- 366813
- 366813
In scheme
Top concept of
- Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership
- Buckinghamshire Thames Valley Local Enterprise Partnership
- Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership
- Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership
- Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership
- Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership
- D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership
- Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership
- GFirst Local Enterprise Partnership
- Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership
- Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Enterprise Partnership
- Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership
- Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership
- Humber Local Enterprise Partnership
- Lancashire Enterprise Partnership
- Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership
- New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
- North East Local Enterprise Partnership
- Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership
- Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership
- Solent Local Enterprise Partnership
- South East Local Enterprise Partnership
- Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership
- Tees Valley Unlimited
- Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership
- West of England Local Enterprise Partnership