Signed on In force on Title
11 October 1909 Convention with respect to the International Circulation of Motor Vehicles
13 October 1919 Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation
30 November 1920 Universal Postal Convention (Revision of Convention of May 26, 1906)
5 July 1922 Agreement concerning the Issue of Certificates of Identity to Russian Refugees
27 October 1922 14 December 1926 Protocol Amending Article 5 of the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of October 13, 1919.
30 June 1923 14 December 1926 Protocol Amending Article 34 of the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of October 13, 1919.
28 August 1924 1 October 1925 Convention and Protocol revising Universal Postal Convention of November 30, 1920
24 April 1926 24 October 1930 International Convention relative to Motor Traffic
14 June 1929 12 November 1929 International Agreement concerning the Preparation of a Transit Card for Emigrants
15 June 1929 17 May 1933 Protocol relating to Amendments to Articles 3, 5, 7, 15, 37, 41 and 42 and to the Final Clauses of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation of October 13, 1919
28 June 1929 Postal Union Agreement regarding Insured Letters and Boxes
28 June 1929 Postal Union Agreement regarding Parcel Post
28 June 1929 Universal Postal Convention
11 December 1929 17 May 1933 Protocol relating to Amendments to Articles 34 and 40 of the Convention relating to the Regulation of Air Navigation of October 13, 1919
7 June 1930 1 January 1934 International Convention on the Stamp Laws in Connexion with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes (With Protocols)
4 November 1950 3 September 1953 Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [ETS No. 005]
20 March 1952 18 May 1954 Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms [ETS No. 9] [Protocol No.1]
25 October 1952 Protocol additional to Conventions regarding Transport of Goods (C.I.M.) and Transport of Passengers and Baggage (C.I.V.)
25 October 1952 International Convention concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail
25 October 1952 International Convention concerning the Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Rail
6 November 1952 11 July 1956 Protocol to the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe [ETS No. 10]
11 April 1953 Regulations concerning the Central Office for International Railway Transport
11 April 1953 Additional Protocol to the International Conventions Concerning the Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM) and of Passengers and Luggage by Rail (CIV) signed at Berne on the 25th October, 1952
11 December 1953 20 April 1954 European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas leading to admission to Universities
11 December 1953 1 July 1954 European Convention on Social and Medical Assistance [with Protocol][ETS No. 14]
11 December 1953 1 July 1954 Protocol to the European Convention on Social and Medical Assistance
11 December 1953 1 July 1954 European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors [ETS No. 13]
11 December 1953 1 July 1954 European Interim Agreement on Social Security Schemes relating to Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors [ETS No. 12]
11 December 1953 1 October 1954 Protocol to the European Interim Agreement on Social Security Schemes relating to Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors [ETS No. 12A]
11 December 1953 1 October 1954 Protocol to the European Interim Agreement on Social Security other than Schemes for Old Age, Invalidity and Survivors [ETS No. 13A]
11 December 1953 1 June 1955 European Convention relating to the formalities required for patent applications
13 December 1955 1 January 1956 Agreement between Member Countries of the Council of Europe on the Exchange of War Cripples with a view to Medical Treatment