
Signed on In force on Title
10 July 1855 Declaration between Great Britain and France, relative to the Division of Trophies and Booty
9 November 1914 21 December 1914 Convention between the United Kingdom and France relating to Prizes Captured during the Present European War
10 November 1919 Agreement respecting the disposal of Austro-Hungarian Merchant Ships
27 June 1921 Exchange of Notes between Great Britain and France confirming Agreements concluded on April 22 and December 14, 1920, between Sir J. Maclay, His Majesty's Shipping Controller and M. Paul Bigon, Minister of Shipping of the French Republic, with regard to the ultimate Disposal of Enemy Tonnage
3 May 1923 Convention relative to the Cession of German Public Property situated in Danzig, and also to the Transfer of a Part of this Property to the Harbour Board of the Free City
2 January 1930 Agreement for Amending the Method of Administering ' The German Reparation (Recovery) Act, 1921
14 January 1930 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Canada and the German Government in regard to the Liquidation of German Properties
17 January 1930 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in New Zealand and the German Government regarding the Release of Property, Rights and Interests of German Nationals With Exchange of Notes
20 January 1930 International Agreement between the Creditor Powers respecting State Properties ceded by Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria, the Liberation Debts and the Distribution of non-German Reparations
10 November 1942 Exchange of Notes between Australia and the United States of America regarding Jurisdiction over Prizes Taken by United States Naval Forces in Foreign Waters Remote From United States Ports
8 November 1944 Exchange of Notes regarding Liquidation of British held share of Ottoman Debt
18 July 1945 22 October 1943 Exchange of Notes concerning the Use and Disposal of United Nations Vessels captured or found in the course of Operations for the Liberation of Europe.
1 September 1945 22 October 1943 Use of Disposal of United Nations Vessels captured or found in the course of Operations for the Liberation of Europe - Exchange of Notes and Memorandum of Agreement
24 September 1945 Exchange of Notes regarding Disposal of Property falling into hands of Allied Forces in Norway
11 October 1945 22 October 1943 Exchange of Notes concerning the Use and Disposal of United Nations Vessels captured or found in operations for the liberation of Europe
11 October 1945 22 October 1943 Exchange of Notes and Memorandum of Principles concerning the Use and Disposal of United Nations Vessels captured or found by their forces in the course of Operations for the Liberation of Europe
30 October 1945 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands regarding the disposal of enemy war material and other property falling into the hands of Allied Forces in the Netherlands East Indies
14 November 1945 22 October 1943 Exchange of Notes concerning the use and disposal of United Nations Vessels captured or found in the course of operations for the Liberation of Europe.
30 November 1945 30 November 1945 Exchange of Letters constituting an Agreement supplementing the Agreement of 11 October 1945 concerning the Use and Disposal of United Nations Vessels captured or found by their forces in the course of Operations for the Liberation of Europe
5 December 1945 Exchange of Notes-interpretation of Part II, paragraph 1 of the Memorandum annexed to the Agreement of 1 September 1945 concerning 'Liberated Ships'.
6 December 1945 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Danish Government relating to Money and Property situated in Denmark and the United Kingdom which have been subjected to Special Measures in consequence of the Enemy Occupation of Denmark
21 March 1946 21 March 1946 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Royal Hellenic Government relating to Money and Property situated in Greece and the United Kingdom which have been subjected to Special Measures in consequence of the Enemy Occupation of Greece
2 April 1946 16 May 1944 Exchange of Notes and Annex concerning the Disposal of War Material and other Property falling into the hands of Allied Forces in Belgium
15 May 1946 16 May 1944 Exchange of Notes and Annex between the United Kingdom and Luxembourg concerning the Disposal of War Material and other Property falling into the hands of Allied Forces in Luxembourg
18 July 1946 28 March 1947 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America and France on the one hand, and the Government of Sweden on the other hand, regarding the Liquidation of German Assets in Sweden
19 July 1946 16 May 1944 Exchange of Notes and Annex concerning the Disposal of War Material and other Property falling into the hands of the Allied Forces in the Netherlands (Supplementary to the Agreement concerning Civil Administration and Jurisdiction in Liberated Territory of May 16, 1944)
27 July 1946 30 November 1946 International Accord Treatment of German-owned Patents
14 October 1946 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and Denmark regarding Release of Funds and Property held by Custodian of Enemy Property on behalf of Danish Citizens
28 October 1946 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Spanish Government for the Recognition of the Assumption by the Allied Control Council of Powers of Disposal in regard to German Enemy Assets in Spain [with Annex]
17 July 1947 17 July 1947 Protocol of Amendment to the Accord regarding the Treatment of German-owned Patents
18 July 1947 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and France concerning Release of Funds and Property held by Custodian of Enemy Property on behalf of French Citizens
14 August 1947 14 August 1947 Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, France and the United States of America on the one hand, and the Government of Italy on the other hand regarding German Assets in Italy [with Annexes]
10 October 1947 15 September 1947 Protocol between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the United States Government and the Government of Italy relating to the Return to Italy of the Gold captured at Fortezza by the Allied Forces
31 October 1947 Exchange of Letters regarding the Allocation of Italian Ships to United Kingdom - Retention for Scrapping by Italy
5 December 1947 25 January 1951 International Agreement relating to the Resolution of Conflicting Claims to German Enemy Assets
10 May 1948 10 May 1948 Accord between the Governments of the United Kingdom, France and the United States of America and the Spanish Government for the Expropriation of German Enemy Property in Spain and the Liquidation of Balances and Payments between Spain and Germany [with related documents]
13 May 1948 13 May 1948 Exchanges of Letters between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America and France and the Bank for International Settlements constituting an Agreement for the Return to those Governments of Gold looted by Germany
15 July 1948 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic for the Settlement of inter-Custodial Conflicts relating to German Enemy Assets [with Annex and Declaration]
28 July 1948 Exchange of Notes between South Africa and Greece regarding Release of Funds and Property held by Custodian of Enemy Property on behalf of Greek Citizens
24 November 1948 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Government relating to the Release of Netherlands Money and Property held by the United Kingdom Custodian of Enemy Property [With Annexes]
23 December 1948 23 December 1948 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Yugoslavia regarding Money and Property subjected to Special Measures in consequence of the Enemy Occupation of Yugoslavia [With Exchange of Notes]
3 February 1949 Additional Protocol to Agreement of 5th December 1947, concerning German Enemy Assets - resolution of conflicting Claims
20 September 1949 27 March 1951 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Netherlands for the Settlement of conflicting claims to German Enemy Assets in their respective territories (with Annex)
19 April 1950 19 April 1950 Exchange of Notes between Italy and New Zealand constituting an Agreement relating to the release of Italian Assets under Custodian control in New Zealand
26 April 1950 Exchange of Notes between The Netherlands and Australia constituting an Agreement concerning the release of Assets frozen during the War following the Enemy Occupation of The Netherlands
10 May 1950 Second Additional Supplementary Protocol to Agreement of 5 December 1947 relating to Resolution of Conflicting Claims to German Enemy Assets and to the Protocol of 3 February 1949 additional to that Agreement (Vol XIa No.32 folio 38)
4 January 1951 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement concerning the Release of Moneys belonging to Persons resident in Finland which are held in cash by the Controller of Enemy Property in Australia, and the Settlement of Australian Claims against Finland arising out of the Second World War
24 January 1951 Third additonal Supplementary Protocol to Brussels Agreement of 5th December 1947 and Final and Second Protocols additional thereto, relating to the Resolution of Conflicting Claims to German Enemy Assets
25 April 1951 Agreement between the Governments of France, the United Kingdom and the United States of America for the Submission to Arbitration of certain Claims to Gold Looted by the Germans from Rome in 1943. (With accompanying Statement.)
16 May 1951 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Italian Government regarding the allocation to Italy of a share in the proceeds of sale by the International Refugee Organisation of certain Valuables, Currencies and Securities presumed looted by the German Forces and taken from them in Italy by the Allied Forces
28 August 1952 19 March 1953 Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, France and the United States of America on the one hand and the Swiss Government on the other concerning German Property in Switzerland (with Exchanges of Letters).
14 November 1952 14 November 1952 Exchange of Notes concerning the return to the Japanese Government of Personal Effects and Archives in the Japanese Legation at Berne
6 May 1953 6 May 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the French Republic terminating the Agreement of the 29th of August, 1945, relating to Money and Property subjected to Special Measures in consequence of the Enemy Occupation of France
30 July 1953 Agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States of America and Thailand concerning the Disposition of Certain Japanese Assets in Thailand (Under Article 16 of the Treaty of Peace with Japan of 08:05:1951)
13 August 1954 13 August 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Greece terminating the Agreement of the 21st of March, 1946 relating to Money and Property situated in Greece and the United Kingdom which have been subjected to Special Measures in consequence of the Enemy Occupation of Greece
16 September 1954 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Swedish Government regarding the Liquidation of German Assets in Sweden
31 January 1957 31 January 1957 Memorandum on the disposal of former German Assets in Thailand
29 March 1957 29 March 1957 Memorandum of Understanding between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, France and the United States of America on the one hand and the Government of Italy on the other hand regarding German Assets in Italy
9 August 1958 2 July 1959 Protocol terminating obligations arising from the Accord of May 10, 1948 regarding German Assets in Spain
27 October 1958 24 October 1959 Agreement on German Assets in Portugal and on certain Claims regarding Monetary Gold