
Signed on In force on Title
21 December 1829 26 February 1830 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between His Britannic Majesty and the Emperor of Austria.
21 May 1833 Convention between the His Majesty and the King of the French on the One Part, and the King of the Netherlands, on the Other Part ; Together with an Explanatory Article thereunto annexed
29 October 1834 7 August 1835 Convention of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and Venezuela
29 December 1835 Treaty between His Majesty and the Free City of Frankfort
5 June 1837 18 November 1837 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Peru-Bolivian Confederation
4 October 1837 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Greece
27 October 1837 27 October 1837 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and the Netherlands
3 July 1838 14 September 1838 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Austria
16 August 1838 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and the Ottoman Empire
31 May 1839 22 July 1840 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat
7 February 1840 Treaty between Great Britain and Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha, for the Marriage of Her Majesty Queen Victoria with the Prince Albert of Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha
22 July 1840 22 July 1840 Declarations Made On Part of Her Majesty and His Highness the Imaum of Muscat
29 September 1840 27 December 1842 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and Bolivia
26 August 1842 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay
8 March 1843 Second Additional Article to the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, concluded at London on 26 August 1842, between Great Britain and the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay
23 June 1843 Treaty for the Marriage of the Princess Augusta of Cambridge with the Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
26 March 1846 Convention of Peace, Amity, and Commerce, between Great Britain and the Sandwich Islands
25 June 1847 Treaty of Amity , Commerce and Navigation between Her Majesty and the Republic of Guatemala , with an Additional Article thereunto annexed
8 April 1848 Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation between Her Majesty and the Republic of the Equator, with Additional Article thereto annexed
21 November 1848 1 August 1849 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between Great Britain and Liberia
20 February 1849 16 June 1849 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and Guatemala
29 May 1849 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between Her Majesty and the Sultan of Suloo
2 November 1849 2 November 1849 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce, between Great Britain and Abyssinia
27 November 1849 20 February 1850 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Great Britain and Costa Rica
6 March 1850 Treaty of Peace, Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Dominican Republic
10 April 1850 15 October 1852 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and Peru
1 June 1850 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Great Britain and the Republic of Ecuador
3 June 1850 Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Commerce, between Great Britain and Johanna
23 January 1851 Convention of Navigation between Great Britain and Sardinia, additional to the Treaty of September 6, 1841
27 February 1851 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Sardinia
27 March 1851 16 April 1851 Convention of Navigation between Great Britain and the Netherlands, additional to the Treaty of October 27, 1837
3 May 1851 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Equator
10 July 1851 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Sandwich Islands
27 October 1851 10 April 1852 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Belgium
4 March 1853 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Republic of Paraguay
2 December 1854 Treaty of Alliance between Great Britain, Austria, and France
18 April 1855 6 April 1856 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce, between Great Britain and Siam
6 September 1855 6 March 1856 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Reciprocal Establishment, between Great Britain and Switzerland
3 December 1855 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Uruguay
9 December 1856 8 April 1857 General Treaty between Great Britain and Morocco
9 December 1856 8 April 1857 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Morocco
26 August 1858 Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Commerce, between Great Britain and Japan
8 November 1858 8 November 1858 Agreement, Containing Rules For Trade, Made in Pursuance of Article XXVI of the Treaty Of June, 26 1858.
12 January 1859 1 February 1859 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and Russia
18 January 1859 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Her Majesty and the Republic of Nicaragua
23 January 1860 Treaty of Commerce, between Great Britain and France
11 February 1860 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and Nicaragua
25 February 1860 Additional Article to the Treaty of Commerce concluded at Paris, Janaury 23, 1860, between Great Britain and France
27 June 1860 Second Additional Article to the Treaty of Commerce concluded at Paris, January 23, 1860, between Great Britain and France
24 October 1860 24 October 1860 Convention of Friendship, between Great Britain and China
29 April 1861 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Turkey
23 July 1862 9 September 1862 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Belgium with Protocol annexed thereto
24 October 1862 Treaty of Friendship , Commerce, and Navigation between Great Britain and Salvador
5 December 1862 Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Commerce, between Her Majesty and the King of Madagascar
13 July 1863 3 August 1863 Treaty between Great Britain, France and Russia on the one part, and Denmark on the other part, relative to the Accession of Prince William of Denmark to the Throne of Greece
6 August 1863 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation , between Great Britain and Italy
30 May 1865 1 July 1865 Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and the Zollverein
27 June 1865 Treaty of Peace, Friendship, and Commerce, between Great Britain and Madagascar
16 February 1866 17 October 1866 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between Great Britain and the United States of Colombia
11 June 1866 Agreement for the Marriage of the Princess Mary of Cambridge with the Prince Francis of Teck
2 July 1866 Agreement for the Marriage of The Princess Helena with The Prince Frederick Christian Charles Augustus of Schleswig - Holstein - Sonderburg - Augustenburg
27 October 1866 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Great Britain and Mexico
8 September 1867 8 September 1867 Protocol respecting Tariff of duties to be levied in Austria in conformity with Article IV of Treaty of Commerce of December 16, 1865
1 July 1868 Convention supplementary to the Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and Austria of December 16, 1865
30 December 1869 23 December 1870 Convention of Commerce between Great Britain and Austria
5 November 1872 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Her Majesty and the French Republic, with a Protocol and two Tariffs thereunto annexed
23 July 1873 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and France
22 January 1874 Treaty between Great Britain and Russia, for the Marriage of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh with Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrowna of Russia
30 April 1877 Protocol between Great Britain and Roumania, prolonging for Nine Months the Duration of the Declaration between the British and Roumanian Governments of the 30th November, 1876
28 August 1879 Treaty of Friendship, and Commerce between Great Britain and the King and Government (Malo) of Samoa
10 November 1880 10 November 1880 Declarations between Great Britain and Tonga, respecting the Delay in Exchange of Ratifications of the Treaty of Friendship, &c, of November 29, 1879
25 June 1881 Protocol for prolonging period of exchange of the Ratifications of the Treaty of Friendship and Commerce with the Republic of Equator signed 25th June 1880, till 8th December 1881
4 February 1882 Declaration between Great Britain and France, prolonging to the 1st March, 1882, the Declaration of the 21st September, 1881, for the prologation of the existing Commercial Treaties between the two Countries
6 June 1882 Treaty of Peace and Friendship and Commerce between Her Majesty and the King of Corea [Korea] with Protocol containing Supplementary Articles (3) relative to open Ports, man of war ships and charts of Corean Coasts
29 September 1883 Convention between Great Britain, Germany, the United States, and Samoa, for the Prolongation of the Convention of September 2, 1879, relative to the Municipal Board of Apia
26 November 1883 Treaty of Friendship and Commerce between Great Britain and Corea [Korea] with Protocols
1 September 1884 Treaties (39) between Her Majesty and Various Tribes on or near the Niger an Binue Rivers - sent home in Consul Hewetts Despatch of November 15, 1884
16 October 1884 10 May 1886 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Great Britain and the Republic of Paraguay
13 November 1885 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Great Britain and the Oriental Republic of the Uruguay
23 June 1886 8 July 1886 Agreement between Great Britain and Salvador, prolonging for 20 years the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, of the 24th October, 1862
17 May 1888 Treaty with Kings and Chiefs of Okrika (extending British Protection)
27 November 1888 11 February 1889 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Mexico
26 March 1889 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between Her Majesty and the President of the Republic of Nicaragua
15 August 1889 23 May 1891 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands, modifying the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of October 27, 1837, as regards Customs Regulations
29 October 1889 1 January 1890 Commercial Convention between Great Britain and Egypt
4 November 1889 Notes exchanged between Great Britain and Bulgaria, establishing a Provisional Commercial Agreement between the two Countries.
2 February 1890 18 May 1890 Provisional Commercial Agreement between Great Britain and Servia
28 March 1890 28 March 1890 Commercial Agreement between Great Britain and Greece
31 March 1890 18 January 1891 Additional Article to the Agreement between Great Britain and China of September 13,1876 (Chungking opened to Trade)
18 April 1890 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and the Sultan of Muscat
16 June 1890 16 June 1890 Declaration Between The Governments Of Great Britain And Greece Correcting An Error In The Annex To The Commercial Agreement Between The Two Countries Of March 28, 1890.
19 July 1890 19 July 1890 Agreement between Great Britain and Paraguay, respecting the Accession of certain British Colonies to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the two Countries of October 16, 1884, with the exception of Article VIII
19 March 1891 20 March 1892 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muskat
7 March 1892 7 March 1892 Treaty with Shargah
8 March 1892 8 March 1892 Treaty with Ras al Khaimah
8 March 1892 Treaty with Umm al Kawain
13 March 1892 Treaty with the Chief of Bahrain
13 August 1892 Commercial Convention between Great Britain and Roumania
26 November 1892 Notes between Great Britain and Bulgaria extending the Commercial Agreement of 1889 to December 31, 1893
4 January 1893 Notes exchanged between Great Britain and Servia , Prolonging the Provisional Commercial Agreement of February 14, 1890, for 6 months from January 1, 1893
28 June 1893 Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and Servia
4 July 1893 Provisional Agreement between Great Britain and Servia respecting Commercial Relations
18 July 1893 Commercial Agreement between Great Britain and Spain
31 October 1893 Notes Exchange between Great Britain and Bulgaria , prolonging the Commercial Arrangement between the two Countries of 1889 to the 31st December 1894/12th January 1895
16 July 1894 17 July 1899 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Japan
20 December 1894 Notes Exchanged Between Great Britain and Japan Extending for Six Months the Term for the Conclusion of a Convention Supplementary to the Treaty of July 16, 1894
12 August 1896 Agreement between Great Britain and Russia respecting Commercial Relations between Russia and Zanzibar
4 November 1896 26 November 1897 Note from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Costa Rican Republic denouncing Articles V,VI and VII of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, between Great Britain and the Republic of Costa Rica concluded on the 27th November, 1849
14 May 1897 14 May 1897 Treaty between Great Britain and Ethiopia (including Exchange of Notes concerning Somali Protectorate).
12 July 1897 Commercial Agreement between Great Britain and Bulgaria
16 July 1898 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Chile
23 January 1899 23 January 1899 Agreement between the British Government and the Sheikh of Koweit
15 July 1899 Convention between the United Kingdom and Uruguay renewing the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation of November 13, 1885
18 May 1900 18 May 1900 Treaty of Amity between the United Kingdom and the King of Tonga
27 June 1901 Agreement between the United Kingdom and France respecting Commercial Relations between France and Zanzibar
7 September 1901 Final Protocol between the Foreign Powers and China for the Resumption of Friendly Relations
16 April 1902 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Commercial Relations between France and the Seychelles Islands
8 August 1902 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Commercial Relations between France and Jamaica
5 September 1902 Treaty between the United Kingdom and China respecting Commercial Relations, &c.
8 November 1902 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States for improving the Commercial relations between Newfoundland and the United States
9 February 1903 27 May 1903 Commercial Convention between the United Kingdom and Persia [IRAN]
19 February 1903 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Commercial Relations between France and India
19 February 1903 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Commercial Relations between France and Ceylon
23 February 1903 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Commercial Relations between France and the British Protectorates of East Africa, Central Africa, and Uganda
4 May 1905 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Cuba
20 May 1905 Treaty between Great Britain and Sweden and Norway for the Marriage of Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret of Great Britain and Ireland with His Royal Highness Prince Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden and Norway
28 July 1905 3 September 1906 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Nicaragua
12 August 1905 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Japan
31 October 1905 17 March 1906 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Roumania
7 April 1906 General Act of the International Conference at Algeciras relating to the Affairs of Morocco
18 October 1907 Convention for the Establishment of an International Prize Court [with Additional Protocol]
4 November 1908 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Zanzibar Abrogating the Treaty of April 30, 1886
11 February 1914 11 February 1914 Agreement Prolonging for a period of five year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
11 September 1914 11 September 1915 United Kingdom notification of withdrawal of the Commonwealth of Australia,Papua, and Norfolk Island from the Treaty of Commerce between Great Britain and Costa Rica signed at San Jose on November 27, 1849
15 September 1914 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the United States of America with regard to the establishment of a Peace Commission
3 November 1916 23 March 1918 Treaty between the British Government and the Sheikh of Qatar
11 February 1919 11 February 1919 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
5 May 1922 Treaty of Friendship between Iraq and Nejd
11 February 1923 11 February 1923 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
25 September 1923 Agreement of Friendship and regarding the Appointment of Officials (with additional Notes)
27 October 1923 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Sweden for the Marriage of Lady Louise Mountbatten with His Royal Highness Prince Gustaf Adolf Crown Prince of Sweden
19 December 1923 Agreement of Good Neighbourship between Palestine and Syria and the Lebanon
11 February 1924 11 February 1924 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
8 August 1924 Treaty respecting General Relations with Protocol
3 December 1925 1 April 1926 Agreement Amending and Supplementing the Articles of Agreement for a Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland
13 January 1926 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Irak regarding the Duration of the Treaty between the United Kingdom and Irak of October 10, 1922
12 August 1927 12 August 1927 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Tonga concerning Amending Article V of Treaty of Friendship of May 18, 1900
14 December 1927 Treaty of Alliance between the United Kingdom and Iraq
20 February 1928 Agreement between His Majesty and the Amir of Trans-Jordan
15 May 1928 Agreement to regulate relations between Mozambique and Union of South Africa pending conclusion of Convention of 11 September 1928 of which it is to form basis
11 February 1929 11 February 1929 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
3 October 1929 Protocol concerning Procedure for Settlement of Outstanding Questions between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Soviet Union, such Procedure to become Operative after the Resumption of Diplomatic Relations
9 October 1929 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and China concerning Additional Articles to Contract for British Naval Mission of 20 June 1929
11 February 1930 11 February 1930 Agreement Prolonging for One Year the Duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891
30 June 1930 3 October 1932 Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Majesty the King of 'Iraq, with Exchange of Notes
26 March 1931 Treaty of Friendship between Iraq and the Trans-jordan
7 April 1931 Treaty and Protocol between Iraq and Hejaz regarding Friendship and Arbitration
11 May 1931 Treaty of Friendship [with Yemen]
11 February 1934 Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Co-operation between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and of India and the King of Yemen (with Exchange of Notes)
24 May 1935 24 May 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the Swedish Government regarding Commerce, Customs and Navigation
2 January 1937 Declaration by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the Mediterranean
13 August 1937 Treaty with Exchange of Notes with Shihr and Mukalla regarding Friendship and Protection
1 March 1938 Declaration by Hamumi (Beit Ali Tribe) regarding guarantee of pledges on submission
1 March 1938 Declaration concerning Hamumi (Beit Ali Tribe) and Protection by Her Majesty's Government
24 March 1938 Exchange of Notes between New Zealand and Belgium concerning Commerce - Modification of Additional Agreement of 10 and 21 August 1936 to Agreement of 5 December 1933
28 October 1938 Exchange of Notes between New Zealand and France
19 June 1940 Arrangement between the United Kingdom and Japan concerning Local issues at Tientsin
29 January 1942 29 January 1942 Treaty of Alliance between the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union and Iran, with Notes
20 April 1942 Agreement for Friendship and Neighbourly Relations between the Government of the United Kingdom (acting on behalf of His Highness the Sheikh of Koweit) and the Government of Saudi Arabia [with Schedule and Exchange of Notes containing Lists of Tribes]
5 August 1942 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic concerning the Policy of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom in regard to Czechoslovakia
4 December 1942 Agreement between the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Persia regarding Food for Persia
1 March 1944 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Belgium concerning Financial Arrangements - Equipment and Maintenance of Belgian Land Forces in the United Kingdom
28 November 1944 Exchange of Notes regarding Participation of Portugal in Pacific operations
17 April 1945 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and the United States of America regarding Post War Economic Settlements Co-operation in Programme of Agreed Action for Expansion of Production &c
22 March 1946 Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and His Highness the Amir of Trans-Jordan [With Annex and Exchange of Notes]
15 January 1948 Treaty of Alliance between the United Kingdom and Iraq
15 March 1948 Treaty of Alliance between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of the Hashimite Kingdom of Transjordan [with Exchanges of Letters]
3 June 1948 Exchange of Notes between Australia and Poland concerning Gift of Wool for Post UNRRA Relief
4 January 1950 30 September 1950 Treaty of Friendship between Afghanistan and India
15 March 1950 Treaty of Friendship between Iran and India
5 April 1950 Exchange of Notes between Argentina and Australia regarding Commerce
31 July 1950 Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Nepal and India
29 August 1950 Treaty of Friendship between Syria and Pakistan
30 October 1950 3 May 1951 Treaty between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Nepal
3 March 1951 Treaty between Indonesia and India concerning Friendship
3 March 1951 Treaty between Indonesia and Pakistan concerning Friendship
2 May 1952 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Tonga amending Article 5 of the Treaty of Friendship of 18.05.1900
24 April 1957 25 April 1957 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America concerning Paragraph 6 of the Joint Statement of 6 December 1945 on the Settlement for Lend-Lease, Reciprocal Aid, Surplus War Property and Claims
18 August 1958 Exchange of Letters terminating the Agreement of 1891 ??
3 March 1959 Anglo-Soviet Communique on the discussions of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Mr Harold Macmillan, and the Foreign Secretary, Mr Selwyn Lloyd, with the Chairman of the Council of Mininsters of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Mr N S Khrushchev
11 March 1959 Treaty of Commerce, Establishment and Navigation between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Imperial Majesty the Shah of Iran
29 January 1960 24 September 1960 Articles of Agreement of the International Development Association
2 June 1960 2 June 1960 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan modifying the Annex to the Exchange of Notes of March 13, 1957, terminating the Treaty of Alliance of March 15, 1948
26 June 1960 26 June 1960 Agreement and Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Somaliland in connexion with the Attainment of Independence by Somaliland
15 August 1960 15 August 1960 Exchange of Letters transferring to Iraq the buildings and installations of Habbaniya airfield
6 October 1960 2 December 1960 Public Officers Agreement between the United Kingdom and Trinidad and Tobago
5 May 1961 27 April 1961 Public Officers� Agreement between the Government of Sierra Leone and the Government of the United Kingdom
27 June 1961 Public Officers Agreement between the United Kingdom and Barbados
19 October 1961 1 October 1960 Public Officers Agreement between Her Majesty�s Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Northern Nigeria
5 January 1962 1 October 1960 Public Officers Agreement between Her Majesty�s Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Eastern Nigeria
14 March 1962 Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Tanganyika
10 October 1962 Public Officers Agreement between Her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Uganda
10 October 1962 Amendment to the Agreement for the establishment of the East African Common Service Organisation between the United Kingdom and Tanganyika
10 October 1962 Agreement between Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda on the East African Common Services Organisation (Amendment to CRO 235)
7 November 1962 1 October 1960 Public Officers Agreement between Her Majesty�s Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Western Nigeria
21 November 1962 24 November 1962 Amendment No.2 of the Agreement for the establishment of the East African Common Services Organisation between the United Kingdom and Tanganyika
24 November 1962 Further amendment to Agreement between Tanganyika, Kenya and Uganda on the East African Common Services Organisation of 09:12:1961
26 November 1962 26 November 1962 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Kuwait abrogating the Treaty of 29:07:1911
7 February 1963 7 February 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United Kingdom of Libya postponing the Review of the Treaty of Friendship and Alliance, the Military Agreement and the Financial Agreement signed at Benghazi on July 29, 1953
17 March 1963 19 March 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan modifying the Annex to the Exchange of Notes of March 13, 1957, terminating the Treaty of Alliance of March 15, 1948
8 May 1963 Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Jamaica amending the Public Officers Agreement of 1961
9 July 1963 Public Officers Agreement between the United Kingdom and Malaysia in respect of Singapore
12 September 1963 22 March 1967 Military Service Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Argentine Republic [with Interpretative Exchanges of Notes]
22 November 1963 9 May 1964 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Trinidad and Tobago amending the Public Officers Agreement signed at London in 1960
10 December 1963 Public Officers Agreement between the United Kingdom and Tanzania in respect of Zanzibar
13 December 1963 18 December 1963 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swiss Government concerning the extension of the Convention of 30:09:1954 to Rhodesia and Nyasaland until 30:05:1961 on the dissolution of the Federation
6 October 1964 15 July 1965 Agreement amending the Agreement Establishing the South Pacific Commission signed at Canberra on 6 February 1947, as amended by Agreements signed at Noumea on 7 November 1951 and Canberra on 5 April 1954
24 October 1964 24 October 1964 Public Officers Agreement between Her Majesty�s Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of Zambia
22 February 1965 22 February 1965 Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Gambia
26 May 1966 26 May 1966 Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Guyana
30 September 1966 30 September 1966 Public Officers Agreement between the United Kingdom and Botswana
9 January 1967 Exchange of Notes relating to the 'Nicosia Airfield' concerning the intentions and understandings of the two Governments
17 February 1967 17 February 1967 Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Lesotho
15 November 1967 15 November 1967 Treaty of Cession between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Sultan of Muscat and Oman relating to the Kuria Muria Islands
1 December 1967 30 September 1966 Exchange of Letters between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Botswana amending the Public Officers Agreement signed at Gaberone on 30 September 1966
12 March 1968 12 March 1968 Agreement regarding the Provision of Facilities for a Detection Station
12 March 1968 12 March 1968 Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Mauritius
13 May 1968 13 May 1968 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the State of Kuwait terminating the Agreement of 19 June 1961 regarding relations between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the State of Kuwait
8 September 1968 8 September 1968 Public Officers Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Swaziland
26 October 1969 26 October 1969 Public Officers Agreement between the United Kingdom and St Vincent
21 February 1975 21 February 1975 Exchange of Notes concerning Grain to be supplied by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Government of Mali within the framework of the Cereals Food Aid Programme of the European Economic Community (United Kingdom Food Aid Grant: Mali Agreement 1975)
3 September 1975 Exchange of Letters of Understanding constituting the Cotton Ginnery Improvement Lashkargah Project Fund 1975
24 February 1976 21 June 1976 Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, Indonesia, 24 February 1976, as amended by the First Protocol amending the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia , 1987 and the Second Protocol Amending the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, 1998 [and the Third Protocol amending the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, 2010]