Irish Free State - Treaties

Signed on In force on Title
26 September 1906 International Convention respecting the Prohibition of the Use of White (Yellow) Phosphorus in the Manufacture of Matches
9 December 1907 15 November 1908 International Agreement respecting the Creation of an International Office of Public Health
13 November 1908 International Convention relative to the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, revising that signed at Berne, September 9, 1886,
11 October 1909 Convention with respect to the International Circulation of Motor Vehicles
4 May 1910 8 August 1912 International Convention for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic
2 June 1911 1 May 1913 International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property (Washington)
2 June 1911 1 May 1913 International Agreement for the Prevention of False Indications of Origin on Goods
4 March 1914 Convention concerning Plant Diseases (Phytopathology)
20 March 1914 Additional Protocol to the International Copyright Convention of November 13, 1908
9 February 1920 Treaty regulating the Status of Spitsbergen and Conferring the Sovereignty on Norway
21 June 1920 International Convention for the Creation at Paris of an International Institute of Refrigeration
16 December 1920 Protocol Establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice
16 December 1920 Optional Clause to the Protocol Establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice
12 November 1921 11 May 1923 Convention concerning the Right of Association and Combination of Agricultural Workers [ILO No.11]
17 November 1921 19 June 1923 Convention concerning the Application of Weekly Rest Day in Industrial Undertakings [ILO No.14]
2 February 1922 2 May 1922 Convention between the United Kingdom and France respecting Legal Proceedings on Civil and Commercial Matters
30 June 1923 14 December 1926 Protocol Amending Article 34 of the Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of October 13, 1919.
12 September 1923 7 August 1924 International Convention for the Suppression of the Circulation of and Traffic in Obscene Publications
25 January 1924 International Agreement for the Creation at Paris of an International Office for dealing with Contagious Diseases of Animals [ EPIZOOTICS ]
30 May 1924 23 May 1925 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Finland for the Extradition of Criminals
16 July 1924 30 October 1925 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Latvian Republic for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals
28 August 1924 1 October 1925 Convention and Protocol revising Universal Postal Convention of November 30, 1920
11 November 1924 5 November 1926 Treaty between the United Kingdom and the Czechoslovak Republic for the Extradition of Criminals signed at London, November 11, 1924, and Protocol signed at London , June 4, 1926
19 February 1925 25 September 1928 International Convention relating to Dangerous Drugs with Protocol
17 June 1925 8 February 1928 Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare
18 November 1925 12 July 1926 Convention between the United Kingdom and Estonia for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals
18 May 1926 11 June 1927 Treaty between the United Kingdom and Lithuania for the Extradition of Fugitive Criminals
21 June 1926 31 May 1928 International Sanitary Convention (1926)
24 June 1926 Seamen's Articles of Agreement Convention [ILO No.22]
25 November 1927 1 January 1929 Convention regarding Radiotelegraphy [with General Regulations and Supplementary Regulation]
2 June 1928 1 August 1931 International Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
27 August 1928 24 July 1929 International Treaty for the Renunciation of War as an Instrument of National Policy
26 September 1928 16 August 1929 General Act for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
27 September 1928 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and Canada regarding Wireless Telegraphy. Private Experimental Stations
20 December 1928 20 January 1929 Agreement between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom and the Irish Free State and the French Government regarding the Limits of the French Fisheries in Granville Bay
2 April 1929 Convention between the Irish Free State and France regarding Money Orders
9 April 1929 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and Italy concerning Commerce and Navigation Indefinite prolongation of Treaty of June 15, 1883 pending conclusion of new Treaty
28 June 1929 Postal Union Agreement regarding Insured Letters and Boxes
28 June 1929 Universal Postal Convention
27 July 1929 19 June 1931 International Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War
27 July 1929 19 June 1931 International Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armies in the Field
2 August 1929 Agreement between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom and in the Irish Free State and the French Government for the Compensation of War Damage
12 October 1929 13 February 1933 International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air
29 October 1929 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty, in respect of the Irish Free State, and the President of the Portuguese Republic
28 November 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom and the Irish Free State and the Lithuanian Government in regard to Commercial Relations
21 December 1929 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Turkish Government in regard to Commercial Relations
8 February 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Guatemalan Government in regard to Commercial Relations
22 April 1930 31 December 1930 International Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction of Naval Armament
10 May 1930 Exchange of Notes between Hs Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Italian Government concerning the Reciprocal Recognition of Passenger Ships' Certificates and Emigrant Ship Regulations
12 May 1930 Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty, in respect of the Irish Free State, and the President of the German Reich With Protocol
7 June 1930 1 January 1934 International Convention on the Stamp Laws in Connexion with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes (With Protocols)
25 July 1930 28 July 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government establishing a Commercial 'Modus Vivendi'
1 October 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Roumanian Government in regard to Commercial Relations
2 October 1930 Convention concerning War - Financial Assistance with Reservations
21 October 1930 Agreement between the Irish Free State and Norway concerning Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation of Business Shipping Profits
3 November 1930 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Swiss Government respecting Unemployment Insurance
14 February 1931 22 February 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1932).
19 March 1931 29 November 1933 International Convention on Stamp Laws in connexion with Cheques (With Protocol)
28 March 1931 26 June 1931 Agreement between Customs Authorities to facilitate Procedure in case of undischarged or lost Triptychs
30 March 1931 9 May 1933 International Convention regarding the Taxation of Foreign Motor Vehicles (With Protocol-Annex)
23 June 1931 Treaty between France and the Irish Free State regarding Commerce and Navigation
12 September 1931 30 September 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Government of Salvador regarding Commercial Relations between the Irish Free State and Salvador
21 September 1931 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and the United States of America concerning Load Line Certificates
24 September 1931 16 January 1935 International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling [1931]
8 October 1931 8 October 1931 Agreement between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Swedish Government for the Reciprocal Exemption from Taxation of the Business of Shipping.
16 October 1931 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Government of Brazil regarding Commercial Relations
23 January 1932 26 January 1932 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial ' Modus Vivendi ' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1933)
10 September 1932 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and Albania concerning Commercial Relations
26 October 1932 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and El Salvador prolonging the Commercial agreement of 12 and 30 September 1931 for one year
9 December 1932 1 January 1934 Convention concerning International Telecommunications
16 February 1933 19 February 1933 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1934).
12 April 1933 1 August 1935 International Sanitary Convention for Aerial Navigation
19 June 1933 15 January 1934 Convention Wireless Telegraphy (European Broadcasting frequencies)
2 August 1933 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Costa Rican Government in regard to Commercial Relations
25 August 1933 25 August 1933 Final Act of the Wheat Conference with Appendices and Minutes of Final Meeting
23 October 1933 Exchange of Notes between Irish Free State concerning Prolongation of Modus Vivendi of 12 and 30 September 1931 for one year from 1 March 1933
17 February 1934 19 February 1934 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1935).
20 March 1934 Universal Postal Union Agreement concerning Insured Letters and Boxes
25 April 1934 Agreement between the Irish Free State and Denmark for the Reciprocal Exemptions of Shipping Profits from Taxation
12 June 1934 12 June 1934 International Convention relating to the Salvage of Torpedoes
19 June 1934 19 June 1934 International Agreement relating to the Statistics of Causes of Death with Protocol of signature
21 June 1934 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Spanish Government [Spain] in regard to Commercial Relations
13 September 1934 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and El Salvador concerning Prolongation of Modus Vivendi of September 12 and 30, 1931 for one year from November 1, 1934
14 September 1934 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the German Government in regard to the Release of German Property.
19 October 1934 Agreement between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Polish Government regarding the Tonnage Measurement of Merchant Ships
28 January 1935 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the German Government in regard to Commercial Relations
5 February 1935 11 February 1935 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1936).
15 February 1935 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations
1 April 1935 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Spanish Government [Spain] regarding Commercial Relations
10 October 1935 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and Salvador Extending Until November 1, 1936 the Provisional Commercial Agreement of September 12/30, 1931
15 February 1936 15 February 1936 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1937).
29 April 1936 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and Germany regarding Modification and Prolongation of Exchange of Notes concerning Commercial Relations of January 28, 1935
24 July 1936 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and Brazil prolonging the Agreement concerning Commercial Relations of October 16, 1931
29 July 1936 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Netherlands Government regarding Commercial Relations
6 November 1936 6 November 1936 Proces-Verbal relating to the Rules of Submarine Warfare set forth in Part IV of the Treaty of London of April 22, 1930
18 December 1936 Exchange of Notes between the Irish Free State and Germany concerning Commerce - Prolongation and Modification of Exchange of Notes of April 29, 1936
28 December 1936 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the Belgian Government regarding Commercial Relations
15 February 1937 15 February 1937 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1938).
8 May 1937 15 October 1937 Final Act, Convention and other Documents regarding the Abolition of the Capitulations in Egypt
29 September 1937 Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Irish Free State and the United States Government regarding Air Navigation
15 February 1938 16 February 1938 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1939).
7 March 1939 16 March 1939 Exchange of Notes between His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Commercial 'Modus Vivendi' of July 25/28, 1930 (prolonged until February 16, 1940).
16 April 1928 International Labour Convention No. 23 concerning the Repatriation of Seamen [ILO No. 23]
1 April 1932 Convention concerning the Protection against accidents of workers employed in loading or unloading ships [ILO No.28]