COMOROS - Actions

Agreement Action type Action on Effective on
Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice Adoption 12 November 1975
World Health Organisation, Constitution of Organisation Acceptance 9 December 1975
Convention of the World Meteorological Organization Accession 19 March 1976 18 April 1976
Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union (with Declarations, General Regulations, Final Protocol and Rules of Procedure of Congresses) Accession 10 May 1976 29 July 1976
Constitution of the Universal Postal Union [with Final Protocol, General Regulations and Final Protocol thereto] Accession 10 May 1976 29 July 1976
Universal Postal Convention Accession 10 May 1976 29 July 1976
Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union (with Declarations, General Regulations, Final Protocol and Rules of Procedure of Congresses) Accession 10 May 1976
World Health Organisation Nomenclature Regulations 1967 adopted by the World Health Assembly at Geneva Application 12 August 1976
ACP-EEC Convention of Lome and Agreement on Products within the Province of the European Coal and Steel Community (with related documents) Accession 13 September 1976
Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund Acceptance 21 September 1976
Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund Signature 21 September 1976
Articles of Agreement of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Acceptance 28 October 1976
Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation [as later amended] Acceptance 22 March 1977 22 March 1977
Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation [as later amended] Signature 22 March 1977
Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Acceptance 14 November 1977
Articles of Agreement of the International Development Association Acceptance 9 December 1977
Articles of Agreement of the International Development Association Signature 9 December 1977
Convention concerning the Night work of Women employed in Industry (Revised 1948) [ILO No. 89] Succession 23 October 1978 23 October 1978
Convention concerning Workmen's Compensation in Agriculture [ILO No.12] Ratification 23 October 1978 23 October 1978
Convention concerning the Right of Association and Combination of Agricultural Workers [ILO No.11] Ratification 23 October 1978 23 October 1978
International Labour Convention No.10 adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its Third Session concerning the Age for Admission of Children to Employment in Agriculture [ILO No.10] Succession 23 October 1978 23 October 1978
Convention concerning Holidays with Pay in Agriculture Succession 23 October 1978 23 October 1978
Convention concerning Workmen's Compensation for Occupational Diseases [ILO No.42] Ratification 23 October 1978 23 October 1978
Convention concerning the Abolition of Forced Labour (ILO No. 105) Succession 23 October 1978 23 October 1978
Freedom of Association and Protection of the right to organise Convention, 1948 [ILO No.87] Succession 23 October 1978 23 October 1978
International Labour Convention No. 122 concerning Employment Policy adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its Forty-eighth Session [ILO No. 122] Succession 23 October 1978 23 October 1978
Convention concerning Limiting hours of work in industrial undertakings to 8 in the day and 48 in the week [ILO No.1] Succession 23 October 1978 23 October 1978
Proces-Verbal extending the validity of the declaration extending the stand-still provisions of Article 16 of GATT Succession 23 October 1978 23 October 1978
Convention concerning the Organisation of Labour Inspection in Industry and Commerce [ILO No.81] Ratification 23 October 1978 23 October 1978
Convention concerning Holidays with Pay in Agriculture Declaration 23 October 1978
Convention Concerning Medical Examinations for Fitness for Employment in Industry of Children and Young Persons [ILO No.77] Succession 23 October 1978
Convention concerning the Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons for fitness for Employment in non-industrial occupations [ILO No. 78] Succession 23 October 1978
Instrument for the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation Acceptance 23 October 1978
Instrument for the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation Acceptance 23 October 1978
ILO Convention No.98, Application of the Principles of the Right to Organise and Bargain Collectively [ILO No.98] Succession 23 October 1978
Convention concerning Equality of Treatment for Workmen's Compensation for Accidents [ILO 19] Ratification 23 October 1978
Convention concerning Annual Holidays with Pay [ILO No.52] Succession 23 October 1978
Convention concerning Workmen's Compensation for Occupational Diseases [ILO No.18] Succession 23 October 1978
Convention concerning Night Work of Young Persons Employed in Industry [ILO No.6] Succession 23 October 1978
Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission of Children to Industrial Employment [ILO No.5] Ratification 23 October 1978
Convention concerning the Night work of Women employed in Industry (Revised 1948) [ILO No. 89] Reservation 23 October 1978
Convention concerning the Night work of Women employed in Industry (Revised 1948) [ILO No. 89] Declaration 23 October 1978
Convention concerning the Application of Weekly Rest Day in Industrial Undertakings [ILO No.14] Succession 23 October 1978
Convention concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour (ILO Convention No.29) Ratification 23 October 1978
Convention Concerning the Creation of Minimum Wage Fixing Machinery (ILO No.26) Ratification 23 October 1978
Convention concerning Workmen's Compensation for Accidents [ILO No. 17] Succession 23 October 1978
ILO Convention No.95 concerning Protection of Wages Succession 23 October 1979 23 October 1979
Convention on International Civil Aviation Adherence 15 January 1985 14 February 1985
Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea Accession 21 November 1985 21 May 1986
Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field Accession 21 November 1985 21 May 1986
Convention relative to the Protection of Civilians in Time of War Accession 21 November 1985 21 May 1986
Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War Accession 21 November 1985
Convention on the Rights of the Child Signature 30 September 1990
Convention on Offences and certain other Acts Committed on board Aircraft Accession 23 May 1991 21 August 1991
International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air Succession 11 June 1991 9 September 1991
Convention on the Rights of the Child Ratification 22 June 1993 22 June 1993
Convention Establishing a Customs Co-operation Council Accession 1 July 1993 1 July 1993
International Agreement for the Creation at Paris of an International Office for dealing with Contagious Diseases of Animals [ EPIZOOTICS ] Accession 22 September 1993
Amendments to Articles 24 and 25 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization Adopted by the Thirty-ninth Session of the World Health Assembly Acceptance 29 July 1994
Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union with Instruments amending the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, Decisions, Resolutions and Recommendations Signature 14 October 1994
Final Acts of the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union with Instruments amending the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, Decisions, Resolutions and Recommendations Declaration 14 October 1994
Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, done at Montreal on 16 September 1987 [LONDON 1990] Accession 31 October 1994 29 January 1995
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons [Washington Version] Accession 4 October 1995
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty with Annexes and Protocol Signature 12 December 1996
Amendments to Articles 24 and 25 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization Acceptance 15 September 1998
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the Protocol of 25 March 1972 amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 Accession 1 March 2000 31 March 2000
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Signature 22 September 2000
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination Signature 22 September 2000
International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 Accession 22 November 2000 22 February 2001
International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 Accession 22 November 2000 22 February 2001
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants Signature 23 May 2001
Amendments to the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Consultative Organization (IMCO), signed at Geneva on 06 March 1948 and Adopted by the Assembly of the Organization (Resolution A.358 (IX) and Resolution of Correction A.371 (X) Adopted by the IMCO Assembly on 9 November 1977) Acceptance 3 August 2001 3 August 2001
Convention on the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization [with Appendices] Acceptance 3 August 2001 3 August 2001
Amendments to Articles 16, 17 and 19(b) of the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, signed at Geneva on 6 March 1948, adopted by the Eighteenth Session of the Organization [Resolution A.735 (18)] Acceptance 3 August 2001 7 November 2002
Amendments to the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation, signed at Geneva on 6 March 1948 adopted by the Tenth Assembly of the Organisation Acceptance 3 August 2001
Amendments to Articles 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 28, 31 and 32 of the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, signed at Geneva on 6 March 1948 [Resolution A.315 (ES.V)] Acceptance 3 August 2001
Amendments to Articles 17 and 18 of the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation, signed at Geneva on 6 March 1948 Acceptance 3 August 2001
Amendment to Article 28 of the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation, signed at Geneva on 6 March 1948 adopted by the Assembly of the Organisation Acceptance 3 August 2001
Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer Adopted at the Ninth Meeting of the Parties held at Montreal 15-17 September 1997 Accession 2 December 2002 2 March 2003
Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer [BEIJING 1999] Accession 2 December 2002 2 March 2003
The prohibition and immediate action for the elimination of the worst forms of Child Labour Convention (ILO 182) Ratification 17 March 2004 17 March 2005
Convention concerning Discrimination in respect of Employment and Occupation (ILO Convention No.111), with Recommendation Ratification 17 March 2004 17 March 2005
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes [This is the record for the main Vienna Convention] Accession 27 September 2004 27 October 2004
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination Ratification 27 September 2004 27 October 2004
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide Accession 27 September 2004 26 December 2004
Modifications of Article 22 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) and Amendments of the Regulations under the PCT adopted by the Assembly of the International Patent Cooperation Union (PCT Union) at its Thirtieth (13th Ordinary) Session on 3 October 2001 Accession 3 January 2005 3 April 2005
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Ratification 18 August 2006 1 November 2006
International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance Signature 6 February 2007
International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism Accession 12 March 2007
International Convention Against Doping in Sport Ratification 4 June 2010 1 August 2010
Agreement amending for the second time the Partnership Agreement between the African, Caribbean and Pacific States, of the one part, and the European Community and its Member states, of the other part, signed in Cotonou (Benin) on 23 June 2000 as first revised in Luxembourg on 25 June 2005 Signature 29 October 2010
Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons who are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled Signature 28 June 2013
Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol Acceptance 7 September 2014
International Health Regulations (1969) adopted by the Twenty-second World Health Assembly Acceptance 9 March 1976
International Health Regulations 2005 Adopted by the fifty-eighth World Health Assembly