
Signed on In force on Title
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 International Convention respecting the Limitation of the Employment of Force for the Recovery of Contract Debts
28 March 1924 Notes Exchanged between the United Kingdom and Switzerland respecting the Application to the Principality of Liechtenstein of Commercial Agreements in force between Great Britain and Switzerland
27 June 1924 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Spain regulating the Treatment of Companies
13 September 1924 Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany respecting Clearing Office and Mixed Arbitral Tribunal procedure
21 December 1928 21 January 1929 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in Great Britain and the Belgian Government to dispense with the Legalisation of certain Official Documents
21 May 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government in regard to the Laws of Landlord and Tenant
27 June 1929 9 May 1930 Convention between His Majesty and His Majesty the King of Spain regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
24 July 1930 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Latvian Government respecting the Estates of Deceased Seaman
26 August 1931 31 May 1932 Convention between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and the President of the Polish Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters
3 April 1937 3 June 1937 Agreement between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the French Government to dispense with the Legalisation of certain Official Documents
23 March 1944 Exchange of Notes between the Government in the United Kingdom and the Government of the Turkish Republic concerning the Liquidation of Unexecuted Judgments of the Anglo-Turkish Mixed Arbitral Tribunal
31 October 1951 15 July 1955 Statute of The Hague Conference on Private International Law
20 June 1956 25 May 1957 Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance
12 September 1957 Exchange of Letters concerning the Assumption of Treaty responsibilities for International Rights and Obligations
25 November 1957 Exchange of Letters concerning the Assumption of Treaty responsibilities for International Rights and Obligations
9 February 1960 1 November 1959 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany regarding the re-application or extension to certain United Kingdom dependent territories of the Convention concerning Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed at London on March 20, 1928
14 July 1960 14 June 1961 Convention between Her Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the President of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements in Civil and Commercial Matters [with Protocol of Signature]
5 October 1961 5 January 1964 Convention on the Conflicts of Laws relating to the form of Testamentary Dispositions
5 October 1961 24 January 1965 Convention abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents
15 November 1965 10 February 1969 Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters
29 February 1968 Convention on the Mutual Recognition of Companies and Legal Persons
29 September 1976 Amendments to Articles 5, 11 and 16 of the Statute of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law, Rome, 15 March 1940