Signed on In force on Title
31 May 1865 14 February 1867 Convention between Great Britain, Austria, Belgium, Spain, the United States, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Sweden, on the one part ; and Morocco, on the other Part ; relative to the Establishment and Maintenance of a Lighthouse on Cape Spartel
29 March 1879 27 March 1880 Convention between Great Britain and Germany, extending to the German Empire the provisions of the Treaty between Great Britain, Prussia, Austria, France, and Russia, for the Suppression of the Slave Trade, of the 20th December 1841
9 August 1880 Notes recording the sanction of the Governments of Great Britain, German Empire, Austria, France, Italy, Russia and Turkey to (1) Act of 14.8.1879. (2) Act of 20.9.1879, (3) Act of 17.12.1878 fixing the Bulgarian Boundaries and (4) Act of 19.8.1879. Descriptive of Serbian Boundary. (N.B Notes signed by the several Ministers for Foreign Affairs)