1997/98
Housing Service Charges (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Housing Standards (Preparation and Storage of Food by Tenants in Receipt of Universal Credit or Housing Benefit) Bill 2016-17
Housing the Homeless Bill 1988/89
Hovercraft Act 1968
HS2 Funding Referendum Bill 2014-15
HSBC Investment Banking Act 2002
HSBC Investment Banking Bill (HL) 2001/02
Human Fertilisation (Choice) Bill 1992/93
Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Consents) Bill 1996/97
Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Deceased Fathers) Act 2003
Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Deceased Fathers) Bill 2000/01
Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Deceased Fathers) Bill 2002/03
Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Disclosure of Information) Act 1992
Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Disclosure of Information) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Welfare of Women) Bill 2017-19
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1980
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Amendment Bill 2002/03
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill (HL) 1989/90
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill (HL) 2007-08
Human Organ Transplants (Amendment) Bill 1991/92
Human Organ Transplants (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Human Organ Transplants Act 1989
Human Organ Transplants Bill 1988/89
Human Reproductive Cloning Act 2001
Human Reproductive Cloning Bill (HL) 2001/02
Human Rights (No. 2) Bill 1992/93
Human Rights (No. 3) Bill 1992/93
Human Rights Act 1998
Human Rights Act 1998 (Making of Remedial Orders) Amendment Bill (HL) 2003/04
Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning of Public Authority) Bill 2006-07
Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning Of Public Authority) Bill 2008-09
Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning of Public Authority) Bill 2009-10
Human Rights Act 1998 (Meaning of Public Function) Bill 2007-08
Human Rights Act 1998 (Repeal and Substitution) Bill 2012-13
Human Rights Act 1998 (Repeal) Bill (Proposed)
Human Rights and Responsibilities Bill 2017-19
Human Rights Bill (HL) 1994/95
Human Rights Bill (HL) 1996/97
Human Rights Bill (HL) 1997/98
Human Rights Bill 1988/89
Human Rights Bill 1989/90
Human Rights Bill 1990/91
Human Rights Bill 1992/93
Human Rights Bill 1993/94
Human Tissue (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Human Tissue (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Human Tissue (Amendment) Bill 1996/97
Human Tissue Act 1961
Human Tissue Act 2004
Human Tissue Act 2004 (Amendment) Bill 2004/05
Human Tissue and Embryos Bill (Draft)
Human Tissue Bill 2003/04
Human Trafficking (Border Control) Bill 2010-12
Human Trafficking (Child Protection) Bill 2017-19
Human Trafficking (Further Provisions and Support for Victims) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Further Provisions and Support for Victims) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Human Transplantation (Wales) Bill 2012
Humanitarian Assistance (Genocide Victims) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Humber Bridge (Debts) Act 1996
Humber Bridge (Debts) Bill 1995/96
Humber Bridge Act 2013
Humber Bridge Bill (HL) 1991/92
Humber Bridge Bill 2004/05
Humber Bridge Bill 2005-06
Humber Bridge Bill 2012-13
Humberside County Council Bill 1989/90
Hunting Act 2004
Hunting Bill 2000/01
Hunting Bill 2002/03
Hunting Bill 2003/04
Hydatidosis Control Bill 1991/92
Hydrocarbon Oil Duties Act 1979
Hydrofluorocarbons Limitation Bill 2008-09
Hydrofluorocarbons Limitation Bill 2009-10
Hypnotism Act 1952
Hythe Kent Marina Bill 1988/89
Hythe Kent Marina Bill 1989/90
Hythe Marina Village (Southampton) Wavescreen Act 1990
Hythe Marina Village (Southampton) Wavescreen Bill 1988/89 to 1989/90
Identification and Support of Carers (Primary Health Care) Bill 2005-06
Identity Card Bill 2001/02 (Proposed)
Identity Cards Act 2006
Identity Cards Bill (Draft)
Identity Cards Bill 1993/94 (Proposed)
Identity Cards Bill 2004/05
Identity Cards Bill 2005-06
Identity Documents Act 2010
Identity Documents Bill 2010-12
Illegal Hare-coursing (Enforcement of Prohibition) Bill 2003/04
Illegal Immigrants (Criminal Sanctions) Bill 2013-14
Illegal Immigrants (Criminal Sanctions) Bill 2014-15
Illegal Immigrants (Criminal Sanctions) Bill 2015-16
Illegal Immigration (Offences) Bill 2017-19
Illegal Importation of Dogs (Fixed Penalty) Bill 2013-14
Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Import, Sale or Distribution) Bill 2010-12
Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Retail, Wholesale and Distribution) Bill 2009-10
Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Sale and Distribution) Bill 2007-08
Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition Of Sale) Bill 2008-09
Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Sale) Bill 2009-10
Immigration (Armed Forces) Bill 2017-19
Immigration (Carriers' Liability) Act 1987
Immigration (Carriers' Liability) Bill 1986/87
Immigration (Discharged Gurkhas) (No. 2) Bill 2007-08
Immigration (Discharged Gurkhas) Bill (HL) 2007-08
Immigration (Port of Entry) (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
Immigration (Time Limit on Detention) Bill 2017-19
Immigration Act 1971
Immigration Act 1971 (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2013-14
Immigration Act 1981
Immigration Act 1988
Immigration Act 2014
Immigration Act 2016
Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (Amendment) Bill 2012-13
Immigration and Asylum Bill 1998/99
Immigration and Citizenship Bill (Draft)
Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill 2017-19
Immigration Bill (Draft)
Immigration Bill 1987/88
Immigration Bill 2013-14
Immigration Bill 2015-16
Immigration Control (Balanced Migration) Bill 2004/05
Immigration Control (Gross Human Rights Abuses) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Immigration Detention of Victims of Torture and Other Vulnerable People (Safeguards) Bill 2017-19
Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006
Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Bill 2005-06
Immunity Certificates Bill 1992/93
Impact of Disasters Bill 1991/92
Imperial College Act 1988
Imperial College Act 1997
Imperial College Act 1999
Imperial College Bill (HL) 1987/88
Imperial College Bill 1996/97
Imperial College Bill 1998/99
Imperial War Museum Act 1920
Import and Export Control Act 1990
Import and Export Control Bill 1990/91
Import of Live Fish (England and Wales) Act 1980
Import of Live Fish (Scotland) Act 1978
Import Tariff (Reduction) Bill 2017-19
Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Act 1939
Improvement of Rail Passenger Services (Use of Disruption Payments) Bill 2015-16
Incitement to Disaffection Act 1934
Inclosure Act 1845
Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1970
Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988
Income and Corporation Taxes Bill (HL) 1987/88
Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003
Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Bill 2002/03
Income Tax (Earnings Exemption for Persons Living in Poverty) (No. 2) Bill 2005-06
Income Tax (Earnings Exemption for Persons Living in Poverty) Bill 2005-06
Income Tax (Non-military Expenditure) Bill 2016-17
Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005
Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Bill 2004/05
Income Tax Act 2007
Income Tax Bill 2006-07
Indecency with Children Act 1960
Indecent Displays (Control) Act 1981
Indecent Displays (Newspapers and Workplaces) Bill 1988/89
Indecent Displays (Newspapers) Bill 1987/88
Indecent Displays Bill 1989/90
Independent Milk Ombudsman etc Bill 2003/04
Independent Press Council Bill (HL) 2012-13
Independent School Closures (Provision for Pupils) Bill 2005-06
Indictments Act 1915
Indirect Taxes (Disclosure) Bill 2001/02
Industrial Action (Protection of Critical National Services) Bill (Proposed)
Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965
Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1967
Industrial and Provident Societies Act 2002
Industrial and Provident Societies Bill 2001/02
Industrial Assurance and Friendly Societies Act 1948
Industrial Carbon Emissions (Targets) Bill 2008-09
Industrial Development (Financial Assistance) Act 2003
Industrial Development (Financial Assistance) Bill 2002/03
Industrial Development Act 1947
Industrial Development Act 1982
Industrial Disputes (Compulsory Arbitration Procedures) Bill 1988/89
Industrial Organisation and Development Act 1947
Industrial Provident Societies Act (Northern Ireland) 1969
Industrial Relations (Voting Procedures) Bill (Proposed)
Industrial Relations (Voting Procedures) Bill 2010-12 (Proposed)
Industrial Training Act 1982
Industrial Tribunals Bill (HL) 1994/95
Industrial Tribunals Bill (HL) 1995/96
Industry Act 1972
Industry Act 1975
Industry Act 1980
Industry and Exports (Financial Support) Act 2009
Industry and Exports (Financial Support) Bill 2008-09
Infant Life (Preservation) Act 1929
Infant Life (Preservation) Bill (HL) 1987/88
Infanticide Act 1938
Infertility Services Bill 1992/93
Infrastructure (Financial Assistance) Act 2012
Infrastructure (Financial Assistance) Bill 2012-13
Infrastructure Act 2015
Infrastructure Audit (Housing Development) Bill 2005-06
Infrastructure Audit (Housing Development) Bill 2006-07
Infrastructure Bill (HL) 2014-15
Inheritance (Cohabitants) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Inheritance (Cohabitants) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975
Inheritance Act 1984
Inheritance and Trustees' Powers Act 2014
Inheritance and Trustees' Powers Bill (HL) 2013-14
Inheritance Tax Act 1984
Injuries in War Compensation Act 1914
Injurious Affection (Amendment) Bill 1989/90
Inland Revenue Regulation Act 1890
Inner Urban Areas Act 1978
Inquiries Act 2005
Inquiries Bill (HL) 2004/05
Inshore Fishing (Scotland) Act 1984
Inshore Fishing (Scotland) Act 1994
Inshore Fishing (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1983/84
Inshore Fishing (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1993/94
Insolvency (No. 2) Act 1994
Insolvency (No. 2) Bill 1992/93
Insolvency (No. 2) Bill 1993/94
Insolvency (No. 3) Bill 1993/94
Insolvency (Provision of Information to Employment Agencies) Bill 2008-09
Insolvency Act 1985
Insolvency Act 1986
Insolvency Act 1986 (Amendment) Bill 1998/99
Insolvency Act 1994
Insolvency Act 2000
Insolvency Bill (Draft)
Insolvency Bill (HL) 1984/85
Insolvency Bill (HL) 1985/86
Insolvency Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Insolvency Bill 1993/94
Insolvency Commission Bill 1994/95
Installation of Letter Box Guards (Protection from Dogs) Bill 2008-09
Installation of Smoke Detectors Bill 1988/89
Instruments (Formalities) Bill (Draft)
Insurance Act 2015
Insurance Bill (HL) 2014-15
Insurance Brokers (Registration) Act 1977
Insurance Companies (Reserves) Act 1995
Insurance Companies (Reserves) Bill 1994/95
Insurance Companies Act 1958
Insurance Companies Act 1982
Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Act 2017
Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Intellectual Property Act 2014
Intellectual Property Bill (HL) 2013-14
Intelligence Services Act 1994
Intelligence Services Bill (HL) 1992/93
Intelligence Services Bill (HL) 1993/94
Intensive Animal Husbandry (Review) Bill 1995/96
Interception of Communications (Admissibility of Evidence) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Interception of Communications (Admissibility of Evidence) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Interception of Communications (Admissibility of Evidence) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Interception of Communications Act 1985
Interdicts and Injunctions (Amendment) Bill 1989/90
Interest on Business Debts Bill 1991/92
Interest on Debts Bill 1989/90
Interest on Debts Bill 1995/96
Interest Rates (Limits on Charges) Bill 2003/04
Interest Rates (Maximum Limit) Bill 2007-08
Intergovernmental Contracts (Provision of Information) Bill 2006-07
International Bribery and Corruption Bill 1997/98
International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs Act 1976
International Criminal Court Act 2001
International Criminal Court Bill (Draft)
International Criminal Court Bill (HL) 2000/01
International Development (Anti-Corruption Audit) Bill 2005-06
International Development (Gender Equality) Act 2014
International Development (Gender Equality) Bill 2013-14
International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2015-16
International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2016-17
International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) Act 2015
International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) Bill (Draft)
International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) Bill 2012-13
International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) Bill 2013-14
International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) Bill 2014-15
International Development (Population Dynamics) Bill (HL) 2015-16
International Development (Reporting and Transparency) Act 2006
International Development (Reporting and Transparency) Bill 2005-06
International Development (Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups) Bill 2017-19
International Development Act 2002
International Development Assistance (Definition) Bill 2017-19
International Development Assistance (Limit) Bill 2017-19
International Development Assistance (Palestinian National Authority Schools) Bill 2017-19
International Development Bill (HL) 2001/02
International Development Bill 2000/01
International Headquarters and Defence Organisations Act 1964
International Management Centre from Buckingham Bill 1987/88
International Monetary Arrangements Bill 1983/84
International Monetary Fund Act 1979
International Organisations Act 1968
International Organisations Act 2005
International Organisations Bill (HL) 2004/05
International Parliamentary Organisations (Registration) Act 1989
International Parliamentary Organisations (Registration) Bill 1988/89
International Payments (Audit) Bill 2017-19
International Road Haulage Permits Act 1975
International Trade Agreements (Scrutiny) Bill 2014-15
International Trade Agreements (Scrutiny) Bill 2015-16
International Trade and Investment (NHS Protection) Bill 2016-17
International Transport Conventions Act 1983
International Tribunals (Sierra Leone) Act 2007
International Tribunals (Sierra Leone) Bill (HL) 2006-07
International Westminster Bank Act 1989
International Westminster Bank Bill 1988/89
Internet (Dissemination of Child Pornography) Bill 1997/98
Internet Communications (Regulation) Bill 2014-15
Internet Regulation (Material Inciting Gang Violence) Bill 2010-12
Internships (Advertising and Regulation) Bill 2012-13
Interpretation (Amendment) Bill 1994/95
Interpretation Act 1978
Intoxicating Liquor (Sale to Persons under Eighteen) Act 1923
Intoxicating Substances (Supply) Act 1975
Intoxicating Substances (Supply) Act 1985
Invalid Care Allowance Bill 1999/2000
Investigatory Powers Act 2016
Investigatory Powers Bill (Draft)
Investigatory Powers Bill 2015-16 to 2016-17
Investment Exchanges and Clearing Houses Act 2006
Investment Exchanges and Clearing Houses Bill 2006-07
Investment Management (Fiduciary Duties) Bill 2013-14
Involuntary Homicide Bill (Draft)
Ipswich Market Act 2004
Ipswich Market Bill 2003/04
Iraq (United Nations) (Sequestration of Assets) (Guernsey) Order 1993
Iraq War Inquiry (No. 2) Bill 2007-08
Iraq War Inquiry Bill (HL) 2007-08
Ireland Act 1949
Irish Sailors and Soldiers Land Trust Act 1987
Isham Bypass Bill 2017-19
Isle of Man Act 1979
Isle of Wight Act 1990
Isle of Wight Bill 1988/89 to 1989/90
Itinerants (Control) Bill 1988/89
Ivory Act 2018
Ivory Bill 2017-19
Job Creation Powers (Scotland) Bill 2014-15
Jobcentre Plus (Wales) Bill 2010-12 (Proposed)
Jobs Guarantee Scheme (Research) Bill 2013-14
Jobs Guarantee Scheme (Research) Bill 2014-15
Jobseekers (Back to Work Schemes) Act 2013
Jobseekers (Back to Work Schemes) Bill 2012-13
Jobseekers Act 1985
Jobseekers Act 1995
Jobseekers Bill 1994/95
Journalistic Corrupt Practices Bill 1995/96
Judicature (Northern Ireland) Act 1978
Judicial Appointments and Retirements (Age Limits) Bill 2017-19
Judicial Committee Act 1844
Judicial Pensions Act 1981
Judicial Pensions and Retirement Act 1993
Judicial Pensions and Retirement Bill (HL) 1992/93
Judicial Proceedings (Regulation of Reports) Act 1926
June Bank Holiday (Creation) Bill 2017-19
Junior Hospital Doctors (Regulation of Hours) (No. 2) Bill 1988/89
Junior Hospital Doctors (Regulation of Hours) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Juries Act 1949
Juries Act 1974
Jurisdiction (Conspiracy and Incitement) Bill 1996/97
Jurors (Scotland) Act 1825
Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2002
Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2004
Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill (HL) 2003/04
Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill 2001/02
Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Act 2007
Justice and Security (Northern Ireland) Bill 2006-07
Justice and Security Act 2013
Justice and Security Bill (HL) 2012-13
Justice Bill 1992/93
Justices of the Peace Act 1361
Justices of the Peace Act 1968
Justices of the Peace Act 1979
Justices of the Peace Act 1997
Justices of the Peace Bill (HL) 1996/97
Juvenile Justice Bill 1999/2000
Keble College Oxford Act 1988
Keble College Oxford Bill (HL) 1986/87 to 1987/88
Keeping of Fairs Act 1328
Keeping of Primates as Pets (Prohibition) Bill 2010-12
Kent County Council (Filming on Highways) Act 2010
Kent County Council (Filming on Highways) Bill (HL) 2009-10
Kent County Council (Filming on Highways) Bill 2008-09
Kent County Council Act 2001
Kent County Council Bill (HL) 1998/99 to 2000/01
Kew Gardens (Leases) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Kew Gardens (Leases) (No. 3) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Kew Gardens (Leases) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Kew Gardens (Leases) Bill 2016-17
Kidney Transplant Bill (HL) 2007-08
Killingholme Generating Stations (Ancillary Powers) Act 1991
Killingholme Generating Stations (Ancillary Powers) Bill (HL) 1989/90 to 1990/91
King's College London Act 1978
King's College London Act 1997
King's College London Bill (HL) 1994/95
King's College London Bill 1996/97
Kings Cross Railways (No. 2) Bill 1991/92
Kings Cross Railways Bill 1988/89
Kingston upon Hull City Council Act 1989
Kingston upon Hull City Council Bill (HL) 1988/89
Kinship Carers (Parental Responsibility Agreements) Bill 2010-12
Kitchens in Rented Accommodation (Benefit Claimants) Bill 2017-19
Knives Act 1997
Knives Bill 1996/97
Labelling (Environmental Effects and Safety) Bill 1989/90
Labelling of Products Bill 1997/98
Land Act 1980
Land at Palace Avenue Kensington (Acquisition of Freehold) Act 2002
Land at Palace Avenue Kensington (Acquisition of Freehold) Bill 2001/02
Land Charges Act 1972
Land Charges Act 1975
Land Clauses Consolidation Act 1845
Land Compensation (Scotland) Act 1963
Land Compensation (Scotland) Act 1973
Land Compensation Act 1961
Land Compensation Act 1973
Land Drainage Act 1976
Land Drainage Act 1991
Land Drainage Act 1994
Land Drainage Bill (HL) 1990/91
Land Drainage Bill (HL) 1993/94
Land Registers (Scotland) Act 1995
Land Registers (Scotland) Bill 1994/95
Land Registration (Scotland) Act 1979
Land Registration Act 1925
Land Registration Act 1988
Land Registration Act 1997
Land Registration Act 2002
Land Registration and Land Charges Act 1971
Land Registration Bill (HL) 1987/88
Land Registration Bill (HL) 1996/97
Land Registration Bill (HL) 2001/02
Land Registration Bill 1987/88
Land Registry Act 1862
Land Settlement Facilities Act 1919
Land Use (Garden Protection) Bill 2007-08
Land Use (Gardens Protection etc) Bill 2006-07
Land Use (Gardens Protection etc) Bill 2008-09
Land Use (Gardens Protection etc) Bill 2009-10
Land Value Tax Bill (HL) 2014-15
Land Value Tax Bill 2012-13
Landlord Accreditation Bill 2012-13
Landlord and Tenant (Business Tenancies) Bill (Draft)
Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995
Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Bill 1992/93
Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Bill 1993/94
Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Bill 1994/95
Landlord and Tenant (Licensed Premises) (No. 2) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Landlord and Tenant (Licensed Premises) Act 1990
Landlord and Tenant (Licensed Premises) Bill 1989/90
Landlord and Tenant (Reform) Bill 2015-16
Landlord and Tenant Act 1954
Landlord and Tenant Act 1985
Landlord and Tenant Act 1987
Landlord and Tenant Act 1988
Landlord and Tenant Bill (Draft)
Landlord and Tenant Bill (HL) 1984/85
Landlord and Tenant Bill (HL) 1987/88
Landmines Act 1998
Landmines Bill 1997/98
Lands Tribunal Act 1949
Lands Valuation (Scotland) Act 1854
Laser Misuse (Vehicles) Act 2018
Laser Misuse (Vehicles) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Laser Pens (Regulation of Sale, Ownership and Usage) Bill 2015-16
Laser Pens (Regulation of Sale, Ownership and Usage) Bill 2016-17
Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998
Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Bill 1997/98
Latent Damage Act 1986
Law Commission Act 1965
Law Commission Act 2009
Law Commission Bill (HL) 2008-09
Law Commission Bill 2008-09
Law of Distress Amendment Act 1888
Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989
Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1994
Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (HL) 1993/94
Law of Property Act 1925
Law Officers Act 1944
Law Officers Act 1997
Law Officers Bill (HL) 1997/98
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1980
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1985
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1990
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Bill 1984/85
Law Reform (Personal Injuries) Act 1948
Law Reform (Succession) Act 1995
Law Reform (Succession) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Law Reform (Year and a Day Rule) Act 1996
Law Reform (Year and a Day Rule) Bill 1995/96
Lawful Industrial Action (Minor Errors) Bill 2010-12
Lead in Paint (Health and Safety) Bill 1997/98
Leader of the House of Commons (Election) Bill 2017-19
Leader of the House of Lords Bill (HL) 2014-15
Learning and Skills Act 2000
Learning and Skills Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Learning Disabilities (Review of Services) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Leasehold (Reform) Bill 1995/96
Leasehold Casualties (Scotland) Bill (Draft)
Leasehold Information Bill (HL) 2006-07
Leasehold Law Reform Bill 1993/94
Leasehold Reform (Amendment) Act 2014
Leasehold Reform (Amendment) Bill 2013-14
Leasehold Reform (Commonhold) Bill 1988/89
Leasehold Reform (Residents Associations) Bill 1989/90
Leasehold Reform Act 1967
Leasehold Reform Bill 1990/91
Leasehold Reform Bill 1995/96
Leasehold Reform Bill 1998/99
Leasehold Reform Bill 1999/2000
Leasehold Reform Bill 2007-08
Leasehold Reform Bill 2017-19
Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993
Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Bill 1992/93
Leaseholders Protection Bill 1994/95
Leaseholders' Rights Bill 2008-09
Lee Valley Regional Park (Amendment) Bill 2016-17
Leeds City Council Act 2013
Leeds City Council Bill 2007-08 to 2012-13
Leeds Light Rail Transit Bill (HL) 1988/89
Leeds Supertram Act 1993
Leeds Supertram Bill 1991/92 to 1992/93
Legal Aid (Reform) Bill 1997/98
Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 1949
Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 1986
Legal Aid Act 1988
Legal Aid and Advice Act 1949
Legal Aid Bill (HL) 1987/88
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill 2010-12
Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2003
Legal Deposit Libraries Bill 2002/03
Legal Profession (Abolition of Restrictive Practices) Bill 1987/88
Legal Reform Bill 1997/98
Legal Services Act 2007
Legal Services Bill (Draft)
Legal Services Bill (HL) 2006-07
Legal Tender (Scottish Banknotes) Bill 2017-19
Legalisation of Cannabis (Medicinal Purposes) Bill 2017-19
Legalisation of Cannabis Bill 2001/02
Legislation (Memoranda of European Derivation) Bill 2003/04
Legislation (Territorial Extent) Bill 2010-12
Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006
Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill 2005-06
Legislative Reform Measure 2018
Legitimated Persons (Succession to Titles) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Leicester City Council Act 2006
Leicester City Council Bill 2005-06
Leicestershire Act 1985
Lending (Regulation) Bill 2008-09
Lerwick Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1987
Lerwick Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1994
Lerwick Harbour Order Confirmation Bill 1987/88
Lerwick Harbour Order Confirmation Bill 1993/94
Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation Act 1995
Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation Bill 1992/93 to 1994/95
Letting Agents (Competition, Choice and Standards) Bill 2013-14
Letting Agents (Fees) Bill 2014-15
Level Crossings Act 1983
Level Crossings Bill (Draft)
Lever Park Bill 1996/97
Liability for Suicide Bill 2005-06
Libraries Act 1964
Libraries and Museum Act 1964
Licencing (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill 1992/93
Licensed Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Vehicles (Closed Circuit Television) Bill 2013-14
Licensed Premises (Exclusion of Certain Persons) (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Licensed Premises (Exclusion of Certain Persons) Act 1980
Licensed Victualling (Regulation of Hours) Bill 2000/01
Licensing (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 1992
Licensing (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 1993
Licensing (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 1996
Licensing (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill 1990/91
Licensing (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill 1991/92
Licensing (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill 1992/93
Licensing (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill 1995/96
Licensing (Amendment) Act 1989
Licensing (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Licensing (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Licensing (Cannabis) Bill 1999/2000
Licensing (Low Alcohol Drinks) Act 1990
Licensing (Low Alcohol Drinks) Bill 1988/89
Licensing (Low Alcohol Drinks) Bill 1989/90
Licensing (Reform) Bill 1996/97
Licensing (Retail Sales) Act 1988
Licensing (Retail Sales) Bill 1987/88
Licensing (Scotland) Act 1976
Licensing (Sunday Hours) Act 1995
Licensing (Sunday Hours) Bill 1994/95
Licensing (Young Persons) Act 2000
Licensing (Young Persons) Bill 1998/99
Licensing (Young Persons) Bill 1999/2000
Licensing Act 1964
Licensing Act 1964 (Amendment) Bill 1995/96
Licensing Act 1988
Licensing Act 2003
Licensing Act 2003 (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2014-15
Licensing Act 2003 (Amendment) Bill 2005-06
Licensing Amendment (Scotland) Bill 1988/89
Licensing and Registration of Gangmasters Bill 2002/03
Licensing Bill (HL) 2002/03
Licensing Bill 1987/88
Licensing Bill 1989/90
Licensing of Child Location Services Bill 2005-06
Licensing of Domiciliary Care Agencies Bill (HL) 1993/94
Licensing of Domiciliary Care Agencies Bill 1993/94
Licensing of Domiciliary Care Services Bill (HL) 1993/94
Licensing of Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Bill 2017-19
Licensing of Ticket Sales Bill 1989/90
Licensing of Ticket Sales Bill 1990/91
Licensing Reform Bill 1989/90
Licensing Reform Bill 1990/91
Lieutenancies Act 1997
Lieutenancies Bill (HL) 1996/97
Life Peerages (Appointments Commission) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Life Peerages (Disclaimer) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Life Peerages (Residency for Taxation Purposes) Bill (HL) 2003/04
Life Peerages (Residency for Taxation Purposes) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Life Peerages Act 1958
Lifelong Learning (Paid Study Time) Bill 1999/2000
Lifelong Learning (Participation and Entitlement) Bill 1998/99
Light Bulb (Regulation) Bill 2006-07
Lighter Evenings (Experiment) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Lighter Evenings Bill 2003/04
Limitation (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Limitation Act 1980
Limited Liability Partnership Bill (Draft)
Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000
Limited Liability Partnerships Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Limited Partnerships Act 1907
Lip-reading Bill 2010-12
Liquor Advertising and Promotion Bill (HL) 2000/01
Lisbon Treaty (Referendum) Bill 2009-10
Litigants in Person (Costs and Expenses) Act 1975
Litter Act 1958
Litter Act 1983
Litter and Fouling of Land by Dogs (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Litter and Fouling of Land By Dogs Bill 2001/02
Litter and Fouling of Land by Dogs Bill 2002/03
Littering from Vehicles Bill (HL) 2012-13
Littering from Vehicles Bill (HL) 2013-14
Live Animal Exports (Prohibition) Bill 2017-19
Live Music Act 2012
Live Music Bill (HL) 2008-09
Live Music Bill (HL) 2009-10
Live Music Bill (HL) 2010-12
Liverpool City Council (Prohibition of Smoking in Places of Work) Bill (HL) 2004/05
Liverpool City Council (Prohibition of Smoking in Places of Work) Bill 2006-07
Liverpool City Council Act 2006
Liverpool City Council Bill 2005-06
Liverpool Corporation Act 1902
Liverpool Exchange Act 1988
Liverpool Exchange Bill (HL) 1986/87 to 1987/88
Living Wage (Reporting) Bill 2014-15
Llanelli Borough Council (Burry Port Harbour) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Llanelli Borough Council (Dafen Estuary) Act 1991
Llanelli Borough Council (Dafen Estuary) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Llanelli Borough Council (River Lliedi) Act 1992
Llanelli Borough Council (River Lliedi) Bill (HL) 1991/92
Lloyds Act 1981
Lloyds Act 1982
Lloyds TSB Act 1998
Lloyds TSB Bill (HL) 1996/97
Lloyds TSB Bill (HL) 1997/98
Loans to Ireland Act 2010
Loans to Ireland Bill 2010-12
Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016
Lobbying (Transparency) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Lobbyists (Registration of Code of Conduct) Bill 2013-14
Local Area Referendum (Disposal of School Playing Fields) Bill 2015-16
Local Audit (Public Access to Documents) Act 2017
Local Audit (Public Access to Documents) Bill 2016-17
Local Audit (Public Access to Documents) Bill 2017-19
Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014
Local Audit and Accountability Bill (HL) 2013-14
Local Audit Bill (Draft)
Local Authorities (Borrowing and Investment) Bill 2017-19
Local Authorities (Elections) Bill 1989/90
Local Authorities (General Powers) Bill 1987/88
Local Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970
Local Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny) Bill 2009-10
Local Authorities (Removal of Council Tax Restrictions) Bill 2017-19
Local Authorities (Social Equality Audits) Bill 2007-08
Local Authorities (Street Lighting) Bill 1990/91
Local Authorities (Trading and Competition Powers) Bill 1995/96
Local Authorities (Youth Expenditure) Bill 1996/97
Local Authorities etc (Notices of Decease) Bill 1991/92
Local Authorities Loans Act 1945
Local Authority Devolution and Powers Bill 2012-13
Local Authority Playing Fields Bill 1989/90
Local Authority Powers (Election Campaigns) Bill 2007-08
Local Authority Roads (Wildlife Protection) Bill 2016-17
Local Authority Searches and Enquiries etc Bill 1987/88
Local Authority Social Services Act 1970
Local Authority Tenders Bill 1997/98
Local Communities Sustainability Bill 2002/03
Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009
Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Bill (HL) 2008-09
Local Elections (Free Delivery of Election Addresses) Bill 2000/01
Local Electricity Bill 2017-19
Local Employment Bill 2008-09
Local Exchange Trading Schemes Bill 1997/98
Local Government (Access to Information) (Disabled Persons) Bill 1989/90
Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985
Local Government (Access to Information) Bill 1999/2000
Local Government (Amendment) Act 1993
Local Government (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Local Government (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Local Government (Conduct of Officers) Bill 1996/97
Local Government (Consultation with Young People) Bill 1997/98
Local Government (Contracts) Act 1997
Local Government (Contracts) Bill 1997/98
Local Government (Experimental Arrangements) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Local Government (Financial Provisions etc) (Scotland) Act 1962
Local Government (Financial Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1963
Local Government (Gaelic Names) (Scotland) Act 1997
Local Government (Gaelic Names) (Scotland) Bill 1996/97
Local Government (Independence) Bill 2014-15
Local Government (Independent Funding Commission) Bill 2002/03
Local Government (Infrastructure Requirement Plans) Bill 2009-10
Local Government (Interim Provisions) Act 1984
Local Government (Interim Provisions) Bill 1983/84
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 (Amendment) Bill 2013-14
Local Government (Organisation and Standards) Bill (Draft)
Local Government (Overseas Assistance) Act 1993
Local Government (Overseas Assistance) Bill 1992/93
Local Government (Planning and Land) Act 1980
Local Government (Planning Permission and Referendums) Bill 2014-15
Local Government (Religious etc Observances) Act 2015
Local Government (Religious etc Observances) Bill 2013-14
Local Government (Religious etc Observances) Bill 2014-15
Local Government (Review of Decisions) Act 2015
Local Government (Review of Decisions) Bill 2010-12
Local Government (Review of Decisions) Bill 2013-14
Local Government (Review of Decisions) Bill 2014-15
Local Government (Scotland) Act 1947
Local Government (Scotland) Act 1966
Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973
Local Government (Scotland) Act 1975
Local Government (Scotland) Bill 1990/91
Local Government (Scotland) Bill 1993/94
Local Government (Wales) Act 1994
Local Government (Wales) Bill (HL) 1993/94
Local Government Act 1894
Local Government Act 1966
Local Government Act 1972
Local Government Act 1974
Local Government Act 1978
Local Government Act 1985
Local Government Act 1986
Local Government Act 1988
Local Government Act 1992
Local Government Act 1999
Local Government Act 2000
Local Government Act 2003
Local Government Act 2010
Local Government and Housing Act 1989
Local Government and Housing Bill 1988/89
Local Government and Housing Bill 1989/90
Local Government and Planning (Parkland and Windfall Development) Bill 2005-06
Local Government and Planning (Scotland) Act 1982
Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007
Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill 2006-07
Local Government and Rating Act 1997
Local Government and Rating Bill 1996/97
Local Government Bill (Draft)
Local Government Bill (HL) 1991/92
Local Government Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Local Government Bill (HL) 2010-12
Local Government Bill 1984/85
Local Government Bill 1985/86
Local Government Bill 1986/87
Local Government Bill 1987/88
Local Government Bill 1998/99
Local Government Bill 2002/03
Local Government Boundary Changes (Referendum) Bill 1997/98
Local Government Boundary Commission (Public Representations) Bill 2013-14
Local Government Bounday Commission (Public Representations) Bill 2013-14
Local Government Byelaws (Wales) Bill 2012
Local Government Consultation Bill 2005-06
Local Government Elections (Referendum) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Local Government Elections (Referendum) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Local Government etc (Scotland) Act 1994
Local Government etc (Scotland) Bill 1993/94
Local Government Finance (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2010-12
Local Government Finance (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Local Government Finance (Publicity for Auditors Reports) Act 1991
Local Government Finance (Publicity for Auditors Reports) Bill 1990/91
Local Government Finance (Supplementary Credit Approvals) Act 1997
Local Government Finance (Supplementary Credit Approvals) Bill 1997/98
Local Government Finance (Tenure Information) Bill 2015-16
Local Government Finance Act 1966
Local Government Finance Act 1982
Local Government Finance Act 1988
Local Government Finance Act 1988 (Amendment) Bill 1990/91
Local Government Finance Act 1992
Local Government Finance Act 2012
Local Government Finance and Valuation Act 1991
Local Government Finance and Valuation Bill 1990/91
Local Government Finance Bill 1986/87
Local Government Finance Bill 1987/88
Local Government Finance Bill 1991/92
Local Government Finance Bill 2010-12 to 2012-13
Local Government Finance Bill 2016-17
Local Government Finance Bill 2017-19
Local Government Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Local Government Procurement Bill 2002/03
Local Government Referendums Bill 2005-06
Local Government Scotland Act 1973
Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980
Local Health Scrutiny Bill 2017-19
Local Health Services and Democratic Involvement Bill 2008-09
Local Housing Authority Debt Bill (HL) 2017-19
Local Land Charges (Fees) Bill 2003/04
Local Land Charges Act 1975
Local Planning and Housing Bill 2014-15
Local Planning Authorities (Energy and Energy Efficiency) Bill 2006-07
Local Planning Authorities (Energy Generation and Efficiency) Bill 2005-06
Local Planning Authorities (Protection of Local Services) Bill 2008-09
Local Referendums Bill 2010-12
Local Roads (Investment) Bill 2017-19
Local Services (Planning) Bill 2012-13
Local Services and Facilities Bill 2004/05
Local Sustainability Bill 2001/02
Local Transport Act 2008
Local Transport Bill (Draft)
Local Transport Bill (HL) 2007-08
Localism Act 2011
Localism Bill 2010-12
Location of Pornographic Material Bill 1988/89
Location of Pornographic Materials Bill 1989/90
Loch Leven and Lochaber Water Power Order Confirmation Act 1995
Loch Leven and Lochaber Water Power Order Confirmation Bill 1994/95
London and Home Counties Green Belt Act 1938
London Building Acts (Amendment) Act 1939
London County Council (General Powers) Act 1954
London Development Agency Act 2003
London Development Agency Bill 2001/02 to 2002/03
London Docklands Development Corporation Act 1994
London Docklands Development Corporation Bill (HL) 1992/93 to 1993/94
London Docklands Railway (Beckton) Act 1989
London Docklands Railway (Beckton) Bill 1986/87 to 1988/89
London Docklands Railway (Lewisham etc) (No. 2) Bill 1991/92
London Docklands Railway (Lewisham etc) Bill 1990/91
London Docklands Railway (Lewisham) (No. 2) Act 1993
London Docklands Railway (Lewisham) (No. 2) Bill 1991/92 to 1992/93
London Docklands Railway (Lewisham) Act 1993
London Docklands Railway (Lewisham) Bill 1990/91 to 1992/93
London Docklands Railway Act 1991
London Docklands Railway Bill 1989/90 to 1991/92
London Government Act 1972
London Government Bill 1988/89
London Government Bill 1989/90
London Local Authorities (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (HL) 1989/90
London Local Authorities (No. 2) Act 1990
London Local Authorities (No. 2) Bill (HL) 1988/89 to 1989/90
London Local Authorities (No. 2) Bill (HL) 1992/93 to 1994/95
London Local Authorities (Prohibition of Smoking in Places of Work) Bill (HL) 2004/05
London Local Authorities (Shopping Bags) Bill 2007-08
London Local Authorities Act 1990
London Local Authorities Act 1991
London Local Authorities Act 1994
London Local Authorities Act 1995
London Local Authorities Act 1996
London Local Authorities Act 2000
London Local Authorities Act 2004
London Local Authorities Act 2007
London Local Authorities Act 2012
London Local Authorities and Transport for London (No. 2) Bill (HL) 2007-08 to 2013-14
London Local Authorities and Transport for London Act 2003
London Local Authorities and Transport for London Act 2008
London Local Authorities and Transport for London Act 2013
London Local Authorities and Transport for London Bill (HL) 2001/02 to 2002/03
London Local Authorities and Transport for London Bill 2004/05 to 2007-08
London Local Authorities Bill (HL) 1987/88 to 1989/90
London Local Authorities Bill (HL) 1989/90 to 1990/91
London Local Authorities Bill (HL) 1991/92 to 1993/94
London Local Authorities Bill (HL) 1994/95 to 1995/96
London Local Authorities Bill (HL) 1996/97 to 1999/2000
London Local Authorities Bill (HL) 2001/02 to 2003/04
London Local Authorities Bill (HL) 2004/05 to 2006-07
London Local Authorities Bill (HL) 2007-08 to 2010-12
London Local Government Bill 1989/90
London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (Amendment) Act 2011
London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Act 2006
London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Bill 2005-06
London Regional Transport (Fares) Bill (HL) 1988/89
London Regional Transport (No. 2) Act 1989
London Regional Transport (No. 2) Bill 1987/88 to 1988/89
London Regional Transport (Penalty Fares) Act 1992
London Regional Transport (Penalty Fares) Bill 1989/90
London Regional Transport (Penalty Fares) Bill 1990/91 to 1992/93
London Regional Transport Act 1984
London Regional Transport Act 1989
London Regional Transport Act 1996
London Regional Transport Bill 1983/84
London Regional Transport Bill 1986/87 to 1988/89
London Regional Transport Bill 1995/96
London Squares Preservation (Amendment) Bill 1988/89
London Underground (Green Park) Act 1994
London Underground (Green Park) Bill 1991/92 to 1993/94
London Underground (Jubilee) Act 1993
London Underground (Jubilee) Bill 1991/92 to 1992/93
London Underground (Kings Cross) Act 1993
London Underground (Kings Cross) Bill 1990/91 to 1992/93
London Underground (No. 2) Bill 1990/91
London Underground (Safety Measures) Act 1991
London Underground (Safety Measures) Bill (HL) 1989/90 to 1991/92
London Underground (Victoria) Act 1991
London Underground (Victoria) Bill 1988/89
London Underground (Victoria) Bill 1989/90 to 1990/91
London Underground Act 1992
London Underground Bill 1989/90 to 1991/92
Long-term Unemployed (Recruitment) (Northern Ireland) Bill 1994/95
Lord Chancellor (Tenure of Office) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Lord Chancellor (Tenure of Office) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Lords Spiritual (Women) Act 2015
Lords Spiritual (Women) Bill 2014-15
Lords Spiritual Bill 2012-13
Lotteries (Frequent Draw) Bill (Draft)
Lotteries and Amusements Act 1976
Lotteries Bill 1988/89
Low Hazard Workplaces (Risk Assessment Exemption) Bill 2010-12
Low Pay Commission (National Minimum Wage) Bill 2014-15
Low Wages and Income-related Benefits (Publication of Information) Bill 1995/96
Low-level Letter Boxes (Prohibition) Bill 2017-19
Lyon King of Arms Act 1592
Lyon King of Arms Act 1867
Made in Britain Mark Bill 1999/2000
Magistrates' Courts (Amendment) Bill 1995/96
Magistrates' Courts (Procedure) Act 1998
Magistrates' Courts (Procedure) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Magistrates' Courts Act 1980
Magna Carta Anniversary (Bank Holiday) Bill 2010-12
Maidstone Borough Council Act 2006
Maidstone Borough Council Bill 2005-06
Maintenance Enforcement Act 1991
Maintenance Enforcement Bill (HL) 1990/91
Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act 1920
Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1972
Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1992
Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Maintenance Orders Act 1950
Maintenance Orders Act 1958
Major Capital Contracts (Skills Training Requirements) Bill 2009-10
Malicious Communications (Social Media) Bill 2016-17
Malicious Communications Act 1988
Malicious Communications Bill 1987/88
Malicious Damage Act 1861
Malvern Hills Act 1995
Malvern Hills Bill (HL) 1992/93 to 1994/95
Management of Dementia in Care Homes Bill 2007-08
Management of Energy in Buildings Bill 2005-06
Management of Offenders and Sentencing Bill (HL) 2004/05
Manchester City Council Act 2010
Manchester City Council Bill (HL) 2006-07 to 2009-10
Manoeuvres Act 1958
Manufactured Goods (Trade) Bill 2017-19
Margaret Thatcher Day Bill 2013-14
Marine Accident Investigation Branch (Reports) Bill 2008-09
Marine Accident Investigation Branch (Reports) Bill 2009-10
Marine Accident Investigations Bill 1990/91
Marine and Aviation Insurance (War Risks) Act 1952
Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009
Marine and Coastal Access Bill (HL) 2008-09
Marine Bill (Draft)
Marine etc Broadcasting (Offences) Act 1967
Marine Insurance Act 1906
Marine Navigation (No. 2) Bill 2012-13
Marine Navigation Act 2013
Marine Navigation Aids Bill (HL) 2008-09
Marine Navigation Aids Bill (HL) 2009-10
Marine Navigation Aids Bill (HL) 2010-12
Marine Navigation Bill (Draft)
Marine Navigation Bill (HL) 2010-12
Marine Navigation Bill (HL) 2012-13
Marine Safety Act 2003
Marine Safety Bill 2002/03
Marine Wildlife Conservation Bill 2001/02
Marine Wildlife Conservation Bill 2003/04
Marine Wildlife Protection Bill 1999/2000
Maritime Safety Bill 1992/93
Marriage (Amendment) Bill 1993/94
Marriage (Approved Organisations) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Marriage (Approved Organisations) Bill (HL) 2013-14
Marriage (Registration of Buildings) Act 1990
Marriage (Registration of Buildings) Bill 1989/90
Marriage (Same Sex Couples) (Northern Ireland) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Marriage (Same Sex Couples) (Northern Ireland) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013
Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill 2012-13 to 2013-14
Marriage (Scotland) Act 1977
Marriage (Wales) Act 2010
Marriage (Wales) Bill (HL) 2009-10
Marriage Act 1836
Marriage Act 1949
Marriage Act 1949 (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Marriage Act 1983
Marriage Act 1994
Marriage and Civil Partnership (Consent) Bill 2017-19
Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Bill 2017-19
Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Act 2014
Marriage and Civil Partnership Registration (Mothers' Names) Bill 2015-16
Marriage Bill 1993/94
Marriage Ceremony (Prescribed Words) Act 1996
Marriage Ceremony (Prescribed Words) Bill 1995/96
Marriage of British Subjects (Facilities) Act 1915
Marriage of British Subjects (Facilities) Amendment Act 1916
Marriage Registration Bill 2015-16
Marriages Validity (Provisional Orders) Act 1924
Married Couples (Tax Allowance) Bill 2013-14
Marshall Aid Commemoration Act 1953
Marshall Scholarships Act 1959
Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys Act 1987
Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys Bill 1986/87
Master's Degrees (Minimum Standards) Bill 2010-12
Maternity and Paternity Leave (Premature Birth) Bill 2016-17
Matrimonial and Family Proceedings Act 1984
Matrimonial Causes Act 1973
Matrimonial Homes (Family Protection) (Scotland) Act 1981
Matrimonial Proceedings (Transfers) Act 1988
Matrimonial Proceedings (Transfers) Bill (HL) 1987/88
Mauritius Republic Act 1992
Mauritius Republic Bill (HL) 1992/93
Maximum Wage Bill 1993/94
Maximum Wage Bill 2008-09
Media (Diversity) Bill 1994/95
Media (Transparency and Disclosure) Bill 2006-07
Media Owners (Residency Requirement) Bill 2008-09
Medical (Professional Performance) Act 1995
Medical (Professional Performance) Bill 1994/95
Medical Act 1983
Medical Act 1983 (Amendment) Bill 1983/84
Medical Act 1983 (Amendment) Bill 1987/88
Medical Act 1983 (Amendment) Bill 1989/90
Medical Act 1983 (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Medical Examination of Children at Risk Bill 1987/88
Medical Innovation (No. 2) Bill 2013-14
Medical Innovation Bill (HL) 2012-13
Medical Innovation Bill (HL) 2013-14
Medical Innovation Bill (HL) 2014-15
Medical Innovation Bill (HL) 2015-16
Medical Insurance (Pensioner Tax Relief) Bill 2010-12
Medical Insurance (Tax Relief) Bill 2010-12
Medical Practitioners and Dentists (Professional Negligence Insurance) Bill 2002/03
Medical Qualifications (Amendment) Act 1991
Medical Qualifications (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Medical Services for Women Bill 1989/90
Medical Treatment (Advance Directives) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Medical Treatment (Prevention of Euthanasia) Bill 1999/2000
Medicinal Labelling Bill (HL) 2013-14
Medicinal Product Testing in Children Bill 1999/2000
Medicinal Products Prescription by Nurses etc Act 1992
Medicinal Products Prescription by Nurses etc Bill 1991/92
Medicines Act 1968
Medicines Act 1971
Medicines Information Bill 1992/93
Medway Council Act 2001
Medway Council Act 2004
Medway Council Bill (HL) 1998/99 to 2000/01
Medway Council Bill 2003/04
Medway Tunnel Act 1990
Medway Tunnel Bill (HL) 1988/89 to 1989/90
Members of Parliament (Change of Political Party Affiliation) Bill 2010-12
Members of Parliament (Employment Disqualification) Bill 2001/02
Members of Parliament (Employment Disqualification) Bill 2006-07
Members of Parliament (Pay and Responsibilities) Bill 2007-08
Membership of the House of Lords (Elections) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019
Mental Capacity (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Mental Capacity Bill 2003/04 to 2004/05
Mental Health (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Mental Health (Amendment) (Scotland) Act 1999
Mental Health (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill 1998/99
Mental Health (Amendment) Act 1994
Mental Health (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1993/94
Mental Health (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Mental Health (Approval Functions) Act 2012
Mental Health (Approval Functions) Bill 2012-13
Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003
Mental Health (Detention) (Scotland) Act 1991
Mental Health (Detention) (Scotland) Bill 1990/91
Mental Health (Discrimination) (No. 2) Bill 2012-13
Mental Health (Discrimination) Act 2013
Mental Health (Discrimination) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Mental Health (Discrimination) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Mental Health (Independent Advocacy) (England) Bill 2015-16
Mental Health (Joint Commissioning Consortia) Bill 1996/97
Mental Health (Patients in the Community) Act 1995
Mental Health (Patients in the Community) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Mental Health (Patients in the Community) Bill 1994/95
Mental Health (Patients in the Community) Bill 1995
Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1984
Mental Health (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1983/84
Mental Health Act 1959
Mental Health Act 1983
Mental Health Act 1983 (Amendment) Bill 2014-15
Mental Health Act 2007
Mental Health Bill (Draft)
Mental Health Bill (HL) 2006-07
Mental Health Bill 1994/95
Mental Health Outcomes (Measurement) Bill 2013-14
Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Act 2018
Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Bill 2017-19
Mental Incapacity Bill (Draft)
Merchant Shipping (Homosexual Conduct) Act 2017
Merchant Shipping (Homosexual Conduct) Bill 2016-17
Merchant Shipping (Inquiries and Investigations) Amendment Bill 1994/95
Merchant Shipping (Load Lines) Act 1967
Merchant Shipping (Mercantile Marine Fund) Act 1898
Merchant Shipping (Pollution) Act 2006
Merchant Shipping (Pollution) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Merchant Shipping (Registration etc) Act 1993
Merchant Shipping (Registration etc) Bill 1992/93
Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention) Act 1949
Merchant Shipping (Salvage and Pollution) Act 1994
Merchant Shipping (Salvage and Pollution) Bill 1993/94
Merchant Shipping Act 1894
Merchant Shipping Act 1906
Merchant Shipping Act 1965
Merchant Shipping Act 1970
Merchant Shipping Act 1974
Merchant Shipping Act 1977
Merchant Shipping Act 1979
Merchant Shipping Act 1984
Merchant Shipping Act 1988
Merchant Shipping Act 1995
Merchant Shipping and Maritime Security Act 1997
Merchant Shipping and Maritime Security Bill (HL) 1996/97
Merchant Shipping Bill (HL) 1987/88
Merchant Shipping Bill (HL) 1994/95
Merchant Shipping Bill 1995/96
Mersey Docks and Harbour Act 1992
Mersey Docks and Harbour Bill (HL) 1989/90 to 1992/93
Mersey Tunnels Act 2004
Mersey Tunnels Bill 1999/2000
Mersey Tunnels Bill 2001/02 to 2003/04
Merseyside Local Authorities (Prohibition of Smoking in Places of Work) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Mesothelioma (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2015-16
Mesothelioma (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2014-15
Mesothelioma (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Mesothelioma (Amendment) Bill 2013-14
Mesothelioma (Amendment) Bill 2014-15
Mesothelioma Act 2014
Mesothelioma Bill (HL) 2013-14
Mesothelioma etc (Northern Ireland) Act 2008
Metal Theft (Prevention) Bill 2010-12
Methylated Spirits (Sale by Retail) (Scotland) Act 1937
Metrication (Removal of Penalties) Bill 1994/95
Metropolitan Police Act 1839
Micro Businesses and Energy Contract Roll-over Bill 2012-13
Microgeneration (Definition) Amendment Bill 2007-08
Microgeneration and Local Energy Bill 2006-07
Microgeneration and Local Energy Bill 2007-08
Middle Level Act 2018
Middle Level Bill 2016-17 to 2017-19
Midland Metro (No. 2) Act 1992
Midland Metro (No. 2) Act 1993
Midland Metro (No. 2) Bill 1990/91 to 1991/92
Midland Metro (No. 3) Bill 1991/92 to 1992/93
Midland Metro (Penalty Fares) Act 1991
Midland Metro (Penalty Fares) Bill (HL) 1989/90 to 1990/91
Midland Metro Act 1989
Midland Metro Act 1992
Midland Metro Act 1993
Midland Metro Bill (HL) 1992/93
Midland Metro Bill 1988/89
Midland Metro Bill 1989/90 to 1991/92
Milford Haven Port Authority Act 2002
Milford Haven Port Authority Bill (HL) 2001/02
Military Action against Iraq (Parliamentary Approval) Bill 1998/99
Military Expenditure (Conscientious Objection) Bill 1998/99
Military Lands Act 1892
Milk (Cessation of Production) Act 1985
Milk (Pricing) Bill 2006-07
Millennium Conformity Bill 1997/98
Mineral Workings (Offshore Installations) Act 1971
Mineral Workings Bill 1984/85
Miners Welfare Act 1952
Mines and Quarries Act 1954
Mines and Quarries Act 1984
Mini Motos (Regulation) Bill 2005-06
Minimum Service Obligation (High Street Cashpoints) Bill 2017-19
Minimum Wage (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Minister of the Crown Act 1975
Ministerial and Other Offices (Pensions and Salaries) Bill 1989/90
Ministerial and Other Pensions and Salaries (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Ministerial and Other Pensions and Salaries Act 1991
Ministerial and Other Pensions and Salaries Bill 1990/91
Ministerial and Other Salaries (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2002/03
Ministerial and Other Salaries (Amendment) Bill 2005-06
Ministerial and Other Salaries Act 1975
Ministerial and Other Salaries Act 1997
Ministerial and Other Salaries Bill 1997/98
Ministerial Conduct Bill 1999/2000
Ministerial Patronage (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Bill 1992/93
Ministers of the Crown (Financial Interests) Bill 1990/91
Ministers of the Crown Act 1975
Ministry of Defence Police Act 1987
Ministry of Housing and Local Government Provisional Order Confirmation (Greater London Parks and Open Spaces) Act 1967
Ministry of Peace Bill 2002/03
Miscellaneous Financial Provisions Act 1983
Missing Persons Guardianship Bill (HL) 2016-17
Mission and Pastoral etc (Amendment) Measure 2018
Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill 1998/99
Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill 2000/01
Misuse of Drugs (Anabolic Steroids) Bill 1990/91
Misuse of Drugs (Anabolic Steroids) Bill 1992/93
Misuse of Drugs (Reclassification of Methylamphetamine) Bill 2005-06
Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
Misuse of Drugs Bill 1987/88
Misuse of Drugs Bill 1988/89
Misuse of Drugs Bill 1989/90
Mobile Homes Act 1983
Mobile Homes Act 2013
Mobile Homes and Park Homes Bill 2017-19
Mobile Homes Bill 2012-13
Mobile Network Roaming Capabilities Bill 2008-09
Mobile Phones and Other Devices Capable of Connection to the Internet (Distribution of Sexually Explicit Images and Manufacturers' Anti-pornography Default Setting) Bill 2014-15
Mobile Telecommunications Network Coverage (Contractual Obligations) Bill 2015-16
Mobile Telephones (Prohibition of Use in Designated Places) Bill 1997/98
Mobile Telephones (Re-programming) Act 2002
Mobile Telephones (Re-programming) Bill (HL) 2001/02
Mobile Telephones (Re-programming) Bill 2004/05
Mock Auctions Act 1961
Modern Slavery (Transparency in Supply Chains) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Modern Slavery (Transparency in Supply Chains) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Modern Slavery Act 2015
Modern Slavery Bill (Draft)
Modern Slavery Bill 2014-15
Moneylenders Act 1927
Mortgage Assistance Bill 1989/90
Mortgage Repossessions (Protection of Tenants etc) Act 2010
Mortgage Repossessions (Protection of Tenants etc) Bill 2009-10
Motor Accident Injury Compensation Bill 1997/98
Motor Accident Injury Compensation Bill 1998/99
Motor Cycle Noise Act 1987
Motor Insurance Regulation Bill 2010-12
Motor Trade (Consumer Protection) (No. 2) Bill 1989/90
Motor Trade (Consumer Protection) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Motor Trade (Consumer Protection) Bill 1988/89
Motor Vehicle (Climate Change Information) Bill 2008-09
Motor Vehicle Excise Licence (Amendment) Bill 1989/90
Motor Vehicle Insurance Certificate Display Bill 1994/95
Motor Vehicle Insurance Disc Bill 2003/04
Motor Vehicle Manslaughter Bill 2003/04
Motor Vehicles (Anti-social Use) Bill 2005-06
Motor Vehicles (International Circulation) Act 1952
Motor Vehicles (Mileage Readings) Bill 1988/89
Motor Vehicles (Prohibition on Use of Hand-held Mobile Telephones) Bill 2001/02
Motor Vehicles (Safety Equipment for Children) Act 1991
Motor Vehicles (Safety Equipment for Children) Bill 1990/91
Motor Vehicles (Wearing of Rear Seat Belts by Children) Act 1988
Motor Vehicles (Wearing of Rear Seat Belts by Children) Bill 1987/88
Motorcycle Noise Act 1987
Motorcycles (Bus Lanes) Bill 2002/03
Movement of Farm Animals Bill 2001/02
Multi-employer Pension Schemes Bill 2017-19
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Act 1988
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Bill 1987/88
Multinational Enterprises (Financial Transparency) Bill 2015-16
Multinational Motor Manufacturing Companies (Duty of Care to Former Employees) Bill 2012-13
Multiple Retailer (Publication and Display of Ethical Sourcing Policies) Bill 1998/99
Municipal Waste Recycling Bill 2002/03
Museums and Galleries Act 1992
Museums and Galleries Bill 1991/92
Museums and Galleries Bill 2002/03
Museums Bill 2001/02
Mutual Guarantee Societies Bill 2016-17
Mutualisation of the Royal Bank of Scotland Bill 2016-17
Mutuals' Deferred Shares Act 2015
Mutuals' Deferred Shares Bill (HL) 2014-15
Mutuals' Redeemable Shares Bill (HL) 2013-14
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Bill 1987/88
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Bill 1990/91
Nail Bars and Special Treatment Premises (Regulation) Bill 2007-08
Namibia Act 1991
Namibia Bill (HL) 1990/91
Naming Ceremonies and Parental Responsibilities Bill 1994/95
Nappies (Environmental Standards) Bill 2017-19
National Assistance (Amendment) Act 1951
National Assistance Act 1948
National Assistance Act 1984
National Audit (Scotland) Bill 1990/91
National Audit Act 1983
National Audit Office (Extension of Powers) Bill 1989/90
National Audit Office (Extension of Powers) Bill 1990/91
National Australia Group Europe Act 2001
National Australia Group Europe Bill (HL) 2000/01
National Cancer Bill 2001/02
National Cervical Cancer Foundation (Establishment) Bill 1987/88
National Citizen Service Act 2017
National Citizen Service Bill (HL) 2016-17
National Commonwealth Military Day Bill 2012-13
National Community Service Bill 2002/03
National Curriculum (Emergency Life Support Skills) Bill 2010-12
National Debt Act 1889
National Debt Act 1972
National Debt Cap Bill 2010-12
National Defence Medal Bill 2014-15
National Enterprise (Reconstruction) Board Bill 1990/91
National Film Finance Corporation Act 1981
National Health Patient Accommodation Bill (HL) 1994/95
National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill (HL) 2012-13
National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill (HL) 2013-14
National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) Bill 2014-15
National Health Service (Amendment) Act 1986
National Health Service (Amendment) Act 1995
National Health Service (Amendment) Bill 1985/86
National Health Service (Amendment) Bill 1994/95
National Health Service (Co-funding and Co-payment) Bill 2017-19
National Health Service (Compensation) Bill 1990/91
National Health Service (Consequential Provisions) Act 2006
National Health Service (Consequential Provisions) Bill (HL) 2005-06
National Health Service (Equity of Funding) Bill 1997/98
National Health Service (Freedom of Speech) Bill 1992/93
National Health Service (Improved Provision of Services) Bill 1987/88
National Health Service (Improved Provision of Services) Bill 1988/89
National Health Service (Primary Care) Act 1997
National Health Service (Primary Care) Bill (HL) 1996/97
National Health Service (Private Finance) Act 1997
National Health Service (Private Finance) Bill (HL) 1997/98
National Health Service (Prohibition of Fax Machines and Pagers) Bill 2017-19
National Health Service (Residual Liabilities) Act 1996
National Health Service (Residual Liabilities) Bill 1995/96
National Health Service (Right to Treatment) Bill 2010-12
National Health Service (Right to Treatment) Bill 2013-14
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978
National Health Service (Supply of Medical Equipment) Bill 1991/92
National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006
National Health Service (Wales) Bill (Draft)
National Health Service (Wales) Bill (HL) 2005-06
National Health Service Act 1944
National Health Service Act 1972
National Health Service Act 1977
National Health Service Act 2006
National Health Service and Care Sector Workers (Credit Union and High Cost Credit) Bill 2014-15
National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990
National Health Service and Community Care Bill 1989/90
National Health Service and Social Care (Commission) Bill 2015-16
National Health Service Bill (HL) 2005-06
National Health Service Bill 2014-15
National Health Service Bill 2015-16
National Health Service Bill 2016-17
National Health Service Bill 2017-19
National Health Service Hospitals (Opting Out) Bill 1989/90
National Health Service Provision (Local Consultation) Bill 2016-17
National Health Service Public Interest Disclosure Support Bill 2009-10
National Health Service Redress (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Act 2002
National Health Service Reform and Health Care Professions Bill 2001/02
National Health Service Staff (Reporting and Registration) Bill 2016-17
National Health Service Trusts (Public Service) Bill 1992/93
National Health Services (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
National Heritage (Scotland) Act 1985
National Heritage Act 1980
National Heritage Act 1983
National Heritage Act 1997
National Heritage Act 2002
National Heritage Bill (HL) 1996/97
National Heritage Bill (HL) 2001/02
National Identity Card Bill 1988/89
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Impact on Carers) Bill 2006-07
National Insurance (Renaming) Bill 2013-14
National Insurance Contributions (Rate Ceilings) Act 2015
National Insurance Contributions (Rate Ceilings) Bill 2015-16
National Insurance Contributions (Termination Awards and Sporting Testimonials) Bill 2017-19
National Insurance Contributions Act 2002
National Insurance Contributions Act 2006
National Insurance Contributions Act 2008
National Insurance Contributions Act 2011
National Insurance Contributions Act 2014
National Insurance Contributions Act 2015
National Insurance Contributions and Statutory Payments Act 2004
National Insurance Contributions and Statutory Payments Bill 2003/04
National Insurance Contributions Bill (Draft)
National Insurance Contributions Bill 2001/02
National Insurance Contributions Bill 2005-06
National Insurance Contributions Bill 2007-08
National Insurance Contributions Bill 2010-12
National Insurance Contributions Bill 2013-14
National Insurance Contributions Bill 2014-15
National Living Wage (Extension to Young People) Bill 2017-19
National Loans Act 1968
National Lottery (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2001/02
National Lottery (Amendment) Bill 2000/01
National Lottery (Community Chest) Bill 1999/2000
National Lottery (Funding of Endowments) Act 2003
National Lottery (Funding of Endowments) Bill 2002/03
National Lottery (Regionalisation) Bill 1996/97
National Lottery Act 1998
National Lottery Act 2006
National Lottery Bill (HL) 1997/98
National Lottery Bill 1989/90
National Lottery Bill 1991/92
National Lottery Bill 1997/98
National Lottery Bill 2004/05
National Lottery Bill 2005-06
National Lottery etc Act 1993
National Lottery etc Bill 1992/93
National Maritime Museum Act 1934
National Maritime Museum Act 1989
National Maritime Museum Bill (HL) 1988/89
National Minimum Wage (Amendment) Bill 2002/03
National Minimum Wage (Enforcement Notices) Act 2003
National Minimum Wage (Enforcement Notices) Bill (HL) 2002/03
National Minimum Wage (Tips) Bill 2002/03
National Minimum Wage (Workplace Internships) Bill 2016-17
National Minimum Wage Act 1998
National Minimum Wage Bill 1997/98
National Missing Persons Register Bill 1988/89
National Nutrition Bill 2001/02
National Park Authorities Bill 2010-12
National Parks (Governance) Bill 2013-14
National Parks (Scotland) Bill 1995/96
National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949
National Parks Bill (HL) 1993/94
National Planning Policy Framework (Community Involvement) Bill 2013-14
National Provident Institution Act 1987
National Provident Institution Bill (HL) 1986/87
National Savings Bank Act 1971
National Savings Pension Bill 1995/96
National School Health Service Bill 1992/93
National Science Strategy Bill 1998/99
National Service Bill 1988/89
National Service Bill 1989/90
National Service Bill 2010-12
National Service Bill 2013-14
National Transport Safety Bill 1997/98
National Trust (Northern Ireland) Act 2007
National Trust (Northern Ireland) Bill 2006-07
National Trust Act 1971
Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002
Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill 2001/02
Natural Disasters (Scotland) Bill 1994/95
Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006
Natural Environment and Rural Communities Bill (Draft)
Natural Environment and Rural Communities Bill 2005-06
Natural Environment Bill (HL) 2015-16
Natural Heritage (Scotland) Act 1991
Natural Heritage (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Nature Bill 2014-15
Nature Conservancy Council Act 1973
Naval and Marine Pay and Pensions Act 1865
Naval Discipline Act 1957
Naval Medical Compassionate Fund Act 1915
Navy and Marines (Property of Deceased) Act 1865
Needle Stick Injury Bill 2002/03
Negligence (Psychiatric Illness) Bill (Draft)
Negligence and Damages Bill 2015-16
Neighbourhood Planning Act 2017
Neighbourhood Planning Bill 2016-17
Neighbourhood Policing Bill 2005-06
Net Book Agreement (Abolition) Bill 1988/89
Network Rail (Scotland) Bill 2016-17
New Roads and Street Works Act 1991
New Roads and Street Works Bill (HL) 1990/91
New Southgate Cemetery Act 2017
New Southgate Cemetery and Crematorium Limited Act 1990
New Southgate Cemetery and Crematorium Limited Bill 1988/89 to 1989/90
New Southgate Cemetery Bill (HL) 2015-16 to 2017-19
New Towns (Amendment) Act 1994
New Towns (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1992/93
New Towns (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1993/94
New Towns (Scotland) Act 1968
New Towns Act 1981
Newcastle upon Tyne Town Moor Act 1988
Newcastle upon Tyne Town Moor Bill (HL) 1986/87 to 1988/89
Newly Qualified Drivers Bill 1989/90
Newly Qualified Drivers Bill 1992/93
Newly Qualified Drivers Bill 1993/94
Newspaper and Magazine Recycling Bill 1999/2000
Newsprint Recycling Bill 1991/92
NHS (Charitable Trusts etc) Act 2016
NHS (Charitable Trusts etc) Bill 2015-16
NHS (Private Finance) Bill 1997/98
NHS Acute Medical and Surgical Services (Working Time Directive) Bill 2010-12
NHS Amendment Act 1986
NHS and Community Care Bill 1989/90
NHS Audit Requirements (Foreign Nationals) Bill 2012-13
NHS Redress Act 2006
NHS Redress Bill (HL) 2005-06
Night Poaching Act 1828
Night Poaching Act 1844
No Fault Divorce Bill 2015-16
Noise Act 1996
Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act 1993
Noise and Statutory Nuisance Bill 1992/93
Noise Bill 1995/96
Non-domestic Rating (Information) Act 1996
Non-domestic Rating (Information) Bill 1995/96
Non-domestic Rating (No. 2) Bill 1992/93
Non-domestic Rating (Nursery Grounds) Act 2018
Non-domestic Rating (Nursery Grounds) Bill 2017-19
Non-domestic Rating (Preparation for Digital Services) Bill 2017-19
Non-domestic Rating (Property in Common Occupation) Bill (Draft)
Non-domestic Rating Act 1992
Non-domestic Rating Act 1993
Non-domestic Rating Act 1994
Non-domestic Rating Bill 1992/93
Non-domestic Rating Bill 1993/94
Non-domestic Rating Bill 1995/96
Non-prescription Contact Lenses Bill 2002/03
Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Act 1988
Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Bill 1986/87
Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Bill 1987/88
North American Free Trade Area (Parliamentary Commission) Bill 1997/98
North Killingholme Cargo Terminal Bill 1987/88
North Northamptonshire (Urgent Care Facilities) Bill 2017-19
North West Regional Assembly Bill 1987/88
North Yorkshire County Council Act 1991
North Yorkshire County Council Bill (HL) 1990/91
Northampton Act 1988
Northampton Bill (HL) 1987/88
Northamptonshire Clinical Commissioning Groups (Merger) Bill 2017-19
Northern Bank Bill 2007-08
Northern Ireland (Elections) Act 1998
Northern Ireland (Elections) Bill 1997/98
Northern Ireland (Emergency Powers) Bill 1990/91
Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1973
Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1978
Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1987
Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1991
Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1996
Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1998
Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Bill 1990/91
Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Bill 1995/96
Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Bill 1997/98
Northern Ireland (Entry to Negotiations etc) Act 1996
Northern Ireland (Entry to Negotiations etc) Bill 1995/96
Northern Ireland (Executive Formation and Exercise of Functions) Act 2018
Northern Ireland (Executive Formation and Exercise of Functions) Bill 2017-19
Northern Ireland (Location of Victims' Remains) Act 1999
Northern Ireland (Location of Victims' Remains) Bill 1998/99
Northern Ireland (Ministerial Appointments and Regional Rates) Act 2017
Northern Ireland (Ministerial Appointments and Regional Rates) Bill 2016-17
Northern Ireland (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2006
Northern Ireland (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2014
Northern Ireland (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (Draft)
Northern Ireland (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2005-06
Northern Ireland (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2013-14
Northern Ireland (Monitoring Commission etc) Act 2003
Northern Ireland (Monitoring Commission etc) Bill (HL) 2002/03
Northern Ireland (Offences) Bill 2005-06
Northern Ireland (Regional Rates and Energy) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Northern Ireland (Regional Rates and Energy) Act 2018
Northern Ireland (Regional Rates and Energy) Act 2019
Northern Ireland (Regional Rates and Energy) Bill 2017-19
Northern Ireland (Remission of Sentences) Act 1995
Northern Ireland (Remission of Sentences) Bill 1994/95
Northern Ireland (Sentences) Act 1998
Northern Ireland (Sentences) Bill 1997/98
Northern Ireland (Severe Learning Disability) Bill 2003/04
Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) (No. 2) Bill 2006-07
Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) Act 2006
Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) Act 2007
Northern Ireland (St Andrews Agreement) Bill 2006-07
Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and Implementation Plan) Act 2016
Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and Implementation Plan) Bill 2015-16
Northern Ireland (Termination of Jurisdiction) Bill 1987/88
Northern Ireland (Welfare Reform) Act 2015
Northern Ireland (Welfare Reform) Bill 2015-16
Northern Ireland Act 1974
Northern Ireland Act 1974 (Amendment) Bill 1989/90
Northern Ireland Act 1984
Northern Ireland Act 1998
Northern Ireland Act 2000
Northern Ireland Act 2006
Northern Ireland Act 2009
Northern Ireland Allotment Act 1932
Northern Ireland Arms Decommissioning (Amendment) Act 2002
Northern Ireland Arms Decommissioning (Amendment) Bill 2001/02
Northern Ireland Arms Decommissioning Act 1997
Northern Ireland Arms Decommissioning Bill 1996/97
Northern Ireland Assembly (Elections and Periods of Suspension) Act 2003
Northern Ireland Assembly (Elections and Periods of Suspension) Bill 2002/03
Northern Ireland Assembly Disqualification Act 1975
Northern Ireland Assembly Elections Act 2003
Northern Ireland Assembly Elections Bill 2002/03
Northern Ireland Assembly Members (Pay) Act 2018
Northern Ireland Assembly Members (Pay) Bill 2017-19
Northern Ireland Assembly Members Act 2010
Northern Ireland Assembly Members Bill (HL) 2009-10
Northern Ireland Bill (Draft)
Northern Ireland Bill 1997/98
Northern Ireland Bill 1998/99
Northern Ireland Bill 1999/2000
Northern Ireland Bill 2005-06
Northern Ireland Bill 2008-09
Northern Ireland Budget (Anticipation and Adjustments) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Northern Ireland Budget (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2018
Northern Ireland Budget (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2019
Northern Ireland Budget (Anticipation and Adjustments) Bill 2017-19
Northern Ireland Budget (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Northern Ireland Budget Act 2017
Northern Ireland Budget Act 2018
Northern Ireland Budget Bill 2017-19
Northern Ireland Constitution Act 1973
Northern Ireland Loans Act 1985
Northern Ireland Termination of Jurisdiction Bill 1993/94
Northern Regional Assembly Bill 1987/88
Notification of Redundancy Bill 2005-06
Nottingham City Council Act 2003
Nottingham City Council Act 2013
Nottingham City Council Bill (HL) 2002/03
Nottingham City Council Bill 2007-08 to 2012-13
Nottingham Park Estate Act 1990
Nottingham Park Estate Bill (HL) 1988/89 to 1989/90
Nuclear Explosions (Prohibition and Inspections) Act 1998
Nuclear Explosions (Prohibition and Inspections) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Non-proliferation and Public Liability) Bill 2009-10
Nuclear Installations Act 1965
Nuclear Material (Offences) Act 1983
Nuclear Safeguards Act 2000
Nuclear Safeguards Act 2018
Nuclear Safeguards Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Nuclear Safeguards Bill 1998/99
Nuclear Safeguards Bill 2017-19
Nuclear Sites and Radioactive Substances Bill (Draft)
Numbering of Premises Bill 1989/90
Nurse Agencies Act 1957
Nurseries and Childminders Regulation Act 1948
Nursery Education (Assessment of Need) Bill 1993/94
Nursery Education and Grant Maintained Schools Act 1996
Nursery Education and Grant Maintained Schools Bill 1995/96
Nursery Vouchers and the Nursery Education and Grant Maintained Schools Bill 1995/96
Nurses (Scotland) Act 1951
Nurses Agencies Act 1957
Nurses Prescribing Bill 1990/91
Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Act 1979
Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Act 1992
Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Act 1997
Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Bill (HL) 1991/92
Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Bill (HL) 1996/97
Nursing Homes Registration (Scotland) Act 1938
Nutrition Labelling of Food Bill 1988/89
Oath of Allegiance Bill 1992/93 (Proposed)
Obscene Publications (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Obscene Publications Act 1959
Obscene Publications Act 1964
Obscenity Bill (HL) 1996/97
Obscenity Bill (HL) 1998/99
Occasional Sales Bill 2005-06
Occupational Pensions Bill 1992/93
Occupiers Liability Act 1960
Offences against the Person (Amendment) Bill 1991/92
Offences against the Person Act 1861
Offences against the Person Bill (Draft)
Offender Management Act 2007
Offender Management Bill 2006-07
Offender Rehabilitation Act 2014
Offender Rehabilitation Bill (HL) 2013-14
Offensive Weapons (Scotland) Bill 1992/93
Offensive Weapons Act 1996
Offensive Weapons Act 2019
Offensive Weapons Bill 1995/96
Offensive Weapons Bill 2017-19
Office for Budget Responsibility (Political Party Policy Costings) Bill 2014-15
Office of Communications Act 2002
Office of Communications Bill (HL) 2001/02
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (Abolition) Bill 2013-14
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (Abolition) Bill 2014-15
Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963
Official Development Assistance Target (Repeal) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Official Secrets Act 1911
Official Secrets Act 1989
Official Secrets Bill 1988/89
Off-patent Drugs Bill 2014-15
Off-patent Drugs Bill 2015-16
Off-road Vehicles (Registration) Bill 2006-07
Off-road Vehicles (Registration) Bill 2012-13
Off-road Vehicles (Registration) Bill 2014-15
Off-road Vehicles Bill 2006-07
Offshore Gambling (Licensing) Bill 2010-12
Offshore Gambling Bill 2012-13
Offshore Installations (General Provisions) Bill 1990/91
Offshore Oil and Gas Industries (Health and Safety) Bill 2007-08
Offshore Safety (Protection against Victimisation) Act 1992
Offshore Safety (Protection against Victimisation) Bill (HL) 1991/92
Offshore Safety Act 1992
Offshore Safety Bill (HL) 1991/92
Off-shore Wind Farm Subsidies (Restriction) Bill 2015-16
Ofsted Inspections (Schools' Rights of Challenge) Bill 2015-16
Oil Taxation Act 1975
Oil Taxation Bill 1983/84
Older People's Commissioners Bill 2003/04
Older People's Rights Commissioner Bill 2002/03
Olympic Symbol etc (Protection) Act 1995
Olympic Symbol etc (Protection) Bill 1994/95
On-demand Audiovisual Services (Accessibility for People with Disabilities Affecting Hearing or Sight or Both) Bill 2015-16
Online Forums Bill 2017-19
Online News Platforms (Regulation) Bill 2017-19
Online Privacy Protection Bill (HL) 2016-17
Online Purchasing of Goods and Services (Age Verification) Bill (HL) 2008-09
Online Purchasing of Goods and Services (Age Verification) Bill 2007-08
Online Safety Bill (HL) 2010-12
Online Safety Bill (HL) 2012-13
Online Safety Bill (HL) 2013-14
Online Safety Bill (HL) 2014-15
Online Safety Bill (HL) 2015-16
Online Safety Bill (HL) 2016-17
Onshore Wind Turbine Subsidies (Abolition) Bill 2014-15
Onshore Wind Turbines (Proximity of Habitation) Bill 2008-09
Onshore Wind Turbines (Proximity of Habitation) Bill 2010-12
Open Skies Agreement (Membership) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Opencast Coal Act 1958
Optical Appliances (Blind and Partially Sighted Persons) Bill 1987/88
Opticians Act 1989
Opticians Act 1989 (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Opticians Act 1989 (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Opticians Bill (HL) 1988/89
Ordnance Factories and Military Services Act 1984
Ordnance Survey Act 1841
Organ and Tissue Donation (Mandated Choice) Bill 2009-10
Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) Act 2019
Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) Bill 2016-17
Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) Bill 2017-19
Organ Donation (Presumed Consent and Safeguards) (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Organ Donation (Presumed Consent and Safeguards) Bill 2001/02
Organ Donation (Presumed Consent and Safeguards) Bill 2003/04
Organ Donation (Presumed Consent) Bill 2008-09
Organ Donation Bill 1997/98
Organ Donors (Leave) Bill 2016-17
Organ Transplants (Presumed Consent) Bill 1999/2000
Organic Food and Farming Targets Bill 1998/99
Organic Food and Farming Targets Bill 1999/2000
Organic Food and Farming Targets Bill 2000/01
Osborne Estate Bill 2005-06
Osborne Estates Act 1902
Osteopaths Act 1993
Osteopaths Bill (HL) 1991/92
Osteopaths Bill 1992/93
Outer Space Act 1986
Outworking Bill 2000/01
Ovarian Cancer (Information) Bill 2015-16
Ovarian Cancer (Public Awareness) Bill 2017-19
Overseas Aid (Assistance to the Poorest) Bill 1987/88
Overseas Aid (Assistance to the Poorest) Bill 1988/89
Overseas Development and Cooperation Act 1980
Overseas Development and Cooperation Bill 1996/97
Overseas Domestic Workers (Protection) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Overseas Electors Bill 2017-19
Overseas Pensions Act 1973
Overseas Superannuation Act 1991
Overseas Superannuation Bill 1990/91
Overseas Voters (15 Year Rule) Bill 2014-15
Overseas Voters Bill 2014-15
Overseas Voters Bill 2015-16
Package Holidays (Licensing Protection) Bill 1992/93
Packaging (Extended Producer Responsibility) Bill 2017-19
Packaging (Reduction) Bill 2006-07
Paedophiles (Registration and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1995/96
Pakistan Act 1990
Pakistan Bill (HL) 1989/90
Palace of Westminster (Removal of Crown Immunity) Bill 1987/88
Palestinian Statehood (Recognition) Bill 2017-19
Palliative Care (No. 2) Bill 2006-07
Palliative Care Bill (HL) 2006-07
Palliative Care Bill 2008-09
Palliative Care for the Terminally Ill Bill 2005-06
Pardon for Soldiers of the Great War (No. 2) Bill 1992/93
Pardon for Soldiers of the Great War Bill 1992/93
Pardon for Soldiers of the Great War Bill 1993/94
Pardon for Soldiers of the Great War Bill 1994/95
Pardon for Soldiers of the Great War Bill 1999/2000
Pardon for Soldiers of the Great War Bill 2000/01
Pardon for Soldiers of the Great War Bill 2005-06
Parental Authority Bill 1999/2000 (Proposed)
Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Act 2018
Parental Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill 2017-19
Parental Bereavement Leave (Statutory Entitlement) Bill 2013-14
Parental Bereavement Leave (Statutory Entitlement) Bill 2016-17
Parental Leave and Pay Arrangements (Publication) Bill 2017-19
Parental Leave Bill 1987/88
Parental Rights (Rapists) and Family Courts Bill 2017-19
Parish and Town Council Precepts (Referendums) Bill 2012-13
Parish Council Governance (Principles of Public Life) Bill 2016-17
Parish Councils (Access to Information) Bill 1990/91
Park Homes (Site Owner Licensing) Bill 2010-12
Park Homes Reform Bill 2002/03
Parking (Code of Practice) Act 2019
Parking (Code of Practice) Bill 2017-19
Parking Act 1989
Parking Bill 1988/89
Parking Penalty Charge Bill 1996/97
Parking Places (Variation of Charges) Act 2017
Parking Places (Variation of Charges) Bill 2016-17
Parks and Playing Fields in Public Ownership (Protection from Sale) Bill 2015-16
Parks Regulation (Amendment) Act 1926
Parliament (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2010-12
Parliament (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Parliament (Disclosure of Information) Bill 2008-09
Parliament (Joint Departments) Act 2007
Parliament (Joint Departments) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Parliament (No. 2) Bill 1968/69
Parliament (Participation of Members of the House of Commons) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Parliament (Qualification of Women) Act 1918
Parliament Act (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2001/02
Parliament Act 1911
Parliament Act 1949
Parliament Act 1949 (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2001/02
Parliament Acts (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Parliament Acts (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2000/01
Parliament Square (Management) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Parliamentary Allowances (Restriction) Bill 2017-19
Parliamentary and Constitutional Reform Bill 2014-15
Parliamentary and Health Service Commissioners Act 1987
Parliamentary and Other Pensions Act 1972
Parliamentary and Other Pensions Act 1987
Parliamentary and Other Pensions Bill 1986/87
Parliamentary Boundary Commissions (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Parliamentary Buildings (Restoration and Renewal) Bill (Draft)
Parliamentary Buildings (Restoration and Renewal) Bill 2017-19
Parliamentary Commissioner (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Parliamentary Commissioner (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2004/05
Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967
Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967 (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2003/04
Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1994
Parliamentary Commissioner Bill 1993/94
Parliamentary Commissions of Inquiry Bill 2008-09
Parliamentary Constituencies (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Parliamentary Constituencies (Amendment) Bill 2016-17
Parliamentary Constituencies (Amendment) Bill 2017-19
Parliamentary Constituencies (Equalisation) Bill 2005-06
Parliamentary Constituencies Act 1973
Parliamentary Constituencies Act 1986
Parliamentary Constituencies Bill (HL) 1985/86
Parliamentary Control of the Executive Bill 1998/99
Parliamentary Corporate Bodies Act 1992
Parliamentary Corporate Bodies Bill 1991/92
Parliamentary Costs Act 1865
Parliamentary Costs Act 1867
Parliamentary Costs Act 1871
Parliamentary Costs Act 2006
Parliamentary Costs Bill (HL) 2005-06
Parliamentary Currency Commission Bill 1997/98
Parliamentary Declaration Bill 1997/98
Parliamentary Elections (No. 2) Bill 1993/94
Parliamentary Elections (Recall and Primaries) Bill 2008-09
Parliamentary Elections Bill 1993/94
Parliamentary Elections Bill 1994/95
Parliamentary Government Bill (HL) 1998/99
Parliamentary Oath (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000 (Proposed)
Parliamentary Oaths (Amendment) Bill 1997/98 (Proposed)
Parliamentary Papers Act 1840
Parliamentary Privilege (Defamation) Bill (HL) 2014-15
Parliamentary Referendum Bill (HL) 2000/01
Parliamentary Reform Bill 1997/98
Parliamentary Standards (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2010-12
Parliamentary Standards (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Parliamentary Standards Act 2009
Parliamentary Standards Bill 2008-09
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Act 2011
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill 2010-12
Parthenon Sculptures (Return to Greece) Bill 2016-17
Partial-birth Abortion (Prohibition) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Partial-birth Abortion Bill 1996/97
Participation in Sporting Events (Assaults etc) Bill 1997/98
Partnership Act 1890
Partnerships (Prosecution) (Scotland) Act 2013
Partnerships (Prosecution) (Scotland) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Part-time Employees (Equal Remuneration) Bill 1995/96
Part-time Employees (Equal Rights to Holidays) Bill 1995/96
Part-time Employees (Equal Rights to Sick Pay and Leave) Bill 1995/96
Part-time Workers (Maternity Rights) Bill 1995/96
Party Wall etc Act 1996
Party Wall etc Bill (HL) 1995/96
Passenger Car (Fuel Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Emissions Information) Bill 2005-06
Passenger Transport Authorities (Regulation) Bill 2005-06
Passenger Vehicles Act 1981
Passive Flue Gas Systems (Strategy) Bill 2010-12
Patents Act 1977
Patents Act 1977 (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Patents Act 1977 (Amendment) Bill 2001/02
Patents Act 2004
Patents Bill (HL) 2003/04
Patient (Assisted Dying) Bill (HL) 2002/03
Patient Choice Bill 2001/02
Patient Consent Form Bill 2000/01
Patient Transport Bill (HL) 2009-10
Patients' Charter Bill 1988/89
Patients' Protection Bill (HL) 2002/03
Patients' Rights Bill 1994/95
Patients without Legal Capacity (Safeguards) Bill 2001/02
Patriotic Fund Reorganisation Act 1903
Pavement Parking (Protection of Vulnerable Pedestrians) Bill 2015-16
Pavement Parking Bill 2014-15
Payments for Debt (Emergency Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1971
Peace and Freedom Day Bill 1994/95 (Proposed)
Pedicabs (London) Bill 2017-19
Pedicabs Bill 2009-10
Pedlars (Amendment) Bill 2008-09
Pedlars (Street Trading Regulation) Bill 2006-07
Pedlars (Street Trading Regulation) Bill 2007-08
Pedlars Act 1871
Pedlars Act 1881
Peerage Act 1963
Penalty Clauses (Scotland) Bill (Draft)
Penalty for Murder Bill (HL) 1992/93
Pension Act 1965
Pension Annuities (Amendment) Bill 2000/01
Pension Annuities (Amendment) Bill 2001/02
Pension Benefits (Ill Health) Bill 2017-19
Pension Charges Bill 2017-19
Pension Credit and Personal Expense Allowance (Duty of Consultation and Review) Bill 2008-09
Pension Schemes (Northern Ireland) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Pension Schemes Act 1993
Pension Schemes Act 2015
Pension Schemes Act 2017
Pension Schemes Bill (HL) 1992/93
Pension Schemes Bill (HL) 2016-17
Pension Schemes Bill 2014-15
Pension Sharing Bill 1997/98
Pensioner Trustees and Final Payments Bill 2002/03
Pensioner Trustees Bill 1995/96
Pensioner Trustees Bill 1996/97
Pensioners Equality Bill 1992/93
Pensioners Television Licences Bill 1989/90
Pensions (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Pensions (Amendment) Bill 1998/99
Pensions (Clawbacks) Bill 2003/04
Pensions (Divorce) Bill 1993/94
Pensions (Divorce) Bill 1994/95
Pensions (Increase) Act 1971
Pensions (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1990
Pensions (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1989/90
Pensions (Pre-consolidation) Measure 2018
Pensions (Review of Women's Arrangements) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Pensions (Review of Women's Arrangements) Bill 2017-19
Pensions (Unclaimed Assets) Bill 2006-07
Pensions (Winding-up) Bill 2002/03
Pensions Act 1995
Pensions Act 2004
Pensions Act 2007
Pensions Act 2008
Pensions Act 2011
Pensions Act 2014
Pensions and Yeomanry Pay Act 1884
Pensions Appeal Tribunals Act 1943
Pensions Bill (Draft)
Pensions Bill (HL) 1994/95
Pensions Bill (HL) 2010-12
Pensions Bill 1992/93
Pensions Bill 2003/04
Pensions Bill 2006-07
Pensions Bill 2007-08
Pensions Bill 2013-14
Pensions Commutation Bill 1983/84
Pensions Reform Bill 1993/94
Pensions Schemes (Northern Ireland) Act 1993
Penzance Albert Pier Extension Act 1990
Penzance Albert Pier Extension Bill 1988/89 to 1989/90
Penzance South Pier Extension Act 1990
Penzance South Pier Extension Bill 1989/90
Performance of Companies and Government Departments (Reporting) Bill 2003/04
Performance of Private Hospitals Bill 2001/02
Performing Animals (Regulation) Act 1925
Performing Animals Bill 1989/90
Perinatal Mental Illness (NHS Family Services) Bill 2015-16
Perinatal Mental Illness (NHS Family Services) Bill 2016-17
Periodicals (Protection of Children) Bill 1995/96
Perjury Act 1911
Permitted Development (Basements) Bill 2013-14
Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 2009
Perpetuities and Accumulations Bill (Draft)
Perpetuities and Accumulations Bill (HL) 2008-09
Personal Care at Home Act 2010
Personal Care at Home Bill 2009-10
Personal Debt (Advice and Regulation) Bill 2007-08
Personal Injuries (Emergency Provisions) Act 1939
Personal Records (Employment) Bill 1989/90
Personal Responsibility Bill 2008-09
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (Statutory Requirement) Bill 2014-15
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (Statutory Requirement) Bill 2015-16
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (Statutory Requirement) Bill 2016-17
Pesticides (Fees and Enforcement) Act 1989
Pesticides (Fees and Enforcement) Bill 1988/89
Pesticides Act 1998
Pesticides Bill 1997/98
Pet Animal Welfare Bill 1994/95
Pet Animals (Amendment) Bill 1990/91
Pet Animals Act 1951
Pet Animals Act 1951 (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
Pet Ownership (Residential and Sheltered Accommodation) Bill 1997/98
Peterhead Harbours Order Confirmation Act 1992
Peterhead Harbours Order Confirmation Bill 1992/93
Petitioners' Rights Bill 1987/88
Petrol Tax (Promulgation) Bill 1999/2000
Petroleum (Consolidation) Act 1928
Petroleum (Production) Act 1934
Petroleum (Transfer of Licences) Act 1936
Petroleum Act 1987
Petroleum Act 1998
Petroleum and Submarine Pipelines Act 1975
Petroleum Bill (HL) 1997/98
Petroleum Royalties (Relief) and Continental Shelf Act 1989
Petroleum Royalties (Relief) and Continental Shelf Bill 1988/89
Pets (Theft) Bill 2017-19
Pharmaceutical Labelling (Warning of Cognitive Function Impairment) Bill 2004/05
Pharmaceutical Labelling (Warning of Cognitive Function Impairment) Bill 2005-06
Pharmaceutical Labelling (Warning Of Cognitive Function Impairment) Bill 2008-09
Pharmacists (Fitness to Practise) Act 1997
Pharmacists (Fitness to Practise) Bill 1996/97
Pharmacists Bill (HL) 1997/98
Photographs and Films (Unauthorised Use) Bill (HL) 1993/94
Physical Punishment of Children (Prohibition) Bill 2002/03
Physician Associates (Regulation) Bill 2017-19
Picture Manipulation Bill 1993/94
Pier and Harbour Order (Bembridge Harbour) Confirmation Act 1963
Pig Husbandry Bill 1990/91
Pilot (Licensing) Bill 2017-19
Pilotage Act 1983
Pilotage Act 1987
Piped Music and Showing of Television Programmes Bill (HL) 2005-06
Piped Music etc (Hospitals) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Pipelines Act 1962
Pittenweem Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1992
Pittenweem Harbour Order Confirmation Bill 1992/93
Places of Worship Registration Act 1855
Plain Language Bill 1992/93
Planning (Affordable Housing and Land Compensation) Bill 2017-19
Planning (Agent of Change) Bill 2017-19
Planning (Appeals) Bill 2017-19
Planning (Consequential Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1997
Planning (Consequential Provisions) (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Planning (Consequential Provisions) Act 1990
Planning (Consequential Provisions) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Planning (Consultation) Bill 2006-07
Planning (Developer Bonds) Bill 2010-12
Planning (Grade 1 Agricultural Land Protection) Bill 2010-12
Planning (Green Belt Protection) Bill 2010-12
Planning (Hazardous Substances) (Scotland) Act 1997
Planning (Hazardous Substances) (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990
Planning (Hazardous Substances) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (Amendment) Bill 2015-16
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Planning (Location of Hazardous Sites) Bill 2007-08
Planning (Notification of Development Proposals) Bill 1988/89
Planning (Opencast Mining Separation Zones) Bill 2010-12
Planning (Provision of Affordable Housing) Bill 1999/2000
Planning (Publication and Infrastructure) Bill 2001/02
Planning (Subterranean Development) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Planning Act 2008
Planning Act 2008 (Amendment) Bill 2012-13
Planning and Compensation Act 1991
Planning and Compensation Bill (HL) 1990/91
Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
Planning and Compulsory Purchase Bill 2002/03 to 2003/04
Planning and Energy Act 2008
Planning and Energy Bill 2007-08
Planning and Land Act 1980
Planning Appeals Bill 1998/99
Planning Applications (Appeals by Town and Parish Councils) Bill 2010-12
Planning Applications (Community Right of Appeal) Bill 2012-13
Planning Bill 1989/90
Planning Bill 2007-08
Planning Consent Applications (Contracts) Bill 2014-15
Planning Permission (Demolition of Houses) Bill 1987/88
Planning Permission (Demolition of Houses) Bill 1988/89
Planning Permission (Demolition of Houses) Bill 1989/90
Planning Permission (Financial Penalties) Bill 2012-13
Planning Regulations (Removal of Provisions in Respect of Gypsies and Travellers) Bill 2013-14
Planning-gain Supplement (Preparations) Act 2007
Planning-gain Supplement (Preparations) Bill 2006-07
Plant Health Act 1967
Plant Varieties Act 1997
Plant Varieties and Seeds Act 1964
Plant Varieties Bill 1997/98
Plastic Glasses and Bottles (Mandatory Use) Bill 2012-13
Plastic Pollution Bill 2017-19
Plastics Bill 2017-19
Plymouth City Council Act 1975
Pneumoconiosis etc (Workers' Compensation) Act 1979
Poaching Prevention Act 1862
Poisons Act 1972
Police (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Police (Complaints and Conduct) Act 2012
Police (Complaints and Conduct) Bill 2012-13
Police (Detention and Bail) Act 2011
Police (Detention and Bail) Bill 2010-12
Police (Health and Safety) Act 1997
Police (Health and Safety) Bill 1996/97
Police (Insurance of Voluntary Assistants) Act 1997
Police (Insurance of Voluntary Assistants) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Police (Justice Commissioners) Bill 2007-08
Police (Northern Ireland) Act 1998
Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000
Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2003
Police (Northern Ireland) Bill (HL) 2002/03
Police (Northern Ireland) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Police (Northern Ireland) Bill 1997/98
Police (Northern Ireland) Bill 1999/2000
Police (Northern Ireland) Bill 2005-06
Police (Property) Act 1997
Police (Property) Bill 1996/97
Police (Scotland) Act 1967
Police Act 1964
Police Act 1964 (Amendment) Bill 1987/88
Police Act 1967
Police Act 1996
Police Act 1997
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984
Police and Criminal Evidence Bill 1983/84
Police and Firemen's Pensions Act 1997
Police and Firemen's Pensions Bill 1996/97
Police and Justice Act 2006
Police and Justice Bill 2005-06
Police and Magistrates Courts Act 1994
Police and Magistrates Courts Bill (HL) 1993/94
Police Bill (HL) 1995/96
Police Bill (HL) 1996/97
Police Bill 1997/98
Police Bill 1999/2000
Police Custody (Time Limits) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Police Negotiating Board Act 1980
Police Officer Training (Autism Awareness) Bill 2017-19
Police Officers (Central Service) Act 1989
Police Officers (Central Service) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Police Pensions Act 1976
Police Reform Act 2002
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill 2010-12
Police Reform Bill (HL) 2001/02
Police Terms and Conditions of Service (Redundancy) Bill 2010-12
Policing and Crime Act 2009
Policing and Crime Act 2017
Policing and Crime Bill 2008-09
Policing and Crime Bill 2015-16 to 2016-17
Policing Resources Bill (HL) 2017-19
Policyholders Protection Act 1975
Policyholders Protection Act 1997
Policyholders Protection Bill 1996/97
Polish Resettlement Act 1947
Political Fundraising Bill 1996/97
Political Honours (Amendment) Bill 1988/89
Political Parties (Funding and Expenditure) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Political Parties (Funding) Bill 2001/02
Political Parties (Income and Expenditure) Bill 1989/90
Political Parties and Elections Act 2009
Political Parties and Elections Bill 2007-08 to 2008-09
Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000
Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill (Draft)
Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Bill 1999/2000
Political Party Financing Bill 1991/92
Political Party Policy Costings (Office for Budget Responsibility) Bill 2014-15
Poll Tax (Abolition) Bill 1989/90
Poll Tax (Illegal Forms) Bill 1988/89
Poll Tax (Popular Consultation) Bill 1988/89
Poll Tax (Restoration of Individual Privacy) Bill 1988/89
Poll Tax (Restoration of Individual Privacy) Bill 1989/90
Polling Day (Saturday) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Polling Stations (Regulation) Bill 2006-07
Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999
Pollution Prevention and Control Bill (HL) 1998/99
Polyurethane Foam (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1987/88
Pool Competitions Act 1971
Poole Bridge Act 1834
Port of London Act 1968
Port of Tyne Act 1989
Port of Tyne Act 1990
Port of Tyne Bill (HL) 1987/88 to 1988/89
Port of Tyne Bill (HL) 1989/90
Port Protection Authority Bill 2001/02
Ports (Regulation) Bill 2006-07
Ports Act 1991
Ports Act 1991 (Amendment) Bill 2012-13
Ports Bill 1990/91
Ports of Entry (Special Status) (No 2) Bill 1997/98
Ports of Entry (Special Status) Bill 1997/98
Post Office (London) Railway Act 1913
Post Office Act 1953
Post Office Act 1969
Post Offices (Pensions and Benefits) Bill 2003/04
Post-16 Education and Training Bill 2006-07
Postal Services Act 2000
Postal Services Act 2011
Postal Services Bill (HL) 2008-09
Postal Services Bill 1999/2000
Postal Services Bill 2010-12
Postal Voting Bill 2017-19
Postnatal Checkups (Mental Health) Bill 2017-19
Postnatal Check-ups (Mental Health) Bill 2017-19
Poverty and Social Exclusion (National Strategy) Bill 1998/99
Power of Criminal Courts Act 1973
Power Supply (Compensation for Erroneous Transfer) Bill 2003/04
Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000
Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Powers of Criminal Courts Act 1973
Powers of Entry etc Bill (HL) 2005-06
Powers of Entry etc Bill (HL) 2007-08
Powers of Entry etc Bill (HL) 2009-10
Pregnancy and Maternity (Redundancy Protection) Bill 2017-19
Pre-nuptial Agreements Bill 2006-07
Pre-paid Meters (Level of Debt) Bill 2012-13
Prepared Foods (Provision of Information) Bill 2003/04
Prescribed Drugs (Compensation) Bill 1989/90
Prescription Act 1832
Prescription Charges (Exempt Medical Conditions) Bill 1990/91
Prescription Charges (Hormone Replacement Therapy) Bill 1998/99
Prescriptions (Chronic Diseases) Bill 2001/02
Press Complaints Commission (Breaches of Code of Practice) Bill 2007-08
Press Complaints Commission Bill 1997/98
Presumption of Death Act 2013
Presumption of Death and Provisions Relating to Missing Persons Bill (HL) 2012-13
Presumption of Death Bill 2008-09
Presumption of Death Bill 2012-13
Preventative Health Care and Home Insulation Bill 1997/98
Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Ratification of Convention) Act 2017
Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Ratification of Convention) Bill 2016-17
Prevention of Accidents (Random Breath Testing) Bill 1988/89
Prevention of Breast Cancer Bill 1995/96
Prevention of Child Abduction Bill 1988/89
Prevention of Corruption Act 1906
Prevention of Corruption Act 1916
Prevention of Crime Act 1953
Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949
Prevention of Delay in Trials Bill 1996/97
Prevention of Delay in Trials Bill 1997/98
Prevention of Delay in Trials Bill 1998/99
Prevention of Driving under the Influence of Drugs (Road Traffic Amendment) Bill 2002/03
Prevention of Driving under the Influence of Drugs Bill (HL) 2002/03
Prevention of Excessive Charges Bill 2008-09
Prevention of Fraud (Investments) Act 1958
Prevention of Fraud (Registration) Bill 1994/95
Prevention of Homelessness Bill 2003/04
Prevention of Oil Pollution Act 1971
Prevention of Scalding Injuries (Bathing in the Home) Bill 2005-06
Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act 2013
Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Bill 2012-13
Prevention of Terrorism (Additional Powers) Act 1996
Prevention of Terrorism (Additional Powers) Bill 1995/96
Prevention of Terrorism (No. 2) Bill 2004/05
Prevention of Terrorism (Northern Ireland) Bill 1988/89
Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1974
Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1976
Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1984
Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1989
Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Bill 1988/89
Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005
Prevention of Terrorism Bill 2004/05
Prevention of Terrorism Bill 2010-12
Pre-wired Plugs Bill 1991/92
Price Marking (Consumer Information) Bill 2012-13
Prices Act 1974
Prices Patent Candle Company Limited Act 1992
Prices Patent Candle Company Limited Bill (HL) 1991/92
Prime Minister (Accountability to House of Commons) Bill 2017-19
Prime Minister (Confidence) Bill 2017-19
Prime Minister (Direct Election) Bill 2003/04 (Proposed)
Prime Minister (Ecclesiastical Functions) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Prime Minister (Limitation of Period of Office) Bill (HL) 2014-15
Prime Minister (Office, Role and Functions) (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Prime Minister (Office, Role and Functions) Bill 2001/02
Prime Minister (Replacement) Bill 2013-14
Prime Minister (Temporary Appointment) Bill 2015-16
Prime Minister (Temporary Replacement) Bill 2017-19
Principal Local Authorities (Grounds for Abolition) Bill 2017-19
Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 1953
Prison Act 1952
Prison Reform (Mental Health) Bill 2005-06
Prison Security Act 1992
Prison Security Bill 1991/92
Prisoners (Completion of Custodial Sentences) Bill 2013-14
Prisoners (Return to Custody) Act 1995
Prisoners (Return to Custody) Bill 1994/95
Prisoners and Criminal Proceedings (Scotland) Act 1993
Prisoners and Criminal Proceedings (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Prisoners and Criminal Proceedings (Scotland) Bill 1992/93
Prisoners' Earnings Act 1996
Prisoners' Earnings Bill 1995/96
Prisons (Alcohol Testing) Act 1997
Prisons (Alcohol Testing) Bill 1996/97
Prisons (Drug Testing) Bill 2013-14
Prisons (Freedom of Religion) Bill (HL) 1991/92
Prisons (Interference with Wireless Telegraphy) Act 2012
Prisons (Interference with Wireless Telegraphy) Act 2018
Prisons (Interference with Wireless Telegraphy) Bill 2012-13
Prisons (Interference with Wireless Telegraphy) Bill 2017-19
Prisons (Property) Act 2013
Prisons (Property) Bill 2012-13
Prisons (Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts) Bill 1991/92
Prisons (Scotland) Act 1989
Prisons (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Prisons (Substance Testing) Bill 2017-19
Prisons and Courts Bill 2016-17
Privacy Bill 1995/96
Private Dental Practitioners Bill 2000/01
Private Equity (Transfer of Undertakings and Protection of Employment) Bill 2007-08
Private Hire Vehicles (Carriage of Guide Dogs etc) Act 2002
Private Hire Vehicles (Carriage of Guide Dogs etc) Bill 2001/02
Private Hire Vehicles (London) Act 1998
Private Hire Vehicles (London) Bill 1997/98
Private International Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1995
Private International Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Private Landlords (Register and Duties) Bill 2010-12
Private Landlords (Registration) Bill 2017-19
Private Landlords and Letting and Managing Agents (Regulation) Bill 2013-14
Private Law (Interpretation) (Scotland) Bill (Draft)
Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act 1936
Private Parking (Regulation) Bill 2006-07
Private Parking Enforcement (Regulation) Bill 2004/05
Private Pensions (Charges, Disclosure and Accountability) Bill 2010-12
Private Rented Sector (Decent Homes Standard) Bill 2014-15
Private Rented Sector Bill 2013-14
Private Residential Special Schools (Registration) Bill 1988/89
Private Security (Registration) Bill 1989/90
Private Security (Registration) Bill 1991/92
Private Security (Registration) Bill 1992/93
Private Security (Registration) Bill 1993/94
Private Security Bill 1987/88
Private Security Industry Act 2001
Private Security Industry Bill (HL) 2000/01
Privatisation of Gipsy Sites Bill 1992/93
Probation Service Act 1993
Probation Service Bill (HL) 1992/93
Proceeds of Crime (Compensation of Prosecution Costs) Bill 2004/05
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Act 1995
Proceeds of Crime (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Proceeds of Crime Act 1995
Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
Proceeds of Crime Bill (Draft)
Proceeds of Crime Bill 1994/95
Proceeds of Crime Bill 2001/02
Procurement of Innovative Technologies and Research Bill 2004/05
Procurement of Innovative Technologies and Research Bill 2005-06
Product Recalls Bill 1992/93
Professional Football (Supporter Involvement) Bill 2005-06
Professional Football Compliance Bill 1994/95
Professional Standards Bill 1992/93
Professions Supplementary to Medicine (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Professions Supplementary to Medicine (Amendment) Bill 1993/94
Professions Supplementary to Medicine Act 1960
Profit-sharing and Company Governance (Employees' Participation) Bill 2015-16
Programming of Bills (Suspension) Bill 2008-09
Prohibition of Abortion (England and Wales) Bill 2005-06
Prohibition of Bull Bars Bill 1997/98
Prohibition of Female Circumcision Act 1985
Prohibition of Unpaid Internships Bill 2013-14
Promissory Oaths Act 1868
Promotion of Israeli-Palestinian Peace (United Kingdom Participation) Bill 2016-17
Promotion of Volunteering Bill 2003/04
Proof of Age Scheme (Purchase of Restricted Goods) Bill 2006-07
Property Blight Compensation Bill 2012-13
Property Blight Compensation Bill 2013-14
Property Boundaries (Resolution of Disputes) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Property Boundaries (Resolution of Disputes) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Property Boundaries (Resolution of Disputes) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Property Boundaries (Resolution of Disputes) Bill 2012-13
Property Boundaries (Resolution of Disputes) Bill 2016-17
Property Letting Agents (Client Money Segregation) Bill 1998/99
Property Misdescriptions Act 1991
Property Misdescriptions Bill 1990/91
Property Ownership in London (Registration) Bill 2015-16
Property Repairs (Prohibition of Cold-Calling) Bill 2003/04
Property Services Agency and Crown Suppliers Act 1990
Property Services Agency and Crown Suppliers Bill 1989/90
Property Transactions Bill 1999/2000
Prophylactic Mastectomy Registry Bill 1998/99
Prosecution of Offences Act 1985
Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 (Amendment) Bill 2009-10
Prosecution of Offences Bill 1984/85
Prosecution Privatisation Bill 1994/95
Prostitutes Advertisements (Public Telephone Boxes) Bill 1997/98
Protection against Cruel Tethering Act 1988
Protection against Cruel Tethering Bill 1987/88
Protection and Education of Children Bill 1995/96
Protection from Eviction Act 1977
Protection from Harassment Act 1997
Protection from Harassment Bill 1996/97
Protection from Smoking (Employees and Young Persons) Bill 2000/01
Protection of Adults in Care (Prevention of Harm and Exploitation) Bill 2006-07
Protection of Animals (Amendment) Act 1988
Protection of Animals (Amendment) Act 2000
Protection of Animals (Amendment) Bill 1987/88
Protection of Animals (Amendment) Bill 1994/95
Protection of Animals (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Protection of Animals (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
Protection of Animals (Anaesthetics) Act 1954
Protection of Animals (Penalties) Act 1987
Protection of Animals (Scotland) Act 1912
Protection of Animals (Scotland) Act 1993
Protection of Animals (Scotland) Bill 1992/93
Protection of Animals Act 1911
Protection of Animals Bill 1994/95
Protection of Badger Setts Bill 1989/90
Protection of Badgers Act 1992
Protection of Badgers Bill (HL) 1991/92
Protection of Badgers Bill (HL) 1992/93
Protection of Badgers Bill 1990/91
Protection of Bats and Newts Bill 2007-08
Protection of Birds Act 1954
Protection of Bowling Greens (Development Control) Bill 2010-12
Protection of Calves (Export) Bill 1994/95
Protection of Charities Bill (Draft)
Protection of Children (Encrypted Material) Bill 2008-09
Protection of Children (Publicity) Bill 2008-09
Protection of Children (Removal of Police Discretion) Bill 2014-15
Protection of Children (Tobacco) Act 1986
Protection of Children Act 1978
Protection of Children Act 1999
Protection of Children Bill 1998/99
Protection of Dogs Bill 1993/94
Protection of Elderly People (Unsolicited Mail) Bill 2008-09
Protection of Family Homes (Enforcement and Permitted Development) Bill 2015-16
Protection of Family Homes (Enforcement and Permitted Development) Bill 2016-17
Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
Protection of Freedoms Bill 2002/03
Protection of Freedoms Bill 2010-12
Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms Bill 1991/92
Protection of Garden Land (Development Control) Bill 2008-09
Protection of Human Genetic Sequence Bill 1999/2000
Protection of Listed Vehicles Bill 2006-07
Protection of Local Services (Planning) Bill 2010-12
Protection of Military Remains Act 1986
Protection of Official Information (No. 2) Bill (HL) 1987/88
Protection of Official Information Bill 1987/88
Protection of Pension Funds and Investments Bill 1991/92
Protection of Pollinators Bill 2017-19
Protection of Privacy (No. 2) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Protection of Privacy (No. 2) Bill 1995/96
Protection of Privacy Bill 1988/89
Protection of Privacy Bill 1995/96
Protection of Private Gardens (Housing Development) Bill 2005-06
Protection of Property (Static Devices) Bill 2001/02
Protection of Residents in Retirement Homes Bill 1988/89
Protection of Runaway and Missing Children Bill 2005-06
Protection of Shareholders Bill 2008-09
Protection of Trading Interests Act 1980
Protection of Workers Bill 2012-13
Protection of Wrecks Act 1973
Protective Headgear for Cyclists Aged Fourteen Years and under (Research) Bill 2014-15
Protective Headgear for Young Cyclists Bill 2003/04
Providers of Health and Social Care (Schemes under Section 71 of the National Health Service Act 2006) Bill 2016-17
Provision of Hydration and Nutrition for the Terminally Ill Bill 2010-12
Provision of Palliative Care Bill 2006-07
Provisional Collection of Taxes Act 1968
Psychoactive Substances Act 2016
Psychoactive Substances Bill (HL) 2015-16
Psychotherapy Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Psychotherapy Bill (HL) 2000/01
Public Advocate Bill (HL) 2014-15
Public Advocate Bill (HL) 2015-16
Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004
Public Audit (Wales) Bill (Draft)
Public Audit (Wales) Bill (HL) 2003/04
Public Authority (Accountability) 2016-17
Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960
Public Bodies (Disposal of Assets) Bill 2010-12
Public Bodies (Procurement of Seafood) Bill 2009-10
Public Bodies (Sustainable Food) Bill 2010-12
Public Bodies Act 2011
Public Bodies Bill (HL) 2010-12
Public Buildings (Publication of Energy Performance Certificates) Bill 2008-09
Public Contracts (UK Tax Requirements) Bill 2007-08
Public Conveniences (No. 2) Bill 1993/94
Public Conveniences Bill 1993/94
Public Debt Management Bill 2012-13
Public Demonstrations (Repeals) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Public Enquiries (Improved Procedures) Bill 1993/94
Public Entertainments Licences (Drug Misuse) Act 1997
Public Entertainments Licences (Drug Misuse) Bill 1995/96
Public Entertainments Licences (Drug Misuse) Bill 1996/97
Public Expenditure (Regional Consequences) Bill 1988/89
Public Expenditure and Receipts Act 1968
Public Festivals, Holidays and Commemorations Bill 2010-12
Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984
Public Health (Control of Disease) Bill (HL) 1983/84
Public Health (Ireland) Act 1878
Public Health Act 1875
Public Health Act 1936
Public Health Act 1961
Public Health Act 1967
Public House Names Bill 1997/98
Public House Names Bill 1998/99
Public House Names Bill 1999/2000
Public Houses and Private Members' Clubs (Smoking) Bill (Proposed)
Public Inquiries (Improved Procedures) Bill 1993/94
Public Interest Disclosure (Amendment) Bill 2013-14
Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
Public Interest Disclosure Bill 1995/96
Public Interest Disclosure Bill 1997/98
Public Lending Right Act 1979
Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964
Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Public Nuisance from Wind Farms (Mandatory Liability Cover) Bill 2015-16
Public Order (Amendment) Bill 1995/96
Public Order Act 1936
Public Order Act 1986
Public Order Bill 1985/86
Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981
Public Places (Hygiene) Bill 1988/89
Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Act 1998
Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Public Records (Amendment) Bill 1993/94
Public Records (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Public Records (Scotland) Act 1937
Public Records Act 1958
Public Records Act 1958 (Amendment) Bill 1989/90
Public Records Act 1967
Public Right of Planning Appeal Bill 2001/02
Public Safety Information Bill 1988/89
Public Safety Information Bill 1990/91
Public Sector Bonuses Bill 2010-12
Public Sector Buildings (Energy Performance) Bill 2007-08
Public Sector Efficiency (Employee Participation) Bill 2014-15
Public Sector Exit Payments (Limitation) Bill 2017-19
Public Sector Pensions (Unmarried Couples) Bill 2002/03
Public Sector Salaries Bill 2010-12
Public Sector Supply Chain (Project Bank Accounts) Bill 2017-19
Public Sector Supply Chains (Project Bank Accounts) Bill 2017-19
Public Service (Bank Holiday) Bill 2004/05
Public Service Broadcasters (Privatisation) Bill 2017-19
Public Service Contract Bill 1988/89
Public Service Ombudsman Bill (Draft)
Public Service Pensions Act 2013
Public Service Pensions Bill 2012-13
Public Services (Availability) Bill 2017-19
Public Services (Disruption) Bill (HL) 2001/02
Public Services (Disruption) Bill (HL) 2002/03
Public Services (Ownership and User Involvement) Bill 2013-14
Public Services (Ownership and User Involvement) Bill 2014-15
Public Services (Ownership and User Involvement) Bill 2015-16
Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012
Public Services (Social Value) Bill 2010-12
Public Services Contract Bill 1990/91
Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Act 2005
Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Bill (HL) 2004/05
Public Transport (Reward Scheme and Concessionary Fares) Bill 2008-09
Public Trustee (Liability and Fees) Act 2002
Public Trustee (Liability and Fees) Bill (HL) 2001/02
Public Utilities Street Works Act 1950
Public Utility Transfers and Water Charges Act 1988
Public Utility Transfers and Water Charges Bill 1987/88
Public Works Loans Act 1875
Pulp and Paper Products (Restriction) Bill 1989/90
Pupils at Risk of Educational Disadvantage Bill 2013-14
Pwllheli Harbour (Amendment) Act 1993
Pwllheli Harbour (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Quarantine Bill 1995/96
Queen Mary and Westfield College Act 1989
Queen Mary and Westfield College Act 1995
Queen Mary and Westfield College Bill (HL) 1988/89
Queen Mary and Westfield College Bill 1994/95
Queen's Diamond Jubilee Bill 2008-09
Queen's Sapphire Jubilee Bill 2016-17
Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000
Race Relations (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Race Relations (Election Candidates) Bill 2007-08
Race Relations (Religious Discrimination) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Race Relations (Remedies) Act 1994
Race Relations (Remedies) Bill 1993/94
Race Relations Act 1965
Race Relations Act 1968
Race Relations Act 1976
Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006
Racial and Religious Hatred Bill (HL) 2005-06
Racial Hatred and Violence Bill 1993/94
Racial Violence Bill 1992/93
Radiation Exposed Crown Employees (Benefits) Bill 1989/90
Radioactive Material (Road Transport) Act 1991
Radioactive Material (Road Transport) Bill 1989/90
Radioactive Material (Road Transport) Bill 1990/91
Radioactive Substances Act 1960
Radioactive Substances Act 1993
Radioactive Substances Bill (HL) 1991/92
Radioactive Substances Bill (HL) 1992/93
Radiological Protection Act 1970
Rag Flock and Other Filling Materials Act 1951
Ragwort Control Act 2003
Ragwort Control Bill 2002/03
Rail Ombudsman Bill 2016-17
Rail Passenger (Compensation) Bill 2017-19
Rail Passenger Services Bill 2000/01
Railtrack (Waverley Station) Order Confirmation Act 2000
Railtrack (Waverley Station) Order Confirmation Bill 1999/2000
Railway Communities (Job Creation) Bill 1994/95
Railway Heritage Act 1996
Railway Heritage Bill 1995/96
Railway Regulation Act 1842
Railway Reopenings (Tribunal) Bill 1990/91
Railways (Franchises) Bill 2017-19
Railways (Public Sector Operators) Bill 2014-15
Railways Act 1974
Railways Act 1993
Railways Act 2005
Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003
Railways and Transport Safety Bill 2002/03
Railways Bill 1992/93
Railways Bill 1998/99
Railways Bill 2000/01
Railways Bill 2004/05
Railways Bill 2013-14
Railways Bill 2014-15
Railways Bill 2015-16
Railways Bill 2016-17
Railways Clauses Consolidation Act 1845
Raoul Wallenberg (Memorial) Bill 1989/90
Rape (Consent) Bill 2001/02
Rape (Defences) Bill 2007-08
Rape in Marriage (Offence) Bill 1989/90
Rape Victims Compensation Bill 1994/95
Rate Support Grants Act 1988
Rate Support Grants Bill 1987/88
Rates Act 1984
Rates Bill 1983/84
Rating (Caravans and Boats) Act 1996
Rating (Caravans and Boats) Bill 1994/95
Rating (Caravans and Boats) Bill 1995/96
Rating (Disabled Persons) Act 1978
Rating (Empty Properties) Act 2007
Rating (Empty Properties) Bill 2006-07
Rating (Former Agricultural Premises and Rural Shops) Act 2001
Rating (Former Agricultural Premises and Rural Shops) Bill 2000/01
Rating (Property in Common Occupation) and Council Tax (Empty Dwellings) Act 2018
Rating (Property in Common Occupation) and Council Tax (Empty Dwellings) Bill 2017-19
Rating (Valuation) Act 1999
Rating (Valuation) Bill 1998/99
Rating and Valuation (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill 1983/84
Reading Borough Council Act 2013
Reading Borough Council Bill 2007-08 to 2012-13
Recall of Elected Representatives (No. 2) Bill 2010-12
Recall of Elected Representatives Bill 2010-12
Recall of Elected Representatives Bill 2012-13
Recall of Elected Representatives Bill 2013-14
Recall of Elected Representatives Bill 2014-15
Recall of Members of Parliament Bill 2013-14
Recall of MPs Act 2015
Recall of MPs Bill (Draft)
Recall of MPs Bill 2014-15
Recall of Parliament by Members of Parliament Bill 1992/93
Recall of Police and Crime Commissioners Bill (Draft)
Recess Elections Act 1975
Recycled Content of Newsprint Bill 1997/98
Recycled Content of Newsprint Bill 1998/99
Recycled Content of Newsprint Bill 1999/2000
Recycling (Doorstep Collection) Bill 2000/01
Recycling of Household Waste Bill 1998/99
Recycling of Plastics Bill 1989/90
Redbridge London Borough Council Bill 1988/89
Redbridge London Borough Council Bill 1990/91
Redundancy Payments Bill 2001/02
Redundant Churches and Other Religious Buildings Act 1969
Re-election of Ministers Act 1926
Re-enfranchisement of the People Bill 1988/89
Re-establishment of Free Trade Unionism Bill 1987/88
Re-export Controls Bill (HL) 2010-12
Referendum (English Parliament) Bill 1997/98
Referendum (English Parliament) Bill 1998/99
Referendum (European Union) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Referendum (European Union) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Referendum (Scotland) Bill 1992/93
Referendum (Scotland) Bill 1993/94
Referendum (Single Currency) Bill 1994/95
Referendum Bill 1991/92
Referendum Bill 1994/95
Referendum Bill 1995/96
Referendums (Franchise) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Referendums (Local Authority Governance) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Act 1997
Referendums (Scotland and Wales) Bill 1997/98
Referendums (Thresholds) Bill 2003/04
Referendums Bill 1998/99
Referendums Bill 2010-12
Reform of Quarantine Regulations Bill 1997/98
Reform of the House of Lords Bill 1988/89
Reform of the House of Lords Bill 1989/90
Reform of the House of Lords Bill 1990/91
Reform of the House of Lords Bill 1992/93
Refugees (Family Reunion) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Refugees (Family Reunion) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978
Regency Act 1937
Regency Act 1947
Regional Assemblies (Preparations) Act 2003
Regional Assemblies (Preparations) Bill 2002/03
Regional Assemblies Bill (Draft)
Regional Assemblies Referendums (Voting Arrangements) Bill 2003/04
Regional Development Agencies Act 1998
Regional Development Agencies Bill (HL) 1997/98
Regional Development Agencies Bill 1997/98
Regional Development Grants (Termination) Act 1988
Regional Development Grants (Termination) Bill 1987/88
Regional Government Bill 1995/96 (Proposed)
Register of Arms Brokers Bill (HL) 2016-17
Register of Drug Trafficking Offenders Bill 2000/01
Register of Medical Practitioners (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
Register of Sasines (Scotland) Act 1987
Registered Designs Act 1949
Registered Establishments (Scotland) Act 1987
Registered Establishments (Scotland) Act 1998
Registered Establishments (Scotland) Bill 1997/98
Registered Fair Rents Bill 1999/2000
Registered Homes (Amendment) (No 2) Bill 1990/91
Registered Homes (Amendment) Act 1991
Registered Homes (Amendment) Bill 1990/91
Registered Homes (Rights to Residence) Bill 1988/89
Registered Homes Act 1984
Registered Homes Bill (HL) 1983/84
Registration Act 1953
Registration of Births and Deaths (Welsh Language) Bill 2008-09
Registration of Births and Deaths (Welsh Language) Bill 2009-10
Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Fees etc) (Northern Ireland) Act 1955
Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Scotland) Act 1965
Registration of Burials Act 1864
Registration of Cancer Bill (HL) 2004/05
Registration of Commercial Lobbying Interests Bill 1987/88
Registration of Commercial Lobbying Interests Bill 1989/90
Registration of Commercial Lobbying Interests Bill 2010-12
Registration of Deeds Act (Northern Ireland) 1970
Registration of Dogs Bill 1997/98
Registration of Domiciliary Care Agencies Bill 1992/93
Registration of Domiciliary Care Agencies Bill 1995/96
Registration of Fostering Agencies Bill 1994/95
Registration of Immigration Advice Practitioners Bill 1995/96
Registration of Marriage (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Registration of Marriage Bill (HL) 2017-19
Registration of Marriage Bill 2016-17
Registration of Nannies Bill 1997/98
Registration of Off-road Bikes Bill 2005-06
Registration of Overseas Entities Bill (Draft)
Registration of Political Parties Act 1998
Registration of Political Parties Bill 1997/98
Registration of Private Foster Carers and Child Protection Bill 2002/03
Registration of Small Childrens Homes Bill 1993/94
Registration of Stillbirths Bill 2013-14
Registration Service Bill 2005-06
Regulation of Bailiffs Bill 2012-13
Regulation of Child Care Providers Bill 2001/02
Regulation of Child Care Providers Bill 2002/03
Regulation of Cosmetic Surgery Bill 1993/94
Regulation of Debt Management and Credit Repair Services Bill 2000/01
Regulation of Diet Industry Bill 1993/94
Regulation of Diet Industry Bill 1994/95
Regulation of Diet Industry Bill 1995/96
Regulation of Diet Industry Bill 1996/97
Regulation of Enforcement Agents (Collection of Council Tax Arrears) Bill 2015-16
Regulation of Financial Services (Land Transactions) Act 2005
Regulation of Financial Services (Land Transactions) Bill 2004/05
Regulation of Financial Services (Land Transactions) Bill 2005-06
Regulation of Funding of Political Parties Bill 1995/96
Regulation of Gambling Advertising Bill 2013-14
Regulation of Health and Social Care Professionals etc Bill (HL) 2015-16
Regulation of Health and Social Care Professions etc Bill (Draft)
Regulation of Health and Social Care Professions etc Bill (HL) 2016-17
Regulation of Hormone Disrupting Chemicals Bill 2003/04
Regulation of Investgatory Powers (Scotland) Act 2000 (SP)
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Bill 1999/2000
Regulation of Laser Eye Surgery Bill 2004/05
Regulation of Laser Eye Surgery Bill 2005-06
Regulation of Mortgage Repossessions Bill 2005-06
Regulation of Operating Department Practitioners Bill 1998/99
Regulation of Political Funding Bill 1993/94
Regulation of Political Opinion Polling Bill (HL) 2014-15
Regulation of Political Opinion Polling Bill (HL) 2015-16
Regulation of Railways Act 1868
Regulation of Refractive Eye Surgery Bill 2013-14
Regulation of Signage and Ticketing Technology (Publicly-available Car Parks) Bill 2012-13
Regulation of the Private Rented Sector Bill 2012-13
Regulation of the Private Rented Sector Bill 2013-14
Regulation of the Wheelclamping Industry Bill 1995/96
Regulation of Wet Bikes Bill 1997/98
Regulation of Wheel-clamping Bill 1992/93
Regulations on Small Businesses (Reduction) Bill 1998/99
Regulators of Privatised Utilities Bill 1993/94
Regulatory Authorities (Level of Charges) Bill 2010-12
Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008
Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Bill (Draft)
Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Bill (HL) 2007-08
Regulatory Impact Assessments (Audits) Bill 2003/04
Regulatory Reform Act 2001
Regulatory Reform Bill (Draft)
Regulatory Reform Bill (HL) 2000/01
Rehabilitation Leave Bill 2005-06
Rehabilitation of Offenders (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2009-10
Rehabilitation of Offenders (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Rehabilitation of Offenders (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Rehabilitation of Offenders (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Act 1993
Reinsurance (Acts of Terrorism) Bill 1992/93
Relationship, Drug and Alcohol Education (Curriculum) Bill 2012-13
Relationships (Civil Registration) Bill 2001/02
Relief of Planning Blight Bill 1989/90
Religious Discrimination and Remedies Bill 1997/98
Religious Discrimination and Remedies Bill 2001/02
Religious Discrimination Bill 1997/98
Religious Offences Bill (HL) 2001/02
Religious Prosecutions (Abolition) (No 2) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Religious Prosecutions (Abolition) Bill 1988/89
Remembrance Day (Bank Holiday) Bill 2010-12
Remembrance Day Bank Holiday Bill 2007-08
Remembrance Sunday (Closure of Shops) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Remembrance Sunday (Closure of Shops) Bill 2009-10
Remission of Third World Debt (Jubilee 2000) Bill 1997/98
Removal of Alleged Terrorists Bill 2013-14
Remuneration of Teachers Act 1965
Renewable Content Obligation Bill 2008-09
Renewable Energy Agency (Establishment) Bill 1987/88
Renewable Energy Bill (HL) 2004/05
Renewable Energy Bill 1999/2000
Renewable Heat Bill 2004/05
Rent (Agriculture) Act 1976
Rent (Scotland) Act 1984
Rent (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1983/84
Rent Act 1977
Rental Accommodation (Thermal Insulation Standards) Bill 2009-10
Rentcharges (Notification) Bill 2008-09
Rentcharges Act 1977
Renters' Rights Bill (HL) 2016-17
Repatriation of Prisoners Act 1984
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation Bill 2010-12
Representation of Dependencies at Westminster Bill 1997/98
Representation of Gibraltar at Westminster and in the European Union Bill 1997/98
Representation of Gibraltar at Westminster and in the European Union Bill 2000/01
Representation of Overseas Territories Bill 1999/2000
Representation of the People (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1995/96
Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill 1991/92
Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill 1993/94
Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill 1994/95
Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill 1995/96
Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill 1995/96 (Proposed)
Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill 1996/97
Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill 2005-06
Representation of the People (Ballot Papers) Bill 2003/04
Representation of the People (Candidate's Disclosure) Bill 2014-15
Representation of the People (Consequences of Devolution) Bill 2002/03
Representation of the People (Equal Franchise) Act 1928
Representation of the People (Gibraltar) Bill 2017-19
Representation of the People (Members' Job Share) Bill 2012-13
Representation of the People (Proportional Representation) (House of Commons) Bill (Proposed)
Representation of the People (Reduction of Voting Age) Bill 2005-06 (Proposed)
Representation of the People (Scotland) Bill (Proposed)
Representation of the People (Undue Influence) Bill 2009-10
Representation of the People (Voter Proof of Identity) Bill 2016-17
Representation of the People (Young People's Enfranchisement and Education) Bill 2017-19
Representation of the People (Young People's Enfranchisement) Bill 2017-19
Representation of the People (Young Persons' Enfranchisement and Education) Bill 2015-16
Representation of the People Act 1918
Representation of the People Act 1949
Representation of the People Act 1981
Representation of the People Act 1981 (Amendment) Bill 2013-14
Representation of the People Act 1983
Representation of the People Act 1985
Representation of the People Act 1989
Representation of the People Act 1990
Representation of the People Act 1991
Representation of the People Act 1993
Representation of the People Act 2000
Representation of the People Bill 1984/85
Representation of the People Bill 1988/89
Representation of the People Bill 1989/90
Representation of the People Bill 1990/91
Representation of the People Bill 1992/93
Representation of the People Bill 1999/2000
Representation on National Parks Bill 1988/89
Reproductive Health (Access to Terminations) Bill 2016-17
Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995
Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Bill 1988/89
Resale of Tickets Bill 1988/89
Resale Prices Act 1976
Reserve Forces (Safeguard of Employment) Act 1985
Reserve Forces (Safeguard of Employment) Bill (HL) 1984/85
Reserve Forces Act 1980
Reserve Forces Act 1996
Reserve Forces Bill (HL) 1995/96
Reserve Forces Bill 1994/95
Reserve Free Travel Scheme (London) Bill 1990/91
Reservoirs Act 1975
Residential Care Homes and Nursing Homes (Medical Records) Bill 1997/98
Residential Care Homes and Nursing Homes (Medical Records) Bill 1999/2000
Residential Care Homes Bill 1993/94
Residential Homes Act 1984
Residential Homes Bill 1996/97
Residential Roads (Adoption by Local Authorities) Bill 2010-12
Residential Roads (Adoption by Local Highways Authorities) Bill 2013-14
Resource Extraction (Transparency and Reporting) Bill 2010-12
Respite Care (Children) Bill 2001/02
Responsibility of the Press Bill 1992/93
Responsible Parking (Scotland) Bill 2014-15
Restaurants (Service and Cover Charges) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Restoration of Damage to Sites of Special Scientific Interest Bill 1997/98
Restoration of the Franchise Bill 1990/91
Restraining and Protection Orders Bill 1998/99
Restraint of Trade (Trading in Motor Vehicles) Bill 1990/91
Restricted Byways Bill 2003/04
Restriction of Offensive Weapons Act 1959
Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976
Retail Development Bill (HL) 2007-08
Retail Packaging Recycling Bill 1999/2000
Retail Packaging Recycling Bill 2006-07
Retirement Income Reform Bill 2002/03
Retirement Income Reform Bill 2003/04
Return of Asylum Seekers (Applications from Certain Countries) Bill 2010-12
Revenue Act 1889
Reverter of Sites Act 1987
Rewarding Democracy Commission Bill 1999/2000 (Proposed)
Richmond Burgage Pastures Bill (HL) 2016-17 to 2017-19
Riders of Equine Animals (Wearing of Protective Headgear) Bill 1988/89
Riding Establishment Act 1970
Riding Establishments Act 1964
Right of Privacy Bill 1987/88
Right of Reply and Press Standards Bill 2004/05
Right of Reply Bill 1988/89
Right of Silence Bill 1988/89
Right to Buy and Right to Acquire Schemes (Research) Bill 2014-15
Right to Die at Home Bill (HL) 2014-15
Right to Die at Home Bill (HL) 2015-16
Right to Die at Home Bill (HL) 2016-17
Right to Die at Home Bill (HL) 2017-19
Right to Information Bill 1991/92
Right to Know Bill 1992/93
Right to Live Bill 1987/88
Right to Roam (Mobile Phones) Bill 2007-08
Right to Roam Bill 1998/99
Right to Self-employment Bill 2001/02
Right to Silence (Amendment) Bill 1992/93 (Proposed)
Right to Work Bill 1994/95
Right to Work Bill 1995/96
Right to Work Bill 1996/97
Rights at Work and in Retirement Bill 1996/97
Rights Bill 2010-12
Rights of Access to Neighbouring Land Bill 1990/91
Rights of Savers Bill 2005-06
Rights of the Sovereign and the Duchy of Cornwall Bill (HL) 2012-13
Rights of the Sovereign and the Duchy of Cornwall Bill (HL) 2013-14
Rights of Way (Agricultural Land) Bill 1989/90
Rights of Way (Amendment) Bill 2003/04
Rights of Way Act 1990
Rights of Way Bill 1989/90
Riot (Damages) Act 1886
Riot Compensation Act 2016
Riot Compensation Bill (Draft)
Riot Compensation Bill 2015-16
Rite of Passage (Welcoming and Coming of Age) Bill 2003/04
River Calder (Welbeck Site) Bill (HL) 1990/91
River Calder (Welbeck Site) Bill (HL) 1994/95
River Humber (Burcom Outfall) Bill (HL) 1987/88
River Humber (Upper Burcom Cooling Works) Bill (HL) 1991/92
River Humber (Upper Pyewipe Outfall) Act 1992
River Humber (Upper Pyewipe Outfall) Bill (HL) 1991/92
River Safety Bill 1990/91
River Tees Barrage and Crossing Act 1990
River Tees Barrage and Crossing Bill (HL) 1988/89 to 1989/90
River Usk Barrage Bill (HL) 1990/91
River Usk Barrage Bill (HL) 1991/92
Rivers Authorities and Land Drainage Bill 2017-19
Road and Street Works (Notice and Compensation) Bill 2002/03
Road Fuel Pricing (Equalisation) Bill 2014-15
Road Regulation Act 1984
Road Safety (No. 2) Bill 2010-12
Road Safety (No. 3) Bill 2010-12
Road Safety (Pillion Passengers) Bill 2004/05
Road Safety Act 2006
Road Safety and Parking Bill 2005-06
Road Safety and Speed Bill 2001/02
Road Safety Bill (HL) 2005-06
Road Safety Bill 2002/03
Road Safety Bill 2004/05
Road Safety Bill 2010-12
Road Signs (Tourist Destinations and Facilities) Bill 2008-09
Road Traffic (Accident Compensation) Bill 2007-08
Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2002/03
Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Road Traffic (Blood Alcohol Concentration Limit) Bill 1987/88
Road Traffic (Breath Tests) Bill 1988/89
Road Traffic (Congestion Reduction) Bill 2007-08
Road Traffic (Consequential Provisions) Act 1988
Road Traffic (Consequential Provisions) Bill (HL) 1987/88
Road Traffic (Driver Licensing and Information Systems) Act 1989
Road Traffic (Driver Licensing and Information Systems) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Road Traffic (Driving Instruction by Disabled Persons) Act 1993
Road Traffic (Driving Instruction by Disabled Persons) Bill 1992/93
Road Traffic (Driving Instruction) Act 1984
Road Traffic (Enforcement Powers) Bill (HL) 1998/99
Road Traffic (New Drivers) Act 1995
Road Traffic (New Drivers) Bill 1994/95
Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Act 1999
Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Bill 1998/99
Road Traffic (Prohibition of Anti-detection Devices) Bill 2007-08
Road Traffic (Random Breath Testing) Bill 1987/88
Road Traffic (Random Breath Testing) Bill 1990/91
Road Traffic (Safety) Bill 2007-08
Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991
Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Bill 1989/90
Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Bill 1990/91
Road Traffic (Use of Mobile Telephones) Bill (HL) 1998/99
Road Traffic (Vehicle Testing) Act 1999
Road Traffic (Vehicle Testing) Bill 1998/99
Road Traffic Accident (Personal Injury) (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Road Traffic Act 1972
Road Traffic Act 1988
Road Traffic Act 1988 (Alcohol Limits) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Road Traffic Act 1991
Road Traffic Bill (HL) 1987/88
Road Traffic Bill 1990/91
Road Traffic Bill 1999/2000
Road Traffic Offenders (Surrender of Driving Licences etc) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Road Traffic Offenders (Surrender of Driving Licences etc) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Road Traffic Offenders (Surrender of Driving Licences etc) Bill 2016-17
Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988
Road Traffic Offenders Bill (HL) 1987/88
Road Traffic Reduction (National Targets) (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Road Traffic Reduction (National Targets) Act 1998
Road Traffic Reduction (National Targets) Bill 1997/98
Road Traffic Reduction (United Kingdom Targets) Bill 1997/98
Road Traffic Reduction Act 1997
Road Traffic Reduction Bill 1993/94
Road Traffic Reduction Bill 1994/95
Road Traffic Reduction Bill 1995/96
Road Traffic Reduction Bill 1996/97
Road Traffic Regulation (Cycle Parking) Bill (HL) 1998/99
Road Traffic Regulation (Location Filming) Bill 2005-06
Road Traffic Regulation (Parking) Bill 1988/89
Road Traffic Regulation (Special Events) Act 1994
Road Traffic Regulation (Special Events) Bill 1993/94
Road Traffic Regulation (Speed Limits) Bill 1989/90
Road Traffic Regulation (Temporary Closure for Filming) Bill 2014-15
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
Road Traffic Regulation Bill (HL) 1983/84
Road Traffic Regulations (Consultation) Bill 2002/03
Road Traffic Signs (Enforcement Cameras) Bill 2005-06
Road Traffic Speed Limit Reduction Bill 1996/97
Road Transport Bill 2000/01
Roads (Scotland) Act 1984
Roads (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1983/84
Rogue Traders Bill 1999/2000
Roman Catholic Relief Act 1829
Romanian and Bulgarian Accession (Labour Restriction) Bill 2013-14
Royal Commission (London) Bill 2010-12
Royal Commission (Slavery) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Royal Marriages (Freedom of Religion) Bill 2004/05
Royal Marriages Act 1772
Royal Marriages and Succession to the Crown (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2008-09
Royal Parks (Trading) Act 2000
Royal Parks (Trading) Bill 1998/99
Royal Parks (Trading) Bill 1999/2000
Runaway and Missing Children Bill 2007-08
Rural and Community Hospitals Bill 1997/98
Rural Broadband Facilitation Bill 2003/04
Rural Community Public Transport Bill 2000/01
Rural Tranquillity Bill 2006-07
Rural Transport Bill 1998/99
Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act 1944
Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act 1971
Safe and Sanctuary Rooms (Exemption from Under-occupancy Penalty) Bill 2013-14
Safe Standing (Football Stadia) Bill 2010-12
Safeguarding Runaway and Missing Children Bill 2006-07
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Bill (HL) 2005-06
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Bill 2005-06
Safeguards for Residents in Registered Homes Bill 1989/90
Safety and Conservation (Byelaws) Bill 2009-10
Safety at Sea Act 1986
Safety at Sea Bill 1998/99
Safety Deposit Current Accounts Bill (HL) 2007-08
Safety in Childrens Playgrounds Bill 1988/89
Safety in Childrens Playgrounds Bill 1989/90
Safety in Schools Bill 1993/94
Safety of Medicines (Evaluation) Bill 2007-08
Safety Of Medicines (Evaluation) Bill 2008-09
Safety of Medicines Bill 2010-12
Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975
Saint Bennet Fink Burial Ground (City of London) Act 1988
Saint Bennet Fink Burial Ground (City of London) Bill (HL) 1987/88
Saint Helena Act 1833
Saint Pauls Churchyard Bill 1994/95
Salaries Act 1975
Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994
Sale and Supply of Goods Bill 1993/94
Sale of Alcohol to Young Persons (Prohibition) Bill 1997/98
Sale of Goods (Amendment) Act 1994
Sale of Goods (Amendment) Act 1995
Sale of Goods (Amendment) Bill (Draft)
Sale of Goods (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1993/94
Sale of Goods (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Sale of Goods Act 1893
Sale of Goods Act 1979
Sale of Goods Bill 1992/93
Sale of Green Belt Land Bill 2005-06
Sale of Horses Act 1555
Sale of Horses Act 1588
Sale of Medicines (Young People) Bill 1996/97
Sale of Mobile Homes (Interviews) Bill 2008-09
Sale of Park Homes Bill 2010-12
Sale of Registration Marks (Amendment) Bill 2007-08
Sale of Student Loans Act 2008
Sale of Student Loans Bill 2007-08
Sale of Teesside International Airport etc Bill 1993/94 (Proposed)
Sale of Tickets (Sporting and Cultural Events) Bill 2010-12
Sale of Tickets (Sporting and Cultural Events) Bill 2013-14
Sale of War Toys (Prohibition) Bill 1987/88
Sale of Wares After Close of Fair Act 1331
Sale of Wine (Measures) Bill 2007-08
Salmon Act 1986
Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (Protection) (Scotland) Act 1951
Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975
Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act 1862
Salmon Fisheries (Scotland) Act 1868
Same Sex Marriage (Referendum) Bill 2013-14
Samurai Swords Bill 2005-06
Sanctions (Human Rights Abuse and Corruption) Bill 2017-19
Sanctions and Anti-money Laundering Act 2018
Sanctions and Anti-money Laundering Bill (HL) 2017-19
Satellite Navigation (Updating Scheme) Bill 2015-16
Saving Gateway Accounts Act 2009
Saving Gateway Accounts Bill 2008-09
Savings (Government Contributions) Act 2017
Savings (Government Contributions) Bill 2016-17
Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant Act 2010
Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant Bill 2010-12
Scarce Resources (Conservation) Bill 1988/89
Schizophrenia After-care Bill (HL) 1988/89
School Absenteeism Bill 1997/98
School Admissions (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
School Admissions (Prohibition of Religious Discrimination) Bill 2003/04 (Proposed)
School Admissions (Special Educational Needs) Bill 2016-17
School Admissions Bill 2009-10
School Admissions Bill 2014-15
School Boards (Scotland) Act 1988
School Boards (Scotland) Bill 1987/88
School Bus (Safety) Bill 2008-09
School Bus Passes (Revision of Regulations) Bill 1987/88
School Buses (Safety) Bill 1997/98
School Children's Clothing and Footwear (Value Added Tax) Bill 1997/98
School Crossing Patrols (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
School Crossings (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
School Governing Bodies (Adverse Weather Conditions) Bill 2013-14
School Governors (Appointments) Bill 2014-15
School Holidays (Meals and Activities) Bill 2017-19
School Inspections Act 1996
School Inspections Bill (HL) 1995/96
School Intruders (Criminal Offence) Bill 1996/97
School Leavers Community Service Bill 1993/94
School Meals and Nutrition Bill 2004/05
School Standards and Framework Act 1998
School Standards and Framework Bill 1997/98
School Teachers' Pay and Conditions (No. 2) Bill 1990/91
School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Act 1991
School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Bill 1990/91
School Transport (Parental Choice) Bill 1995/96
School Transport Bill (Draft)
School Transport Bill 1997/98
School Transport Bill 2003/04 to 2004/05
School Transport Bill 2009-10
School Transport Safety Bill 1994/95
School Travel Schemes Bill (Draft)
School Uniform (Gender Neutrality) Bill 2017-19
School Uniforms Bill 2017-19
Schools (Health Support) Bill 2008-09
Schools (Mental Health and Wellbeing) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Schools (Opportunity to Study for Qualifications) Bill 2014-15
Schools (Vending Machines) Bill 2003/04
Schools and Colleges (Funding Formula) Bill 1997/98
Schools Bill 2017-19
Science and Technology Act 1965
Science, Technology and Engineering (Careers Information in Schools) Bill 2012-13
Scotch Whisky Act 1988
Scotch Whisky Bill 1987/88
Scotland (Independence) (Westminster Representation) Bill 2013-14
Scotland (Oil and Gas Resources) Bill 2005-06
Scotland (Petitions for a Referendum on Independence) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Scotland Act 1998
Scotland Act 1998 (Amendment) Bill 2015-16
Scotland Act 2012
Scotland Act 2016
Scotland Bill 1987/88
Scotland Bill 1988/89
Scotland Bill 1997/98
Scotland Bill 2010-12
Scotland Bill 2015-16
Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries (Amendment) Bill 1998/99
Scottish Adjacent Waters Boundaries (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
Scottish Agricultural College Order Confirmation Act 1997
Scottish Agricultural College Order Confirmation Bill 1997/98
Scottish Banknotes (Acceptability in United Kingdom) Bill 2008-09
Scottish Borders Council (Jim Clark Memorial Rally) Order Confirmation Act 1996
Scottish Borders Council (Jim Clark Memorial Rally) Order Confirmation Bill 1996/97
Scottish Constitution (Referendum) Bill 1987/88
Scottish Development Agency (Oban South Pier) Order Confirmation Act 1988
Scottish Development Agency (Oban South Pier) Order Confirmation Bill 1987/88
Scottish Development Agency Act 1987
Scottish Development Agency Bill 1987/88
Scottish Election (Date) (2020) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Scottish Enterprise Act 1999
Scottish Enterprise Bill 1998/99
Scottish Episcopal Clergy Widows' and Orphans' Fund Order Confirmation Act 1989
Scottish Episcopal Clergy Widows' and Orphans' Fund Order Confirmation Bill 1989/90
Scottish Land Court Act 1993
Scottish Land Court Bill (HL) 1992/93
Scottish Legal Services Ombudsman and Commissioner for Local Administration in Scotland Act 1997
Scottish Legal Services Ombudsman and Commissioner for Local Administration in Scotland Bill 1996/97
Scottish Minimum Unit Pricing Bill (Draft)
Scottish Parliament (Candidates) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Scottish Parliament (Constituencies) Act 2004
Scottish Parliament (Constituencies) Bill 2003/04
Scottish Parliament (Referendum) Bill (HL) 2001/02
Scottish Parliament Bill 1995/96
Scottish Parliament Elections Bill 2006-07
Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies Bill (HL) 1998/99
Scottish Public Services Ombudsman Act 2002 (SP)
Scottish Referendum (Consultation) Bill (HL) 2013-14
Scrabster Harbour Order Confirmation Act 1989
Scrabster Harbour Order Confirmation Bill 1988/89
Scrambler Bikes (Licensing) Bill 2005-06
Scrap Metal Dealers (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Scrap Metal Dealers Act 1964
Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013
Scrap Metal Dealers Bill 2012-13
Sea Fish (Conservation) Act 1967
Sea Fish (Conservation) Act 1992
Sea Fish (Conservation) Bill 1992/93
Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) (Amendment) Act 1997
Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1998/99
Sea Fisheries (Shellfish) Act 1967
Sea Fisheries (Wildlife Conservation) Act 1992
Sea Fisheries (Wildlife Conservation) Bill 1991/92
Sea Fisheries Act 1968
Sea Fisheries Regulation Act 1966
Sea Fishing Grants (Charges) Act 2000
Sea Fishing Grants (Charges) Bill 1999/2000
Seals Act 1970
Second Chamber (Reform) Bill 1992/93
Second Chamber of Parliament Bill 2004/05
Second Home Ownership (Regulation) Bill 2009-10
Secret Societies (Declaration) Bill 1991/92
Secret Societies (Declaration) Bill 1992/93
Secret Societies (Registration of Membership) Bill 2000/01
Secure Tenancies (Victims of Domestic Abuse) Act 2018
Secure Tenancies (Victims of Domestic Abuse) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Secured Lending Reform Bill 2010-12
Security Administration (Fraud) Bill 1996/97
Security Industry (Licensing) Bill 1993/94
Security Industry Bill 1988/89
Security Industry Bill 1989/90
Security Service Act 1989
Security Service Act 1989 (Amendment) Bill 1989/90
Security Service Act 1996
Security Service Bill (HL) 1995/96
Security Service Bill 1988/89
Security Service Bill 1995/96
Security Services (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Bill 1987/88
Selective Licensing (Housing Standards) Bill 2013-14
Selective Schools (Transitional Arrangements) Bill 2001/02
Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015
Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Bill 2014-15
Self-employment (Risk Assessment Exemption) Bill 2010-12
Self-governing Schools etc (Scotland) Act 1989
Self-governing Schools etc (Scotland) Bill 1988/89
Selwyn College Cambridge Act 1988
Selwyn College Cambridge Bill (HL) 1986/87 to 1987/88
Senior Courts Act 1981
Senior Judiciary Appointments (Disregard of Age of Candidates) Bill 2016-17
Sentencing (Pre-consolidation Amendments) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Sentencing (Reform) Bill 2010-12
Sentencing Escalator Bill 2013-14
Serious Crime Act 2007
Serious Crime Act 2015
Serious Crime Bill (HL) 2006-07
Serious Crime Bill (HL) 2014-15
Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005
Serious Organised Crime and Police Bill 2004/05
Service Animals (Offences) Bill 2017-19
Service Charges, Gratuities and Cover Charges (Hospitality, Leisure and Service Sectors) (Statutory Code) Bill 2014-15
Severn Bridge Tolls Act 1985
Severn Bridges Act 1992
Severn Bridges Act 1992 (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Severn Bridges Act 1992 (Amendment) Bill 1993/94
Severn Bridges Bill 1990/91
Severn Bridges Bill 1991/92
Severn Navigation Bill 1841
Sewage (Scotland) Act 1968
Sex and Relationships Education (Curriculum) Bill 2014-15
Sex and Relationships Education Bill 2010-12
Sex Discrimination (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill (HL) 2001/02
Sex Discrimination (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1999/2000
Sex Discrimination (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
Sex Discrimination (Amendment) Bill 2001/02
Sex Discrimination (Clubs and Other Private Associations) Bill 2003/04
Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Act 2002
Sex Discrimination (Election Candidates) Bill 2001/02
Sex Discrimination Act 1975
Sex Discrimination Bill (HL) 1985/86
Sex Discrimination in Private Clubs Bill 2002/03
Sex Education (Required Content) Bill 2010-12
Sex Education in Schools Bill 1998/99
Sex Encounter Establishments (Licensing) Bill 2007-08
Sex Equality (Duties of Public Authorities) Bill 2003/04
Sex Establishments (Regulation) Bill 2013-14
Sex Offenders Act 1997
Sex Offenders Bill 1996/97
Sexual Impropriety in Employment Bill 2013-14
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1976
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1992
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2001/02
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill 1991/92
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill 1998/99
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill 2016-17
Sexual Offences (Amendment) etc Bill 1990/91
Sexual Offences (Amendment) etc Bill 1992/93
Sexual Offences (Anonymity of Defendants) Bill 1998/99
Sexual Offences (Conspiracy and Incitement) Act 1996
Sexual Offences (Conspiracy and Incitement) Bill 1995/96
Sexual Offences (Pardons etc) Bill 2016-17
Sexual Offences (Protected Material) Act 1997
Sexual Offences (Protected Material) Bill 1996/97
Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009
Sexual Offences Act 1956
Sexual Offences Act 1959
Sexual Offences Act 1967
Sexual Offences Act 1967 (Amendment) Bill 1988/89
Sexual Offences Act 1985
Sexual Offences Act 1993
Sexual Offences Act 2003
Sexual Offences Act 2003 (Amendment) Bill 2004/05
Sexual Offences against Children (Registers of Offenders) Bill 1995/96
Sexual Offences against Children (Supervision of Offenders) Bill 1995/96
Sexual Offences Bill (HL) 2002/03
Sexual Offences Bill 1985
Sexual Offences Bill 1989/90
Sexual Offences Bill 1992/93
Sexual Orientation Discrimination Bill (HL) 1994/95
Sexual Orientation Discrimination Bill (HL) 1995/96
Sexual Orientation Discrimination Bill (HL) 1997/98
Sexually Explicit Material (Regulation of Sale and Display) Bill 2005-06
Shard Bridge Act 1991
Shard Bridge Bill 1989/90 to 1990/91
Shared Parental Leave and Pay (Extension) Bill 2017-19
Shared Parenting Orders Bill 2010-12
Sheffield Assay Office Act 1995
Sheffield Assay Office Bill 1993/94 to 1994/95
Sheltered Accommodation (Residents) Bill 2009-10
Sheriff Courts (Scotland) Act 1907
Sheriff Courts (Scotland) Act 1971
Sheriffs Act 1887
Sheriffs' Pensions (Scotland) Act 1961
Shipping (Load Lines) Act 1987
Shipping and Trading Interests (Protection) Act 1995
Shipping and Trading Interests (Protection) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Shops (Amendment) Bill 1991/92
Shops (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Shops Act (Northern Ireland) 1946
Shops Act 1950
Shops Bill 1992/93
Shops Bill 2001/02
Short and Holiday-let Accommodation (Notification of Local Authorities) Bill 2016-17
Short and Holiday-let Accommodation (Notification of Local Authorities) Bill 2017-19
Short Selling and Bank Accounts Bill 2008-09
Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council Act 1998
Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council Bill (HL) 1997/98
Single European Currency (Referendum) Bill (Draft)
Single European Language Bill 2001/02
Single Homeless Persons (Scotland) Bill 1996/97
Siting of Telecommunications Masts Bill 2000/01
Skin Piercing Bill 2002/03
Sky Lanterns (Prohibition) Bill 2017-19
Slaughter of Animals (Scotland) Act 1980
Slaughter of Deer Bill 1987/88
Slaughter of Poultry Act 1967
Slaughterhouses Act 1974
Slaughterhouses Bill 1992/93
Slavery Bill 2013-14
Sleep Apnoea Bill 2003/04
Small Aircraft (Insurance) Bill 1992/93
Small and Medium Sized Co-operative Development Bill 2016-17
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (Exemption from Regulation) Bill 2005-06
Small Business Administration Bill 2010-12
Small Business Bill 1993/94
Small Business Rate Relief (Automatic Payment) Bill 2008-09
Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015
Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill 2014-15
Small Charitable Donations Act 2012
Small Charitable Donations and Childcare Payments Act 2017
Small Charitable Donations and Childcare Payments Bill 2016-17
Small Charitable Donations Bill 2012-13
Small Firms (Liberation) Bill 1987/88
Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908
Small Print Bill 2007-08
Small Renewable Energy Developments (Permitted Development) Bill 2004/05
Small Shops (Protection) Bill 2004/05
Smart Meters Act 2018
Smart Meters Bill 2017-19
Smith Kline and French Laboratories Australia and Menley and James Australia Act 1991
Smith Kline and French Laboratories Australia and Menley and James Australia Bill (HL) 1989/90
Smith Kline and French Laboratories Australia and Menley and James Australia Bill (HL) 1990/91
Smoke Alarms (Private Rented Sector) Bill 2013-14
Smoke Detectors Act 1991
Smoke Detectors Bill 1990/91
Smoke Detectors in Houses Bill 1987/88
Smoke Nuisance (Domestic Sources) Bill 1987/88
Smoke-free Private Vehicles Bill (HL) 2010-12
Smoke-free Private Vehicles Bill (HL) 2012-13
Smoking (Private Members' Clubs) Bill 2013-14
Smoking (Restaurants) Bill 2002/03
Smoking in Private Vehicles Bill 2010-12
Smoking in Public Places (Wales) Bill (HL) 2003/04
Smoking in Public Places (Wales) Bill 2004/05
Smoking Prohibition (National Health Service Premises) Bill 2017-19
Snow Clearance Bill 2010-12
Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Act 2015
Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Bill 2014-15
Social Care (Local Sufficiency) and Identification of Carers Bill 2012-13
Social Care Portability Bill (HL) 2010-12
Social Care Portability Bill (HL) 2012-13
Social Care Portability Bill (HL) 2013-14
Social Justice Commission Bill 2017-19
Social Media Service Providers (Civil Liability and Oversight) Bill 2017-19
Social Security (Consequential Provisions) (Northern Ireland) Act 1992
Social Security (Consequential Provisions) (Northern Ireland) Bill (HL) 1991/92
Social Security (Consequential Provisions) Act 1992
Social Security (Consequential Provisions) Bill (HL) 1991/92
Social Security (Contributions) Act 1991
Social Security (Contributions) Act 1994
Social Security (Contributions) Bill 1990/91
Social Security (Contributions) Bill 1993/94
Social Security (Incapacity for Work) Act 1994
Social Security (Incapacity for Work) Bill 1993/94
Social Security (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1977
Social Security (Mortgage Interest Payments) Act 1992
Social Security (Mortgage Interest Payments) Bill 1991/92
Social Security (Northern Ireland) Act 1975
Social Security (Overpayments) Act 1996
Social Security (Overpayments) Bill 1995/96
Social Security (Recovery of Benefits) Act 1997
Social Security (Recovery of Benefits) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Social Security Act 1973
Social Security Act 1975
Social Security Act 1980
Social Security Act 1984
Social Security Act 1985
Social Security Act 1986
Social Security Act 1988
Social Security Act 1989
Social Security Act 1990
Social Security Act 1993
Social Security Act 1998
Social Security Administration (Fraud) Act 1997
Social Security Administration (Fraud) Bill 1996/97
Social Security Administration (Northern Ireland) Act 1992
Social Security Administration (Northern Ireland) Bill (HL) 1991/92
Social Security Administration Act 1992
Social Security Administration Bill (HL) 1991/92
Social Security and Housing Benefits Act 1982
Social Security Bill 1984/85
Social Security Bill 1985/86
Social Security Bill 1987/88
Social Security Bill 1988/89
Social Security Bill 1989/90
Social Security Bill 1992/93
Social Security Bill 1997/98
Social Security Contributions (Share Options) Act 2001
Social Security Contributions (Share Options) Bill 2000/01
Social Security Contributions (Transfer of Functions etc) Act 1999
Social Security Contributions (Transfer of Functions etc) Bill (HL) 1998/99
Social Security Contributions and Benefits (Northern Ireland) Act 1992
Social Security Contributions and Benefits (Northern Ireland) Bill (HL) 1991/92
Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992
Social Security Contributions and Benefits Bill (HL) 1991/92
Social Security Contributions and Benefits Bill 1991/92
Social Security Fraud Act 2001
Social Security Fraud Bill (HL) 2000/01
Social Security Pensions Act 1975
Social Security Regulations (Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema) Amendment (No. 2) Bill 1993/94
Social Security Regulations (Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema) Amendment Bill 1993/94
Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968
Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980
Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1988
Solicitors (Scotland) Bill 1987/88
Solicitors Act 1974
Sound Recordings (Copyright Term Extension) Bill 2007-08
South Africa Act 1995
South Africa Bill (HL) 1994/95
South West Water (St Ives) Bill (HL) 1991/92
South Yorkshire Act 1980
South Yorkshire Light Rail Transit (No. 2) Bill 1989/90
South Yorkshire Light Rail Transit Act 1988
South Yorkshire Light Rail Transit Act 1989
South Yorkshire Light Rail Transit Act 1990
South Yorkshire Light Rail Transit Act 1993
South Yorkshire Light Rail Transit Bill (HL) 1988/89
South Yorkshire Light Rail Transit Bill (HL) 1991/92 to 1992/93
South Yorkshire Light Rail Transit Bill 1985/86 to 1987/88
Southampton International Boat Show Act 1997
Southampton International Boat Show Bill 1996/97
Southampton Rapid Transit Bill (HL) 1988/89
Southern Rhodesia Act 1979
Southern Water Authority Act 1988
Southern Water Authority Bill 1987/88
Sovereign Grant Act 2011
Sovereign Grant Bill 2010-12
Sovereignty of Parliament (European Communities) Bill 2003/04
Sovereignty of Parliament (European Communities) Bill 2007-08
Sovereignty of Parliament (European Communities) Bill 2008-09
Space Industry Act 2018
Space Industry Bill (HL) 2017-19
Spaceflight Bill (Draft)
Special Constables Bill 1990/91
Special Educational Needs (Information) Act 2008
Special Educational Needs (Information) Bill 2007-08
Special Educational Needs and Disability (Support) Bill 2008-09
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001
Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill (HL) 2000/01
Special Educational Needs Bill 2005-06
Special Immigration Appeals Commission Act 1997
Special Immigration Appeals Commission Bill (HL) 1997/98
Special Urban Development Zones Bill 2010-12
Specialist Printing Equipment and Materials (Offences) Act 2015
Specialist Printing Equipment and Materials (Offences) Bill 2013-14
Specialist Printing Equipment and Materials (Offences) Bill 2014-15
Specialist Schools (Selection by Aptitude) Bill 2002/03
Speed Limits (Amendment) Bill 2006-07
Speed Limits (England) Bill 2017-19
Speed Limits on Roads (Devolved Powers) Bill 2015-16
Spitfire Quay (Southampton) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc) (Amendment) Act 1992
Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1991/92
Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc) Act 1985
Sports (Discrimination) (No. 2) Bill 1994/95
Sports (Discrimination) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Sports (Discrimination) Bill 1993/94
Sports Grounds Safety Authority Act 2011
Sports Grounds Safety Authority Bill (HL) 2008-09
Sports Grounds Safety Authority Bill 2010-12
St Austell Market Act 1842
St Austell Market Act 2008
St Austell Market Bill 2007-08
St George's Day (Public Holiday) Bill 2003/04 (Proposed)
St George's Day and St David's Day Bill 2010-12
St George's Day Bill 2005-06
St George's Hill Weybridge Estate Act 1990
St George's Hill Weybridge Estate Bill 1987/88 to 1989/90
St Paul's Churchyard Bill 1994/95
Staffordshire Act 1983
Stakeholder Pension Bill 1997/98
Stalking (No. 2) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Stalking (Scotland) Bill 1995/96
Stalking (Sentencing) Bill 2016-17
Stalking Bill 1995/96
Stalking Protection Act 2019
Stalking Protection Bill 2017-19
Stamp Duty (Lower Rate for Energy Efficiency Measures) Bill 2004/05
Stamp Duty (Temporary Provisions) Act 1992
Stamp Duty (Temporary Provisions) Bill 1991/92
Stamp Duty Bill 2017-19
Stamp Duty Land Tax Act 2015
Stamp Duty Land Tax Bill 2014-15
Standard Form of Lease (Leasehold Residential Property) Bill 1987/88
Standard Life Assurance Company Act 1991
Standard Life Assurance Company Bill (HL) 1989/90 to 1990/91
Standardised Testing for Diabetes (People Aged 40 and over) Bill 2014-15
Standards and Privileges (Independent Appeals Body) Bill 2000/01
Standards in Scotlands Schools etc Act 2000 (SP)
State Hospitals (Scotland) Act 1994
State Hospitals (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1993/94
State Hospitals (Scotland) Bill 1993/94
State Immunity Act 1978
State Pension Credit Act 2002
State Pension Credit Bill (HL) 2001/02
Statements of Taxation Bill 2010-12
Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007
Statistics and Registration Service Bill 2006-07
Statistics of Trade Act 1947
Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1989
Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1993
Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1995
Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1998
Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2004
Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2008
Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2013
Statute Law (Repeals) Bill (Draft)
Statute Law (Repeals) Bill (HL) 1980/81
Statute Law (Repeals) Bill (HL) 1985/86
Statute Law (Repeals) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Statute Law (Repeals) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Statute Law (Repeals) Bill (HL) 1994/95
Statute Law (Repeals) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Statute Law (Repeals) Bill (HL) 2003/04
Statute Law (Repeals) Bill (HL) 2007-08
Statute Law (Repeals) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Statute Law (Repeals) Bill 1969
Statute Law (Repeals) Bill 1994/95
Statute Law (Repeals) Bill 2007-08
Statute Law (Repeals) Measure 2018
Statute Law Balancing (Limit on Maximum Quantity) Bill 1996/97
Statute Law Bill 1997/98
Statute Law Revision (Isle of Man) Act 1991
Statute Law Revision (Isle of Man) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Statute of Westminster Act 1931
Statutory Instruments (Production and Sale) Act 1996
Statutory Instruments (Production and Sale) Bill 1995/96
Statutory Instruments Act 1946
Statutory Minimum Wage Bill 1987/88
Statutory Minimum Wage Bill 1989/90
Statutory Nuisance (Aircraft Noise) Bill 2016-17
Statutory Nuisances (Hedgerows in Residential Areas) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Statutory Orders (Special Procedure) Act 1945
Statutory Redundancy Pay (Amendment) Bill 2008-09
Statutory Sick Pay Act 1991
Statutory Sick Pay Act 1994
Statutory Sick Pay Bill 1990/91
Statutory Sick Pay Bill 1993/94
Statutory Water Companies Act 1991
Statutory Water Companies Bill (HL) 1990/91
Stem Cell Research Bill 1999/2000 (Proposed)
Stillbirth (Definition) Act 1992
Stillbirth (Definition) Bill 1991/92
Stirling Corporation (Waters etc) Order Confirmation Act 1922
Stock Transfer Act 1963
Stock Transfer Act 1982
Strategic Export Controls (Breach of Embargo) Bill 1999/2000
Strathclyde Regional Council Confirmation Act 1990
Strathclyde Regional Council Order Confirmation Act 1991
Strathclyde Regional Council Order Confirmation Bill 1989/90
Strathclyde Regional Council Order Confirmation Bill 1991/92
Straw and Stubble Burning (Control) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Stray Animals Bill 2002/03
Stray Dogs Bill 1993/94
Street Disorder and Begging Law Reform Bill 1993/94 (Proposed)
Street Furniture (Design and Planning) Bill 1990/91
Street Furniture (Graffiti) Bill 2002/03
Street Offences Act 1959
Street Works Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Street Works Bill 2000/01
Streetscape and Highways Design Bill 2006-07
Streetworks Bill 1998/99
Student Charter Bill 1988/89
Student Fees (Approved Plans) (England) Regulations 2004 (draft)
Student Fees (Qualifying Courses and Person) Regulations 2004 (draft)
Student Fees (Qualifying Persons) (England) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Student Loans (Debt Discharge) Bill 2017-19
Student Loans (Debt Interest) Bill 2017-19
Student Support (Non-interest-bearing Finance) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Sublet Property (Offences) Bill 2017-19
Subscription Television (Prevention of Monopoly Sports Broadcasts) Bill 1999/2000
Subterranean Development Bill (HL) 2010-12
Succession (Scotland) Act 1964
Succession to Hereditary Peerages and Estates Bill 2012-13
Succession to Peerages Bill (HL) 2014-15
Succession to Peerages Bill (HL) 2015-16
Succession to Peerages Bill (HL) 2016-17
Succession to Peerages Bill (HL) 2017-19
Succession to the Crown (No. 2) Bill 2004/05
Succession to the Crown Act 1707
Succession to the Crown Act 2013
Succession to the Crown and Retirement of the Sovereign Bill 2004/05 (Proposed)
Succession to the Crown Bill (HL) 1996/97
Succession to the Crown Bill (HL) 1997/98
Succession to the Crown Bill (HL) 2004/05
Succession to the Crown Bill 2010-12
Succession to the Crown Bill 2012-13
Suffragan Bishops Act 1534
Sugar Distillery Bill 1807/08
Sugar in Food and Drinks (Targets, Labelling and Advertising) Bill 2014-15
Sugar in Food and Drinks (Targets, Labelling and Advertising) Bill 2015-16
Sugar in Food and Drinks (Targets, Labelling and Advertising) Bill 2016-17
Suicide (Prevention) Bill 2010-12
Suicide (Prevention) Bill 2012-13
Suicide Act 1961
Summer Time (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Summer Time Act 1972
Sunbeds (Regulation) Act 2010
Sunbeds (Regulation) Bill 2009-10
Sunday Entertainments (Video Supply) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Sunday Entertainments Act 1932
Sunday Fairs Act 1448
Sunday Observance Act (Ireland) 1695
Sunday Observance Act 1780
Sunday Sports (No. 2) Bill 1987/88
Sunday Sports Bill (HL) 1987/88
Sunday Sports Bill 1988/89
Sunday Theatre Act 1972
Sunday Trading (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1991/92
Sunday Trading (Amendment) Bill 2010-12
Sunday Trading (Horticulture) Bill (HL) 2007-08
Sunday Trading (London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games) Act 2012
Sunday Trading (London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Sunday Trading (Reform) Bill 1988/89
Sunday Trading Act 1994
Sunday Trading Act 1994 (Amendment) Bill 2005-06
Sunday Trading Bill 1989/90
Sunday Trading Bill 1993/94
Sunday Working (Scotland) Act 2003
Sunday Working (Scotland) Bill 2001/02
Sunday Working (Scotland) Bill 2002/03
Sundays (Dancing and Licensing) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Superannuation Act 1972
Superannuation Act 2010
Superannuation Bill 2010-12
Supermarket Pricing Information Bill 2012-13
Supervised Drug Consumption Facilities Bill 2017-19
Supplementary Benefits Act 1976
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2012
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2013
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2014
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2015
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2016
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2017
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2018
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2019
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Bill 2010-12
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Bill 2012-13
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Bill 2013-14
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Bill 2014-15
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Bill 2015-16
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Bill 2016-17
Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Bill 2017-19
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2011
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2012
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2013
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2014
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2015
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2016
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2017
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Act 2018
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Bill 2010-12
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Bill 2012-13
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Bill 2013-14
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Bill 2014-15
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Bill 2015-16
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Bill 2016-17
Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) Bill 2017-19
Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982
Support and Protection for Elderly People and Adults at Risk of Abuse Bill 2010-12
Support to Exit Prostitution Bill (HL) 2016-17
Suppression of Terrorism Act 1978
Supreme Court (Offices) Act 1997
Supreme Court (Offices) Bill 1997/98
Supreme Court Act 1981
Surface Water and Highway Drainage Charges (Exemption) Bill 2008-09
Surrogacy Arrangements Act 1985
Surrogacy Arrangements Bill 1984/85
Surrogate Parents (Leave, Pay and Allowance Arrangements) Bill 2010-12
Surveillance of Telecommunications (Judicial Oversight) Bill 2013-14
Suspension of Hospital Medical Practitioners Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Sustainability of Livestock Farming and Food Production (Strategy) Bill 2009-10
Sustainable and Secure Buildings Act 2004
Sustainable and Secure Buildings Bill 2003/04
Sustainable Communities Act 2007
Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Act 2010
Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Bill 2008-09
Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Bill 2009-10
Sustainable Communities Bill 2003/04
Sustainable Communities Bill 2005-06
Sustainable Communities Bill 2006-07
Sustainable Communities Bill 2007 (Amendment) Bill 2009-10
Sustainable Energy (Local Action) Bill 2009-10
Sustainable Energy (Local Plans) Bill 2007-08
Sustainable Energy (Local Plans) Bill 2008-09
Sustainable Energy (Local Plans) Bill 2010-12
Sustainable Energy Act 2003
Sustainable Energy Agency Bill 1998/99
Sustainable Energy Bill 2002/03
Sustainable Livestock Bill 2010-12
Swansea City Council (Tawe Barrage) Act 1986
Take Away Food (Biodegradable Packaging) Bill 1988/89
Takeovers and Mergers (Employment Protection) Bill 1987/88
Taking of Hostages Act 1982
Tamar Bridge Act 1998
Tamar Bridge Bill 1996/97 to 1997/98
Tampons (Safety) Bill 1989/90
Tampons (Safety) Bill 1993/94
Tampons (Safety) Bill 1994/95
Tattooing (Insurance Cover) Bill 1992/93
Tax and Financial Transparency Bill 2009-10
Tax and Financial Transparency Bill 2010-12
Tax Credits (Initial Expenditure) Act 1998
Tax Credits (Initial Expenditure) Bill 1997/98
Tax Credits Act 1999
Tax Credits Act 2002
Tax Credits Bill 1998/99
Tax Credits Bill 2001/02
Tax Rates and Duties (Review) Bill 2017-19
Tax Refunds Regulation (Review) Bill 2010-12
Tax Relief for Household Employers Bill 1989/90
Tax Transparency and International Development Bill 2014-15
Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Act 2018
Taxation (Cross-border Trade) Bill 2017-19
Taxation (Information) Bill (HL) 2002/03
Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Act 2010
Taxation (International and Other Provisions) Bill 2009-10
Taxation (Right to Know) Bill 1999/2000
Taxation Freedom Day Bill 2010-12
Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992
Taxation of Chargeable Gains Bill (HL) 1991/92
Taxation of Domestic Fuel and Power (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Taxation of Pensions Act 2014
Taxation of Pensions Bill 2014-15
Taxes Management Act 1970
Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Operators (Regulation) Bill 2015-16
Taxi Cabs (Control of Smoking) Bill 1987/88
Taxis (Protection of Passengers) Bill 1994/95
Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles Bill (Draft)
Tay Road Bridge Order Confirmation Act 1991
Tay Road Bridge Order Confirmation Bill 1990/91
Teacher Training (Special Educational Needs) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Teachers' Pay and Conditions Act 1987
Teachers' Pay and Conditions Bill 1986/87
Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998
Teaching and Higher Education Bill (HL) 1997/98
Teaching Council (Scotland) Act 1965
Teaching of British History in Schools Bill 2008-09
Technical and Further Education Act 2017
Technical and Further Education Bill 2016-17
Tees (Newport) Bridge Act 1989
Tees (Newport) Bridge Bill (HL) 1988/89
Tees and Hartlepool Port Authority Bill 1989/90
Telecommunications (Fraud) Act 1997
Telecommunications (Fraud) Bill 1996/97
Telecommunications (Permitted Development Rights) (Amendment) Bill 2003/04
Telecommunications (Premium Rate Services and Consumer Representation) Bill 1988/89
Telecommunications (Premium Services) (Regulation) Bill 1987/88
Telecommunications Act 1984
Telecommunications Act 1984 (Amendment) Bill 1989/90
Telecommunications Infrastructure (Relief from Non-domestic Rates) Act 2018
Telecommunications Infrastructure (Relief from Non-domestic Rates) Bill 2017-19
Telecommunications Masts (Development) Bill 1999/2000
Telecommunications Masts (Need and Safety Tests) Bill 2003/04
Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill 2004/05
Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill 2005-06
Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill 2006-07
Telecommunications Masts (Railways) Bill 2002/03
Telecommunications Masts (Registration) Bill 2003/04
Telecommunications Transmitters (Restrictions on Planning Applications) (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Telecommunications Transmitters (Restrictions on Planning Applications) Bill 2001/02
Telephone Entertainment Services (Supervision) Bill 1992/93
Telephone Talkabout (Abolition) Bill 1987/88
Television Advertising (Food) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Television and Radio Advertising (Credit and Debt Management Services) Bill 2010-12
Television Licence Fee (Abolition) Bill 1999/2000
Television Licence Payments (Age Exemption) Bill 1997/98
Television Licences (Disclosure of Information) Act 2000
Television Licences (Disclosure of Information) Bill 1999/2000
Television Licences (Reduction for Poor Reception) Bill 1993/94
Television Sport (Public Access) Bill 1994/95
Temporary and Agency Workers (Equal Treatment) Bill 2007-08
Temporary and Agency Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Bill 2006-07
Temporary Classrooms Bill 1997/98
Tenancies (Reform) Bill 2014-15
Tenancies of Brewery Companies (Regulation) Bill 1987/88
Tenancy (Deposits and Arbitration) Bill 2017-19
Tenant Fees Act 2019
Tenant Fees Bill (Draft)
Tenant Fees Bill 2017-19
Tenant Obligations and Vetting Arrangements Bill 2003/04
Tenants' Rights etc (Scotland) Act 1980
Tenants' Rights etc (Scotland) Amendment Act 1984
Tenants' Rights etc (Scotland) Amendment Bill 1983/84
Tenements (Scotland) Bill (Draft)
Term and Quarter Days (Scotland) Act 1990
Term and Quarter Days (Scotland) Bill 1989/90
Terminal Illness (Provision of Palliative Care and Support for Carers) Bill 2017-19
Termination of Medical Treatment Bill (HL) 1992/93
Termination of Pregnancy (Counselling and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2006-07 (Proposed)
Termination of Pregnancy (Restriction) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2005-06 (Proposed)
Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2006-07
Termination of Tenancy Bill 1988/89
Terms and Conditions (Migrant Workers) Bill 2014-15
Terms of Withdrawal from EU (Referendum) Bill 2016-17
Terms of Withdrawal from EU (Referendum) Bill 2017-19
Terms of Withdrawal from the EU (Referendum) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Terms of Withdrawal from the European Union (Referendum) Bill 2016-17
Territorial Sea Act 1987
Terrorism (Northern Ireland) Act 2006
Terrorism (Northern Ireland) Bill 2005-06
Terrorism Act 2000
Terrorism Act 2006
Terrorism Bill 1999/2000
Terrorism Bill 2005-06
Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Act 2011
Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill 2010-12
Terrorist Asset-freezing (Temporary Provisions) Act 2010
Terrorist Asset-freezing (Temporary Provisions) Bill 2009-10
Terrorist Asset-freezing Bill (Draft)
Terrorist Asset-freezing etc Act 2010
Terrorist Asset-freezing etc Bill (HL) 2010-12
Theatres Act 1968
Theft (Amendment) Act 1996
Theft (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Theft Act 1968
Theft Act 1978
Theft from Shops (Penalties) Bill 2007-08
Theft from Shops (Use of Penalty Notices for Disorder) Bill 2008-09
Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act 2010
Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Bill (HL) 2009-10
Ticket Touting (London Underground) Bill 1999/2000
Tied Public Houses (Code of Practice) Bill 2010-12
Time Zones and Summer Time (Devolution) Bill (HL) 1998/99
Timeshare Act 1992
Timeshare Bill 1991/92
Timeshare Contracts (Time for Reconsideration) (Scotland) Bill 1991/92
Tithe Act 1839
Titles Deprivation Act 1917
Tobacco (Protection of Children and Restriction of Promotion) Bill 1995/96
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act 2002
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill (HL) 2001/02
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill 2000/01
Tobacco Advertising Bill 1992/93
Tobacco Advertising Bill 1993/94
Tobacco Bill 2017-19
Tobacco Companies (Transparency) Bill 2017-19
Tobacco Disclosure Bill 2001/02
Tobacco Duty Act 1979
Tobacco Manufacturers' Producer Responsibility Bill 2014-15
Tobacco Products Duty Act 1979
Tobacco Products Labelling Bill 1994/95
Tobacco Smoking (Public Places and Workplaces) Bill (HL) 2003/04
Tobacco Smoking (Public Places) Bill 1994/95
Toilets (Provision and Accessibility) Bill 2017-19
Tor Bay Harbour (Oxen Cove and Coastal Footpath Brixham) Act 1988
Tor Bay Harbour (Oxen Cove and Coastal Footpath Brixham) Bill 1987/88
Torquay Market Act 1991
Torquay Market Bill (HL) 1990/91
Torture (Damages) (No. 2) Bill 2008-09
Torture (Damages) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Torture (Damages) Bill (HL) 2007-08
Torture (Damages) Bill (HL) 2008-09
Torture (Damages) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Torture (Damages) Bill 2009-10
Tourism (Overseas Promotion) (Wales) Act 1992
Tourism (Overseas Promotion) (Wales) Bill 1991/92
Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Town and Country Planning (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
Town and Country Planning (Compensation) Act 1985
Town and Country Planning (Compensation) Bill 1984/85
Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007 (Amendment) Bill 2012-13
Town and Country Planning (Costs of Inquiries etc) Act 1995
Town and Country Planning (Costs of Inquiries etc) Bill 1994/95
Town and Country Planning (Electricity Generating Consent) Bill 2015-16
Town and Country Planning (Electricity Generating Consent) Bill 2016-17
Town and Country Planning (Enforcement Notices and Stop Notices) Bill 2003/04
Town and Country Planning (Minerals) Act 1981
Town and Country Planning (Revocation of Old Permissions) Bill 1995/96
Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1972
Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997
Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Town and Country Planning (Telecommunications Masts) Bill 2003/04
Town and Country Planning Act 1947
Town and Country Planning Act 1971
Town and Country Planning Act 1984
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (Amendment) Bill 2009-10
Town and Country Planning Acts (Amendment) Bill 2006-07
Town and Country Planning Bill (HL) 1989/90
Town and County Planning (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
Town Centres (Insurance and Restoration) Bill 1996/97
Town Police Clauses Act 1847
Toxic and Hazardous Substances (Miscellaneous Provisions) (No. 2) Bill 1989/90
Toxic and Hazardous Substances (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1988/89
Toxic and Hazardous Substances (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1989/90
Trade Bill 2017-19
Trade Boycotts Bill 1992/93
Trade Boycotts Bill 1993/94
Trade Descriptions (Amendment) Bill 1993/94
Trade Descriptions (Animal Testing) Bill 1990/91
Trade Descriptions Act 1968
Trade Descriptions Act 1968 (Amendment) Bill 1987/88
Trade Descriptions Act 1972
Trade Descriptions Bill 1992/93
Trade Descriptions Bill 1993/94
Trade in Endangered Animals on the Internet Bill 2005-06
Trade Marks Act 1938
Trade Marks Act 1983
Trade Marks Act 1994
Trade Marks Bill (HL) 1993/94
Trade Union (Access to Workplaces) Bill 2017-19
Trade Union Act 1984
Trade Union Act 1984 (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1989/90
Trade Union Act 1984 (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Trade Union Act 1984 (Amendment) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Trade Union Act 2016
Trade Union and Employment Rights Bill 1992/93
Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992
Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Bill (HL) 1991/92
Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Bill (HL) 1992/93
Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 1974
Trade Union Bill 1983/84
Trade Union Bill 2015-16
Trade Union Employment Rights Bill 1994/95
Trade Union Officials (Refund of Pay to Employers) Bill 2010-12
Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Act 1993
Trade Union Reform and Employment Rights Bill 1992/93
Trade Union Rights and Freedoms Bill 2006-07
Trade Unions (Limitation of Financial Powers) Bill 1995/96 (Proposed)
Trade Unions (Political Funds) Reform Bill 2003/04
Trading of Primates as Pets (Prohibition) Bill 2007-08
Trading Representations (Disabled Persons) Act 1958
Trading Schemes Act 1996
Trading Schemes Bill 1995/96
Trading Schemes Bill 1996/97
Trading Stamps Act 1964
Traffic Calming Act 1992
Traffic Calming Bill 1991/92
Traffic Management Act 2004
Traffic Management Bill 2003/04
Traffic Reduction (Air Quality and Health) Bill 1998/99
Traffic Wardens and Parking Attendants Bill (HL) 2004/05
Train Companies (Minimum Fares) Bill 2012-13
Train Companies (Minimum Fares) Bill 2013-14
Training and Enterprise Councils Bill 1990/91
Training Wage Bill 2010-12
Transactions with Tax Havens (Sanctions) Bill 1992/93
Transas Group Act 2003
Transas Group Bill 2002/03
Transfer of Crofting Estates (Scotland) Act 1997
Transfer of Crofting Estates (Scotland) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Transparency and Accountability (European Union) Bill 2015-16
Transparency and Accountability Bill 2014-15
Transparency in UK Company Supply Chains (Eradication of Slavery) Bill 2012-13
Transparency of Lobbying, Non-party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014
Transparency of Lobbying, Non-party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014 (Repeal) Bill 2014-15
Transparency of Lobbying, Non-party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill (Draft)
Transparency of Lobbying, Non-party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill 2013-14
Transparent Taxation (Receipts) Bill 2007-08
Transparent Taxation (Receipts) Bill 2010-12
Transplant Notification Bill 1987/88
Transplant of Human Organs Bill 2000/01
Transplantation of Human Organs Bill 1992/93
Transport (Concessionary Fares) Bill 2002/03
Transport (Motorway Safety) Bill 1994/95
Transport (Scotland) Act 1989
Transport (Scotland) Bill 1988/89
Transport (Wales) Act 2006
Transport (Wales) Bill (Draft)
Transport (Wales) Bill (HL) 2005-06
Transport (Wales) Bill 2004/05
Transport (Wales) Bill 2005-06
Transport Act (Northern Ireland) 1967
Transport Act 1962
Transport Act 1968
Transport Act 1980
Transport Act 1981
Transport Act 1982
Transport Act 1985
Transport Act 2000
Transport and Works Act 1992
Transport and Works Bill 1991/92
Transport Bill 1984/85
Transport Bill 1999/2000
Transport Charges etc (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1954
Transport for London (Supplemental Toll Provisions) Bill (HL) 2006-07
Transport for London Act 2008
Transport for London Act 2016
Transport for London Bill (HL) 2005-06 to 2007-08
Transport for London Bill (HL) 2010-12
Transport for London Bill 2007-08
Transport of Animals for Slaughter Bill 1994/95
Transport of Farm Animals Bill 1998/99
Transport of Farm Animals Bill 2000/01
Transport of Nuclear Weapons Bill 2015-16
Transport Police (Jurisdiction) Act 1994
Transport Police (Jurisdiction) Bill 1993/94
Transport Safety Bill 1997/98
Transport Salaried Staffs Association (Amendment of Rules) Act 2000
Transport Salaried Staffs Association (Amendment of Rules) Bill 1998/99 to 1999/2000
Travel Concessions (Eligibility) Act 2002
Travel Concessions (Eligibility) Bill (HL) 2001/02
Travel Concessions (Young Persons) Bill 2001/02
Traveller Law Reform Bill 2001/02
Traveller Law Reform Bill 2002/03
Travellers (Unauthorised Encampments) Bill 2010-12
Treason Act 1351
Treason Act 1795
Treason Act 1945
Treason Felony Act 1848
Treason Felony Act of Settlement and Parliamentary Oath Bill 2001/02
Treasure Act 1996
Treasure Bill (HL) 1993/94
Treasure Bill 1993/94
Treasure Bill 1995/96
Treasury Bills Act 1877
Treasury Solicitor Act 1876
Treaties (Parliamentary Approval) Bill (HL) 1995/96
Treatment of Offenders Act (Northern Ireland) 1968
Treaty of Maastricht (Referendum) Bill 1992/93
Trespass with a Vehicle (Offences) Bill 2005-06
Trespassers on Land (Liability for Damage and Eviction) Bill 2001/02
Trespassers on Land (Liability for Damage and Eviction) Bill 2003/04
Trespassers on Land (Liability for Damage and Eviction) Bill 2004/05
Tribunals (Maximum Compensation Awards) Bill 2010-12
Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1971
Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1992
Tribunals and Inquiries Bill (HL) 1991/92
Tribunals and Inquiries Bill (HL) 1992/93
Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act 1921
Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007
Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Bill (Draft)
Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Bill (HL) 2006-07
Tropical Hardwoods (Control) Bill 1988/89
Trout (Scotland) Act 1933
Trustee Act 1925
Trustee Act 2000
Trustee Bill (Draft)
Trustee Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Trustee Delegation Act 1999
Trustee Delegation Bill (HL) 1998/99
Trustee Investments Act 1961
Trustee Savings Banks Bill 1984/85
Trusts (Capital and Income) Act 2013
Trusts (Capital and Income) Bill (HL) 2010-12 to 2012-13
Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996
Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Bill (HL) 1995/96
Tuition Fee (Transparency and Accountability) Bill 2014-15
Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Act 1989
Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Bill 1988/89
Tyne Tunnels Act 1998
Tyne Tunnels Bill 1997/98
Tyres (Buses and Coaches) Bill 2014-15
Tyres (Buses and Coaches) Bill 2017-19
UK Borders Act 2007
UK Borders Bill 2006-07
UK Borders Control Bill 2014-15
UK Borders Control Bill 2015-16
UK Elected Representatives (Disclosure of Party Membership) Bill 2012-13
UK Elections (Observers) Bill 2002/03
UK Environmental Protection (Maintenance of EU Standards) Bill 2016-17
UK International Trade and Investment Agreements (Ratification) Bill 2016-17
UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Legal Continuity) (Scotland) Bill (SP)
Ulster Bank Act 1992
Ulster Bank Bill (HL) 1991/92
Umbilical Cord Blood (Donation) Bill 2007-08
Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (Legal Advice and Appeals) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Unadopted Roads Bill 1989/90
Unadopted Roads Bill 1991/92
Unadopted Roads Bill 1992/93
Unauthorised Encampments Bill 2017-19
Unauthorised Overdrafts (Cost of Credit) Bill 2016-17
Unborn Children (Protection) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Unborn Children (Protection) Bill 1987/88
Underground Fires (Research and Control) and Land Protection Bill 1987/ 88
Under-occupancy Penalty (Exemptions) Bill 2014-15
Unduly Lenient Sentences (Right of Appeal) Bill 2012-13
Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977
Unfair Contract Terms Bill 1992/93
Unfair Dismissal (Insolvency of Employer) Bill 1993/94
Unfair Reporting and Right of Reply Bill 1987/88
Unfitness to Drive on Medical Grounds Bill 1993/94
Unibank Act 1993
Unibank Bill (HL) 1992/93
Union Flag Bill 1995/96 (Proposed)
Union Flag Bill 2007-08
Union with Scotland Act 1706
United Kingdom (Withdrawal from the European Union) Bill 2013-14
United Kingdom Bioethanol Industry Bill 2010-12
United Kingdom Borders (Control and Sovereignty) Bill 2015-16
United Kingdom Borders Bill 2012-13
United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visitors Act 1979
United Kingdom Corporate and Individual Tax and Financial Transparency Bill 2013-14
United Kingdom Membership of European Union (Research) Bill 1996/97
United Kingdom Membership of the European Union (Referendum) Bill 1996/97
United Kingdom Membership of the European Union (Referendum) Bill 2012-13
United Kingdom Parliament (Sovereignty and Jurisdiction over Borders) Bill 2014-15
United Kingdom Parliament (Sovereignty) Bill 2013-14
United Kingdom Parliamentary Sovereignty Bill 2009-10
United Kingdom Parliamentary Sovereignty Bill 2010-12
United Kingdom Passports Bill 1997/98
United Kingdom Register of Places Bill 2013-14
United Medical and Dental Schools Act 1990
United Medical and Dental Schools Bill (HL) 1988/89 to 1989/90
United Nations Act 1946
United Nations Personnel Act 1997
United Nations Personnel Bill 1996/97
United Reformed Church Act 2000
United Reformed Church Bill (HL) 1998/99 to 1999/2000
Universal Credit (Application, Advice and Assistance) Bill 2017-19
Universal Funded Pensions Bill 2003/04
University College London Act 1988
University College London Act 1996
University College London Act 1999
University College London Bill (HL) 1986/87 to 1987/88
University College London Bill 1995/96
University College London Bill 1998/99
University of London Act 1994
University of London Act 2018
University of London Bill (HL) 2016-17 to 2017-19
University of London Bill 1993/94
University of Manchester Act 2004
University of Manchester Bill (HL) 2003/04
University of Wales Cardiff Act 2004
University of Wales Cardiff Bill (HL) 2003/04
University of Wales College of Cardiff Act 1988
University of Wales College of Cardiff Bill (HL) 1987/88
Unlawful Drilling Act 1819
Unlawful Killing (Recovery of Remains) Bill 2016-17
Unleaded Petrol (Engine Adjustment) Bill 1987/88
Unpaid Trial Work Periods (Prohibition) Bill 2017-19
Unpaid Work Experience (Prohibition) Bill (HL) 2016-17
Unpaid Work Experience (Prohibition) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Unpaid Work Orders (Pilot Scheme) Bill 2012-13
Unprescribed Spectacles (Health Warnings) Bill 1988/89
Unsolicited Calls (Prevention) Bill 2017-19
Unsolicited Facsimile Messages Bill 1997/98
Unsolicited Goods and Services Act 1971
Unsolicited Marketing Communications (Company Directors) Bill 2016-17
Unsolicited Telephone Calls (Caller Line Identification) Bill 2013-14
Unsolicited Telephone Communications Bill (HL) 2013-14
Upwards-only Rent Review Clauses (Abolition) Bill 1992/93
Urban Development Corporations (Financial Limits) Act 1987
Urban Development Corporations (Financial Limits) Bill 1987/88
Urban Regeneration and Countryside Protection Bill 1999/2000
Use of Antibiotics in Farm Animals Bill 1998/99
Use of Powered Wheelchairs (Weight and Age Limit) Bill 2010-12
Use of Property (Protection) Bill 2016-17
Utilities Act 2000
Utilities Bill 1999/2000
Vaccination of Children (Parental Choice) Bill 2000/01
Vaccination of Children (Parental Choice) Bill 2001/02
Vaccine Damage (Compensation Arrangements) Bill 1987/88
Vaccine Damage Payments (Amendment) Bill 1995/96
Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979
Vagrancy (Amendment) Bill 1990/91
Vagrancy (Repeal) Bill 2017-19
Vagrancy Act 1824
Vagrancy Act 1935
Vagrancy Acts (Repeals and Amendment) Bill 1989/90
Vale of Glamorgan (Barry Harbour) Bill (HL) 1988/89
Vale of Glamorgan (Barry Harbour) Bill 1990/91
Valuation and Rating (Exempted Clauses) (Scotland) Act 1976
Valuation and Rating (Scotland) Act 1956
Value Added Tax (Democratic Control) Bill 1992/93
Value Added Tax (Overcharging) Bill 1990/91
Value Added Tax Act 1983
Value Added Tax Act 1994
Value Added Tax Bill (HL) 1993/94
Value Added Tax Bill 2017-19
Valuing Women's Unwaged Work Bill 1994/95
Vegetarianism Bill 1994/95
Vehicle Emissions (Reduction) Bill 1988/89
Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994
Vehicle Excise and Registration Bill (HL) 1993/94
Vehicle Fuel (Publication of Tax Information) Bill 2016-17
Vehicle Fuel Receipts (Transparency of Taxation) Bill 2012-13
Vehicle Identification Bill 1993/94
Vehicle Noise Limits (Enforcement) Bill 2016-17
Vehicle Registration Marks Act 2007
Vehicle Registration Marks Bill 2005-06
Vehicle Registration Marks Bill 2006-07
Vehicle Safety (Loads) Bill 2007-08
Vehicle Servicing Industry (Regulation) Bill 2003/04
Vehicle Technology and Aviation Bill 2016-17
Vehicles (Crime) Act 2001
Vehicles (Crime) Bill 2000/01
Vehicles (Excise) Act 1971
Vehicles (Price Indication) Bill (HL) 1996/97
Ventnor Harbour Bill 1989/90
Veterans Bill 1990/91
Veterans' Welfare Bill 2009-10
Veterinary Nurses (Protection of Title) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966
Victims (Bill of Rights) Bill 2014-15
Victims and Survivors (Northern Ireland) Bill 2013-14
Victims of Communism (Commemoration) Bill 1995/96
Victims of Crime (Code of Practice) Bill 2010-12
Victims of Crime (Rights, Entitlements and Notification of Child Sexual Abuse) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Victims of Crime Bill 1996/97
Victims of Crime etc (Rights, Entitlements and Related Matters) Bill 2015-16
Victims of Overseas Terrorism Bill (HL) 2006-07
Victims of Terrorism (Pensions and Other Support) Bill 2017-19
Video Games Bill 2004/05
Video Games Bill 2005-06
Video Recordings (Exemption from Classification) Bill 2009-10
Video Recordings Act 1984
Video Recordings Act 1993
Video Recordings Act 2010
Video Recordings Bill (HL) 1992/93
Video Recordings Bill 2009-10
Village Halls (Grants) Bill 2002/03
Violent Crime (Sentences) Bill 2016-17
Violent Crime (Sentences) Bill 2017-19
Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006
Violent Crime Reduction Bill 2005-06
Visiting Forces Act 1952
Void Premises Bill 1995/96
Voluntary Euthanasia Bill 1992/93
Voluntary Personal Security Cards Bill 1992/93
Voluntary Personal Security Cards Bill 1997/98
Volunteering Bill 2010-12
Voter Registration (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Voter Registration Bill (HL) 2014-15
Voter Registration Bill 2014-15
Voter Registration Bill 2017-19
Voting (Civic Obligation) Bill 2014-15
Voting Age (Comprehensive Reduction) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Voting Age (Comprehensive Reduction) Bill (HL) 2013-14
Voting Age (Comprehensive Reduction) Bill (HL) 2014-15
Voting Age (Reduction to 16) Bill (HL) 2002/03
Voting Age (Reduction to 16) Bill 2012-13
Voting Age (Reduction) Bill (HL) 2017-19
Voting Age (Reduction) Bill 2007-08
Voting Eligibility (Prisoners) Bill (Draft)
Voyeurism (Offences) (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Voyeurism (Offences) Act 2019
Voyeurism (Offences) Bill 2017-19
Vulnerable Adults (Scotland) Bill (Draft)
Wages Act 1986
Waging War (Parliaments Role and Responsibility) Bill 2006-07
Waiting Time for Discharge from Hospital Bill 2001/02
Waiting Times (National Health Service) Bill 1998/99
Wales Act 2014
Wales Act 2017
Wales Bill (Draft)
Wales Bill 2013-14 to 2014-15
Wales Bill 2016-17
War Crimes (Supplementary Provisions) Bill (HL) 1994/95
War Crimes Act 1991
War Crimes Bill 1989/90
War Crimes Bill 1990/91
War Memorials Preservation Bill 1997/98
War Pensioners (Equal Rights) Bill 1993/94
War Pensions (Disregard) Bill 1989/90
War Pensions (Disregard) Bill 1990/91
War Widows and Pensioners (Equal Treatment) Bill 1994/95
War Widows and Pensioners (Equal Treatment) Bill 1996/97
War Widows and Pensioners (Equal Treatment) Bill 1997/98
Warm Homes and Energy Conservation (Fifteen Year Programme) Bill 1996/97
Warm Homes and Energy Conservation (Fifteen Year Programme) Bill 1997/98
Warm Homes and Energy Conservation (Fifteen Year Programme) Bill 1998/99
Warm Homes and Energy Conservation Act 2000
Warm Homes and Energy Conservation Bill 1999/2000
Warsaw Convention (Carrier Liability) Bill 2009-10
Waste (No. 2) Bill 2001/02
Waste and Emissions Trading Act 2003
Waste and Emissions Trading Bill (HL) 2002/03
Waste Bill 2001/02
Waste Management Licences Bill 2001/02
Waste Minimisation Act 1998
Waste Minimisation Bill 1997/98
Waste Prevention Bill 1994/95
Waste Prevention Bill 1995/96
Waste Prevention Bill 1996/97
Waste Prevention Bill 1997/98
Waste Recovery and Disposal Facilities (Public Consultation) Bill 2009-10
Waste Recycling (End Use Register) Bill 2008-09
Waste Recycling (End Use Register) Bill 2010-12
Waste Recycling (Paper) Bill 1988/89
Water (Conservation and Consumer Choice) Bill 1995/96
Water (Conservation and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1994/95
Water (Domestic Disconnections) Bill 1992/93
Water (Domestic Disconnections) Bill 1993/94
Water (Fluoridation) Act 1985
Water (Fluoridation) Bill 1984/85
Water (Scotland) Act 1980
Water (Supply Pipe Responsibility) Bill 1995/96
Water Act (Northern Ireland) 1972
Water Act 1945
Water Act 1973
Water Act 1983
Water Act 1989
Water Act 2003
Water Act 2014
Water and Sewerage Charges (Limit on Household Expenditure) Bill 2005-06
Water Bill (Draft)
Water Bill (HL) 2002/03
Water Bill 1988/89
Water Bill 2013-14
Water Charges (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 1993/94
Water Charges (Amendment) Bill 1993/94
Water Charges (Amendment) Bill 1994/95
Water Charges (Amendment) Bill 1995/96
Water Charges (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Water Charges Bill 1992/93
Water Charges Bill 1993/94
Water Companies (Minimum Tariffs) Bill 2012-13
Water Companies (Social Tariffs) Bill 2012-13
Water Consolidation (Consequential Provisions) Act 1991
Water Consolidation (Consequential Provisions) Bill (HL) 1990/91
Water Industry (Amendment) Bill 1997/98
Water Industry (Financial Assistance) Act 2012
Water Industry (Financial Assistance) Bill 2010-12
Water Industry Act 1991
Water Industry Act 1999
Water Industry Bill (HL) 1990/91
Water Industry Bill 1998/99
Water Requirements (Planning) Bill 1990/91
Water Resources (Amendment) Bill 1992/93
Water Resources Act 1963
Water Resources Act 1983
Water Resources Act 1991
Water Resources Bill (HL) 1990/91
Water Tariffs Bill 2009-10
Watlington and Princes Risborough Railway Act 1869
Weddings Bill 1992/93
Weeds Act 1959
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill 1988/89
Weights and Measures (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
Weights and Measures (Beer and Cider) Bill 1997/98
Weights and Measures (Sale of Wine) Bill (HL) 1989/90
Weights and Measures Act 1963
Weights and Measures Act 1979
Weights and Measures Act 1985
Weights and Measures Bill (HL) 1984/85
Welfare Benefits Up-rating Act 2013
Welfare Benefits Up-rating Bill 2012-13
Welfare Cash Card Bill 2012-13
Welfare of Animals at Markets Bill 1992/93
Welfare of Animals at Slaughter Act 1991
Welfare of Animals at Slaughter Bill 1990/91
Welfare of Animals Bill 1992/93
Welfare of Broiler Chickens Bill (HL) 1996/97
Welfare of Broiler Chickens Bill 1995/96
Welfare of Broiler Chickens Bill 1997/98
Welfare of Broiler Chickens Bill 1999/2000
Welfare of Calves (Export) Bill 1990/91
Welfare of Calves (Export) Bill 1994/95
Welfare of Cats (Breeding and Sale) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Welfare of Cats Bill (HL) 2014-15
Welfare of Ducks Bill (HL) 2001/02
Welfare of Laying Hens (Enriched Cages) Bill 2002/03
Welfare of Pigs (No. 2) Bill (HL) 1997/98
Welfare of Pigs Bill 1997/98
Welfare of Racing Greyhounds Bill 1999/2000
Welfare of Women (Fertility Treatments) Bill (HL) 2015-16
Welfare Reform Act 2007
Welfare Reform Act 2009
Welfare Reform Act 2012
Welfare Reform and Pensions Act 1999
Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill 1998/99
Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016
Welfare Reform and Work Bill 2015-16
Welfare Reform Bill 2005-06 to 2006-07
Welfare Reform Bill 2008-09
Welfare Reform Bill 2010-12
Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015
Wellington Act 1947
Welsh Church Act 1914
Welsh Courts Act 1942
Welsh Development Agency Act 1975
Welsh Development Agency Act 1988
Welsh Development Agency Act 1991
Welsh Development Agency Act 1997
Welsh Development Agency Bill 1987/88
Welsh Development Agency Bill 1991/92
Welsh Development Agency Bill 1996/97
Welsh Language Act 1967
Welsh Language Act 1993
Welsh Language Bill (HL) 1992/93
Wentworth Estate Bill 1988/89
Wesleyan Assurance Society Act 1989
Wesleyan Assurance Society Bill 1988/89
West Indies Act 1962
West Yorkshire Act 1980
Western European Time Bill (HL) 1995/96
Western Isles Council (Berneray Causeway) Order Confirmation Act 1996
Western Isles Council (Berneray Causeway) Order Confirmation Bill 1996/97
Western Isles Island Council (Vatersay Causeway) Order Confirmation Act 1987
Western Isles Island Council (Vatersay Causeway) Order Confirmation Bill 1987/88
Weymouth and Melcombe Regis Corporation Act 1887
Whaling Industry (Regulation) Act 1934
Wheel Clamping (Restrictions) Bill 2000/01
Whistleblower Protection Bill 1994/95
Whitchurch Bridge Act 1988
Whitchurch Bridge Bill 1986/87 to 1987/88
Whitehaven Harbour Act 2007
Whitehaven Harbour Bill (HL) 2005-06 to 2006-07
Whitstable Oyster Fishery Company Bill 2004/05
Widening of the M25 Motorway Bill 1997/98
Widowed Fathers Allowance Bill 1992/93
Wild Animals in Circuses (No. 2) Bill 2017-19
Wild Animals in Circuses (Prohibition) Bill 2015-16
Wild Animals in Circuses (Prohibition) Bill 2016-17
Wild Animals in Circuses Bill (Draft)
Wild Animals in Circuses Bill 2012-13
Wild Animals in Circuses Bill 2014-15
Wild Animals in Circuses Bill 2017-19
Wild Birds (Protection) Bill 2006-07
Wild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) Bill 1997/98
Wild Mammals (Hunting with Dogs) Bill 1999/2000
Wild Mammals (Protection) (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill (HL) 2002/03
Wild Mammals (Protection) (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2003/04
Wild Mammals (Protection) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2000/01
Wild Mammals (Protection) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2002/03
Wild Mammals (Protection) (Amendment) Bill (HL) 2003/04
Wild Mammals (Protection) Act 1996
Wild Mammals (Protection) Bill 1991/92
Wild Mammals (Protection) Bill 1994/95
Wild Mammals (Protection) Bill 1995/96
Wildlife and Countryside (Amendment) Act 1985
Wildlife and Countryside (Amendment) Act 1991
Wildlife and Countryside (Amendment) Bill 1990/91
Wildlife and Countryside (Amendment) Bill 1998/99
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
Wildlife Bill 1995/96
Wildlife Bill 1997/98
Wills (Effect of Divorce) Bill (Draft)
Wiltshire (Structural Change) Order 2008 (Draft)
Wind Farm Subsidies (Abolition) Bill 2013-14
Wind Farm Subsidies (Abolition) Bill 2014-15
Wind Turbines (Minimum Distance from Residential Premises) Bill (HL) 2012-13
Wind Turbines (Minimum Distances from Residential Premises) Bill (HL) 2010-12
Winter Fuel Allowance Payments (Off Gas Grid Claimants) Bill 2012-13
Winter Fuel Allowance Payments (Off Gas Grid Claimants) Bill 2013-14
Wireless Telegraphy (Television Licence Fees) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Wireless Telegraphy Act 1947
Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949
Wireless Telegraphy Act 1967
Wireless Telegraphy Act 1998
Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006
Wireless Telegraphy Bill (HL) 1997/98
Wireless Telegraphy Bill (HL) 2005-06
Withdrawal from the European Convention of Human Rights and Removal of Alleged Terrorists Bill 2013-14
Withdrawal from the European Union (Article 50) Bill 2016-17
Withdrawal of Medical Treatment Bill 1993/94
Witness Protection Bill 1995/96
Witness Protection Bill 1996/97
Women and Information Technology Bill 1994/95
Women into Parliament Bill 1992/93
Women into Parliament Bill 1993/94
Women's Refuges (Provision and Eligibility) Bill 2014-15
Woodgrange Park Cemetery Act 1993
Woodgrange Park Cemetery Bill (HL) 1990/91 to 1992/93
Work and Families Act 2006
Work and Families Bill 2005-06
Work with Asbestos Bill 1998/99
Workers (Definition and Rights) Bill 2017-19
Workers' Rights (Maintenance of EU Standards) Bill 2016-17
Working Life (Reduction in Hours) Bill 1987/88
Working Time (Regulations) Bill 2017-19
Working Time Directive (Limitation) Bill 2014-15
Working Time Directive (Limitation) Bill 2015-16
Workplace Childcare Bill 1992/93
Workplace Injury Victims Bill 1994/95
Wormwood Scrubs Act 1879
Wreck Removal Convention Act 2011
Wreck Removal Convention Bill 2010-12
Written Constitution Bill 1989/90
Written Constitution Bill 1990/91
Written Constitution Bill 1992/93
Wycombe Railway (Extension) Act 1857
Xenotransplantation Bill 1998/99
Young Apprenticeships Bill 2013-14
Young Employees (Training Requirements) Bill 1987/88
Young Offenders (Detention) Bill 1992/93
Young Offenders (Increase of Maximum Sentence) Bill 1992/93
Young Offenders (Parental Responsibility) Bill 2010-12
Young Offenders (Parental Responsibility) Bill 2013-14
Young Offenders (Provision of Speech Therapy) Bill 2006-07
Young People Leaving Care (Accommodation) Bill 2008-09
Young People Leaving Care (Accommodation) Bill 2009-10
Young Persons (Alcohol Abuse) etc Bill 1990/91
Young Persons Rights Bill 1991/92
Youth (Services and Provisions) Bill 2017-19
Youth Disorder and Engagement Bill 2004/05
Youth Employment Bill 2010-12
Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999
Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Bill (HL) 1998/99
Youth Parliament Bill 1997/98
Youth Service Bill 1994/95
Youth Services Bill 1992/93
Youth Services Bill 1993/94
Zero Hours Contracts Bill 2013-14
Zero Hours Contracts Bill 2014-15
Zetland Masonic Sick and Widows and Orphans Fund Order Confirmation Act 1990
Zetland Masonic Sick and Widows and Orphans Fund Order Confirmation Bill 1989/90
Zoo Animal Welfare Bill 1990/91
Zoo Licensing (Amendment) Bill 1999/2000
Zoo Licensing Act 1981
Zoo Licensing Act 1984