
Convention, done at Lugano on 30 October 2007, on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters and Amendments to the Convention of 2011/2014/2016

Command paper prefix and number
CP 319
Series membership
Miscellaneous series
Series item citation
Miscellaneous No. 7 (2020)
Lead government organisation
Ministry of Justice
Laying body
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Date laid
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Web link
  1. Tuesday, 30 October 2007

    1. Treaty signed

      Business item details

  2. Tuesday, 10 November 2020

    1. Laid before the House of Commons

      House of Commons

      Business item details

    2. Laid before the House of Lords

      House of Lords

      Business item details

  3. Wednesday, 11 November 2020

    1. Allocated to the EU International Agreements Sub-Committee (IAC)

      House of Lords

      Business item details

  4. Tuesday, 08 December 2020

    1. Reported for information by the European Union Committee

      House of Lords

      Considered by the European Union Committee

      House of Lords

      Business item details

  5. Wednesday, 16 December 2020

    1. Objection period A ends

    2. Parliamentary scrutiny concluded, Government can ratify treaty

      House of Commons House of Lords
  6. Monday, 06 September 2021

    1. Correspondence published by the International Agreements Committee (IAC)

      House of Lords

      Business item details