Agreement Action type Action on Effective on
Convention Between Great Britain and the Orange Free State , for the Mutual Extradition of Fugitive Criminals Signature 25 June 1890
General Act of the Brussels Conference relative to the African Slave Trade (Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Congo, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Persia, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Norway, Turkey, United States, and Zanzibar). (with annexed Declaration of the same date.) Accession 3 August 1894
Universal Postal Convention Signature 15 June 1897
Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded in Armies in the Field Accession 28 September 1897
Convention between the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope and the Orange Free State for the establishment of a customs union
Protocol between the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope and the Orange Free State respecting the Customs Union Convention of 28 March / 5 April 1889.