Palestine, Mandated Territories (exc. Trans-Jordan) - Actions

Agreement Action type Action on Effective on
Extension of Extradition Treaty of December 3 1873 to British Mandated Territories [with Austria] Extension 23 January 1928
Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom and Panama concerning extension of Extradition Treaty of 25 August 1906 to British Mandated Territories Extension 24 January 1928
Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals Extension 27 January 1928
Treaty between Great Britain and Luxemburg, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals Extension 28 January 1928
Declaration between Great Britain and Spain, amending the Treaty of the 4th June, 1878, for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals Extension 13 February 1928
Treaty between Great Britain and Spain for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals Extension 13 February 1928
Treaty between the United Kingdom and Siam respecting the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals Extension 27 February 1928
Exchange of Notes Extending the Extradition Treaty of 4 March 1911 to British Mandated Territories Extension 27 February 1928
Extension of Extradition Treaty signed at Bucharest, March 21,1893, to Mandated Territories Extension 12 January 1929
Treaty between Great Britain and Switzerland, for the Mutual Surrender of Fugitive Criminals Extension 19 September 1929
Convention between the United Kingdom and Switzerland supplementing Article XVIII of the Treaty of Extradition of November 26, 1880 Extension 19 September 1929
Extradition Treaty between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and the President of the Polish Republic (With Polish Full Powers) Extension 12 March 1934
Supplementary Convention between His Majesty in respect of the United Kingdom and the President of the Turkish Republic regarding Legal Proceedings in Civil and Commercial Matters Extension 21 November 1941
Extradition Treaty between His Majesty, in respect of the United Kingdom, and the President of the United States of America