HAYTI - Treaties

Signed on In force on Title
16 April 1856 Declaration respecting Maritime Law, signed by the Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and Turkey, assembled in Congress at Paris - April 16, 1856
9 September 1886 5 September 1887 Convention between Great Britain, Belgium, France, Germany, Hayti, Italy, Liberia, Spain, Switzerland and Tunis, for the creation of an International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works [Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works ]
4 July 1891 1 July 1892 Universal Postal Convention concluded between Argentine Republic, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Republic of Colombia, Congo Free State, Republic of Costa Rica, Denmark and Danish Colonies, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Equator, France and French Colonies, Germany and the German Protectorates, Great Britain and various British Colonies, British Colonies of Australasia, Canada, British India, Greece, Guatemala, Kingdom of Hawaii, Republic of Hayti, Republic of Honduras, CONTINUED...
4 July 1891 1 July 1892 Final Protocol to the Universal Postal Convention, signed at Vienna, July 4, 1891.
15 June 1897 Universal Postal Convention
29 July 1899 International Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
29 July 1899 International Convention for Adapting to Maritime Warfare the Principles of the Geneva Convention of August 22, 1864
29 July 1899 International Convention with respect to the Laws and Customs of War by Land
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 International Declaration Prohibiting the Discharge of Projectiles and Explosives from Balloons
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 International Convention relative to the Conversion of Merchant-Ships into War-Ships
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 International Convention relative to the Laying of Automatic Submarine Contact Mines
18 October 1907 26 January 1910 International Convention relative to certain Restrictions on the Exercise of the Right of Capture in Maritime War
18 October 1907 Final Act of the Second International Peace Conference held at The Hague in 1907
18 October 1907 Convention for the Establishment of an International Prize Court [with Additional Protocol]
13 November 1908 International Convention relative to the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, revising that signed at Berne, September 9, 1886,
23 September 1910 1 March 1913 International Conventions for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law respecting Assistance and Salvage at Sea
23 September 1910 1 March 1913 International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law respecting Collisions between Vessels
17 January 1912 International Sanitary Convention (1912)
5 July 1912 International Radiotelegraph Convention
31 December 1913 Convention respecting the Compilation of International Commercial Statistics
20 March 1914 Additional Protocol to the International Copyright Convention of November 13, 1908
28 June 1919 10 January 1920 Treaty of Peace between the Allied and Associated Powers and Germany
10 September 1919 Convention for the control of the Trade in Arms and Ammunition
19 February 1925 25 September 1928 International Convention relating to Dangerous Drugs with Protocol
27 August 1928 24 July 1929 International Treaty for the Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy
22 November 1928 17 January 1931 International Convention relating to International Exhibitions
28 June 1929 Universal Postal Convention
28 June 1929 Postal Union Agreement regarding Insured Letters and Boxes
28 June 1929 Postal Union Agreement regarding Parcel Post
14 September 1929 1 February 1936 Protocol for the Revision of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice
14 September 1929 Protocol Accession of the United States of America to the Protocol of signature of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice
13 July 1931 9 July 1933 International Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs with Protocol of Signature
9 December 1932 1 January 1934 Convention concerning International Telecommunications
20 March 1934 Universal Postal Convention
20 March 1934 Universal Postal Union Agreement concerning Insured Letters and Boxes
20 March 1934 Universal Postal Union Agreement concerning Parcel Post
26 June 1936 26 October 1939 Convention for the Suppression of the Illicit Traffic in Dangerous Drugs
26 June 1936 Proces-Verbal concerning Limitation of Manufacture and Regulation of Distribution of Narcotic Drugs
6 November 1936 6 November 1936 Proces-Verbal relating to the Rules of Submarine Warfare set forth in Part IV of the Treaty of London of April 22, 1930
6 May 1937 International Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar, with Protocol of Signature
16 November 1937 Convention concerning the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism
13 December 1937 Agreement regarding North American Regional Broadcasting
13 December 1937 Convention on Radiocommunications and 3 Annexes
13 December 1937 Arrangement regarding Radiocommunications, and Annex
30 September 1938 Protocol Amendments to Preamble and Articles 1, 4, 5 and Annex to the League of Nations Covenant
31 October 1938 24 July 1939 International Sanitary Convention (1938) modifying the International Sanitary Convention of June 21, 1926
3 December 1938 31 January 1940 International Act concerning Intellectual Co-operation
23 May 1939 1 July 1940 Universal Postal Convention, with Final Protocol, Regulations of Execution and Provisions concerning the Transportation of Regular Mails by Air, with Final Protocol.
23 May 1939 1 July 1940 Agreement and Final Protocol regarding Parcel Post
23 May 1939 Convention and Final Protocol regarding the Universal Postal Union (with Regulations and Airmail Provisions)
1 January 1942 Declaration by United Nations Related Documents: i) Declaration of Principles, known as the Atlantic Charter, by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America: ii) [Text of] Tripartite Pact (Germany, Italy, Japan) signed at Berlin September 27, 1940, and referred to in the Declaration by United Nations
22 July 1942 Protocol for the Prolongation of the International Agreement of 6th May, 1937, regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar [with Appendices]
5 January 1943 Declaration regarding Acts of Dispossession committed in Territories under Enemy Occupation or Control
4 October 1943 Convention First Conference of Ministers and Directors of Education of the American Republics [With Final Act]
1 July 1944 Final Act and Annexes of the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
7 December 1944 30 January 1945 International Air Services Transit Agreement ('Two Freedoms')
7 December 1944 6 June 1945 Interim Agreement on International Civil Aviation
7 December 1944 Final Act of the International Air Navigation Conference [with appendices]
15 December 1944 15 January 1945 International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation, 1944 modifying the International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation of 12th April, 1933 with Declarations by the Governments of Egypt and France
15 December 1944 15 January 1945 International Sanitary Convention, 1944 modifying the International Sanitary Convention of 21st June, 1926, with Declarations by the Governments of Egypt and France
30 March 1946 28 January 1948 Protocol for the Dissolution of the International Institute of Agriculture and the Transfer of its Functions and Assets to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations [with Annex]
23 April 1946 30 April 1946 Protocol to Prolong the International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation, 1944, Modifying the International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation of the 12th April, 1933
23 April 1946 30 April 1946 Protocol to Prolong the International Sanitary Convention, 1944, Modifying the International Sanitary Convention of the 21st June, 1926
27 July 1946 30 November 1946 International Accord Treatment of German-owned Patents
9 October 1946 20 April 1948 Instrument for the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation
5 July 1947 1 July 1948 Arrangement, with Final Protocol. Regulations and Forms, concerning Postal Parcels, including Dispositions, Final Protocol and Annex concerning Postal Parcels by Air Mail
5 July 1947 1 July 1948 Agreement concerning Insured Letters and Boxes [With Final Protocol]
29 August 1947 Protocol prolonging the International Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar signed in London on 6th May, 1937
5 December 1947 25 January 1951 International Agreement relating to the Resolution of Conflicting Claims to German Enemy Assets
31 August 1949 31 August 1949 Protocol for the Prolongation of the International Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar signed in London on 6th May, 1937
16 December 1949 5 May 1950 Protocol modifying the Convention of 5th July, 1890 concerning the creation of an International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs, the Regulations for the Execution of the Convention instituting an International Bureau for the Publication of Customs Tariffs and Memorandum of Signature
31 August 1951 31 August 1951 Protocol for the Prolongation of the International Agreement of 6th May, 1937, regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar
1 December 1956 2 July 1957 Protocol Amending the International Sugar Agreement opened for signature at London on October 1,1953