Alt label
- Government of the National Assembly for Wales
- Welsh Assembly Government
- 87130
- 76249
- 100462
- 361439
- 87130
In scheme
Top concept of
- Clinical Governance Support and Development Unit
- Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills
- Public and Patient Involvement Branch
- WAG Budget and Business Minister
- WAG Business and Budget Minister
- WAG Children Education Lifelong Learning and Skills Minister
- WAG Economy and Transport Minister
- WAG Education Culture and the Welsh Language Minister
- WAG Environment, Sustainability and Housing Minister
- WAG Finance and Public Service Delivery
- WAG First Minister
- WAG Health and Social Services Minister
- WAG Heritage Minister
- WAG Local Government and Communities Minister
- WAG Rural Affairs Minister
- WAG Social Justice and Local Government Minister
- WAG Social Justice and Public Service Delivery Minister
- WAG Sustainability and Rural Development Minister
- Established in November 2001 by Rhodri Morgan, then First Minister of NAW, by renaming the Assembly's Executive Committee. Under the Government of Wales Act 1998 the NAW was a body corporate so the phrase had no statutory meaning. However, the Government of Wales Act 2006 gave legal recognition to separation of the executive and the legislature with Ministers known collectively as the Welsh Assembly Government, which would be legally distinct from the Assembly. This took effect from the Assembly elections on 3 May 2007.