Signed on In force on Title
4 May 1910 8 August 1912 International Convention for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic
2 June 1911 1 May 1913 International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Washington)
17 January 1912 International Sanitary Convention (1912)
5 July 1912 International Radiotelegraph Convention
28 June 1919 10 January 1920 Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany
10 September 1919 Convention for the control of the Trade in Arms and Ammunition
10 September 1919 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State
13 October 1919 Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation
27 November 1919 Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Bulgaria, and Protocol.
9 February 1920 Treaty regulating the Status of Spitsbergen and Conferring the Sovereignty on Norway
21 June 1920 International Convention for the Creation at Paris of an International Institute of Refrigeration
10 August 1920 Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and Poland, Roumania, the Serb-Croat-Slovene State and the Czech-Slovak State relative to Certain Frontiers of those States
31 October 1920 Convention concerning the Organisation of Combat against Locusts
12 November 1920 Treaty between Italy and the Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom relative to the Territories, Frontiers, &c., of the two Countries
30 November 1920 Universal Postal Convention (Revision of Convention of May 26, 1906)
16 December 1920 Protocol Establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice
20 April 1921 31 October 1922 Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit
20 April 1921 Declaration recognising the Right to a Flag of States having no Sea-Coast
23 July 1921 Convention instituting the Definitive Statute of the Danube
30 September 1921 International Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Women and Children
6 October 1921 International Convention of October 6, 1921, modifying the International Convention of May 20, 1875, for assuring The International Uniformity and Perfection of the Metric System, Together with the International Convention of 1875
11 November 1921 20 November 1922 Convention concerning Compulsory Medical Examination of Children Employed at Sea [ILO No.16]
11 November 1921 20 November 1922 Convention concerning the Minimum Age for the Admission of Young Persons to Employment as Trimmers and Stokers [ILO No.15]
17 November 1921 19 June 1923 Convention concerning the Application of Weekly Rest Day in Industrial Undertakings [ILO No.14]
31 March 1922 Additional Protocol signed at Paris dated 31.03.1922 to the Convention instituting the Definitive Statute of the Danube, signed at Paris July 23, 1921, Prolonging the period for the deposit of ratifications until June 30, 1922
5 July 1922 Agreement concerning the Issue of Certificates of Identity to Russian Refugees
27 October 1922 14 December 1926 Protocol Amending Article 5 of the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of October 13, 1919.
14 June 1923 4 June 1934 Protocol of an Amendment to Article 393 of the Treaty of Versailles and the corresponding Articles of the other Treaties of Peace
30 June 1923 14 December 1926 Protocol Amending Article 34 of the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of October 13, 1919.
24 July 1923 6 August 1924 Convention relating to the Regime of the Straits
24 July 1923 6 August 1924 Convention respecting the Thracian Frontier
24 July 1923 Protocol relating to Certain Concessions granted in the Ottoman Empire.
24 July 1923 Commercial Convention [Part of 1923 Turkish Peace Settlement]
24 July 1923 Convention respecting Conditions of Residence and Business and Jurisdiction
12 September 1923 7 August 1924 International Convention for the Suppression of the Circulation of and Traffic in Obscene Publications
31 October 1923 Proces-Verbal concerning the Delimitation of Frontier between the Austrian Republic and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
3 November 1923 27 November 1924 International Convention relating to the Simplification of Customs Formalities and Protocol of Signature
3 November 1923 Final Act of the International Conference on Customs and Similar Formalities
9 December 1923 23 March 1926 Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Railways and Protocol of Signature
9 December 1923 26 July 1926 Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Maritime Ports and Protocol of Signature
9 December 1923 26 July 1926 Convention relative to the Transmission in Transit of Electric Power and Protocol of Signature
9 December 1923 Convention relative to the Development of Hydraulic Power affecting more than one State and Protocol of Signature.
14 March 1924 Protocol I concerning Financial Reconstruction of Hungary
25 August 1924 3 June 1931 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Sea-Going Ships
28 August 1924 1 October 1925 Convention and Protocol revising Universal Postal Convention of November 30, 1920
30 August 1924 The Allied Governments and the German Government to carry out the Experts' Plan of April 9, 1924
30 August 1924 The Allied Governments and the German Government concerning the Agreement of August 9, 1924, between the German Government and the Reparation Commission
30 August 1924 The Agreement between the Governments represented on the Reparation Commission to modify Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles
30 August 1924 The Inter-Allied Agreement to carry out the Experts' Plan of April 9, 1924
2 October 1924 Protocol concerning the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
22 November 1924 Protocol Amending Paragraph 13 of Annex II to Part VIII of the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1919.
14 January 1925 Agreement with Protocols respecting the distribution of the Dawes Annuities
19 February 1925 25 September 1928 International Convention relating to Dangerous Drugs with Protocol
17 June 1925 8 February 1928 Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare
17 June 1925 Convention respecting the Suppression of Trade in Arms, Ammunitions etc..
21 September 1925 Agreement respecting Amounts to be allocated out of 2nd. Dawes Annuity for Armies of Occupation, Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission and Inter-Allied Military Commission of Control in Germany
6 November 1925 International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (The Hague)
27 November 1925 1 October 1927 Convention regarding the Measurement of Vessels employed in Inland Navigation [with Protocol of signature]
10 April 1926 2 June 1931 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to Maritime Liens and Mortgages
10 April 1926 8 January 1937 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules concerning the Immunity of State-owned Ships
24 April 1926 24 October 1930 International Convention relative to Motor Traffic
21 June 1926 31 May 1928 International Sanitary Convention (1926)
25 September 1926 9 March 1927 International Convention with object of Securing the Abolition of Slavery and the Slave Trade
13 January 1927 Agreement relating to Regulating amounts to be allocated out of Anmities of Experts' Plan for Armies of Occupation, the Rhineland High Commission and the Military Commission of Control for period April 1, 1926 - January 10, 1930
12 May 1927 9 February 1928 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty in Respect of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and His Majesty the King of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes together with Notes exchanged
16 July 1927 Agreement concerning Anti-Diphtheritic Serum
8 August 1927 Agreement concerning Settlement of Relief Debts Contracted by Serb-Croat-Slovene Government towards 'Creditor Powers' (Great Britain, Australia, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland)
25 November 1927 1 January 1929 Convention regarding Radiotelegraphy [with General Regulations and Supplementary Regulation]
7 December 1927 1 November 1928 Extension of Extradition Treaty signed at Belgrade December 6 (Nov 23) 1900 to Mandated Territories of Palestine (Excluding Transjordan), British Cameroons,British Togoland,Tanganyika Territory,New Guinea, Western Samoa, South West Africa & Nauru
14 June 1928 Protocol Disposal of unused balances of sums allocated to Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission under Article 2 of the Agreement of 13 January 1927 concerning Regulating amounts to be allocated out of Annuities of Experts' Plan for Armies of Occupation
11 July 1928 1 October 1929 International Agreement relating to the Exportation of Bones with Protocol
11 July 1928 1 October 1929 International Convention relating to the Exportation of Hides and Skins with Protocol
11 July 1928 International Convention for the abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions with Protocol and annexed Declaration Geneva, November 8, 1927 Supplementary Agreement Geneva, July 11 1928 Protocol Paris, December 20, 1929
20 December 1929 Protocol to the International Convention for the abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions