
Signed on In force on Title
25 April 1920 MEMORANDUM OP AGREEMENT between M. Philippe Berthelot, Directeur des Affaires politiques et commerciales an Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, and Professor Sir John Cadman, K.C.M.G., Director in Charge of His Majesty�s Petroleum Department.[Agreement between Great Britain and France regarding the Oil (Petroleum) Interests of the two Countries]
19 July 1941 Agreement concerning Defence of Trans-Jordan - Replacement of Article 10 of Agreement of February 20, 1928
19 July 1941 Agreement between His Britannic Majesty and His Highness the Amir of Trans-Jordan respecting the Trans-Jordan Oil Mining Law (No.18 of 1940)
14 August 1942 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America regarding Oil for United States Forces in Alaska
26 May 1944 Agreement regarding Oil Installations on Faroe Islands
7 June 1944 Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America concerning Development of Oilfield ('Canol') - arrangement for United States withdrawal from activities in North West Territories
21 December 1945 Exchange of Notes regarding 'Band Project'. Oil Pipe-line and disposal of storage loading facilities at Prince Rupert
7 November 1946 Supplementary Exchange of Notes between Canada and the United States of America concerning Canol Project
16 November 1946 17 June 1946 Exchange of Notes terminating the Agreement respecting the Trans-Jordan Oil Mining Law done at Amman on 19 July 1941
26 June 1948 Agreement between HM Government and American Independent Oil Company concerning the responsibilities devolving on HM Government upon conclusion of an Agreement between the Company and the Shaikh of Kuwait
14 July 1949 Agreement between HM Government and the Central Mining and Investment Corporation Ltd and the Superior Oil Company concerning the responsibilities devolving on HM Government upon conclusion of an Agreement between the Central Mining and Investment Corporation Ltd and the Superior Oil Company and the Sheikh of Qatar.
15 April 1950 Agreement between HM Government and the Superior Oil Co. concerning the responsibilities devolving on HM Government upon conclusion of an Agreement between the Superior Oil Co. and the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi
30 April 1953 Agreements and Exchange of Letters between the Trustees of the Port of Aden, Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and Aden Petroleum Refinery Ltd and Agreement between British Petroleum Company Ltd. (formerly Anglo-Iranian Oil Company), B.P. Trading Refinary (Aden) Ltd and the Government of the Colony of Aden (22:06:1957)
19 November 1962 Between Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and Portugal). Convention in respect of the Beira- Feruka Oil Pipeline and Exchange of Notes in respect of the continued application of the Convention by the Government of Southern Rhodesia
5 March 1964 Exchange of Letters between H.B.M. Political Agency, Trucial States, and the Ruler of Ras al Khaimah . Off-shore oil concession partnership Agreements (two) between the Ruler and Union Oil Exploration and Production Company and the Southern Natural Gas Company.
11 June 1966 Exchange of Letters between HM Government and Shaikh of Fujairah whereby the latter agrees that the Agreement between him and 'BOMIN' granting Oil and Other Natural Resources Concessions in the land and Territorial and off-shore waters of Fujairah shall be subject to the attached Agreement between HM Government and 'BOMIN' (See also BT 12/4 (70) 1967).
2 February 1969 Exchange of Letters between HM Government and the Ruler of Fujairah whereby the latter agrees that the Agreement dated 13 July 1968 between him and 'BOMINS' giving permission to assign to Shell Minerals NV 60% of 'BOMINS' interest in the oil & other mineral (natural) resources Concession Agreement 11 June 1966 shall be subject to the attached Political Agreement signed at London on 26 June 1964 between HM Government and Shell Minerals N.V.
Final Act of the International Conference and Decision by the Energy Charter Conference in respect of the Amendment to the Trade-Related Provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty