
Signed on In force on Title
3 July 1815 3 July 1815 Convention of Commerce between Great Britain and the United States of America
6 August 1827 2 April 1828 Convention of Commerce between Great Britain and the United States of America
16 November 1841 16 November 1841 Treaty of Amity and Commerce made with and concluded with His Majesty Sahela Selassie, King of Shoa, Efat, and the Galla (Abyssinia)
30 August 1888 Convention between Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, and Russia, for the Suppression of Bounties on the Exportation of Sugar With Protocol and Declaration
4 May 1905 17 May 1905 Declaration between the United Kingdom and Greece With Respect To Commercial Matters (May 1905).
25 May 1949 Agreements signed on behalf of the Secretary of State for Colonies with: The British Borneo Timber Company Limited, The Bakau and Kenya Extract Company Limited, The Shell Company of British North Borneo Limited, The British Borneo Petroleum Syndicate Limited (no other details).