HEJAZ - Actions

Agreement Action type Action on Effective on
Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany Signature 28 June 1919
Convention for the control of the Trade in Arms and Ammunition Signature 10 September 1919
Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Bulgaria, and Protocol. Signature 27 November 1919
Convention and Protocol revising Universal Postal Convention of November 30, 1920 Signature 28 August 1924
Treaty regulating the Status of Spitsbergen and Conferring the Sovereignty on Norway Accession 14 August 1925
International Sanitary Convention (1926) Signature 21 June 1926
Convention and Protocol revising Universal Postal Convention of November 30, 1920 Ratification 1 January 1927
Universal Postal Convention Signature 28 June 1929
Postal Union Agreement regarding Insured Letters and Boxes Signature 28 June 1929
Postal Union Agreement regarding Parcel Post Signature 28 June 1929
Universal Postal Convention Ratification 7 July 1930
Postal Union Agreement regarding Insured Letters and Boxes Ratification 7 July 1930
Postal Union Agreement regarding Parcel Post Ratification 7 July 1930
International Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs with Protocol of Signature Signature 13 July 1931
International Agreement respecting the Creation of an International Office of Public Health Accession 21 January 1932
International Treaty for the Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy Accession 24 February 1932
International Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs with Protocol of Signature Ratification 15 August 1936