BREMEN - Treaties

Signed on In force on Title
9 June 1837 12 July 1937 Convention between Great Britain France and The Hans Towns containing the accession of The Hans Towns to 2 Conventions between Great Britain and France, for the more effectual Suppression of the Slave Trade
20 March 1841 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Her Majesty and the Free Hanseatic Cities of Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburgh ; Supplementary to the Convention signed at London, September 29, 1825
3 August 1841 Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and the Hans Towns
30 August 1841 30 August 1841 Postage Agreement with Bremen
20 August 1847 1 November 1847 Additional Agreement Between The General Post Office Of The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Ireland And The Post Office Of The Free Hanseatic Republic Of Bremen.
16 April 1856 Declaration respecting Maritime Law, signed by the Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and Turkey, assembled in Congress at Paris - April 16, 1856
21 May 1867 Convention between the British Government and the Government of Bremen, for regulating the Postal Communications with Heligoland