Gambia - Treaties

Signed on In force on Title
21 January 1887 3 February 1900 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between the United kingdom and the Republic of Honduras With Explanatory Protocol
2 March 1899 28 July 1900 Convention between the United Kingdom and the United States of America relative to the Disposal of Real and Personal Property
15 July 1899 Convention between the United Kingdom and Uruguay renewing the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation of November 13, 1885
2 February 1922 2 May 1922 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Legal Proceedings on Civil and Commercial Matters
18 December 1953 18 December 1953 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Sweden extending the provisions of the Anglo-Swedish Double Taxation Convention of 30th of March, 1949, to certain Colonial Territories of the United Kingdom
21 November 1955 28 June 1956 Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Paraguay on Trade Payments